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Esrar – Medical Cannabis Shopify Theme

Esrar – Medical Cannabis Shopify Theme 1.0.0

Atualizado em 02/09/2022
Foodmarket – Responsive Shopify Theme

Foodmarket – Responsive Shopify Theme 1.0.0

Atualizado em 20/08/2022
Gts Luxador – Responsive Shopify Theme

Gts Luxador – Responsive Shopify Theme 1.0.0

Atualizado em 20/08/2022
Spozy- Multipurpose Shopify Theme

Spozy- Multipurpose Shopify Theme 1.0

Atualizado em 23/07/2022
Herbyo – Organic Tea Store Shopify Theme

Herbyo – Organic Tea Store Shopify Theme 1.0.0

Atualizado em 09/07/2022
Packza – Handbags & Shopping Clothes Shopify

Packza – Handbags & Shopping Clothes Shopify 1.0.0

Atualizado em 09/07/2022
Amanto | Electronics Store Shopify Theme

Amanto | Electronics Store Shopify Theme 1.0.0

Atualizado em 11/04/2022
Floril – Florist Boutique & Decoration Store

Floril – Florist Boutique & Decoration Store 1.0.0

Atualizado em 21/03/2022
Ofruity – Organic Food/Fruit/Vegetables

Ofruity – Organic Food/Fruit/Vegetables 1.0.1

Atualizado em 21/03/2022
Ellsi – Fashion Clothes & Accessories

Ellsi – Fashion Clothes & Accessories 1.0.0

Atualizado em 21/03/2022
Flowmj – Florist Boutique & Decoration Store

Flowmj – Florist Boutique & Decoration Store 1.0.0

Atualizado em 21/03/2022

Bio Earth é uma loja virtual de serviços de paisagismo e jardinagem, baseada na plataforma Shopify. A empresa oferece uma ampla variedade de produtos e serviços relacionados a plantas, desde sementes até ferramentas e equipamentos. Seu objetivo é ajudar os clientes a criar e manter belos espaços verdes, tanto dentro quanto fora de casa.

Os serviços oferecidos pela Bio Earth incluem design e instalação de jardins, manutenção e cuidados com plantas, serviços de irrigação e controle de pragas, entre outros. A empresa também oferece uma variedade de recursos educacionais, incluindo dicas de jardinagem, guias de cuidados com plantas e vídeos instrutivos para ajudar os clientes a aproveitar ao máximo seus espaços verdes.

Com uma equipe de especialistas em jardinagem e paisagismo altamente qualificados, a Bio Earth está comprometida em fornecer aos clientes soluções personalizadas e de alta qualidade para suas necessidades de paisagismo e jardinagem. A loja virtual é fácil de navegar e oferece uma experiência de compra tranquila e segura para os clientes, tornando-se uma opção confiável para aqueles que buscam transformar seus espaços em verdadeiros oásis verdes.

Limupa é um tema para lojas virtuais na plataforma Shopify, desenvolvido com foco em eletrônicos e tecnologia. Com uma interface moderna e funcional, este tema oferece diversas opções de personalização para atender às necessidades de cada lojista. Além disso, o Limupa conta com recursos avançados como integração com redes sociais, carregamento rápido das páginas e design responsivo, que garantem uma ótima experiência de compra para os clientes.

Com o Limupa, é possível criar uma loja virtual completa e profissional em pouco tempo, graças à sua facilidade de uso e à ampla documentação disponível. O tema conta com diversas seções pré-construídas, como páginas de produto, carrinho de compras e páginas de pagamento, que podem ser customizadas para se adequarem ao estilo e às necessidades de cada lojista. Além disso, o Limupa é compatível com diversos aplicativos Shopify, como chatbots, programas de fidelidade e integrações com ferramentas de marketing.

Outro ponto forte do Limupa é sua capacidade de otimização para motores de busca (SEO). O tema foi desenvolvido com as melhores práticas de SEO em mente, como a utilização de metatags, URL amigável e imagens otimizadas. Com isso, o Limupa ajuda a aumentar a visibilidade da loja virtual nos resultados de pesquisa do Google e outros mecanismos de busca, o que pode resultar em mais tráfego e vendas para o negócio.

Este é um notável tema Shopify com seus layouts sofisticados, esquemas de cores e elementos visuais que são perfeitos para criar um design impressionante para uma loja de quadriciclos, equipamentos esportivos, roupas e acessórios. Possui vários recursos avançados que ajudam a exibir seus produtos da melhor maneira possível e aumentar sua conversão de vendas. Com foco na usabilidade para que você possa criar um site que tenha um bom desempenho e agrade seus clientes, bem como os mecanismos de pesquisa. Experimente este poderoso tema hoje e crie um site que garanta o máximo lucro com o mínimo de esforço.

