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WooCommerce Auctions 3.1

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WooCommerce Quick View 1.8.1

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WooCommerce Moneris Gateway 3.4.1

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WooCommerce Wallet 3.9.0

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WooCommerce Give Products 1.2.1


Offer Royal Mail shipping rates to your customers. The WooCommerce Royal Mail shipping plugin allows you offer Royal Mail shipping rates to customers without the need for an API, as Royal Mail does not provide a public API. To use this plugin, your store must use GBP currency and have the United Kingdom as the base country, and your products need to be set up with weights and shipping dimensions. This plugin primarily works with mm and g, but other units are converted automatically!

Redirect customers directly to any page/URL after adding a product to the cart. Easily configure redirection rules after a customer adds an item to the cart. This will improve the customer flow, and ultimately can improve conversions in your webshop. With the Add to Cart Redirect plugin you can configure redirects on different levels. All configurable redirects have built-in search functionality for any type of posts on your site (for example, products, pages, posts, including custom post types that are public). It is also possible to configure a fully custom URL.

Xero is beautiful software that handles all of your business accounting functions from bank reconciliation and financial reporting to inventory tracking and payroll. Xero for WooCommerce gives you the ability to set up automatic creation of invoices in Xero for ecommerce sales. After the module is installed and configured, each order placed in your WooCommerce store is securely sent to your Xero account to keep records up to date. All product, shipping, discount, and tax data is sent to Xero. When payments are made, they are applied to the appropriate invoice to keep everything in balance.

Allows you to display content on your store based on a set of rules that you configure. Conditional content is designed to allow you to display messages, advertisements, reminders, or other content based on a wide assortment of rules and conditions. It’s great for showing content you need throughout your store when users add specific quantities of items to their cart, when products are in a certain category, when products have certain price ranges, when items are about to run out of stock, and many many more conditions you can think of.

Collect VAT numbers at checkout and remove the VAT charge for eligible EU businesses. This extension provides your checkout with a field to collect and validate a customer’s EU VAT number if they have one. Upon entering a valid VAT number, the business will not be charged VAT at your store. The validation function uses the handy VIES.

Pre-configured product bundles, giveaways, forced sells and discounted combos. Automatically adds “chained” products to cart when “main” product is added. Easily create custom pre-configured, discounted WooCommerce product bundles, free giveaways, force sells, combo offers, or packages. When someone buys a “main” product, they receive all the “chained” products automatically.

There are lots of alternate WooCommerce plugins for product bundling, packaging, grouping, force sells, composites, mix and match, buy one get one, giving away products, upsells, combo offers, and other common cases. This Chained Products plugin can handle the majority of those needs in a way that increases cart success.

O plugin WooCommerce PagSeguro Gateway é uma extensão para a plataforma de comércio eletrônico WooCommerce, que permite aos usuários aceitar pagamentos por meio do PagSeguro, um dos principais provedores de serviços de pagamento online do Brasil. Com o plugin, os usuários podem integrar facilmente o PagSeguro como uma opção de pagamento em suas lojas online, o que pode ajudar a aumentar a conversão de vendas e fornecer aos clientes uma forma segura e conveniente de fazer pagamentos.

Ao usar o WooCommerce PagSeguro Gateway, os usuários podem configurar várias opções de pagamento, incluindo parcelamento, boleto bancário, transferência eletrônica e cartões de crédito. O plugin também fornece recursos para gerenciar pedidos e transações, bem como monitorar o status dos pagamentos em tempo real. Isso significa que os usuários podem acompanhar facilmente o fluxo de caixa de sua loja e garantir que todas as transações sejam processadas corretamente.

Além disso, o WooCommerce PagSeguro Gateway oferece recursos avançados de segurança para garantir que os pagamentos sejam seguros e protegidos. Isso inclui a verificação de segurança em várias etapas, criptografia de dados sensíveis e conformidade com as regulamentações de privacidade e segurança do setor. Com esses recursos, os usuários podem ter a tranquilidade de saber que seus pagamentos estão sen

The Authorize.Net extension provides one of the most advanced integrations for WooCommerce while providing the security and reliability that comes with using Authorize.Net for payment processing. Let your customers save their credit cards and bank accounts to their WooCommerce account for fast and easy checkout. Includes full support for WooCommerce Subscriptions, WooCommerce Pre-Orders, and Accept.js. Start using the most advanced WooCommerce payment gateway today!

