QSM / Quiz And Survey Master

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Track your quiz and survey submissions in Google Analytics. With the Google Analytics Tracking addon, you will be able to send custom events to Google Analytics when visitors submit your quizzes and surveys. Utilizing Google Analytics is a great way to track and optimize your acquisition and conversion strategies. If you use quizzes or surveys as part of your marketing, sales, or conversion methods, sending events to Google Analytics is a must! Your website must have your Google Analytics universal tracking code installed.

There are many times when you would want to sell access to a quiz, exam, or survey. For example, maybe you have a certification program and want to ensure users pay for the exam prior to taking the exam. Up until now, you have had to create a test using Quiz And Survey Master and then find a different plugin to restrict access to the page. Now, you can simply integrate Quiz And Survey Master with Easy Digital Downloads, one of the most popular eCommerce solutions for WordPress.

Using this addon, you can restrict access to quizzes to users who have purchased a particular download that you have set. You can then customize the message that is displayed to the user if they have not purchased the required download. For example, you can create a “Certification Exam” download in Easy Digital Downloads and use this download to only give access to users who have purchased your “Certification Exam” download.

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