Plugins Premium

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Uncanny Owl | Tin Canny Reporting for LearnDash

Uncanny Owl | Tin Canny Reporting for LearnDash Desbloqueado

WPDeveloper | ReviewX Pro

WPDeveloper | ReviewX Pro 1.4.7 Desbloqueado

WooBeWoo | WooCommerce Product Filter Pro

WooBeWoo | WooCommerce Product Filter Pro 2.6.3 Desbloqueado

Divi Extended | Divi Plus

Divi Extended | Divi Plus 1.12.0

WooCommerce Price Based on Country Pro Add-on

WooCommerce Price Based on Country Pro Add-on 3.4.9 Desbloqueado

GenerateBlocks Pro

GenerateBlocks Pro 1.7.0 Desbloqueado


BricksExtras 1.5.1 Desbloqueado

WP Zone | Divi Shop Builder + Demos

WP Zone | Divi Shop Builder + Demos 2.0.13 Desbloqueado

Relevanssi Premium

Relevanssi Premium 2.25.2

WP Zone | Divi Rocket

WP Zone | Divi Rocket 1.0.50 Desbloqueado

XplodedThemes | XT Woo Variation Swatches Pro

XplodedThemes | XT Woo Variation Swatches Pro 1.9.1 Desbloqueado

XLPlugins | NextMove Thank You Page WooCommerce

XLPlugins | NextMove Thank You Page WooCommerce 1.17.1 Desbloqueado

Smash Balloon | Custom Twitter Feeds Pro

Smash Balloon | Custom Twitter Feeds Pro 2.4.1 Desbloqueado

If-So Dynamic Content

If-So Dynamic Content Desbloqueado

Greenshift | Query and Meta Addon

Greenshift | Query and Meta Addon 4.8.1

Octolooks Scrapes <span><noscript><img class=

Octolooks Scrapes – Web Content Crawler 2.2.0 Desbloqueado

Master Addons for Elementor Pro

Master Addons for Elementor Pro Desbloqueado

Dokan | WooCommerce Booking

Dokan | WooCommerce Booking 1.4.9


A lot of activity happens on LearnDash sites. Users are always completing courses, lessons, quizzes, assignments, and so much more. Reporting in LearnDash is basic, and only tracks native LearnDash activities. If you use H5P, Articulate Storyline, Adobe Captivate, iSpring or other SCORM/xAPI modules. you either don’t track the data at all, or it’s on another site in an external Learning Record Store (LRS) and your reporting is completely segregated. If you can’t track your learning effectively, you don’t know what students are doing or whether they’re even learning on your site. Tin Canny for LearnDash provides an easy, convenient way to upload, track and report on all types of SCORM and xAPI / Tin Can data as well as LearnDash records.

O Ultimate Post Kit Pro é um plugin para Elementor que oferece recursos avançados de exibição de postagens personalizadas em seu site. Com o Ultimate Post Kit Pro, é possível criar layouts de postagens personalizados para exibir postagens de blog, portfólios, produtos, eventos e muito mais. Algumas das características do Ultimate Post Kit Pro incluem:

  • Layouts de postagem personalizados, incluindo mosaicos, listas, cartões, grids e muito mais.
  • Suporte para tipos de postagem personalizados e taxonomias personalizadas.
  • Opções de filtro e classificação avançadas para permitir que os usuários encontrem facilmente as postagens que desejam.
  • Personalização total da aparência dos layouts de postagem, incluindo cores, fontes, tamanhos e espaçamentos.
  • Opções de carregamento preguiçoso para melhorar a velocidade de carregamento das páginas.

O Ultimate Post Kit Pro é uma opção popular para usuários do Elementor que desejam criar layouts de postagens personalizados sem precisar escrever código personalizado. Ele oferece muitas opções flexíveis para personalizar a aparência e o comportamento das postagens exibidas em seu site.

Easily Get Multi Criteria Customer Reviews For Your Products & Use That To Build Credibility And Increase Revenue. Create multiple review criteria to make your product more transparent for customers to get in details feedback that will help you to improve the product quality. Sort customer reviews & ratings based on recent reviews, photo reviews, text reviews or top-rated reviews to influence visitors instantly to make a purchase decision.

Showcase customer reviews and rating statistics in every single product page of each to enhance the value of a product on the spot. Manage WooCommerce products order status on hold, processing, completed with other options and get an instant review from customers before completing the product purchase. Display reviews with multiple product images, videos & text to gain potential customer trust and make your product more credible.