Clarie é um template de lojas Shopify projetado para comércios e lojas especializadas em cerâmicas e panelas de barro artesanais. Este tema é o melhor e mais prático, ideal para lojas de decorações, móveis, joias artesanais, papelaria, presentes, etc. Compatível com dispositivos móveis, é um tema pronto para retina, totalmente responsivo e ótimo para garantir que seu site tenha uma aparência impressionante e funcione sem problemas em dispositivos modernos o que oferecerá aos seus usuários uma experiência de visualização incrível.

Koza oferece layouts de página e seções elegantes para que você possa criar facilmente uma loja online atraente de peças de vestuário, calçados e acessórios de couro, e você pode usar sua página intuitiva de arrastar e soltar para criar uma página inicial exclusiva. Possui página de loja especialmente projetada, ideal para exibir seus produtos de maneira atraente, e você também pode usar outros layouts embutidos, como sobre, contato, serviços, blog, faq, etc.

Sinta-se à vontade para criar o melhor produto com este tema Shopify totalmente customizável e compatível com dispositivos móveis que oferece suporte, login Shopify, esquemas de cores e muito mais. Com foco na usabilidade para que você possa criar um site que tenha um bom desempenho e agrade seus clientes, bem como aos mecanismos de pesquisa. Experimente este poderoso tema hoje e crie um site que garanta o máximo lucro com o mínimo de esforço.

Biene é um tema Shopify versátil e fácil de usar que oferece layouts de página e seções elegantes para que você possa criar facilmente sua loja especializada em vendas de mel e produtos orgânicos derivados online, e você pode usar suas páginas intuitivas de arrastar e soltar para criar uma página inicial exclusiva. Possui página de loja especialmente projetada, ideal para exibir seus produtos da maneira atraente, e você também pode usar outros layouts embutidos, como sobre nós, contato, serviços, blog, faq, etc. Com foco na usabilidade para que você possa criar um site que tenha um bom desempenho e agrade seus clientes, bem como aos mecanismos de pesquisa. Experimente este poderoso tema hoje e crie um site que garanta o máximo lucro com o mínimo de esforço.

Baraka é a melhor escolha de tema responsivo de cabeleireiros para salões que você possa desejar. Ideal para spas de cabelos, lojas de produtos, portfolio, saúde e bem-estar e comércio eletrônico de produtos capilares onde você pode obter mais reservas e vender seus produtos online com toda praticidade que este tema pode oferecer!

iooi – Modern One Product Shopify Theme oferece layouts de página e seções elegantes para que você possa criar facilmente uma atraente loja online, e possa usar suas páginas intuitivas de arrastar e soltar os elementos na página para criar uma página inicial exclusiva. Possui página de loja especialmente projetada, ideal para exibir seus produtos de maneira atraente, e você também pode usar outros layouts embutidos, como sobre nós, contato, serviços, blog, faq, etc.

Templates com design totalmente responsivo e customizável, compatível com dispositivos móveis, login Shopify, entre outros, e seus vários recursos avançados ajudam a exibir seus produtos de maneira ideal para atrair o máximo de vendas. Com foco na usabilidade para que você possa criar um site que tenha um bom desempenho e agrade seus clientes, bem como aos mecanismos de pesquisa. Experimente este poderoso tema hoje e crie um site que garanta o máximo lucro com o mínimo de esforço.

Kopiko é um tema Shopify versátil e fácil de usar que oferece layouts de página e seções elegantes para que você possa criar facilmente sua loja especializada em cafés online, e para que você possa usar suas páginas intuitivas de arrastar e soltar para criar uma página inicial exclusiva. Possui página de loja especialmente projetada, ideal para exibir seus produtos da maneira atraente, e você também pode usar outros layouts embutidos, como sobre nós, contato, serviços, blog, faq, etc.

Darko é um tema Shopify carismático criado para lojas online que vendem perfumes, flores, cosméticos, joias, maquiagens, roupas, produtos e serviços de casamento e muito mais. É o melhor tema de comércio eletrônico para o que você desejar! Possui templates com design totalmente responsivo e customizável, compatível com dispositivos móveis, login Shopify, opção arrastar e soltar elementos na página, e inclui as seguintes páginas: sobre nós, contato, faq, etc.

Fooma é um tema Shopify versátil e fácil de usar que oferece layouts de páginas e seções elegantes para que você possa criar facilmente uma atraente loja online de entregas de comida, e você pode usar suas páginas intuitivas de arrastar e soltar para criar uma página inicial exclusiva. Possui página de loja especialmente projetadas, ideal para exibir seus produtos e serviços, e você também pode usar outros layouts embutidos, como sobre nós, contato, serviços, blog, faq, etc.

Trally oferece layouts de página e seções elegantes para que você possa criar facilmente uma atraente loja online para venda de esteiras elétricas, e você pode usar sua interface intuitiva de arrastar e soltar elementos na página para criar uma página inicial exclusiva. Possui design totalmente responsivo e customizável, carrossel de imagens de produtos, opção de arrastar e soltar, ótimo para seo, e inclui as seguintes páginas: home, sobre nós, serviços, faq, contato, etc.

