Online Booking System for repair service industries. Simply define your services and providers, display their availability, and you will have clients both old and new making bookings 24/7. Customers can quickly pick services, date and time, and the payment details, and change any of the settings without leaving the page. Reminders to staff and clients whenever appointments are booked, cancelled or rescheduled. Plugin comes with Paypal, Stripe and on site payment gateway integrated by default which you can use to get started with selling your service. Administrators can configure the service set alone or set by service group. Customers can easily choose one or more services in one time booking. It provides your users with a search interface, where services and time slots will be suggested by one or more search criteria, such as preferred date, preferred time range, preferred service. Easily filter and export booking list by timestamp, per customer, and by status with export apointment function.