Until now, the only way to really get images into radio buttons and checkbox options were to add HTML markup into the labels. This process is less than ideal – find the image you want, copy the full URL, edit the form field, add your image element markup and paste in the src value. With Gravity Forms Image Choices you get familiar WordPress UI and browsing of the media library to select and insert your image. And it’s kept separate from your label text. Gravity Forms Image Choices works with the Poll field, Survey field and Quiz field when set to Radio Buttons or Checkboxes. Easily present options like voting on images or artwork.

Create and customize filters for your online store using Free WooCommerce Product Filter WordPress plugin. Filter by price, categories, tags, and attributes, enable or disable ajax search. Use extensive sorting options and adjust the price range precisely. Fully compatible with Elementor builder.

An Ultimate Divi module’s pack with loads of unique modules that takes Divi customization, responsiveness, and performance to a whole new level. Includes 50+ New Divi modules, 4 Divi Extensions, 30+ Pre-Built Websites, 60+ Starter Templates and 250+ Section Blocks. An easy to use plugin with multiple customization options to create beautiful and attractive webpage elements. Like breadcrumbs for Divi theme, headings, texts, separators, animated text, image hotspots, and before-after sliders. Also, using these Divi modules, users can easily create a beautiful Divi website within no time. A fully compatible plugin with Divi 4 and its new Theme Builder. All you have to do is use your imagination and create amazing Divi pages with the power of Divi Page Builder and our easy-to-use Divi modules.

Price Based on Country is an easy-to-use and reliable WooCommerce plugin that gives you the tools you need to implement a country-targeted pricing strategy. It is easy to get started with Price Based on Country plugin, just setup it in a matter of minutes. Increase your conversions by selling in the local currency of your customers. Integrates with WooCommerce geolocation function to detect the country of your shoppers from the first visit. Complete checkout process in the currency of your shopper without conversions in your payment gateway. Built with functions, action hooks, and filters that developers can use to create their own custom functionality. Translation-ready certified by WPML, for easy conversion to any language.

GenerateBlocks Pro é um plugin para WordPress que oferece recursos avançados para a criação de layouts personalizados de páginas e postagens. Com ele, é possível criar designs únicos para o seu site sem a necessidade de conhecimentos avançados em programação ou design. O plugin é fácil de usar e altamente customizável, permitindo que você crie layouts com rapidez e eficiência.

O GenerateBlocks Pro conta com uma série de recursos, incluindo elementos de bloco prontos, como cabeçalhos, rodapés e seções de conteúdo. Também é possível adicionar elementos personalizados, como imagens, botões e formulários de contato. Além disso, o plugin oferece uma ampla variedade de opções de estilo, como fontes, cores e efeitos de animação.

Com o GenerateBlocks Pro, você pode criar designs responsivos, que se adaptam automaticamente a diferentes dispositivos, como smartphones, tablets e computadores. O plugin também é compatível com outros plugins populares do WordPress, como o Elementor e o Beaver Builder, permitindo que você use suas funcionalidades em conjunto para criar um site ainda mais avançado.

Edit certificate elements your way. Customize fonts, pick colors, manage layers, and do many more on a rich certificate builder for your eLearning courses. Enjoy the ability to edit elements inline. Customize easily without leaving your canvas. It’s a modern day certificate builder for your eLearning courses. Drag elements and drop them on your certificate canvas. Use dynamic elements and customize them with rich options. Design the finest ever certificate for your students. Serve certificate content like names of your students, courses, and instructors with shortcodes and style them any way you want. Design certificates that carry value to students. You can literally drag and place content anywhere on your canvas without limiting it to a certain area. There’s no row and column. The whole canvas is yours.

Use instructor’s signature, certificate verification ID, and QR code to add more values to your certificates. Easily set up, duplicate, lock, and delete elements to bring out the best design for your certificates. Get what a modern builder can ever offer! Have editing control in the context menu. Copy, paste, or change the positioning of your certificate content on the right click. Use images from unsplash, upload or use from your built-in media library. Get ready visual elements to design, style, and make certificates more professional. Get a rich library of design aesthetics at your disposal. Certificate builder offers illustrations, badges, stickers, and more to craft certificates your way.

Save and recover abandoned carts for WooCommerce

Save and recover abandoned carts for WooCommerce plugin saves all activity in the WooCommerce* checkout form before it is submitted. The plugin allows to see who abandons your shopping carts and get in touch with them. You will receive regular email notifications about newly abandoned shopping carts and will be able to remind about these carts either manually or using WordPress default mail server to send automated abandoned cart recovery emails.