Plumco é um tema Shopify versátil e fácil de usar que oferece layouts de página e seções elegantes para que você possa criar facilmente sua loja online. Você pode usar sua interface intuitiva de arrastar e soltar para criar sua página inicial exclusiva. Possui página de loja especialmente projetada e ideal para exibir seus produtos da maneira atraente, e você também pode usar outros layouts embutidos, como sobre nós, contato, serviços, blog, faq, etc.

Boze é um tema ideal para comércio eletrônico e lojas de fones de ouvido, aparelhos eletrônicos, equipamentos de áudio, serviços de áudio e auto-falantes, estúdios de gravação e muito mais. Possui design totalmente responsivo e customizável, carrossel de imagens de produtos, opção de arrastar e soltar elementos na página, ótimo para seo, e inclui as seguintes páginas: home, sobre nós, serviços, faq, contato, etc.

Dialz é um tema Shopify estiloso para lojas de relógios elegantes de qualidade premium criado para relojoarias modernas, conserto de joias e relógios, lojas de presentes, acessórios para telefones, bolsas, vestuário e muito mais! Possui templates com design totalmente responsivo e customizável, compatível com dispositivos móveis, login Shopify, opção arrastar e soltar elementos na página, sobre nós, contato, faq, etc.

Hublet Shopify é um tema atraente para lojas online que vendem relógios e outros acessórios. Projetado exclusivamente para o nicho de relógios, Hublet é a melhor escolha para suas vendas. Este tema único é repleto de recursos e layouts, portanto, você não apenas criará belos sites de comércio eletrônico com facilidade, mas também obterá grandes economias com nossos módulos incluídos, incluindo: construtor de arrastar e soltar, amostras de cores para produtos, Instagram e outros.

Este tema foi desenvolvido com poderosas seções Drag & Drop Shopify que permitem arrastar e soltar facilmente os elementos na posição desejada. Além disso, o Hublet vem com designs novos e elegantes com 1 layout de página inicial e suporte para RTL. Com este tema Shopify, suas lojas online se destacam da multidão.

Com o painel de administração flexível, você pode controlar todos os recursos do tema, bem como customizar sua loja sem a necessidade de saber programar. Inclui páginas prontas, como contato, faq, sobre nós, diferentes estilos de produtos e designs de página inicial. Além disso, você pode usar qualquer seção do layout disponível!

Axeo é um tema Shopify carismático criado para lojas online que vendem perfumes, flores, cosméticos, joias, maquiagens, roupas, produtos e serviços de casamento e muito mais. É o melhor tema de comércio eletrônico para o que você desejar! Possui templates com design totalmente responsivo e customizável, compatível com dispositivos móveis, login Shopify, opção arrastar e soltar elementos na página, sobre nós, contato, faq, etc.

Tekko é a melhor escolha de tema responsivo de cabeleireiros para salões que você possa desejar! Ideal para spas de cabelos, clínicas, lojas de produtos, portfolio para barbearias, saúde e bem-estar, comércio eletrônico de produtos capilares, etc, onde você pode obter mais reservas e vender seus produtos online com toda praticidade que este tema possa lhe oferecer!

Intrend – Interior Shop, Furniture Shopify Store possui design moderno e funcional para a melhor instalação e serviços de fornecimento de móveis de banheiros e cozinhas que você possa precisar. Este tema é ideal para designers de interiores, móveis, restaurações, utensílios domésticos, eletrônicos, reformas, portfolios para móveis, catálogos, designers, sites afiliados e muito mais!

Bubsie é um tema Shopify ideal para empresas de produtos orgânicos e naturais, empresas de sabão artesanal, lojas e comércios de produtos orgânicos, produtos de beleza, eletrônicos, saúde, indústrias, estilo de vida saudável, cuidados com a pele, spa, clínicas de bem-estar, etc.

Cooky – Kitchen Tools & Furniture Shopify Theme é um template de comércio eletrônico surpreendente de utensílios de cozinha para lojas online que vendem desde assadeiras até recipientes para armazenamento de alimentos, eletrodomésticos, móveis de cozinha e qualquer outro tipo de negócio ou serviço relacionado que você precisar. Compatível com dispositivos móveis, é um tema pronto para retina, totalmente responsivo e ótimo para garantir que seu site tenha uma aparência impressionante e funcione sem problemas em dispositivos modernos o que oferecerá aos seus usuários uma experiência de visualização incrível.

MasterChop – Meat Shop, Food Delivery Shopify é o melhor tema para varejistas online, açougues, criadores de porcos, aves, produtos orgânicos, churrascarias, restaurantes, frutos do mar, peixes, venda de vegetais, frutas frescas e embaladas, e todos os modernos sites para pequenos negócios relacionados à carne e restaurantes.

