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Give downloadable products, or product variations, to your customers free of charge. Give products to a user, with a free of charge order, without going through the entire checkout process. This is the plugin we use ourselves on WooCommerce.com, to gift products to customers. The intuitive interface provided by WooCommerce Give Products makes this process a breeze. Simply select the customer you’d like to give products to, select the products you’d like to give and click the “Give Product(s)” button. That’s all there is to it!

Global Payments eCommerce process over 11 billion transactions every year and 2.5 million businesses use their secure, seamless and reliable solutions for their online, over the phone and in-person card processing. As one of the world’s largest payment processing companies, Global Payments process all major cards, as well as offering an unmatched range of solutions and services to help grow your business and could increase your revenue.

This Global Payments HPP extension (formerly called “Realex HPP”) will enable your WooCommerce store to take payments through the Global Payments Hosted Payment Page (HPP). The HPP is a PCI DSS v3.2-compliant redirect solution. It allows you to easily process payments while reducing the significant PCI compliance burden associated with collecting card data. Merchants using the HPP can attest to their PCI Compliance by completing the short PCI DSS Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) A.

Extends both WooCommerce and WooCommerce Subscriptions with the GoCardless Payment Gateway. A GoCardless merchant account is required. When using the GoCardless gateway, UK Buyers can pay with their bank account. The customer is taken to the secure, hosted GoCardless payment page to enter bank account details.

Add advanced event tracking and enhanced eCommerce tracking to your WooCommerce site. WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro turbo charges the integration between your WooCommerce store and your free Google Analytics account. Get detailed insights in your shop’s traffic and eCommerce events so that you can improve your sales funnel and drive more revenue. WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro adds advanced event tracking to your WooCommerce store and automatically pushes these events into Google Analytics, letting you easily get insights into important metrics like average order value, conversion rate, sales by product or category, and other valuable data.

Once you’ve installed WooCommerce Google Analytics Pro, you can choose your event names (if you don’t like the defaults), ensure that enhanced eCommerce tracking is enabled in your GA account, and then you’re ready to go! The plugin handles tracking and sending all of the appropriate events to Google Analytics so you can easily access your sales data and valuable store metrics.

O plugin WooCommerce Google Merchant Center Customer Reviews é uma extensão para WooCommerce que permite aos donos de lojas online coletar e enviar avaliações de clientes para o Google Merchant Center. Com este plugin, os clientes que compraram produtos em sua loja WooCommerce serão convidados a deixar avaliações e comentários sobre os produtos que compraram. Depois de coletar as avaliações, o plugin envia automaticamente as informações relevantes ao Google Merchant Center, para que possam ser exibidas nos resultados de pesquisa do Google Shopping.

Além disso, o plugin WooCommerce Google Merchant Center Customer Reviews também inclui recursos que permitem aos donos de lojas personalizar a solicitação de avaliação para seus clientes, escolhendo quando o pedido de avaliação é exibido na tela do cliente e personalizando o texto da solicitação. O plugin também inclui recursos para gerenciar as avaliações, permitindo que os donos de lojas respondam a elas diretamente do painel de administração do WooCommerce e monitorem as avaliações que foram coletadas e enviadas ao Google Merchant Center.

O plugin WooCommerce Google Merchant Center Customer Reviews é uma ferramenta valiosa para donos de lojas online que desejam melhorar a visibilidade de seus produtos nos resultados de pesquisa do Google Shopping, aumentar a confiança dos clientes e, finalmente, aumentar as vendas.

Feed rich product data to Google Merchant Center for setting up free product listings, product ads, and local inventory campaigns. Full control over your field mappings, and feed content so you can maximize campaign performance and ad spend. The Google Product Feed extension allows you to create a real-time feed to supply product information to Google Merchant Center, a prerequisite for setting up Product Ads. Once your products have imported into Google Merchant Centre they’ll be available to your linked Google Adwords account, giving you the flexibility to set up product ads as you want. Using the full power of Google Adwords – you’re in full control of your ad setup and budgets.

Display star ratings below your Google Shopping Ads. Generate a product review feed url and have control over which products to include. Display star ratings below your Google Shopping Ads. Generate a product review feed url and have control over which products to include. With this extension, your Shopping Ads will display actual ratings and reviews from your website. Displaying product ratings on your Google Shopping ads helps shoppers feel more confident and may help increase clickthrough rates on your ads.