Authorize.Net is one of the most popular payment processors around for a reason: they offer easy, safe, and affordable credit card and eCheck processing. This Authorize.Net payment gateway integration lets you take advantage of several features offered by Authorize.Net, such as customer profiles, card tokenization, and eCheck processing.

The Authorize.Net Payment Gateway extension allows you to keep the customer on your site for the checkout process, allowing you maximum control over checkout so that you can test and implement the most effective experience for your store. An SSL is required for PCI compliance due to the direct checkout to ensure that your customers’ credit card information is secure.

Offer your customers a PDF download of your product catalog, generated by WooCommerce. WooCommerce Store Catalog PDF Download will allow shop owners to attach their own already made PDF catalog of their products for customers to download. In addition, customers can download page specific PDFs or even a single product in detail. This feature is useful for customers that need to do offline viewing, printing or even just to save for future reference.

Many times customers would like to see a catalog of your products perhaps for offline viewing or even printed. This plugin adds that functionality to your store. The PDF itself can even link back to your site via a click. Each product listed on the PDF has a link back to your online store. In addition to dynamic generated PDF of the current page view, you can also upload your own custom PDF of the whole store. With the shortcode supplied, you can display the download button anywhere on your site. Hopefully with these added features, it will help that much more in your store conversions!

WooCommerce Coupon Referral Program Plugin enables your customers to earn coupon rewards for various activities they perform on your website like sharing the referral link to sign up on your WooCommerce store. The admin can also customize the referral button using the predefined options or by applying custom CSS. On WooCommerce, “Refer a friend” is the new ongoing trend that you shouldn’t deprive your store of. Without a doubt, you have found the best referral plugin for WooCommerce.

You can limit the number of times a referee can redeem a coupon when a user will sign up using their referral link. With our latest update in the plugin, you can now place the coupon referral code on the shop page or even create a dedicated referral tab using shortcodes.

WooCommerce Coupon Referral Plugin enables customers to copy the referral code (or link) & share the referral link on social networking sites and through emails. Admin can now also use custom texts in the Referral Modal/ Popup window for referrals as well as in the referral tab.

Accept credit card payments, eChecks, Visa Checkout, and Google Pay directly on your Store with CyberSource. With WooCommerce CyberSource, you can offer your customers the option to pay with credit cards, eChecks, and/or digital wallets like Visa Checkout and Google Pay directly on your WooCommerce site. Customers enter their payment details in a completely integrated payment form on your WooCommerce site, and CyberSource handles the rest, so customers never need to leave your site!

An easy way to add a dynamic, controllable 360º image rotation to your WooCommerce site, by adding a group of images to a product’s gallery. WooCommerce 360 Image provides you with an easy way to add a dynamic, controllable 360º image rotation to your WooCommerce site. By simply adding a group of images to a product’s gallery, you’ll have a beautiful image rotation replace the product’s featured image. It’s responsive, touch-enabled and extremely easy to use. It’s simply a matter of adding some images to a product’s gallery.

Get your subscriptions to start at a later date either chosen by you or by your customers. Ever wanted to sell a subscription but also wanted to book it for a later start? Now you can! Choose a start date or allow your customers to choose their own with the Custom Start Date for WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin. Set up a specific date to start all subscriptions or just one product. You can get your payments in advance and start subscriptions when you want. Need a cooling-off period or some preparation time before starting a subscription? Set up a delay in days, weeks, or months between the first payment and the start of the subscription. Want to let your customer choose the exact day they want to start the subscription? You can do it with this plugin. Your customers can book their subscription anytime and start it when they are ready.

Automatically apply and restrict coupon validity for user groups. Offer exclusive, automatic and targeted discounts for your customers. Want to offer exclusive, automatic and targeted coupon discounts for your customers? That’s where WooCommerce Group Coupons will help. This extension for WooCommerce uses the free Groups membership plugin and WordPress roles to control the validity of coupons. It is very convenient to have discounts applied automatically for certain user groups. This covers any cases ranging from applying a promotional discount automatically to any registered user, to granting automatic discounts to specific user groups like distributors, volume clients, etc. It can also be combined with another features provided by this extension to assure that coupons can only be used by certain groups.

The Ajax-Enabled, Layered Navigation extension for WooCommerce provides a richer user experience for your customer and is particularly well suited for stores that have a lot of variable products or products with a number of attributes. Not only does the layered navigation use Ajax calls to reload content on the page, but the extension also provides a number of additional user-interface elements for the layered navigation, such as color swatches, size selectors and checkboxes. These useful options help you create a more meaningful, interactive experience for your user. nstead of only link filters, you can now offer customers filterable color swatches, size selectors and checkboxes. All of these used in combination create an easy-to-use layered navigation that helps customers find what they’re looking for.

