QSM / Quiz And Survey Master

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QSM / Quiz And Survey Master Save and Resume 1.4.0

Atualizado em 15/05/2024
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QSM / Quiz And Survey Master Export Results 1.6.3 Desbloqueado

Atualizado em 15/05/2024
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QSM / Quiz And Survey Master Advanced Timer 2.1.1

Atualizado em 15/05/2024
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QSM / Quiz And Survey Master Export & Import 2.1.1 Desbloqueado

Atualizado em 09/04/2024
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QSM / Quiz And Survey Master Logic 2.1.3

Atualizado em 29/03/2024
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QSM / Quiz And Survey Master User Dashboard 2.1.0

Atualizado em 29/03/2024
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QSM / Quiz And Survey Master Google Sheet Connector 2.1.9 Desbloqueado

Atualizado em 05/03/2024
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QSM / Quiz And Survey Master WooCommerce Integration 1.0.4 Desbloqueado

Atualizado em 05/03/2024
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QSM / Quiz And Survey Master URL Parameters 1.2.0

Atualizado em 01/02/2024
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QSM / Quiz And Survey Master Flashcards 1.2.3 Desbloqueado

Atualizado em 01/02/2024
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QSM / Quiz And Survey Master Simple Popups 1.1.4

Atualizado em 08/11/2023
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QSM / Quiz And Survey Master reCAPTCHA 1.0.8

Atualizado em 11/10/2022
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QSM / Quiz And Survey Master Extra Shortcodes 2.0.4

Atualizado em 11/10/2022
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QSM / Quiz And Survey Master Daily Limit 1.1.4

Atualizado em 26/08/2022
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QSM / Quiz And Survey Master Drip Integration 1.0.3

Atualizado em 11/08/2022
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QSM / Quiz And Survey Master Gradebook 1.0.3

Atualizado em 11/08/2022
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QSM / Quiz And Survey Master Slack Integration 2.0.4

Atualizado em 10/08/2022
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QSM / Quiz And Survey Master Summary Emails 1.0.5

Atualizado em 10/08/2022
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QSM / Quiz And Survey Master Landing Page 1.1.4

Atualizado em 10/08/2022
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QSM / Quiz And Survey Master EDD Integration 2.0.6

Atualizado em 29/11/2021

Save and Resume plugin enables ability to save a quiz or load a previously saved quiz session. Auto Save: it automatically saves every quiz in a separate temporary table whenever a user starts taking the quiz. Auto Resume: it auto detects if a logged in or non-logged in user started a quiz but left in-between, in which case it tries to auto resume the quiz where user left off. Session ID: users can manually trigger “Save Quiz” and obtain a session id which can later be shared with any one to resume the quiz at that point in time.

Many website owners develop and test their site locally or on a staging site and then copy over their site to their live site once they are ready. Before this addon existed, users would have to export and import using MySQL or PHP to be able to move their quiz and survey data. With this addon, you can export a single quiz or survey or all of your quizzes and surveys. The export will include all of the options, text, email templates, questions, and more! Easily click the export button on one site and then import the file to the new site. You can move your quizzes and surveys over in a matter of minutes!

Do you need to be able to customize your emails and results page more? With this addon, you can use several more template variables. This includes variables to: Show only the questions and answers that were marked correct – Show only the questions and answers that were marked incorrect – Show only the questions and answers where the user selected a specific answer – Show a custom message based on the points a user earned – Show a custom message based on the score a user earned.

If you are looking to create a quiz with timer functionalities, QSM core itself takes care of that. But with this addon you get following advanced functionality for creating a timer based quiz:

Crie testes e pesquisas avançadas com três tipos de perguntas poderosas. Você recebe dois tipos de perguntas da matriz (grade de rádio e grade de caixa de seleção) e um tipo de par de pares correspondentes. Crie testes, pesquisas, testes e exames profissionais com a ajuda deste addon incorporando pares correspondentes.

Este addon é ideal para educadores e pesquisadores que desejam criar um questionário de escala Likert de ponto múltiplo mais dinâmico e interativo (escala de classificação) e avaliar as opiniões, concordância e desacordo sobre as perguntas feitas. Basta instalar e ativar o addon, e você pode usá-lo de acordo com o seu gosto e segmento.

O plugin QSM (Quiz And Survey Master) Export & Import é uma ferramenta muito útil para aqueles que precisam exportar ou importar pesquisas e questionários criados com o plugin QSM. Com este plugin, é possível exportar facilmente todo o conteúdo de um questionário em formato XML, o que permite que o mesmo seja compartilhado e importado para outras instalações do WordPress.

O processo de exportação e importação com o QSM Export & Import é simples e intuitivo. Ao exportar um questionário, você pode escolher quais perguntas, respostas e configurações devem ser incluídas no arquivo XML. Ao importar um questionário, basta selecionar o arquivo XML e todas as informações contidas nele serão importadas para o novo questionário.

Além disso, o plugin QSM Export & Import oferece suporte para a exportação e importação de traduções de questionários. Isso significa que se você criou um questionário em um idioma e deseja importá-lo em um site WordPress que está em outro idioma, o plugin irá detectar as traduções e importá-las automaticamente. Isso torna o processo de tradução de questionários muito mais fácil e eficiente.