Cyzle – Cycle, Bike, Accessories Store Shopify Theme foi projetado para lojas online de venda de bicicletas, equipamentos, roupas, acessórios esportivos e outros produtos relacionados a esportes radicais. Este tema possui um design responsivo, que além de aumentar sua classificação no Google, permite que seus clientes comprem produtos através de celulares ou tablets com muita facilidade. Possui funcionalidades que aumentam a experiência do usuário como a busca em Ajax, que faz com que os usuários visualizem os resultados da pesquisa em tempo real, e o carrinho de compras em Ajax, que permite aos clientes adicionarem produtos sem a necessidade de atualizar a página.

Frozo – Clothing and Fashion Shopify Theme é um tema de comércio eletrônico Prestashop de moda esportiva exclusivo e moderno, construído com o módulo Shopify 2.0. Com mais de 5 páginas iniciais, este tema é perfeito para sua marca, fábrica de roupas e tecidos, etc. Este tema possui muitos recursos e variações podendo se adequar facilmente a sua loja online nova ou mesmo a uma já existente. Frozo Fashion está repleto de recursos incríveis como responsividade, compatibilidade entre navegadores e facilidade de uso nos mais diversos dispositivos móveis. Fácil de usar, poderoso e flexível, você poderá construir sua loja Shopify com apenas um clique, sem que seja necessário saber programar.

Esrar é um tema moderno Shopify criado para medicina recreativa de maconha e cannabis, lojas, óleos essenciais, entre outros. Este tema contém todas as páginas necessárias para criar uma loja online de CBD. O tema Esrar foi desenvolvido com o poderoso construtor de páginas do Shopify que permite que você arraste e solte facilmente os elementos na página. Além disso, o Esrar vem com designs novos e elegantes com 1 layout de página inicial e suporte a RTL. Com este tema suas lojas online se destacarão na multidão. Com o painel de administração você poderá controlar quase todos os recursos do tema, além de customizá-los sem que seja necessário saber programar.

Foodmarket – Responsive Shopify Theme is a fully responsive, clean and modern e-commerce template. It was designed for selling food, restaurant, organic, market… It has a fully responsive width adjusts automatically to any screen size or resolution, easy installation and configuration, responsive layouts, comes with 2 different header and menu styles, quick view & wishlist support – they are wonderful functionalities for you customer, mega menu support, upload your logo.

Gts Luxador – Responsive Shopify Theme is a fully responsive, clean and modern e-commerce template. It was designed for selling accessories, bags, e-commerce, fashion, jeans, shirts, shopping, shose… It has a fully responsive width adjusts automatically to any screen size or resolution. Theme compatible with Shopify 2.x, easy installation and configuration, support RTL language, multilanguage, responsive layouts, quick view & wishlist support – they are wonderful functionalities for you customer, mega menu support, upload your logo and unlimited color choices.

Whatever you’re selling, Bailly is the only Shopify theme you’ll need to create a powerful online store that will give your customers smooth and seamless shopping experience. Modern design, minimalist feel, and a range of special demos, Bailly is designed for an array of different online retailers. Display your products in style and make it easy for your customers to browse, choose and purchase. Bailly – Multipurpose Sections Shopiy Theme is a fully responsive, clean and modern ecommerce template. It was designed for selling accessories, bags, e-commerce, fashion, jeans, shirts, shopping, shose… It has a fully responsive width adjusts automatically to any screen size or resolution. Theme compatible with Shopify 2.x.

Hyori – Responsive Shopify Theme is a fully responsive, clean and modern ecommerce template. It was designed for selling food, fruits, vegetables, restaurant, organic, market… It has a fully responsive width adjusts automatically to any screen size or resolution. Theme compatible with Shopify 2.x.

Spozy is the best choice for a modern and clean eCommerce store with 8+ homepage layout and extremely customizable admin settings. Suitable for every type of store… It is a powerful design tool. Spozy an outstanding Premium Shopify theme. It will be perfect solution for your current or future webshop. It has all required tools and modules to create a super fast responsive and mobile-ready website with amazing UX. Great variety of numerous layouts and styles allows to create of different structures and satisfies any specific requirements. Everything you need is in Shopify CMS. You can avoid expensive web development and minimize your design costs using Premium Shopify theme Spozy. Gain full control over your entire website through your own Content Management System that lets you change the navigation, site content, images, products, collections and so much more. Premium Shopify Theme Spozy is the best choice for your store!

This clean, elegant Shopify Theme was especially designed for creating business professional online shops. It is super for Tea & Organic Shop, Fruit, Vegetables or any other categories with 5 homepages variation, 6 header styles and unlimited megamenu layouts. More than just an online retailer, Herbyo isn’t only best designed to display your products with beautiful image slider in header region. It is retina ready, fully responsive and mobile-ready to ensure that your website will look stunning and work smoothly across all modern devices to give your users an amazing viewing experience. Herbyo is the right choice if you want to create professional and truly unique eCommerce website with ease.

