The Newsletter Plugin

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Amazon SES is a powerful and cheap email delivery service that can be used to send a massive number of emails from the Amazon cloud. For high volume mailing (more than 10,000) it is highly recommended. Amazon provides a second service, Amazon SNS, to receive notifications about failed deliveries.

O plugin Newsletter API é uma ferramenta desenvolvida para facilitar a criação e o gerenciamento de newsletters em um site ou blog WordPress. Com ele, é possível criar campanhas de email marketing, segmentar sua lista de contatos e enviar mensagens personalizadas para seus assinantes. Além disso, o plugin conta com uma integração direta com a API do serviço Newsletter, o que permite uma sincronização rápida e segura de dados.

Uma das principais vantagens do plugin Newsletter API é sua facilidade de uso. Mesmo sem conhecimentos técnicos avançados, é possível criar formulários de inscrição para sua lista de emails, escolher um modelo de newsletter entre diversas opções pré-configuradas e enviar mensagens para seus assinantes com apenas alguns cliques. Além disso, o plugin oferece diversas opções de personalização, permitindo que você ajuste o layout, as cores e as imagens da sua newsletter de acordo com suas preferências.

Por fim, o plugin Newsletter API é uma opção bastante acessível para quem busca uma ferramenta completa e eficiente de email marketing para WordPress. Com um custo bastante competitivo em relação a outras soluções do mercado, o plugin oferece recursos avançados de segmentação, análise de dados e automação de campanhas, que permitem a criação de estratégias de marketing mais eficientes e com maior retorno sobre o investimento.

The Archive Addon enables a special short code which can be used in a WordPress page to show the sent newsletter archives. The short code to use is (without inner spaces): [newsletter_archive]. On first page show the list of sent newsletters appears made of the subject and the sending date. Clicking on a newsletter, it is shown with an heading 2 title containing the subject and a frame containing the real text. The frame is required since every newsletter is a real and complete HTML page and cannot be embedded directly in to the page: the blog style would affect (negatively) its appearance. By default, listed newsletter are the one sent (not still sending), not private and created as regular newsletter. Automatically generated newsletter can be listed as well, for example the ones generated by the Automated Addon. See below.

The most powerful addon to send newsletters with your last blog content: send to the right people, at the right time, automatically. Maximum gains, minimal efforts, no stress. Add as many content blocks as you want, with every kind of content. Even Custom Post Types (CPT). Schedule your newsletter according to your needs: daily, twice a day, monthly, on the third Monday of the month. Our responsive drag&drop composer will make your life easy. Just compose the template once and we will use it with every newsletter. Define as many automated channels as you need with different content and schedule. Send newsletters to everyone or just to a selected audience by using lists.

Create unlimited email series to follow-up your subscribers. Lessons, up-sells, conversations. With Autoresponder Addon, you can create one or more message series which are sent to subscribers with configured delays and run on autopilot. An autoresponder is also known as a follow-up or mail automation.

Note: this is an experimental extension. We always recommend to use a professional delivery service to send your marketing email and get the bounces correctly managed. We cannot grant the extension will be able to detect all kind of bounces. When a message is sent to an invalid or unreachable address, most of the time you’ll receive back a delivery error message as a response. If correctly formatted, those error notification messages contain a set of data, called DSN (delivery status notification) with information about the kind of error (temporary, permanent, and so on). The Bounce extension tries to analyze those messages and find out if it has been generated by an email address in your database. If so, it will be marked as “bounced” and never contacted again.

O plugin Newsletter Sendinblue é uma solução eficiente e fácil de usar para gerenciar suas campanhas de email marketing. Ele é uma extensão gratuita para plataformas de gerenciamento de conteúdo, como WordPress e Magento, e permite que você crie newsletters personalizadas e automatizadas para se comunicar com seus clientes e prospects. Com o plugin, é possível criar formulários de inscrição em seu site, segmentar sua lista de contatos e analisar o desempenho de suas campanhas de email.