O plugin WooCommerce Branding é uma ferramenta que permite aos proprietários de lojas virtuais personalizarem a aparência da sua loja online. Ele permite que os usuários adicionem suas próprias imagens e logotipos, escolham cores para os botões e fontes, e alterem a aparência dos e-mails transacionais enviados aos clientes.

Além disso, o plugin WooCommerce Branding também oferece recursos avançados de personalização para a página de checkout. Os usuários podem adicionar seus próprios campos personalizados e definir regras para os campos obrigatórios. Isso permite que os proprietários de lojas virtuais personalizem a experiência de compra do cliente, tornando-a mais intuitiva e fácil de usar.

Outros recursos do plugin incluem a capacidade de personalizar os e-mails de acompanhamento, a página de pagamento e a página de confirmação de pedido. O WooCommerce Branding é uma ferramenta poderosa para a personalização de lojas virtuais que desejam se destacar da concorrência e oferecer uma experiência de compra mais agradável aos clientes.

With Storefront Powerpack, you can easily add style and customize the appearance of your store – all without ever touching any code. Customize Storefront from top to bottom, all without editing any code
Customizing your theme has long been a hassle that no one enjoys undertaking. With Storefront Powerpack, you can change all that. Powerpack gives you the ability to customize and style nearly every aspect of Storefront without ever touching any code. Change your store’s header layout, tweak colors, fonts and layouts of almost any element, change text, checkout flow and more. Preview your changes instantly in the Customizer. Make changes to a single product page or on a global scale — it’s all up to you.

Auctions for WooCommerce is professional auction plugin that extends your WooCommerce store with a new custom product type: auction. Auction items with normal, reverse, silent, or proxy auctions. And you can use Auctions in conjunction with the Product Vendors plugin to create an eBay-style site where users can auction off their own items.

Auctions for WooCommerce is customizable via templates and supports hooks, translations, and WPML. It also includes auction-specific features like anti-sniping, live ajax bid refreshing, and live bid browser notifications, different types of sorting.

Show a quick-view button to view product details and add to cart via lightbox popup. The quick view plugin adds a ‘quick view’ button to product loops which shows product details in a lightbox when clicked. Quick-view has two optional triggers; you can either show a ‘quick view’ button in your loop, or you can set non-ajax add to cart buttons to open the lightbox on click (handy for showing variation details as pictured for instance).

Transmit visitor tracking information, events, and conversions to Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Microsoft Ads, and more with Pixel Manager Pro for WooCommerce. This plugin tracks WooCommerce shop visitors and collects valuable data for conversion optimization, dynamic remarketing, and reporting. The Pixel Manager Pro is the most complete and flexible solution for implementing pixels of various providers, like Google Analytics (Universal and GA4), Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) Pixel, Meta Pixel (Facebook Pixel), Microsoft Pixel, TikTok Pixel, and many more.

While the setup is as simple as it can get, the pixel engine under the hood is very powerful. It tracks all e-commerce events and implements all advanced pixel features like Meta CAPI (Facebook CAPI), Google Analytics Enhanced E-Commerce, Google Shopping Cart Item Tracking, and much more. For advanced users, the plugin offers filters that allow them to tweak the output flexibly and fine-tune the behavior for each shop.

Add fees to orders based on the selected payment method. The Payment Gateway Based Fees extension enables you to add a fee to an order, depending on the chosen payment gateway. The fee can be automatically assessed on the price of certain products in the cart or the cart total, in addition to being changed on an order by the shop administrator at any time. A fee may also be applied manually, i.e., if the customer wants to switch payment methods after checkout is completed.

Receive emails daily, weekly or monthly with meaningful information about how your products are performing. Know how your products are selling without having to login to your store. The WooCommerce Sales Report Emails extension sends emails daily, weekly or monthly, containing meaningful information about how your store’s products are performing. Know which products are performing well in your store. Our clean and clear email notifications send this information directly to your inbox, without any extra action required by you.

Offer Netflix/Amazon style product suggestions to your customers. WooCommerce Recommendation Engine will allow you to configure Netflix and Amazon style product suggestions for your customers. The plugin automatically recommends products to users based on view history, purchase history and products that are frequently purchased together. It is a great way to provide for automatic cross and up sells, and will help users browse and purchase more products from your store.