This clean, elegant Shopify Theme was specially designed for creating business professional online shops. It is super for Handbags, Shopping Clothes, Accessories, or any other categories with 6 homepages variation, 6 header styles, and unlimited mega menu layouts. More than just an online retailer, Packza isn’t only best designed to display your products with a beautiful image slider in the header region. It is retina ready, fully responsive, and mobile-ready to ensure that your website will look stunning and work smoothly across all modern devices to give your users amazing viewing experience. Packza is the right choice if you want to create a professional and truly unique eCommerce website with ease.

Make a powerful eCommerce website with Veleda! This theme enables you to build a charming website for your clothing store or fashion shop. Perfect choice for business Vest & Suits. It comes with gorgeous layouts and shop elements, so you can showcase fashion products in an attractive manner. You can also add a newsletter pop-up and megamenu, as well as the neat dropdown cart. The theme is packed with a collection of astounding features, both standard and specifically crafted for the needs of fashions online stores and businesses.

Satisfy all of your web cravings with Clane! If you are looking for a Shopify theme that will help you effortlessly build a delicious website for your cake shop, sweets shop, and even chocolate or ice cream shop, you’ve come to the right place! For anyone into the cake, chocolate, candy, cookies, confectionery, or patisserie business, this is just the theme for you. It comes packed with lovely homepages that can be easily adapted as per your taste and also with just the right elements that will fit your needs. For all chocolates, sweet pastry, cookies and dessert-related websites, Clane is definitely the best choice. Thanks to the full compatibility with the powerful Shopify apps and the amazing collection of shop lists & product detail page, you can easily set up your online shop and start selling the tasty products in no time. Get Clane and create an astounding website in no time!

Want to create an incredible Pet Shop Store website? Sick of testing and evaluating themes? Choose the Petlia – Pet Shop & Pet Accessories Responsive Shopify Theme, completely versatile theme you can use to create the website you need! Start your own online store for merchandise, pet food, pet toys, etc. The Petlia theme is designed for Pet Stores, Vets, Animal Food, Dog Food, Cat Food and Pet Caretakers, but with some new illustrations you can also remove the pets and replace them with something else, eg: kids in a playground for a care center or playgroup…

Nameo is multipurpose Shopify Theme you will need for any Shopify projects. Nameo theme comes with ready to use layouts for different ecommerce industries such as furniture, fashion, accessories, digital, electronics, jewelry, food, retail and other. Nameo is a theme designed to work on any device, especially mobile devices. It brings a great experience. Nameo supports a complete ajax shop, with intelligent filtering, delivering extremely fast speeds, eliminating the need to wait for page loads. And Nameo, with its Instant Product Search system, instantly finds results instantly when you type without waiting for a moment. Nameo theme is designed to be SEO friendly and meets HTML 5 standards. It is also designed to have the fastest page load speed, whether you have lots of articles or a lot of different products that load together on the page. Nameo is easy to use for everyone, without the knowledge of code or webmaster. Our goal is to create a theme where customers can fully control it: easy to customize logo, header, footer, change shop filters, change shop layout and product detail page… All our demos can be imported quickly with a single click.

Yikan theme is an exclusive Shopify theme for selling your sport shoes, running shoes, and shoes for boys, girls, and children. This theme is fully responsive so that it will load quickly on all devices, tablets, and PCs. Shoes is a stylish theme that looks spectacular on any screen. Yikan theme is easily customizable with powerful admin panel and color options with product hover variations. Offers all essential features for an e-commerce theme with complete Shopify store potential. Yikan offers the convenient filter category search in terms of home wear, collections, shoes, boots, and the climbing category of shoes. You can also search by colors such as red, black, silver or white. Search by shoe size such as 7,8,9 etc. In addition, you search by brand or price or materials filter. There is a separate best sellers category display. Create any kind of awesome footwear, sport stores of any kind for Kids, Boys, and Girls easily in no time. Launch your store and create your brand with an image!

Keva is a truly stunning eCommerce theme we designed for all beauty websites and cosmetics shops. Aside from full Shopify app compatibility, a gorgeous set of shop page layouts and elements is at your full disposal. If you want to create a dazzling beauty or cosmetics shop website, look no further! Keva is here!

This clean, elegant Shopify Theme was especially designed for creating business professional online shops. It is super for Ceramics & Pottery Decor or any other categories with 5 homepages variation, 6 header styles and unlimited megamenu layouts. More than just an online retailer, Morian isn’t only best designed to display your products with beautiful image slider in header region. It is retina ready, fully responsive and mobile-ready to ensure that your website will look stunning and work smoothly across all modern devices to give your users an amazing viewing experience. Morian is the right choice if you want to create professional and truly unique eCommerce website with ease.

This clean, elegant Shopify Theme was specially designed for creating business professional online shops. It is super for Grocery, Supermarket, Organic Food, Fruit, Vegetables, Meat, Fish, Eggs, Milk, or any other categories with 5 homepages variations, 6 header styles, and unlimited mega menu layouts. More than just an online retailer, FruitBee isn’t only best designed to display your products with a beautiful image slider in the header region. It is retina-ready, fully responsive, and mobile-ready to ensure that your website will look stunning and work smoothly across all modern devices to give your users an amazing viewing experience. FruitBee is the right choice if you want to create a professional and truly unique eCommerce website with ease.