Easily create your fully-automated Website as a Service business!

With WP Ultimo you can create your own Website as a Service platform – like, Squarespace,, and more – in hours, not months! Revolutionize your business model now with WP Ultimo!

Get your network up and running in less than 10 minutes!

WP Ultimo offers you a simple way to get all your settings in place in just a couple of minutes. Just follow the steps of our Setup Wizard and configure all the options you’ll need with just a few clicks.

Amaze your clients with an intuitive sign-up flow!

WP Ultimo makes your customers’ lives much easier with a simple way to sign-up! They can choose their plan, template and payment method during the purchase process and get a site at the end.

Domain Mapping as simple as it gets – with support to lots of hosting providers!

Your customers can easily add their domain to their sites on your network, giving your platform that extra layer of professionalism!

OptinMonster é um plugin de geração de leads para sites de comércio eletrônico que permite aos donos de sites aumentar sua lista de e-mails, segmentar visitantes e criar campanhas de marketing personalizadas. Com a ajuda deste plugin, os usuários podem criar facilmente formulários de inscrição pop-up, barra de notificação, slide-ins, formulários de inscrição em linha e muito mais para atrair visitantes para sua lista de e-mails. O OptinMonster também é compatível com várias plataformas de e-mail marketing, como Mailchimp, Aweber, Constant Contact, entre outras.

O OptinMonster Addons é uma coleção de ferramentas adicionais que pode ser instalada juntamente com o plugin principal. Estes addons adicionam recursos adicionais para personalizar ainda mais as campanhas de geração de leads. Os addons incluem a integração do OptinMonster com plataformas de mídia social, tais como Facebook e Twitter, bem como a capacidade de executar testes A/B em diferentes versões de campanhas de geração de leads.

O OptinMonster requer uma licença de uso para acessar todas as funcionalidades do plugin e addons. A licença pode ser adquirida no site do OptinMonster e inclui atualizações e suporte técnico. As licenças são baseadas em planos mensais ou anuais e o preço varia de acordo com o número de sites em que o plugin será utilizado e as funcionalidades requeridas. O OptinMonster é uma ferramenta poderosa para ajudar os donos de sites a aumentar suas listas de e-mails e gerar leads valiosos para suas campanhas de marketing.

BricksExtras is a growing library of elements & features, with a strong focus on accessibility, flexibility and opening up more possibilities of what you can build with Bricks. The goal of BricksExtras is to help extend your capabilities with Bricks, to assist your everyday workflow without adding unneccessary restrictions or getting in the way. Take full advantage of Bricks’ dynamic data options and ability to use Query loops to dynamically populate element content. Nobody enjoys having a limited number of layouts / styles to choose from. Instead get the functionality you need from the elements and retain full control over the design.

Need to trigger something outside of the built-in settings? Find JS events and functions in the docs that you can use in your own code to extend the use cases. Where possible, the elements are done-for-you accessible. And, of course, you have control & can tweak to best match your needs. No jQuery on the frontend, VueJS elements for the fastest performance on the backend. Minimal structural CSS. Enjoy the ‘next-gen’ performance matching that of any native Bricks’ elements. We’re here everyday helping people build their best WordPress sites. Full documentation of all features, video tutorials showing use cases (coming) & ticketed support if you need some help.

A powerful yet easy to use WordPress download manager. We mean it – the download manager is straightforward to use. It’s essentially like managing files on your desktop file browser. For example, you can change the order and levels of file categories with drag’n drop as well as order files. And everything is saved with AJAX – on the fly. Adding new files? Just drag’n drop one or multiple files, no matter the file size. Move or duplicate files? It’s a piece of cake. Drag’n drop files or use the right-click to copy, cut, paste one or several files at the same time.

O plugin WP Zone | Divi Shop Builder é uma ferramenta muito útil para quem utiliza o WordPress e quer criar uma loja virtual. Com ele, é possível personalizar as páginas de produtos de forma simples e intuitiva, sem a necessidade de conhecimentos em programação ou design.

Com o WP Zone | Divi Shop Builder, é possível criar uma loja virtual totalmente personalizada, com diferentes layouts para as páginas de produtos, banners, carrosséis e muito mais. Além disso, o plugin permite a criação de páginas de checkout personalizadas, facilitando a compra para os clientes e aumentando as chances de conversão.