With the Gravity Forms Product Add-ons extension, advanced product configuration forms can be built and linked to any product in WooCommerce. Forms that contain conditional logic, pricing fields, user input prices, conditional-pricing fields, conditional submit button logic can all be created for your products. Additionally, any product that contains a Gravity Form is tracked in the cart to ensure, no matter how complex your product form only unique configurations are added to the cart and duplicates are incremented in quantity.

The Gravity Forms Product Add-ons extension gives you full control over how the display of the prices in the store should appear. You can use the default price displays that WooCommerce will display, or in the case of a configurable product containing pricing fields, set the price to something such as “As Low as $1000″. You also have control over when the built in automatic price calculation will be displayed, if at all, and have the ability to configure each label individually.

Automatically apply and restrict coupon validity for user groups. Offer exclusive, automatic and targeted discounts for your customers. Want to offer exclusive, automatic and targeted coupon discounts for your customers? That’s where WooCommerce Group Coupons will help. This extension for WooCommerce uses the free Groups membership plugin and WordPress roles to control the validity of coupons. It is very convenient to have discounts applied automatically for certain user groups. This covers any cases ranging from applying a promotional discount automatically to any registered user, to granting automatic discounts to specific user groups like distributors, volume clients, etc. It can also be combined with another features provided by this extension to assure that coupons can only be used by certain groups.

Sell Memberships with Groups and WooCommerce – the best Group Membership and Access Control solution for WordPress and WooCommerce. Groups WooCommerce grants memberships based on products. It automatically assigns a customer to one or more groups based on the products ordered. This extension allows you to sell Unlimited Memberships and Time-limited Memberships, allowing your customers to access restricted resources during the duration of their group membership.

Start relevant conversations with your customers, using WooCommerce and Help Scout. Using WooCommerce Help Scout, connect your WooCommerce-powered online store to a Help Scout mailbox, helping your customers to request assistance with orders and to receive their answers as quickly as possible. Adding Help Scout to your website is now easier than ever, thanks to the plugin’s shortcode support. Add a Help Scout form to any part of your website using the shortcode [wc_help_scout_form]. These forms are easily customizable using CSS and other tools.

Turn your shop into an online catalog by hiding prices and add to cart button of specific or all products and categories. Hide for guests and selected registered user roles. Replace add to cart with a custom link or a contact form. WooCommerce Hide Price & Add to Cart extension allows you to hide prices and the “add to cart” button of specific products and categories. Choose to hide them for non-logged-in, registered customers, or user roles. Replace prices with custom text and cart buttons with contact7 forms or custom buttons that link to the page of your choice.

Connect your store with Instagram. Upload your product catalog to Instagram, create shoppable posts and stories, define product hashtags and showcase how your customers are using your products in your store. We all love Instagram. We especially love showcasing images of our products in the wild, using the wonderful interface and filters provided by Instagram, directly on our mobile devices. Instagram gives your business an immersive storefront for people to explore your products, and turn your Instagram posts into ads for campaigns.

O plugin WooCommerce InterFax Integration é uma solução de integração do WooCommerce com o serviço de fax online InterFax. Com esse plugin, os lojistas podem enviar faxes diretamente de sua loja WooCommerce sem a necessidade de uma máquina de fax física. Isso é especialmente útil para lojas que precisam enviar documentos importantes, como faturas e recibos, para fornecedores e clientes.

O WooCommerce InterFax Integration é fácil de configurar e usar. Depois de instalado, os lojistas podem acessar a página de configurações do plugin para inserir suas credenciais do InterFax e configurar as opções de envio de fax. O plugin também oferece uma página de histórico de fax, onde os lojistas podem verificar o status dos faxes enviados e reenviar ou cancelar faxes pendentes, se necessário.

Além disso, o plugin WooCommerce InterFax Integration é altamente personalizável. Os lojistas podem personalizar o modelo de fax com seu próprio logotipo e informações de contato, e também podem enviar faxes para um ou vários destinatários de uma só vez. Com esse plugin, as lojas WooCommerce podem economizar tempo e recursos ao enviar faxes de forma rápida e eficiente diretamente de sua loja online.

Allow customers to securely save multiple payment methods to their account for faster checkout. The Intuit Payment Gateway extension provides an advanced payment integration for WooCommerce while providing the security and reliability that comes with using Intuit for payment processing. This extension supports merchants using an Intuit Payments account for eCommerce processing.

Intuit Payments provides increased security in payment processing, as customer credit card information is tokenized before being sent through your server, meeting the lower level PCI SAQ A-EP compliance level. The customer doesn’t see a difference in the checkout process, but payment data is more secure behind the scenes. Let your customers save their credit cards and bank accounts to their WooCommerce account for fast and easy checkout. Includes full support for WooCommerce Subscriptions!