Uma das vantagens do plugin Newsletter Sendinblue é sua interface intuitiva e amigável, que facilita a criação e envio de campanhas de email em poucos cliques. Ele oferece uma variedade de modelos de newsletters prontos para uso, que podem ser personalizados de acordo com sua marca e objetivo de comunicação. Além disso, o plugin permite o envio de emails automatizados, como emails de boas-vindas, emails de carrinho abandonado e lembretes de aniversário, o que ajuda a manter seus clientes engajados e aumentar as taxas de conversão.

Outra funcionalidade importante do plugin Newsletter Sendinblue é sua capacidade de analisar o desempenho de suas campanhas de email. Ele fornece métricas como taxa de abertura, taxa de cliques e taxa de conversão, além de permitir a integração com o Google Analytics para um acompanhamento mais completo. Com essas informações, você pode ajustar sua estratégia de email marketing e melhorar seus resultados ao longo do tempo. Em resumo, o plugin Newsletter Sendinblue é uma excelente opção para empresas que buscam uma solução completa e fácil de usar para gerenciar suas campanhas de email marketing.

This addon integrates Newsletter with Contact Form 7, one of the leading free contact form plugins for WordPress. Contact Form 7 allows the creation of forms with simple but powerful shortcodes to collect any kind of data (text, preferences, …). Forms can be easily published on standard WordPress pages or posts, without any effort. Installing this Contact Form 7 Extensions for Newsletter, you can easily offer a newsletter subscription option to any forms and get the double action to be contacted and to start a subscription process.

Easy Digital Downloads is the leading e-commerce plugin for files in the WordPress world. This integration allows Newsletter users to automatically subscribe customers to a mailing list and to optionally embed a simple checkbox inside the EDD checkout page. Additionally, you’ll be able to generate a “last products” newsletter simply dragging the EDD block. Real-time subscribers segmentation is available. Customers can be added to specific lists by download or categories in their purchases. For example, you may want to add customers to the “Sports news” list when they bought a sport-related download or a product in your “sports category”. This is accomplished just by setting an attribution rule. See more below.

he ElasticEmail Addon for Newsletter provides the integration with ElasticEmail mail delivery service. Instructions and screenshots below may not exactly match the ElasticEmail configuration path you should follow, since ElasticEmail may change them without notice. The ElasticEmail support service can help you to complete the two most impostant steps: validate your domain and get an API key.

This addon integrates the powerful form widget of Elementor with Newsletter. In that way you can create subscription forms with Elementor, map the form fields to subscriber fields (eg. email, name, last name, …) and collect subscribers with forms placed in your Elementor composed pages. Forms are available in Elementor Pro only.

The Events Manager Addon integrates the Events Manager plugin adding a composer block able to extract new events to be incorporated in your newsletters. This add-on has not a configuration panel! When installed you can immediately find the new composer block and the new automated theme.

The simplest yet most powerful way to create your newsletters. With Composer for Newsletter, you can easily build your newsletter choosing from 15+ different blocks: hero images, blog lists, social icons, call to actions, we have them all. In Composer you’ll find an ever-growing list of blocks that suit every need: from social icons to posts lists, from big and bold images to impressive headings. Every block comes with its specific options box that lets you change all the visual aspects like colors, sizes and more.

Everything in the new composer is inspired by easiness of use: we want our customers to spend their time looking at campaign results, rather than writing lines of code. Composer also creates beatiful, responsive emails that look good on a wide variety of email clients, both mobile and desktop. We’ve build our composer with modularity in mind: we will periodically add new blocks and new features, following your feedback and latest technologies. You can even add your own custom block to suit specific needs, just following our guidelines (tba soon).

The Facebook Addon for Newsletter is an extension which enables subscriptions to your newsletter via the Facebook Connect technology. Users with a Facebook account can subscribe with almost one single click.