There are many times that you may want to analyze the results. The addon allows you to display the data using 4 different charts including: Pie chart,Bar chart, Word Count chart and Blox Plot chart. You can also see the average score for each question. For example, you can quickly glance down the analysis and see which questions most users got wrong or answered poorly. You can use the “Individual” feature to see all answers provided to open answer questions for each question. You can then export the graphs to an image file. Print the graphs off, use them in a presentation, or use them in a document.

Grow your list of subscribers in Aweber by using this addon to add users who take your quizzes or surveys! This addon will give you the ability to add users who take your quiz to your lists in Aweber. You can choose which list to add the subscribers to for each quiz! You can also choose to hide the checkbox to automatically subscribe users to your mailing list.

Have you ever needed the ability to only show questions when the user answers other questions a certain way? Perhaps you want to only gather more information when a user says the customer service was poor. Or, maybe you want to ask for more information only from users with certain demographics that you determine earlier in your survey. This addon allows you to hide or show different questions based on what the user selects for other questions. You can set the addon to show a question when another question’s answer is equal to a certain answer or if it is not equal to a certain answer. You can also show or hide a question if the selected answer is greater than or less than a given value. You can also take things a step further and show or hide questions when more than one questions equal certain values. For example, you could show a question only if the user rated your customer service poorly and said they would not recommend your product.

This add-on gives you the ability to set up a page where users can review their results from all the quizzes they have taken. If your users have access to the dashboard, they will have a new page to review their results. If they do not have access to the dashboard, you can create a new post or page and insert the shortcode into it.

Automatically sync your quiz results with Google Sheets (Google Spreadsheets).

When it comes to tracking users through various funnels, there are many times when you need to send data between different systems. Using this data, you would be able to test different conversion rates at parts of your funnel or to connect data for users across different systems. This is where URL parameters can help. A URL parameter is a small amount of data that you can send to be attached to the results of a quiz or survey which you can dynamically change within a URL. For example, in one of our surveys, we wanted to be able to attach survey results to users within our CRM. To do this, we could pass the subscriber ID to the survey using this addon.

Have you ever wanted to provide flashcards for your users? With this addon, you can quickly create unlimited sets of flashcards with each set having unlimited flashcards in it. Help your users learn using flashcards!

Grow your list of subscribers in MailChimp by using this addon to add users who take your quizzes and surveys! This add-on will give you the ability to add users who take your quiz to your lists in MailChimp. This addon will also pass the user’s name, business, and phone to MailChimp if you collect that information. You can choose which list to add the subscribers to for each quiz! You can also choose to hide the checkbox to automatically subscribe users to your mailing list. Then, you can set whether to enable or disable the double opt-in emails.

Have you ever wanted to have your quiz or survey inside of a popup? With this easy to use addon, now you can! This addon allows you to create a link that will open a popup with a quiz or survey inside. Using the addon’s simple UI, you can create popups within minutes.

If you want to make a particular quiz as paid, for example if you want to create a certification exam for lets say $10, you can now do that using this QSM addon. Payment Integration is a dead simple payment plugin for QSM (quiz and survey master) which enables anyone to pay for a quiz. You can set various options for Paypal and/or Stripe in the Addon Settings menu including Paypal email address and Stripe API keys. You can also enable Sandbox mode for testing.

QSM Integration with ActiveCampaign mailing service.

Powerful quiz and survey for WordPress in few minutes!

The Best Quiz Plugin of WordPress, Quiz and Survey Plugin is popular for tons of customization options. Though the base plugin is free and highly popular, QSM has 34+ Pro Addons for building Advanced Quizzes, Surveys, Exams, Polls, Questionnaires, etc. Quiz and Survey Master (QSM) is the Best Quiz Plugin that is a must-have on your WordPress website. The plugin offers numerable useful features and lets you create unlimited quizzes and store the user responses on your website all for free.

QSM is the regarded as one of best WordPress quiz plugin used by over 40,000 websites. It offers an easy to create interface for quiz, surveys, exams, tests, questionnaire – you name it. Unlike other survey platforms, you can create unlimited quizzes / surveys on your WordPress with native looking designs. You own your data and you control your data!

Grow your list of subscribers in MailPoet by using this add-on to add users who take your quizzes and surveys! This addon will give you the ability to add users who take your quiz to your lists in MailPoet. You can choose which list to add the subscribers to for each quiz! You can set up for the user to have to click the checkbox to subscribe or to have the addon automatically subscribe the user upon submitting the quiz. This addon is for MailPoet Version 3. This will not work for MailPoet Version 2 (labeled as the “Previous” version)

This plugin allows you to setup a reCaptcha for your quizzes and surveys. To protect your quizzes with a industry standard captcha solution, this is a must use plugin. What is reCAPTCHA? reCAPTCHA is a free service from Google that helps protect websites from spam and abuse. “CAPTCHA” is a turing test to tell human and bots apart. It is easy for humans to solve, but hard for “bots” and other malicious software to figure out.