This clean, elegant Shopify Theme was specially designed for creating business professional online shops. It is super for Handbags, Shopping Clothes, Accessories, or any other categories with 6 homepages variation, 6 header styles, and unlimited mega menu layouts. More than just an online retailer, Cantzy isn’t only best designed to display your products with a beautiful image slider in the header region. It is retina ready, fully responsive, and mobile-ready to ensure that your website will look stunning and work smoothly across all modern devices to give your users amazing viewing experience. Cantzy is the right choice if you want to create a professional and truly unique eCommerce website with ease.

Shoesf theme is an exclusive Shopify theme for selling your sport shoes, running shoes, and shoes for boys, girls, and children. This theme is fully responsive so that it will load quickly on all devices, tablets, and PCs. Shoes is a stylish theme that looks spectacular on any screen. Shoesf theme is easily customizable with powerful admin panel and color options with product hover variations. Offers all essential features for an e-commerce theme with complete Shopify store potential. Shoesf offers the convenient filter category search in terms of home wear, collections, shoes, boots, and the climbing category of shoes. You can also search by colors such as red, black, silver or white. Search by shoe size such as 7,8,9 etc. In addition, you search by brand or price or materials filter. There is a separate best sellers category display. Create any kind of awesome footwear, sport stores of any kind for Kids, Boys, and Girls easily in no time. Launch your store and create your brand with an image!

Brewmix is a Multi Store Responsive Shopify Theme suitable for every type of store Brewmix is a Shopify Theme which is supported by SEO standard of e-commerce major. Moreover, Fully Responsive design makes Brewmix to be compatible with all of mobile devices. Brewmix – Coffee Shops and Cafés Responsive Shopify Theme is flexible and smart design. All of controllings is adopted. You won’t have to spend a lot of time or need to many techniques to adjust it. Everything is customized easily. 5 main designs will give you more choice for your store.

Minery is a theme designed specifically for furniture. If you need a shop for Interior Decor, Lights, furniture, tables, chairs, cabinets, beds …. there are no better options than Minery. Minery is compatible with all devices, especially mobile devices. With the mobile first design language, the Minery theme brings a great experience on mobile devices. Nowadays, almost every website visit comes from mobile devices, so Minery will be the perfect choice for all mobile users Minery supports a complete shop, with intelligent filtering, delivering extremely fast speeds, eliminating the need to wait for page loads. And Minery, with its Instant Product Search system, instantly finds results instantly when you type without waiting for a moment.

Minery theme is designed to be SEO friendly and meets HTML 5 standards. It is also designed to have the fastest page load speed, whether you have lots of articles or a lot of different products that load together on the page. Minery is easy to use for everyone, without the knowledge of code or webmaster. All our demos can be imported quickly with a single click.

Couturio is a theme designed to work on any device, especially mobile devices. With the mobile first design language, the Couturio theme brings a great experience on mobile devices. Nowadays, almost every website visit comes from mobile devices, so Couturio will be the perfect choice for all mobile users. Couturio supports a complete ajax shop, with intelligent filtering, delivering extremely fast speeds, eliminating the need to wait for page loads. And Couturio, with its Instant Product Search system, instantly finds results instantly when you type without waiting for a moment.

Couturio theme is designed to be SEO friendly and meets HTML5 standards. It is also designed to have the fastest page load speed, whether you have lots of articles or a lot of different products that load together on the page. Couturio is easy to use for everyone, without the knowledge of code or webmaster. All our demos can be imported quickly with a single click.

Chario is a theme designed specifically for furniture. If you need a shop for furniture, tables, chairs, cabinets, beds …. there are no better options than Chario. Chario is compatible with all devices, especially mobile devices. With the mobile first design language, the Chario theme brings a great experience on mobile devices. Nowadays, almost every website visit comes from mobile devices, so Chario will be the perfect choice for all mobile users. Chario supports a complete shop, with intelligent filtering, delivering extremely fast speeds, eliminating the need to wait for page loads. And Chario, with its Instant Product Search system, instantly finds results instantly when you type without waiting for a moment.

Chario theme is designed to be SEO friendly and meets HTML 5 standards. It is also designed to have the fastest page load speed, whether you have lots of articles or a lot of different products that load together on the page. Chario is easy to use for everyone, without the knowledge of code or webmaster. All our demos can be imported quickly with a single click.

Nellie is a Nail Polish Responsive Shopify Theme where you can display all your nail designs, nail polish, nail art, nail beauty, nail care, nail manicure, beauty nail and spa services. This beauty website is designed exclusively for beauty designers, make up artists, people who need a site for their beauty salon, beauty spa, beauty center, cosmetics store, manicure and pedicure salon, manicure salon, make up shop and beauty therapy services. This responsive beauty theme can be built very easily by anyone to turn it into a customer attracting beauty e-commerce shop.

