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myCred Progress map lets users to track their progress and view steps to achieve the specific badge. Engage user in a more attractive way by displaying their progress in multiple levels. Admin can create a map with multiple color option of complete and incomplete levels, show map in vertical or in horizontal direction with multiple alignment options.

The Transfer Plus myCred add-on simplifies how points are transferred between users on your WordPress website. This premium add-on works side-by-side with the built-in Transfer add-on to streamline transfer processes and protocols such as transfer fee setup and transaction ID tracking.

myCred Time-Based Reward addon allows you to create rewards that users can claim after a admin specified time. You can create time-based rewards and set the recurrence time with just a few different functions. Create messages for guest users to claim their reward. Display customizable pop-up messages that ask users to claim time-based rewards. You can choose to reward mycred Badges or Points as rewards. Control the settings for minimum and maximum reward limits. The “Must Include” option can be turned on or off at any time. Rewards are shown in the label field of the popup window. Display a counter that shows the remaining time for the next time-based reward.

myCred Birthdays Plus is a fun and interactive way to reward myCred points to your users on their birthday. This plugin is compatible with Buddypress and will be triggered when the BuddyPress profile field is connected with the user’s birthday.

BuddyPress Charges allows you to charge points from your BuddyPress users for certain actions such as sending private messages, joining groups, and viewing other users’ profiles. Simple & Easy-to-use – Your users will be charged and credited in myCred points.

myCred Reset Points Add on has an ability to Reset the Points on one click. Admin can use this function to Reset the Points of Users by selecting all User Roles or specific User Roles.

The myCred To-Do List addon allows you to create a list that your users can mark as completed manually. To finish the list, users can individually mark any point on it. It could be a list of everyday activities, such as workouts, business meetings, etc. In addition, each task can be customized with different settings, such as displaying a checkbox or button and configuring different ranks upon completion.

The myCred Rest API addon enables the heroic engineers of various tech stacks to use the myCred point management system with their superheroic projects. Whether you are an Angular Ninja, React Rockstar or Ruby Gem, you can easily integrate myCred within your apps.

myCred Pending Points allows the admin to set a pending status before awarding the points. The admin can review the log before changing the status of the points from pending to released. This functionality can be set for all or specific references, user roles, usernames, badges, or ranks. The admin can also set the pending status for a number of days so that after the allotted time, the points are released automatically.

The SMS Payments Add-on allows your users to check their current point balance or make transfers via SMS (Short Message Service) messages.Just like the Transfer add-on where users transfer their points via a shortcode on your website, SMS Payments does the exact same thing but via specially constructed SMS messages. In order to use this add-on, you must have a Twilio account with a verified phone number that supports messaging.

myCred Coupon Plus allows you to create, customize and personalize your coupons in bulk. You can also upload the coupons via a CSV file and send them to customers using email.

myCred Social Proof addon helps build the credibility of your business by letting your website visitors know about the current activities of your registered users through real-time notifications. These notifications alert the website visitors of different activities such as posted comments, published content, and viewed videos.Boost your site visits and instantly increase your site conversions – Convert your visitors into users with the myCred Social Proof addon.

myCred Nominations allows your users to nominate other members for achievements, points and ranks and other rewards. You can enable auto-nomination so that users can nominate any member with a majority of votes. All of this is done by adding nomination forms on your website. The nomination forms can customized to accept notes that can be used as feedback.

Expands the buyCRED add-on in myCred to allow payments via payStack.

Expands the buyCRED add-on in myCred to allow payments via Stripe.

myCred-Email Digest helps you to deliver content by email to different user groups. Send email notifications periodically. Also, you can include and exclude certain user groups based on roles, ranks, and badges.

The myCred Expiration Add on allows you to set expiry dates on any user’s points. You can set the expiration dates however you see fit and what’s special about this addon is that you can also send an email notification to the user to let them know that their points are close to an expiration date.

myCred Video add-on for Vimeo helps you award points to users that have viewed your video content on Vimeo. You can also notify your users of the points they have earned while watching videos on Vimeo.

myCred Anniversary Pro add-on allows you to create, manage and distribute anniversary reward points for consecutive and non-consecutive years. The anniversary point log will show points earned by each user.

myCred Arcade Game addon is a maze game that enables the admin to award points to users who plays the game. Users will earn points by consuming power pellets while dodging four colored ghosts. Consuming Power Pellets (big blinking dots) will turn ghosts into blue and consuming them will give users bonus points.Customize the arcade game’s elements according to your liking and even set limits to how many points your users can earn at a certain time.

myCred Submissions allow your users to unlock achievements and rank by submitting a form that your website managers can evaluate. This add-on also offers the ability to include remarks with the submission form so that users can explain why they deserve it and an administration dashboard to handle all accepted entries. You’ll be able to add submission forms all-around your site within no time, allowing your users to request the unlocking of any achievement or level.

The myCred Social Share Addon allows you to award your users points every time they share your posts on social media. You can easily set up and manage the points awarding criteria through the presentation method on the website.

Connect myCred with UserPro and Private Messages for UserPro plugins! This bridge plugin allows you to insert myCred balances, ranks or badges into your users’ profiles along with rewarding them for UserPro related features.

The myCred LevelCred add-on gives you control over hooks like never before – Set hooks based on either user roles, ranks or badge levels and help your users get massive benefits every time they move to the next level.

myCred Notifications Plus add-on enables you to set up instant notifications for ranks and badges. You can also conveniently change the color, styling or position of your notifications within minutes.Different colors for different notifications – Change and apply different colors for different notifications such points gain or loss.

myCred Spin Wheel is a gamification Add-on that allows your website visitors to test their luck by spinning the aesthetically beautiful wheel. Set up unlimited slices on the wheel based on how you want to reward your users.Increase website engagement by introducing a fun and exciting gamification element on your WordPress website – Offer free spins and much more.

myCred with Beaver Builder is the integration of myCred Point Management System with Beaver Builder via Hooks and Add-ons. This add-on converts myCred shortcodes into myCred Beaver Builder Modules which empower the functionality of Drag & Drop.

myCred Email Plus has a robust tag library that enables you to send conditional emails to your users, including their current point balance, most recent rank earned, and current rank of any type. Within minutes, you’ll be able to create a customized email that will be delivered in response to relevant events. Additionally, a new feature enables you to limit the number of emails that can be sent.

myCred Points Cap allows you to enforce limits on the number points a particular user can earn at a certain time. You can set limits on the users’ ability to earn points whether those rules limit them for a day, a week, a month or even a lifetime.

myCred-Zapier lets you connect custom Zapier hooks with myCred. Automate your repetitive processes and be more productive, instantly send user achievement information to third-party tools like Google, Slack, Mailchimp, Dropbox and more via Zapier. With the help of custom webhooks, data will be sent to Zapier when an achievement is being earned by the user.

Show your users their current rank or badge achievement progress with a beautifully designed progress bar. The myCred Progress Bar addon helps you create a multi-colored progress bar that can be customized according to any of your users’ reference attributes.

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