Manage cookies and cookie notifications on your WooCommerce store to assist with GDPR compliance. Cookie pop-ups, management and GDPR compliance are no longer issues with this easy-to-use extension: create and manage the design, content, and options of cookie pop-ups, no coding required.

The GDPR Cookies extension has a number of features making it simple to manage cookies, allow acceptance from website visitors, and ensure compliance with many of the GDPR requirements. Opening up your store customers in the EU means increased sales. And a cookie notice gives customers the ability to choose what they do and don’t share with you — a key feature for privacy-conscious customers.

Send SMS updates to customers when their order status is updated and receive an SMS message when a customer places a new order. Send SMS updates to customers when their order status is updated and receive an SMS message when a customer places a new order. Why offer SMS Order Updates? Simple – it’s the best way to give customers information about their order. According to Frost & Sullivan, SMS messages have a 95% open rate and most are read within 5 seconds. This is three times better than email and can be far more personalized. For example, you could customize the “Completed” status SMS message to include a coupon code for 10% off the next order. Get creative and watch your sales soar!

Adds additional coupon options, including restrictions for new customers, existing customers, user roles, countries and zip codes. The new customer coupon restriction is perfect for e-commerce sites that have a high lifetime customer value. Providing a discount on the first sale can help bring in new customers, without sacrificing margins for those who already love it.

If a customer is logged in, the extension will verify that they haven’t purchased anything from the site before allowing the coupon to be applied. For customers that aren’t logged in, the coupon verification runs right before checkout once the e-mail address has been entered.

The Worldpay gateway plugin lets you accept credit card payments via a secure, hosted payment page. Because Worldpay handle the payment process for you, no SSL certificate is required on your site. Worldpay’s affordable online payment gateway enables your business to accept all major payment methods and credit and debit cards, including Diners, MasterCard, Visa, Amex, Maestro and JCB. On your store, when an order is placed by a customer, the customer is taken to Worldpay to make a secure payment. After the customer completes their payment the order is confirmed and the user is taken to the thank you page on your site. This all takes place in one tab, for a seamless user journey.

Simplify your checkout process by having your customer validate or lookup their address during checkout. If your store has tried to ship to an invalid address, you know it has cost you both the time and money to resend the order to the customer. Never worry about this hassle again! Easily add address verification, auto-complete, or postcode lookup to your WooCommerce Checkout.

Postcode / Address Validation by SkyVerge will simplify your checkout process and improve order address quality by having your customer validate or lookup their address during checkout. Improve your bottom line and customer happiness with Address Validation! Postcode / Address Validation works by connecting your store to a service that provides address or postcode lookup. You can use Loqate, Postcode.nl, PostcodeSoftware.net, or Fetchify.

Accept payments online using the Moneris payment gateway. Why accept payments with just anyone when you can process them with one of Canada’s leading payment processors? Moneris processes more than 3 billion credit and debit card transactions a year, for over 350,000 merchant locations across North America. This extension brings quality service and processing for Canada to your WooCommerce store. The Moneris extension allows you to keep the customer on your site for the checkout process, allowing you greater control over the checkout experience so that you can test and implement the most effective experience for your store. An SSL certificate is required for PCI compliance due to the direct checkout to ensure that your customers’ credit card information is secure.

Wallet for WooCommerce helps your users to quickly complete a purchase by adding funds to the site and using them for future purchases. Your users can transfer/request funds to other users on your site. You have the option of charging your users a fund transfer fee. Your users can set up to automatically add funds to their wallets if their wallet balances fall below a specified threshold. The Gift Voucher Module allows you to generate gift vouchers that contain wallet balances. You can issue gift vouchers to your users and they can redeem the gift vouchers to add to their wallet balances.

The WooCommerce Nested Category Layout extension allows you to show products organized by category and sub-category on the shop and catalog pages. By breaking products up by subcategory, this plugin provides an intuitive and attractive catalog layout that your customers will appreciate. Instead of requiring customers to click through categories, then subcategories to get to products, it simply creates list on the shop and/or category pages organized by category / subcategory, then allows customers to click a category / subcategory title if they want to see more products.

Give downloadable products, or product variations, to your customers free of charge. Give products to a user, with a free of charge order, without going through the entire checkout process. This is the plugin we use ourselves on WooCommerce.com, to gift products to customers. The intuitive interface provided by WooCommerce Give Products makes this process a breeze. Simply select the customer you’d like to give products to, select the products you’d like to give and click the “Give Product(s)” button. That’s all there is to it!

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