This clean, elegant eCommerce template was especially designed for creating business professional online shops. It is super for fashion shop, devices shop, game shop or any other categories with 3 homepages variation, 3 header styles and 3 menu styles. More than just an online retailer, Uruana isn’t only best designed to display your products with beautiful image slider in header region, 2 product styles and 4 portfolio ones but also showcases multimedia content to go along with it including blog pages. It is retina ready, fully responsive and mobile-ready to ensure that your website will look stunning and work smoothly across all modern devices to give your users an amazing viewing experience. Uruana is the right choice if you want to create professional and truly unique eCommerce website with ease.

Brilliant is everything you need to launch your selling online beautifully. This premium theme with pixel design and extensive functionality will help create your own professional, unique and successful eStore. Additionally, integrated megamenu makes it super-easy for your visitors to navigate your website, plus the image-heavy design will instantly switch visitors into buying mode. Not just all, Brilliant comes with bunch of other essential features, such as, blog page, contact page, translation ready, product quick view, wishlist,. If you?re planning to build eShop for high quality products and show off your best products, then Brilliant is your choice to start some good sales.

Make a powerful eCommerce website with Petiza! This theme enables you to build a charming website for your pet store or pet food shop. It comes with gorgeous layouts and shop elements, so you can showcase pet food products in an attractive manner. You can also add a newsletter pop-up and a pop-up Quickview, as well as a drawer cart. Petiza is also compatible with the Shopify app, which means that you can create your store completely hassle-free and in no time. The theme is packed with a collection of astounding features, both standard and those specifically crafted for the needs of the pet food shop.

Asport – Sports Wear & Accessories Responsive Shopify Theme is a the best design Shopify theme with 5+ homepages full responsive. Asport is designed with a simple, clean and clear style very easy customize. Asport – Sports Wear & Accessories Responsive Shopify Theme crafted for selling fashion, gym, sport, shoe products or any other products. If you want to have a very unique and attractive design and trying to make your way among numerous store owners, Asport is a great starting point for you.

Surfor – a simple yet professional template for windsurfing business, equipment shop or surfing professionally will help you to build a modern and professional website for surfing in no time at all! This is a premium Shopify theme with great documentation, clean, readable and valid Shopify code and simply great support team behind the scene. If you are looking for a premium solution for your surfing business online presence – choose Surfor!

This clean, elegant Shopify Theme was especially designed for creating business professional online shops. It is super for fashion shop, devices shop, game shop or any other categories with 6 homepages variation, 3 header styles and 4 megamenu styles. More than just an online retailer, Amanto isn’t only best designed to display your products with beautiful image slider in header region. It is retina ready, fully responsive and mobile-ready to ensure that your website will look stunning and work smoothly across all modern devices to give your users an amazing viewing experience. Amanto is the right choice if you want to create professional and truly unique eCommerce website with ease.

Janier is multipurpose Shopify Theme you will need for any Shopify projects. Janier theme comes with ready to use layouts for different ecommerce industries such as jewelry, fashion, accessories, furniture, digital, electronics, food, retail and other. Janier is a theme designed to work on any device, especially mobile devices. It brings a great experience. Janier supports a complete ajax shop, with intelligent filtering, delivering extremely fast speeds, eliminating the need to wait for page loads. And Janier, with its Instant Product Search system, instantly finds results instantly when you type without waiting for a moment.

Janier theme is designed to be SEO friendly and meets HTML 5 standards. It is also designed to have the fastest page load speed, whether you have lots of articles or a lot of different products that load together on the page. Janier is easy to use for everyone, without the knowledge of code or webmaster. Our goal is to create a theme where customers can fully control it: easy to customize logo, header, footer, change shop filters, change shop layout and product detail page. All our demos can be imported quickly with a single click. Take a look at our demo to experience.

PLANTCO is a Shopify Theme, it isn’t just ordinary Shopify Theme, its a new look of soft and clean professionalism for Gardening, Houseplants, Landscaping etc.. These designs combine creativity with simplicity on each page. This template is suitable for all creativity, blogs and creative corporate businesses.

Floril theme design flourishes with beautiful colors and neat elements – a perfect flower boutique and decoration shop. This flower store theme will make your life easier by letting you create an online store easily and fast. If you are into floral design and need a bouqet shop, or create decoration for weddings and home and need a gift store – this is a perfect solution for you. Expose your floral and decoration work with a great portfolio, blog about flowers and handmade decor, create a flower boutique – and do all this easily and with pleasure. Floril theme seems to be very clean and feminine, yet its functionality is amazing. A powerful Shopify sections drag & drog makes this florist Shopify theme a super-functional online store for flowers, decoration and gifts.

