
This add-on adds myCred as a custom gateway to your Easy Digital Downloads plugin, allowing users to pay for items using their myCred point balance. Easy Digital Downloads is a complete e-commerce solution for selling digital products in a light, performant, and easy to use plugin. Rather that attempting to provide every feature under the sun, Easy Digital Downloads makes selling digital simple and complete by providing just the features you need. This add-on (Easy Digital Downloads-myCred gateway) ONLY works with the free version of the Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) plugin.

Video Add-on For JW Player is a myCred add-on that allows admin to award points to users according to watching videos type

The myCred LevelCred add-on gives you control over hooks like never before – Set hooks based on either user roles, ranks or badge levels and help your users get massive benefits every time they move to the next level.

myCred Notifications Plus add-on enables you to set up instant notifications for ranks and badges. You can also conveniently change the color, styling or position of your notifications within minutes.Different colors for different notifications – Change and apply different colors for different notifications such points gain or loss.

myCred Arcade Game addon is a maze game that enables the admin to award points to users who plays the game. Users will earn points by consuming power pellets while dodging four colored ghosts. Consuming Power Pellets (big blinking dots) will turn ghosts into blue and consuming them will give users bonus points.Customize the arcade game’s elements according to your liking and even set limits to how many points your users can earn at a certain time.

myCred Points Cap allows you to enforce limits on the number points a particular user can earn at a certain time. You can set limits on the users’ ability to earn points whether those rules limit them for a day, a week, a month or even a lifetime.

myCred Anniversary Pro add-on allows you to create, manage and distribute anniversary reward points for consecutive and non-consecutive years. The anniversary point log will show points earned by each user.

myCred with Beaver Builder is the integration of myCred Point Management System with Beaver Builder via Hooks and Add-ons. This add-on converts myCred shortcodes into myCred Beaver Builder Modules which empower the functionality of Drag & Drop.

myCred Birthdays Plus is a fun and interactive way to reward myCred points to your users on their birthday. This plugin is compatible with Buddypress and will be triggered when the BuddyPress profile field is connected with the user’s birthday.

BuddyPress Charges allows you to charge points from your BuddyPress users for certain actions such as sending private messages, joining groups, and viewing other users’ profiles. Simple & Easy-to-use – Your users will be charged and credited in myCred points.

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