The iPay88 extension allows you to integrate WooCommerce store with iPay88 payment gateway. iPay88 is a leading eCommerce payment provider in South East Asia. It supports payments via Credit cards, Debit cards, Bank account transfers, and alternative payments. Merchants can also accept payments in different currencies like Malaysian Ringgit(MYR), US Dollar (USD), Yuan Renminbi (CNY), Euro (EUR), Pound Sterling (GBP) and more. Please note that you need a working iPay88 account in order to connect your store to the gateway. To obtain an account please contact iPay88 directly.

O plugin WooCommerce jPlayer Product Sampler é uma ferramenta que permite aos proprietários de lojas online criarem amostras de áudio para os seus produtos. Ele é especialmente útil para lojas que vendem produtos de áudio, como música, audiobooks e podcasts. Com este plugin, os clientes podem ouvir uma prévia do produto antes de comprá-lo, o que aumenta a confiança do cliente e, potencialmente, as vendas.

Uma das grandes vantagens do WooCommerce jPlayer Product Sampler é a sua facilidade de uso. O plugin é fácil de instalar e configurar, permitindo que os proprietários de lojas online adicionem amostras de áudio aos seus produtos em questão de minutos. Além disso, o plugin é altamente personalizável, permitindo que os proprietários de lojas escolham entre várias opções de design e funcionalidades.

Por fim, o WooCommerce jPlayer Product Sampler é uma ferramenta altamente eficaz para aumentar as vendas e melhorar a experiência do cliente. Ele oferece aos clientes a oportunidade de experimentar o produto antes de comprá-lo, o que ajuda a aumentar a confiança do cliente e reduzir o número de devoluções. Além disso, a adição de amostras de áudio aos produtos pode aumentar o interesse do cliente e, por consequência, aumentar as vendas. Em resumo, o WooCommerce jPlayer Product Sampler é uma ferramenta valiosa para qualquer loja online que venda produtos de áudio.

Add Kissmetrics tracking to your WooCommerce store with one click and start getting actionable metrics today. Easily build a customized dashboard that shows you the metrics you care about, visualize your checkout funnel with sales funnel reports, and watch visitors interact with your store in real-time.

No need to manually add javascript and read through the Kissmetrics integration guides for hours – this plugin does all setup for event tracking for your store and sends the correct data to your Kissmetrics account. Kissmetrics is the premier analytics tool that shows you actionable metrics for your business. Use this extension to integrate Kissmetrics with your WooCommerce store and save 20+ hours (and a guaranteed headache) in setup time!

Klarna Checkout is a full checkout experience embedded on your site that includes all popular payment methods (Pay Now, Pay Later, Financing, Installments). Klarna Checkout comes with everything you need to create the smoothest shopping experience for your customers, including seamless customer identification and accepting all major payment methods. It’s built to improve your business performance — converting browsers into happy customers.

By offering our complete online checkout solution, you make it easy for your customers to shop how they prefer, often with a single-click. With a simpler buying process, you’ll get more loyal customers and less abandoned baskets. Whether you’re a retailer or a shopper, we’ve got your back. We take full fraud and credit risk for sellers, while giving full protection to buyers. We also put control in the hands of customers via the Klarna app – gathering all orders in a single place. With the app, your customers can manage their purchases, chat with customer service 24/7 and even report returns.

Connect your WooCommerce-powered store to Lightspeed Retail’s Point of Sale system. The Lightspeed Retail (R-Series) integration for WooCommerce enables your WooCommerce store and Lightspeed Retail (R-Series) account to communicate and keep inventory in sync. When a new sale comes in via your Point of Sale system, stock quantities are updated within WooCommerce. When a new order arrives via WooCommerce, your Lightspeed Retail (R-Series) account reflects the same inventory numbers. Lightspeed Retail (R-Series) is powerful point of sale and inventory management software, enabling your business to succeed and manage inventory across multiple channels.

Let customers buy online and pick up in-store with options to pick up products from specific locations, select a pickup date, and more. The built-in “Local Pickup” shipping method for WooCommerce allows your customers to come to you to pick up their purchased products. While this works great for stores with a single brick-and-mortar location, it poses large issues for stores with multiple locations or distribution centers.

Local Pickup Plus provides a far more robust pickup system for retailers with multiple locations, distribution centers, or pickup sites. Provide pickup locations across the country (or in other countries!), limit pickup to certain items, restrict which products are available at a location, accept scheduled pickups, and more!