O WP Zone | Divi Shop Builder é um plugin muito fácil de usar e configurar. Ele é compatível com o tema Divi, um dos mais populares do WordPress, o que garante a sua eficácia e confiabilidade. Com todas essas funcionalidades, o WP Zone | Divi Shop Builder é uma excelente opção para quem deseja criar uma loja virtual profissional e com alto desempenho.

WordPress search doesn’t search everything, and doesn’t give you enough control over what is searched and how. Relevanssi gives you full access and full control, with plenty of filters and ways to make Relevanssi work the way you want your search to work. PDF contents – Relevanssi can read the text from your PDFs, index it and search it! Multisite searches – Relevanssi can run searches across many subsites in the same multisite network. Custom fields – Relevanssi will find the content in your custom fields, including things like WooCommerce SKUs, ACF field content or whatever it is you store in custom fields.

Divi Rocket was built from the ground up and fine-tuned specifically for speeding up the Divi Theme and has a number of features not available in any other caching plugin on the market. Since Divi Rocket was built specifically for Divi, we have optimized user interface to be as easy to use and intuitive as the Divi theme itself. Divi Rocket’s robust set of speed enhancing features include: Divi-aware server-side caching, Divi section controlled lazy loading, browser caching, database optimization, GZip compression and more coming soon!

Divi Rocket was built from the ground up and fine-tuned specifically for speeding up the Divi Theme and has a number of features not available in any other caching plugin on the market. Since Divi Rocket was built specifically for Divi, we have optimized user interface to be as easy to use and intuitive as the Divi theme itself. Divi Rocket’s robust set of speed enhancing features include: Divi-aware server-side caching, Divi section controlled lazy loading, browser caching, database optimization, GZip compression and more coming soon!

It is a well known fact that nowadays (According to Google) that page load speed does indeed affect SEO rank. A faster website can lead to your website appearing in more searches, resulting in more traffic and more potential customers and sales. So now that potential customers have found your website, what good is it to them if it takes forever to load? Statistics show that there is over a 50% higher bounce rate on websites that take 6 seconds to load versus 3 seconds to load and shaving even milliseconds off your Divi website’s load time will result in increased engagement and conversions (more sales!).

Don’t struggle with complex plugin settings seen in traditional cache plugins built for WordPress power users and
developers. Since Divi Rocket was built specifically for Divi, we have optimized user interface to be as easy to use and intuitive as the Divi theme itself. Divi Rocket’s no-nonsense, clean User Interface is built both for the experienced Divi developer, and hobbyist in mind. With functionality broken up into individual tabs and useful tool-tips, you will feel
confident knowing what features you are enabling, and why you are enabling them. The end result? A faster Divi website and more engaged visitors without the headache.

O plugin Oxygen Builder | WooCommerce Integration é uma ferramenta essencial para quem deseja integrar o construtor de páginas Oxygen com a plataforma de comércio eletrônico WooCommerce no WordPress. Com ele, é possível criar páginas de produtos e carrinho personalizadas, adicionando elementos e funcionalidades específicas para o seu negócio.

Ao utilizar o plugin, o usuário tem acesso a diversas opções de personalização, como escolher layouts pré-definidos ou criar do zero com o construtor Oxygen, personalizar botões de compra, adicionar campos de formulário personalizados, entre outras. Além disso, a integração entre Oxygen e WooCommerce permite que as informações dos produtos, como preço, descrição e imagens, sejam facilmente gerenciadas e exibidas de forma consistente em todo o site.

Com o Oxygen Builder | WooCommerce Integration, é possível criar uma experiência de compra personalizada e atraente para o seu público-alvo, sem a necessidade de conhecimentos técnicos avançados em programação. O plugin oferece uma solução completa para a criação de lojas virtuais, otimizando o processo de desenvolvimento e tornando-o mais eficiente e eficaz.

Woo Variation Swatches is a WooCommerce extension that transforms boring variation dropdowns to nice looking swatches.

If you’re running a WooCommerce store, it’s obvious you want to provide the best shopping experience to your website users. The better the experience you offer your users, the more likely they are to purchase from your store.

The ability to view multiple variations of a product is very important while browsing for products. The shopping experience for customers can be enhanced by making the products look a little more appealing.

One of the ways to bring more life into products that have variable attributes, is to add the color attribute. The default variation options that come with Woocommerce don’t exactly follow the best UX trends and useful design like we know is really important these days. Having a well structured site that appeals to your clientele is important since it affects your conversion rate. By installing Woo Variation Swatches plugin, your customers will be able to view your variation products in different available colors and sizes in a much smoother way!

