Join data from one or more forms into one, longer entry and display it in a View. The Multiple Forms extension is still in beta, which means we’re working hard to add new features and improve functionality. Let’s say you run a doctor’s practice and you have one form for collecting patient contact details and another form for inputting patient health information. Now you can combine the two into a single entry and display it in a single View (instead of creating two Views). This makes for better clarity, and easier reporting and analysis. Combine data from two (or more!) forms that share common field values. Display all data from form #1, regardless of whether the fields in form #2 have content, or only display entries from form #1 that have values in form #2. Developer-speak: Multiple Forms supports left joins and inner joins. Combine data from different sources and display it on the front end using any GravityView layout type (Table, DataTables, List, Maps and DIY are all supported!).