This add-on will give you more shortcodes to use with Quiz And Survey Master!The included shortcodes are for: Number Of Times Quiz Has Been Passed Using Score – Number Of Times Quiz Has Been Passed Using Points – Number Of Times Quiz Has Been Failed Using Score – Number Of Times Quiz Has Been Failed Using Points – Number Of Times Quiz Has Been Taken – Average Score Of Quiz Results – Average Points Of Quiz Results – Most Popular Quiz – Most Recent Quiz. For example, our Sample Quiz has been taken 6562 times. Of those, 2008 people passed the quiz with a score of 75% or greater. The average score was 55.0703%.

This Quiz And Survey Master addon allows you to restrict users to only a set amount of entries per day. Great for when running sweepstakes and allowing a visitor to enter once per day or anything else needing to restrict entries per day. You can choose which quizzes to turn on the limit for. You can then choose the number of entries that a user is allowed to have as well as the message displayed to the user when he or she tries to submit another entry. This works for both logged in users and non-logged in users. If you allow non-logged in users to take your quiz, you must use the email field to limit the user’s entries.

Grow your list of subscribers in Campaign Monitor by using this addon to add users who take your quizzes and surveys! This addon will give you the ability to add users who take your quiz to your lists in Campaign Monitor. You can choose which list to add the subscribers to for each quiz!

ConvertKit is one of the best ways to create intuitive drip email sequences and features powerful marketing automation. This addon allows you to subscribe quiz and survey takers to your forms, sequences, and tags.

Drip is one of best ways to create intuitive drip email courses and features powerful marketing automation. In fact, Drip is used for the emails sent out for Quiz And Survey Master. This addon allows you to add quiz and survey takers to your subscribers in Drip. It then records an event which you can use to add the subscriber into a workflow or create an automation rule.

This addon for Quiz And Survey Master adds a new Gradebook page. Viewing it will show you all of your users and their average points and average score. You can then view all of a user’s quizzes and tests to see what the user has earned and when the user took the quiz and see the user’s answers.

This addon will allow you to post a message to your slack when a user takes a quiz or test. This addon uses the Slack Integration feature inside Slack and utilizes the webhook integration. Using this addon, you can customize a message to send to a specific channel in your slack. You can use any of the template variables for the results page for this slack message.

Do you have a quiz or survey that you want to see the results from but do not need an email every time a user submits their answers? With this addon, you can receive emails that contain a summary of all the results over the course of a day or a week. For example, if you have a feedback survey, you may want to receive all the feedback weekly instead of every time a user submits feedback. You can customize the results exactly as you would with the regular admin email.

Sometimes, you want the ability to send a user to a survey or quiz without the user getting overwhelmed by your theme or overall site. You may want to send the user to a simple page with just the survey or quiz to ensure that the user completes the form without getting distracted. With this new addon, you can now do that! This addon adds a new “Landing Page” tab to your edit screen that adds an option to turn on the landing page for that quiz or survey. Simply switch the setting to Yes and the addon will instantly convert that quiz or survey into its own page outside of your theme. If you want to change it back, simply turn the feature off by switching the setting to No. Using the question type of Text Block, you could even add logos, images, and text before, throughout, or after your quiz or survey.

With Zapier Integration, Quiz And Survey Master can sends results to over 700 different websites and services. What if you wanted to have a spreadsheet of all your students who have taken the quiz? With Zapier Integration, you can send the results to a Google Spreadsheet. You can add the quiz or survey taker to your mailing lists in Aweber, Get Response, Mailchimp, Campaign Monitor, and more.

You can create a Trello card every time a user takes the quiz with their results on the card. The possibilities are endless! Some other ideas are: Post to Facebook when someone completes a survey/quiz – Create tasks in Asana when someone completes a survey/quiz – Create a Zendesk ticket when someone completes a survey/quiz – Create a new lead in Zoho CRM when someone completes a survey/quiz – Create a Github issue when someone completes a survey/quiz.

Track your quiz and survey submissions in Google Analytics. With the Google Analytics Tracking addon, you will be able to send custom events to Google Analytics when visitors submit your quizzes and surveys. Utilizing Google Analytics is a great way to track and optimize your acquisition and conversion strategies. If you use quizzes or surveys as part of your marketing, sales, or conversion methods, sending events to Google Analytics is a must! Your website must have your Google Analytics universal tracking code installed.

This add-on gives you 4 new leaderboard shortcodes and 2 new widgets that you can customize per use. You can edit how many results are listed, the name of the leaderboard, and the order the results are listed in.

There are many times when you would want to sell access to a quiz, exam, or survey. For example, maybe you have a certification program and want to ensure users pay for the exam prior to taking the exam. Up until now, you have had to create a test using Quiz And Survey Master and then find a different plugin to restrict access to the page. Now, you can simply integrate Quiz And Survey Master with Easy Digital Downloads, one of the most popular eCommerce solutions for WordPress.

Using this addon, you can restrict access to quizzes to users who have purchased a particular download that you have set. You can then customize the message that is displayed to the user if they have not purchased the required download. For example, you can create a “Certification Exam” download in Easy Digital Downloads and use this download to only give access to users who have purchased your “Certification Exam” download.

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