3 types of swatches are available, Color, Image and Label. Image swatches will automatically be applied for variation color attributes that contains an image. Swatches can also be enabled within the catalog page as well as any product quick view modal including Woo Quick View.

With a friendly and easy-to-use interface, you can add a default color, image or label to each attribute in the attribute management page.

O plugin XLPlugins | NextMove Thank You Page WooCommerce é uma ferramenta poderosa que permite personalizar a página de agradecimento após a conclusão de uma compra no WooCommerce. Com esse plugin, é possível criar uma página de agradecimento personalizada que aumentará o envolvimento do cliente, incentivando-o a voltar a comprar em sua loja online.

Uma das principais vantagens do XLPlugins | NextMove Thank You Page WooCommerce é que ele é muito fácil de usar. Com sua interface amigável, mesmo usuários iniciantes em WordPress e WooCommerce podem personalizar sua página de agradecimento. Além disso, o plugin oferece várias opções de personalização, como adicionar um vídeo, mostrar produtos relacionados à compra, exibir ofertas especiais, entre outras.

Outra vantagem do XLPlugins | NextMove Thank You Page WooCommerce é que ele oferece recursos avançados de análise. Com esses recursos, é possível entender melhor o comportamento do cliente após a compra, o que permite criar estratégias de marketing mais eficazes. Além disso, o plugin permite rastrear conversões e outras métricas importantes que ajudarão a otimizar suas campanhas de marketing digital. Em resumo, o XLPlugins | NextMove Thank You Page WooCommerce é uma ferramenta essencial para qualquer loja online que deseja aumentar o envolvimento do cliente e impulsionar suas vendas.

Seamlessly integrate Twitter content into your website. Don’t have time to post updates on your site all the time? Save time and increase efficiency by posting new content to Twitter and automatically displaying it on your website. Increase engagement between you and your Twitter followers. Increase your number of followers by displaying your Twitter content directly on your site. Twitter testimonials are one of the best ways to add verifiable social proof to your website. They add credibility to your brand, product, or service by displaying reviews from real people to your site, helping to convert more visitors into customers. All of that quality keyword-rich Twitter content is directly embedded into your website – keeping things fresh for both your visitors and the search bots.

What is If-So? People are not the same, so why show them the same content? If-So is a simple WordPress plugin, allowing you to add or replace content on your website based on the visitors’ profile or interaction with the site. Your visitors will engage, convert and buy more! Create conditional content based on users interaction with your favorite plugins: product added to the cart, membership level, course completion, and more… Redirect visitors to a different page based on conditions. Show pop-ups based on conditions. Change your website’s style based on conditions. Show content based on data collected from logged-in users. Assign users to predfiend audiences and show audience-bsed content.

O Octolooks Scrapes é um plugin para WordPress que funciona como um web content crawler. Ele é usado para coletar informações de outras páginas da web e, em seguida, importá-las para o seu próprio site. Com o Scrapes, é possível automatizar a coleta de dados, o que economiza tempo e recursos.

O plugin é fácil de usar e oferece muitas opções de configuração para que você possa ajustar a forma como os dados são coletados. Ele também inclui um editor visual para ajudar a criar templates para a coleta de dados. Além disso, o Scrapes pode ser usado para coletar dados de várias fontes, incluindo sites de notícias, blogs, lojas online e muito mais.

O Octolooks Scrapes é uma ferramenta poderosa para quem deseja automatizar a coleta de dados de outras páginas da web. Ele permite que você colete informações importantes sem a necessidade de programação avançada ou conhecimentos técnicos. Com o Scrapes, é possível economizar tempo e recursos ao mesmo tempo em que aumenta a qualidade dos dados que você coleta.

Create a global sales funnel for your WooCommerce store and increase your sales using custom checkout pages and dynamic order bump, upsell & downsell offers. WPFunnels is the very first canvas-based, drag and drop sales funnel builder for WordPress that anyone can use Without any prior funnel-building experience. Use WPFunnels to create high converting landing pages, sales funnels, and checkout flows in minutes.

Create a header, footer, or both with the click of a button. We’ve developed a perfect Header, Footer, & Comment form builder solution for Master Addons user. You can define your entire site or specific pages header using this extension. Also you will get access to Nav Menu, Off canvas menu, Mega Menu, elements and extensions that will help you to design any type or header and footer structure.

