The Newsletter Plugin

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Integrate Ninja Forms with Newsletter collecting subscription from your contact form. The Ninja Forms addon allows to easily use a contact form as a subscription form, mapping the form fields into the Newsletter plugin subscriber fields.

This addon removes hidden headers from outgoing email to avoid Office365 SMTP block (or attempt to…). Install ONLY if you’re using Office365 SMTP with an SMTP plugin.

Reports Extensions for Newsletter lets you take control on your newsletters performances: easily track bounces, opens and clicks and other useful informations and fine tune your campaign accordingly. The Reports Addon for Newsletter adds analysis and retargeting tools for your mail marketing campaigns. Reports Addon works on the set of data collected by the core statistic component of Newsletter and it converts them in charts, subscriber subsets and other statistics. If you install the Reports Addon when some campaigns have already been sent, even those will benefit from the analysis and retargeting provided by this extension.

This add-on provides integration with SendGrid and bouncing detection service. SendGrid is an email delivery service you can use to send emails from your Newsletter plugin solving most of the problems caused by provider limitations (blacklisted servers, strict limits, reliability, …). From time to time they change the pricing and the plans, so check out the plan is better for you. Surely they have at least a free trial, it’s a perfect starting point.

The SMTP addon adds the capability to deliver your newsletters using an SMTP service. Originally the SMTP feature was part of the Newsletter plugin and this addon is perfectly compatibile with that feature and its settings. If you need to use an SMTP to delivery your emails, we suggest to look at some third party plugins which integrate the SMTP delivery at lower level within your WordPress blog. The Newsletter plugin uses those ones seamlessly and you gain the advantage to send all emails from your blog via your chosen SMTP.

The SparkPost add-on for Newsletter provides the integration with SparkPost mail delivery service.

Visitor which takes time to leave a comment usually are really interested in your content and ready to subscribe to your blog. The Subscribe on Comment Extension adds a checkbox on standard WordPress comment form letting the visitor to subscribe your newsletter while leaving a comment. Of course you should set the email on comments as a required field.

The Events Calendar add-on is designed for The Events Calendar plugin by Modern Tribe and it adds the capability to Newsletter to extract events and add it to your newsletters.

Translatepress is a plugin which adds multilanguage support to WordPress with an incredibly easy to use traslation feature directly on your blog frontend. To make the multilanguage support by Newsletter uniform between different multilanguage plugins (Translatepress, WPML, Polylang and more) this extension adds a language switcher to the admin side when Translatepress is installed enabling the multilanguage configuration sets of Newsletter. It adds of course the language support during subscription, cancellation, profile editing and the language-list linking feature of Newsletter to have a full translated user experience while interacting with Newsletter.

A webhook is simply a call which a system makes to another system when something happens. Newsletter, with the Webhooks addon, can be configure to call an external system (usually an API) when: someone subscribes – some cancel the subscription – a newsletter is sent (on completion).

WooCommerce Integration connects Newsletter with WooCommerce, the ultra-popular ecommerce plugin for WordPress, to automatically subscribe customers and let the conversation start. WooCommerce extension for Newsletter lets you assign every customer to a specific list according to the kind of product he’s buying or the category it belongs to. This integration lets you automatically subscribe every customer that checks out through WooCommerce, totally effortless. Just activate the extension and the your list will begin to grow.

Connects the WordPress user registration with Newsletter subscription. Optionally imports all WP users as subscribers. This free add-on for the Newsletter plugin links the standard user registration flow to the subscription process. You can select between two main working modes: offer the subscription in the registration form (possibly pre-checked) or force the subscription to your newsletter to every newly registered user.

The WP Forms integration extension lets to easily use a contact form as a subscription form, mapping the form fields into the Newsletter plugin subscriber fields.

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