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MonsterInsights is the best Google Analytics Plugin for WordPress. Here are the features that makes MonsterInsights the most powerful and user-friendly WordPress analytics plugin in the market. Before MonsterInsights, you needed to hire a developer or know how to code to properly setup Google Analytics, add event tracking, configure eCommerce tracking, etc. This would take several days, if not weeks. MonsterInsights makes it “effortless” to setup Google Analytics in WordPress, the RIGHT Way. Simply install the plugin and enable the features you want with just a few clicks, no coding needed! With MonsterInsights, you can see useful information about your visitors right inside your WordPress dashboard.

Our Audience Report shows you which country your visitors are from, what are they most interested in, which device are they using, their age, gender, and a whole lot more. You can use these insights to improve your overall web strategy. Want to see what’s working on your website and what’s not? MonsterInsights Behavior Report shows you exactly how people find your website, which keywords did they search for, who referred them, what did they click on your site, and more. You can use these insights to uncover low-hanging fruits, new partnership opportunities, and the right areas to focus on!

MonsterInsights help you eliminate the “guess work” when it comes to finding out what content your visitors are interested in. Our content report shows you exactly which content gets the most visits, so you can analyze and optimize it for higher conversions. Combine this with our search console report and custom dimensions, you can be on your way to SEO domination and higher rankings! Get answers to all your top eCommerce questions from a single report. MonsterInsights shows you important eCommerce metrics like total revenue, conversion rate, average order value, top products, top referral sources, and more. You can use these insights to increase your sales & revenue.

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