By default there are 3 breakpoints available in Elemenetor. There is no such kind of options to extend breakpoint. We have developed this extension which will help you to create unlimited breakpoints. If you are wondering to create a device based responsive website, then Custom Breakpoint is a must addon for you. We have developed a Custom Breakpoint system for the elementor editor. There are different responsive property available. Select your desired property and value wisely. You can select device orientation (Portrait or Landscpae) too.

It’s obvious you want more controls your sections,contents like Responsive, Hover effect, Typography, Spacing etc. Custom CSS is available for both Free and Pro users of Master Addons. You can apply your CSS code inside any section, column, or element. It’s one of the highly requested features from our users.

If you’re building a membership website to restrict specific type of contents. We built this very special and Unique widget for you. Huge variations and Customization options for Restrict Content. You can enable User-based, Password, Age Restriction, Math Captcha system. Also, there are on-page and popup types available. All variations work fine with on-page or popup type. You can block any image, video, pdf, text with this element.

O plugin Dokan é uma solução popular para criação de marketplaces no WordPress. Com este plugin, é possível transformar um site de comércio eletrônico em um espaço colaborativo onde múltiplos vendedores podem vender seus produtos. O Dokan é fácil de usar e oferece um conjunto de recursos úteis para gerenciamento de pedidos, pagamento e comissão de vendedores.

Além disso, o Dokan pode ser integrado com o plugin WooCommerce Booking, que permite aos vendedores oferecer reservas de produtos ou serviços em horários específicos. Com essa funcionalidade, os clientes podem reservar diretamente no site do marketplace e os vendedores podem gerenciar suas disponibilidades e agendamentos. A integração com o Dokan permite que os vendedores ofereçam uma experiência de compra mais completa aos seus clientes.

O Dokan e o WooCommerce Booking são ferramentas poderosas para quem deseja criar um marketplace online no WordPress. Com esses plugins, é possível gerenciar vendedores e produtos, oferecer reservas e agendamentos, além de ter um controle detalhado sobre as comissões de cada venda. O Dokan é uma excelente opção para quem deseja criar um espaço colaborativo de vendas online, enquanto o WooCommerce Booking complementa a solução com recursos de agendamento.

A drag and drop email builder to customize WooCommerce email templates and make customers come back for more. Now you got one, in the form of a drag and drop email builder! YayMail is built to help you customize WooCommerce email templates without coding. What’s more, it comes with 50+ third party WooCommerce integrations. Try YayMail – WooCommerce Email Customizer to customize order confirmation emails. And use YayMail Addons to further customize marketplace emails, subscription emails, create HTML email template, and more. YayMail helps you customize everything of transactional emails sent by WooCommerce.

Enhancement Suite for Advanced Custom Fields & WordPress. All-in-one enhancement suite that improves WordPress & Advanced Custom Fields. This plugin aims to provide a powerful administration framework with a wide range of improvements & optimizations. Enable advanced settings for all fields within the Field Group. Automatically synchronize field groups with local PHP files upon field group updates. This feature will create, include and update a local PHP file for each field group.

O SnapOrbital | LearnDash Visual Customizer é um plugin para WordPress que permite personalizar facilmente a aparência dos cursos criados com o LearnDash, um dos principais plugins para gerenciamento de cursos on-line. Com este plugin, é possível criar páginas de curso personalizadas, escolher cores e fontes, além de definir opções de layout e estilo para diferentes elementos da página.

O plugin apresenta uma interface intuitiva e fácil de usar, com opções de personalização que podem ser facilmente ajustadas por meio de uma série de controles deslizantes e botões de seleção. Além disso, ele é compatível com uma ampla gama de temas do WordPress, o que significa que os usuários não precisam se preocupar em alterar o tema padrão do site para usar o plugin.

Por fim, o SnapOrbital | LearnDash Visual Customizer é uma ferramenta poderosa para quem deseja criar cursos on-line visualmente atraentes e personalizados. Com suas diversas opções de personalização, o plugin permite que os usuários criem cursos que atendam às suas necessidades específicas, enquanto mantêm uma aparência profissional e coesa.

The most comprehensive WordPress activity log plugin to keep a record of user changes, ease troubleshooting & identify suspicious behaviour early to thwart malicious hacks. Track WordPress user activity on your website & multisite network – Spot suspicious behaviour & avoid getting hacked – Quickly troubleshoot & identify problems – Meet regulatory compliance requirements – The most comprehensive WordPress activity log plugin. Keep a log of everything that happens on your WordPress.

Secured By miniOrange