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GamiPress Easy Digital Downloads Discounts 1.1.0

Adicionado em 07/01/2022
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GamiPress Email Digests 1.0.7

Adicionado em 07/01/2022
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GamiPress Expirations 1.0.7

Adicionado em 07/01/2022
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GamiPress Frontend Reports 1.0.5

Adicionado em 07/01/2022
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GamiPress Leaderboards 1.4.7

Adicionado em 07/01/2022
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GamiPress Conditional Notifications 1.1.1

Adicionado em 07/01/2022
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GamiPress Coupons 1.1.1

Adicionado em 07/01/2022
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GamiPress Anniversaries 1.0.4

Adicionado em 07/01/2022
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GamiPress Badgr 1.1.2

Adicionado em 07/01/2022
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GamiPress Birthdays 1.0.7

Adicionado em 07/01/2022
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GamiPress Conditional Emails 1.1.0

Adicionado em 07/01/2022

Easy Digital Downloads Discounts gives you the ability to award to your customers with discounts that will be applied to the Easy Digital Downloads cart automatically for completing achievements. In just a few minutes, you can award your users with a 20% off for commenting on a post or with $10 off for purchasing products. Just define the achievement and users who meet all the requirements will receive the discount automatically.

Easy Digital Downloads Partial Payments gives you the ability to enable GamiPress points types for partially pay any purchase on Easy Digital Downloads. In just a few minutes, your users will be able to reduce any purchase total (like a discount) by using an amount of points at checkout. In addition, this add-on includes options to set different conversions per points type, limit the maximum discount per purchase or included customize the input to enter the points amount.

Easy Digital Downloads Points Gateway gives you the ability to use GamiPress registered points type as a payment gateway on Easy Digital Downloads. In just a few minutes, your users will be able to complete any purchase by expending an amount of points. Just define the conversion rate and this add-on will make the conversions automatically on each purchase.

Email Digests gives you the ability to send email digests periodically to keep in touch with your users and build engagement with them. In just a few minutes, you will be able to build email digests to being sent daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. In addition, Email Digests includes a huge list of tags to let you display relevant information to your users like their current points balance, last achievements earned and current rank of any type. Note: Email Digests includes a smart sending mechanism that will perform email sending gradually to prevent overload websites with a large number of users.

Expirations add-on lets you set an expiration date to the GamiPress elements of your choice. You are able to configure a specific expiration date or a relative one after several hours, days, weeks, months or years since the user got that earning. Even, you can set an expiration date to requirements which gives you the possibility of, for example, configure an achievement that requires to complete all its steps in 2 hours. In addition, Expirations add-on includes configurable emails to being sent in a period before the item expiration as well as the same moment of the expiration.

Frontend Reports gives you the ability to configure and display advanced reports with live controls to your users anywhere. You can attractively show any report anywhere, in-line on any page or post, using a simple block (or shortcode), or on any sidebar through a configurable widget. A total of 11 shortcodes (with a block and widget version of each one) that let’s you place different reports types divided in: Plain reports without any style to let you style them or place anywhere – Chart reports to display statistics of the different types and amounts you want like a chart with the earned and lost “Credits” or a chart with achievements earned of all types – Graph reports with the ability to optionally display live controls to let users navigate on the different time periods and let them see their old activity (you can disable the live controls to make them display only the time period you want). In addition, this add-on includes a great number of style options to let you customize each report with the look you want. Frontend Reports extends and expands GamiPress adding new features.

Leaderboards gives you the ability to easily create, configure and add leaderboards on your website. Place any leaderboard anywhere, including in-line on any page or post, using a simple shortcode, or on any sidebar through a configurable widget. Also, this add-on adds new features to extend and expand the functionality of GamiPress.

Conditional Notifications let’s you setup automatic notifications when certain events occur to bring to your users a specific notification and build engagement with them on exact moment you want. In just a few minutes, you will be able to build a personalized notification to being displayed on relevant events like reach a points balance, unlock an achievement or reach a rank among others. In addition, Conditional Notifications includes a huge list of tags to let you display relevant information to your users like their current points balance, last achievements earned and current rank of any type.

Coupons gives you the ability to bring to your users the possibility to redeem coupon codes to earn points, achievements and/or ranks. In just a few minutes, you will be able to place coupon redemption forms around your site and award your users when redeem them. Coupons extends and expands GamiPress adding new activity events and features.

Anniversaries add-on lets you award your users based in their anniversary as a member of your site. This add-on determines how old your website accounts are and lets you reward your users loyalty in each account anniversary. For example, you can award 100 points on each account anniversary and award an achievement to those accounts that celebrate their 5th anniversary.

Open badges are verifiable, portable digital badges with embedded metadata about skills and achievements created by the Mozilla fundation. Badgr is a digital credentials platform created by Concentric Sky that enables you to issue verifiable, Open Badges as official recognition for learning achievements of any kind. Badgr enables the creation of connected learning ecosystems that connect learning across systems such as Canvas and Microsoft Teams. This add-on lets you connect your GamiPress achievements with Badgr and make your website achievements shareable and open badge compatible.

Birthdays add-on lets you award your users for their birthday. For example, you can award 100 points on each user birthday and award an achievement to celebrate the user 18th birthday. In addition, this add-on comes with built-in integration for BuddyPress and BuddyBoss profile fields.

Conditional Emails let’s you setup automatic emails when certain events occur to bring to your users a specific email and build engagement with them on exact moment you want. In just a few minutes, you will be able to build a personalized email to being sent on relevant events like reach a points balance, unlock an achievement or reach a rank among others. In addition, Conditional Emails includes a huge list of tags to let you display relevant information to your users like their current points balance, last achievements earned and current rank of any type.

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