Let your users book dates and times for appointments and more directly from any WordPress form! Do you need a simple, hassle-free way to let your users schedule dates and times with you or your business? You can now set up scheduling and appointment form options directly from any of your WordPress forms with the Advanced Datepicker add-on! You may have already tried, or even currently are using, any one of the many scheduling and booking plugins for WordPress. Lots of them out there, and many of them really good.

They can also be complicated to setup and maintain for you and our clients. Especially if you have to connect to third party services to get the job done. There’s now a very easy way to handle appointment forms directly from any form on your site. And the best part is, you have all the tools you need to very easily build complex appointment forms right at your fingertips. Use your forms to schedule consulting appointments, events, rentals, and more!