Gravity Flow

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Use Gravity Flow to convert your business processes into automated workflows. Choose from 40+ action steps like approvals, rejections, reverts, and assignments, and conditional logic to design custom interactive workflows for your processes. Process your form submissions any way you like. Build custom workflows to automate your form-based business processes. Automatically route any form submissions, automate the process from start to finish. Most businesses can automate most form-based admin business processes entirely with the automation Gravity Flow allows right out-of-the-box. Custom coding is rarely needed. SaaS business process automation solutions usually charge per user/per workflow. What’s doable now might not be as you grow. With Gravity Flow, you pay a simple annual fee for unlimited users and processes. Getting people to fill out forms means you’re collecting data. Keep your data safely on your servers and process it while complying with all data protection regulations that apply. You can even add a “delete data” step to your workflows!

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