Using Local Pickup Plus, your customers know exactly where to go to pick up their products, and you know where to expect them. Customers will see a list of available pickup locations for each product that can be picked up (or you can opt to only allow one pickup location per order), and can choose locations that that let them receive orders where they want them.

Lottery for WooCommerce is a lottery/lucky draw system for WooCommerce. Using this plugin, you can run lotteries, contests, giveaways, raffles, etc., supporting both free and paid tickets. You can also set up a Question to which the users should Answer in order to participate in the Lottery thereby making it a case of skill rather than just by chance.

O plugin WooCommerce Mad Mimi Email Marketing é uma ferramenta poderosa para ajudar proprietários de lojas virtuais a gerenciar suas campanhas de email marketing. Com ele, é possível conectar sua loja virtual ao serviço de email marketing Mad Mimi, permitindo que você envie campanhas personalizadas para seus clientes e acompanhe o desempenho de suas campanhas.

Uma das principais vantagens do plugin WooCommerce Mad Mimi Email Marketing é a facilidade de uso. Ele é intuitivo e simples de instalar, sem a necessidade de conhecimento técnico avançado. O plugin se integra perfeitamente ao WooCommerce, permitindo que você crie segmentos de clientes com base em seu histórico de compras, interesses e comportamentos, para que você possa enviar campanhas personalizadas que atendam às necessidades específicas de seus clientes.

Por fim, o plugin WooCommerce Mad Mimi Email Marketing oferece recursos avançados de análise de campanhas, permitindo que você acompanhe o desempenho de suas campanhas de email em tempo real. Com ele, você pode ver o número de emails enviados, entregues, abertos e clicados, além de outras métricas importantes, como as taxas de conversão. Isso permite que você avalie o desempenho de suas campanhas e faça ajustes para melhorar seus resultados. Em resumo, o plugin WooCommerce Mad Mimi Email Marketing é uma ferramenta poderosa e fácil de usar para ajudar lojas virtuais a aumentar o engajamento dos clientes e as vendas por meio de campanhas de email marketing personalizadas e eficazes.

Completely automate your member email list management by syncing membership changes to MailChimp. Mailchimp for WooCommerce Memberships helps you communicate more effectively with the members on your site. Previously, to get member data set up in Mailchimp, you had to perform CSV exports for members, upload these exports to Mailchimp, and manually change merge tags to be able to create effective member segments.

No more! Mailchimp for Memberships seamlessly updates member data for you in your subscriber profiles, ensuring Mailchimp data is always up-to-date with your latest membership list and statuses. Keep segments auto-updated, and make it simple to email targeted groups of members on your site. Mailchimp for Memberships does all of the heavy lifting during set up to get your member data pushed to Mailchimp quickly. Once you add a Mailchimp API key to the plugin settings, you can choose what list your members should belong to, and what merge fields you’d like to use for plan data.

O plugin WooCommerce Mailchimp Integration é uma solução de integração entre o WooCommerce e o Mailchimp, que permite ao lojista online automatizar o processo de captura de leads e gerenciamento de campanhas de email marketing. Com este plugin, é possível sincronizar automaticamente os dados dos clientes do WooCommerce com as listas de email do Mailchimp, segmentar a lista de acordo com o histórico de compras e comportamento do cliente, e enviar campanhas personalizadas para cada segmento.

Além disso, o WooCommerce Mailchimp Integration também oferece ferramentas para criar pop-ups personalizados de captura de leads, formulários de inscrição em newsletters, e descontos para incentivar a inscrição na lista de email. Tudo isso é feito de forma integrada com o WooCommerce, sem a necessidade de usar outras ferramentas externas ou complicadas.

Por fim, o WooCommerce Mailchimp Integration é uma ferramenta essencial para lojistas que buscam otimizar suas campanhas de email marketing e aumentar suas vendas online. Com a integração do WooCommerce com o Mailchimp, é possível automatizar o processo de captura de leads, segmentação da lista e envio de campanhas personalizadas, economizando tempo e aumentando a eficiência das suas estratégias de marketing.

Add a calculator to your product pages to calculate product quantity required or overall price by square footage and more. While selling t-shirts or cell phone covers is easy with WooCommerce, many of us also sell products that aren’t sold in quantities of “1”, such as flooring, wallpaper, or more. The Measurement Price Calculator for WooCommerce will solve the problems you’ve probably encountered in setting up and pricing these products.