This clean, elegant Shopify Theme was especially designed for creating business professional online shops. It is super for fashion shop, devices shop, game shop or any other categories with 5 homepages variation, 6 header styles and unlimited megamenu styles. More than just an online retailer, Ofruity isn’t only best designed to display your products with beautiful image slider in header region. It is retina ready, fully responsive and mobile-ready to ensure that your website will look stunning and work smoothly across all modern devices to give your users an amazing viewing experience. Ofruity is the right choice if you want to create professional and truly unique eCommerce website with ease.

Ellsi is a theme designed to work on any device, especially mobile devices. With the mobile first design language, the Ellsi theme brings a great experience on mobile devices. Nowadays, almost every website visit comes from mobile devices, so Ellsi will be the perfect choice for all mobile users. Ellsi supports a complete ajax shop, with intelligent filtering, delivering extremely fast speeds, eliminating the need to wait for page loads. And Ellsi, with its Instant Product Search system, instantly finds results instantly when you type without waiting for a moment.

Ellsi theme is designed to be SEO friendly and meets HTML5 standards. It is also designed to have the fastest page load speed, whether you have lots of articles or a lot of different products that load together on the page. Ellsi is easy to use for everyone, without the knowledge of code or webmaster. All our demos can be imported quickly with a single click. Take a look at our demo to experience!

Flowmj theme design flourishes with beautiful colors and neat elements – a perfect flower boutique and decoration shop. This flower store theme will make your life easier by letting you create an online store easily and fast. If you are into floral design and need a bouqet shop, or create decoration for weddings and home and need a gift store – this is a perfect solution for you. Expose your floral and decoration work with a great portfolio, blog about flowers and handmade decor, create a flower boutique – and do all this easily and with pleasure. Flowmj theme seems to be very clean and feminine, yet its functionality is amazing. A powerful Shopify sections drag & drog makes this florist Shopify theme a super-functional online store for flowers, decoration and gifts.

Giaros theme is an exclusive Shopify theme for selling your footwear and shoes for Men, Women, boys, girls, and children. This theme is fully responsive so that it will load quickly on all devices, tablets, and PCs. Giaros is a stylish theme that looks spectacular on any screen. Giaros theme is easily customizable with a powerful admin panel and color options with product hover variations. Offers all essential features for an e-commerce theme with complete Shopify store potential. Giaros offers the convenient filter category search in terms of home wear, collections, shoes, boots, and the footwear category of shoes. You can also search by colors such as red, black, silver, or white. Search by shoe size such as 7,8,9 etc. In addition, you search by brand or price, or materials filter. There is a separate best sellers category display. Create any kind of awesome footwear stores of any kind for Men, Women, Boys, and Girls easily in no time. Launch your store and create your brand with Giaros Theme!

This clean, elegant Shopify Theme was especially designed for creating business professional online shops. It is super for Instruments store, Musical Shop or any other categories with 5 homepages variation, 6 header styles and mega menu styles. More than just an online retailer, 7Band isn’t only best designed to display your products with beautiful image slider in header region. It is retina ready, fully responsive and mobile-ready to ensure that your website will look stunning and work smoothly across all modern devices to give your users an amazing viewing experience. 7Band is the right choice if you want to create professional and truly unique eCommerce website with ease.

This clean, elegant Shopify Theme was especially designed for creating business professional online shops. It is super for Wedding Dresses & Bridal Gowns or any other categories with 5 homepages variation, 6 header styles and unlimited megamenu layouts. More than just an online retailer, Lovesry isn’t only best designed to display your products with beautiful image slider in header region. It is retina ready, fully responsive and mobile-ready to ensure that your website will look stunning and work smoothly across all modern devices to give your users an amazing viewing experience. Lovesry is the right choice if you want to create professional and truly unique eCommerce website with ease.

Birace – Bike Store Responsive Shopify Theme build with Bootstrap 4 framework + Shopify. You can edit each and everything of this theme according to your needs. It looks perfect on all major browsers, tablets, and mobile devices. Birace is a creative, modern and responsive design that is suitable for any kind of sports website, extreme sports, sports club or sports online shop. Birace is a Shopify website theme for cycling/moto events (competition, race, marathon, group ride, training) for any disciplines, such as fat bike, mountain bike, cross country, cyclocross, downhill, enduro, road).

Burni is a theme designed specifically for furniture. If you need a shop for furniture, tables, chairs, cabinets, beds …. there are no better options than Burni. Burni is compatible with all devices, especially mobile devices. With the mobile first design language, the Burni theme brings a great experience on mobile devices. Nowadays, almost every website visit comes from mobile devices, so Burni will be the perfect choice for all mobile users. Burni supports a complete shop, with intelligent filtering, delivering extremely fast speeds, eliminating the need to wait for page loads. And Burni, with its Instant Product Search system, instantly finds results instantly when you type without waiting for a moment.

Burni theme is designed to be SEO friendly and meets HTML 5 standards. It is also designed to have the fastest page load speed, whether you have lots of articles or a lot of different products that load together on the page. Burni is easy to use for everyone, without the knowledge of code or webmaster. All our demos can be imported quickly with a single click. Take a look at our demo to experience.

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