This addon adds few geolocation features to Newsletter: the automatic resolution of the subscriber country (and region and city – when available) and per country targeting. Per region and per city targeting will be added shortly. The extension replaces the Reports Geolocation features, so please install it if you’re using Reports.

Google Analytics extension enable the GA campaign tracking adding to all links in your newsletter the GA tracking parameters.
You can pair your paid links campaign with your mail marketing campaign. The tracking parameters (campaign, source, medium, …) can be set per newsletter with fixed values or placeholder. Automatically generated newsletter by Automated can be enabled for GA tracking, using placeholders to differentiating each single newsletter. Newsletter standard tracking is not affected by GA it continue to function and collecting data. You can use both in parallel.

Integration between Gravity Forms and Newsletter to collect subscriptions directly from Gravity designed forms. Gravity Forms is a leading plugin for who need stunning forms and a lot of features. This addon links the Newsletter subscription process with any of your Gravity forms. It support opt-in, lists and field mapping.

An advanced import system with extended profile fields and mapping. With Advanced Import Addon for the Newsletter plugin, you can import a list of contacts saved in CSV format and mapping the CSV columns to the subscriber’s fields.

This addon is very useful for those who want to send a quick update to their subscribers. Instasend allows to create a draft of your newsletter straight from the poste page: when you draft or publish the post, you will also find a quick draft of the newsletter, ready to be finalized and sent. Let’s see how it works!

Leads Extension for Newsletter adds a fancy subscription popup box or a fixed bar to your website that will boost your conversion rate. With Leads you can setup a fully customizable popup box with a subscription form: you can style it choosing from our selection of super fancy color palettes, you can insert your own sizes and which conditions will make it appear. Leads admin panel features a lot of options to fine tune the way it works: you can choose after how many visits the box will appear, you can set sizes, custom messages, which fields to be shown and even choose between 8 fancy color palettes to suit your website global design

Locked Content is a powerful free addon for Newsletter made to hide specific blog contents for users that are not subscribed (and, of course, unlock them for subscribed users). This technique can be applied to any content of your blog you consider “premium content” something that worth a subscription to be read.

The Mailgun Addon integrates with Mailgun email delivery service, a reliable and affordable service.The integration include the bounce detection a daily list cleaning process which marks unreachable emails as “bounced” so Newsletter won’t contact them anymore, saving resources and money. Mailgun works with domains: you should follow their domain activation and verification procedure.

The MailJet add-on for Newsletter provides the integration with MailJet mail delivery service. MailJet provides a mail delivery service (via SMTP or API) you can use to reliably send emails from your Newsletter plugin, monitor them, have a bounce detection and reporting service (completely integrated with Newsletter). You can create an account on MailJet and try out the service for free (at time of writing the free account is limited to 200 emails per day).

O plugin Newsletter Mandrill é uma ferramenta de e-mail marketing que permite enviar newsletters e campanhas por e-mail com facilidade e eficiência. Ele é projetado para ser integrado em plataformas de gerenciamento de conteúdo como WordPress e Drupal, o que torna a criação e envio de newsletters um processo simplificado e automatizado.

Uma das principais vantagens do plugin Newsletter Mandrill é a capacidade de personalizar e segmentar listas de e-mails para garantir que as mensagens sejam direcionadas para o público certo. Isso ajuda a aumentar a eficácia das campanhas, bem como a taxa de conversão. O plugin também oferece recursos de análise e relatórios que permitem avaliar o desempenho da campanha e ajustar a estratégia conforme necessário.

Por fim, a integração com a plataforma de e-mail transacional Mandrill oferece recursos avançados de envio, incluindo entregabilidade aprimorada, rastreamento de abertura e de cliques, bem como gerenciamento de listas de e-mails. Em resumo, o plugin Newsletter Mandrill é uma ferramenta de e-mail marketing poderosa e eficiente que oferece uma ampla gama de recursos para ajudar a criar campanhas de sucesso.

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