The Measurement Price Calculator extension for WooCommerce allows you to add and configure a calculator to your products that are sold in quantities based on their dimensions, square footage, volume, or weight. This allows you to easily sell products which have a known measurement per item. For instance, let’s say you have tile that’s sold for $2.09 per square foot, and you offer a box of tiles that covers 35 square feet or a larger box that covers 60 square feet. Using the same pricing per square foot, you can easily enter the size of the box and the calculator will display the total price per box.

Looking to instead allow customers to tell you how much they need? The Measurement Price Calculator also allows you to sell products based on the price by unit of measurement (per square foot, cubic yard, etc). Perhaps you sell mulch with a price per cubic yard — you can allow the customer to provide an area and depth of mulch, and the calculator derives the total cubic yardage and final price. Configure any combination of units and customize labels to meet your store’s needs!

Power your membership association, online magazine, elearning sites, and more with access control to content/products and member discounts. WooCommerce Memberships is not just another plugin for restricting your site’s content: it’s an easy-to-use, site-wide membership solution that brings your content, shop, and memberships together. You can restrict your content to members, but you can also “drip” that content over time to schedule when members have access. Sell access to memberships, include memberships with product purchases, manually assign memberships, and completely integrate member perks within your store.

You put a lot of work into your members-only content, so Memberships lets you schedule when your members should have access to it. You can drip content, which means that you can schedule when members should have access to your content. For example, you can require that customers be a member for a week before they can access certain posts or pages.

The Merge Orders extension allows you to combine multiple customer orders so you can process and ship them as one. Why merge orders? The most common scenario for needing to merge orders is when you receive multiple orders for the same customer. Merging and shipping them as one package provides multiple benefits, including: Reducing costs on shipping and packaging—better for you, and better for the planet! Streamlining order processing and putting the tracking in one place. Improving customer experience—they only have to track one delivery, and they receive everything they ordered at the same time.

Specify minimum and maximum allowed product quantities for orders to be completed. This neat little extension allows you to define minimum/maximum thresholds and multiple/group amounts per product (including variations) to restrict the quantities of items which can be purchased. The Min/Max Quantities extension lets you set up quantity rules for Orders and Products.

O plugin WooCommerce Minimum Advertised Price é uma ferramenta valiosa para proprietários de lojas online que desejam aumentar as vendas e a receita de seus produtos. Ele permite que os comerciantes estabeleçam um preço mínimo para um produto e configurem uma faixa de preço de anúncio mínimo. Isso significa que os clientes não poderão ver o preço real do produto até adicioná-lo ao carrinho, o que pode levar a uma conversão maior.

Além disso, o plugin permite que os proprietários da loja ofereçam descontos em produtos selecionados sem que a redução de preço apareça publicamente. Em vez disso, os clientes verão um preço mínimo de anúncio que ajuda a aumentar a percepção do valor do produto sem afetar negativamente a imagem da marca ou a margem de lucro.

Outra vantagem do plugin WooCommerce Minimum Advertised Price é a sua capacidade de ajudar as empresas a evitar a guerra de preços com os concorrentes. Ao definir um preço mínimo de anúncio para os produtos, as empresas podem manter a exclusividade de seus produtos e impedir que os concorrentes os vendam abaixo do preço mínimo. Isso ajuda a manter a imagem da marca e a qualidade dos produtos em um nível mais elevado, o que é crucial para o sucesso a lon

Allow your customers to combine products and create their own variations, and increase your average order value. Selling cases of wine? A dozen donuts? Fruit baskets? Six-packs of T-shirts? Mix and Match is ideal for offering similar products in bulk containers. Perfect for encouraging customers to buy in bulk without forcing them to buy items that don’t interest them. You set the size limit of the assortment (number of items needed to “complete” a container or pack) and define which items should be available to choose, while your customer maintains complete control over the quantity of individual products being packaged together. Don’t like sugar donuts? A custom can order her dozen with all Boston cremes instead. Want five t-shirts, but don’t look good in yellow? A customer can buy 3 red and 2 blue. The choice is completely in the hands of the customer!

Add Mixpanel tracking to your WooCommerce store with one click and start getting actionable metrics today. Easily segment your data to easily perform complex analysis, visualize your checkout funnel with sales funnel reports, and watch visitors interact with your store in real-time. This extension is designed to work with Mixpanel, the most advanced web and mobile analytics tool that gives you actionable metrics for your business. You’ll need to sign up for a free Mixpanel account if you don’t already have one. Mixpanel is free for a limited number of data points per month. Track your revenue over time and easily segment by product, category, and more. See the average number of customers over time combined with average revenue per customer to give you better insight into how your store is performing.

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