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WooCommerce API Manager 3.3.0

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WooCommerce USPS Shipping 4.9.0

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WooCommerce FedEx Shipping 3.9.5

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WooCommerce Cart Notices 1.16.1

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WooCommerce Square 4.6.2

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WooCommerce Local Pickup Plus 2.11.3


Categorise coupons within coupon campaigns, making it easier to track the performance of a collection of coupons. The Coupon Campaigns extension for WooCommerce is designed to help you measure the impact your coupons make within your market. Whether you’re sending out a batch of coupons to an event your company is sponsoring, or are running a particular kind of promotion once a month on a variety of products, Coupon Campaigns makes tracking of these campaigns a breeze. Coupon Campaigns integrates directly into your WooCommerce reporting dashboard. This enables performance tracking of campaigns across various date ranges, with several default options included (this week, this month, last month, this year).

Create custom product labels that promote your free products, emphasise “Free Shipping” or other exclusive discounts. Grab your customer’s attention with custom product labels! With the Advanced Product Labels extension you can create labels easily and quickly to grab your customer’s attention. Promote your free products, emphasise “Free Shipping” or other exclusive discounts for one or a range of your products. By using the easy-to-use conditions you can target specific products in your shop to display a label.

By using product labels you can attract attention from the customer to the product. You probably already have a ‘sale’ or a ‘promo’ label on top of your products, that nice, but you can take it even further with this extension. Target specific groups of products with the conditions which can be set for each label. The extension has two main interfaces, the global labels and the single labels.

An advanced toolkit for placing in-store orders through a WooCommerce based Point of Sale (POS) interface. Point of Sale for WooCommerce is a web-based point of sale (POS) application that allows store owners to sell online products in brick-and-mortar stores, seamlessly. It turns any modern web browser into a cash register, allowing you to holistically manage your products, orders and customers. Point of Sale for WooCommerce is perfect for retail stores, market stalls, food and drink vendors, vape stores, jewellers and more.

With over five years of research and development, Point of Sale for WooCommerce has been designed and built to work natively with WooCommerce. There are no third-party API interfaces; simply download and install the extension, open a register, and start selling. Offering a variety of POS configurations, this extension provides flexibility and versatility for store owners to remain both competitive and innovative for success and growth.

Set up pre-orders in your WooCommerce store, so customers can order products before they’re available. You can automatically or manually release and fill orders when you’re ready and let the extension handle the rest! The pre-order experience is fully customizable and supports both pre-orders charged up front and upon release. If you’re using a supported payment gateway, pre-orders can be charged upon release without the customer returning and paying for their order. Control how pre-order products are displayed using built-in settings for button text, product messages, and more. Display the time remaining until a product is available anywhere on your site using a countdown time shortcode with support for customization via CSS.

Tame your order numbers! Upgrade from Sequential Order Numbers with advanced features and with optional prefixes/suffixes. The WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers Pro plugin allows your store to have sequential, rather than random, order numbers. Additionally you can customize your order numbers by setting a starting number, order number length, and custom prefixes and suffixes. Instead of your order numbers looking like 15, 16, 37, and so on, they could now be WT-01000-UK, WT-01001-UK, or whatever format you prefer!

Allow your customers to ship individual items in a single order to multiple addresses. Convenience for your customers should be a paramount priority for any eCommerce retailer. That’s where Multiple Ship-To functionality comes in. Out of the box, with little setup, you can help avoid the frustration that can occur when a customer is shopping for multiple people at one time. Instead of forcing them to place multiple orders, they can quickly and easily ship to multiple addresses with one order. This can be especially useful around the holidays, when more and more people are doing their primary holiday shopping online.

Take payments on your WooCommerce store with the UK’s most trusted payment solution. A selection of 3 gateway integrations to suit your business needs including Direct, Form and Pi. Always in front, with your business.

Sell and manage API Keys (License Keys) for software downloads and updates, or online services. Full subscription support. WordPress Plugins and Themes, or any other software, fully supported with robust APIs. The WooCommerce API Manager turns WooCommerce Products into an API Resource that can be accessed with an API Key (License Key). API Resources (products) can be software, a service, an iPhone or Android App, a membership, a subscription, or anything that can be accessed over the Internet. The most frequently used Product types are Simple, Variable, Simple Subscription, Variable Subscription, and Group. Subscription product types are created using the WooCommerce Subscriptions extension that allows for automated payment collection on the renewal anniversary. There is also support for API access expiration time limits for built-in WooCommerce products purchases that require manual purchase renewal.

Get shipping rates from the USPS API which handles both domestic and international parcels. Get real-time rates from the largest shipping network in the US. Show your customers accurate shipping rates automatically with our integration for USPS, the largest delivery network in United States. Your store must use US Dollars for its currency and the United States, US Virgin Islands or Puerto Rico as the base country. It works with inches (in) and pounds (lbs), but other units can be converted automatically. USPS calculates quotes worldwide.

Receba as tarifas de envio da API da FedEx, que trata de encomendas nacionais e internacionais. Com o método de envio FedEx, no checkout, os compradores poderão consultar e receber a cobrança sobre o envio, de acordo com as suas tarifas do FedEx. As tarifas são definidas pela API da FedEx. Essa extensão requer que a sua loja utilize dólares americanos ou canadenses como moeda, EUA ou Canadá como o país-sede e que o servidor tenha o SOAP instalado. Polegadas e libras são as unidades com que trabalhamos, mas outras unidades poderão ser convertidas automaticamente. A FedEx é capaz de calcular as cotas para todo o mundo, pois a empresa lida com encomendas nacionais e internacionais:

Transform WooCommerce into an online catalog by removing eCommerce functionality. Wait, what? Remove eCommerce functionality? It may sound strange but when you think about it, if you take out the cart, checkout process and ‘buy now’ buttons, WooCommerce is actually the perfect platform upon which to showcase a catalog of products which aren’t currently for sale online. The added beauty of this solution is that when you do want to start selling, you can do so with the flick of a switch.

But this extension does much more than that. Rather than just taking the entire store offline, you also have the option restrict it to users who are logged in. You can also configure messages to replace the price / add to cart button components or just remove them completely.

Add a unique URL to a coupon code to automatically apply discounts and (optionally) add products to the customer’s cart. The URL Coupons by SkyVerge extension allows you to add a unique URL to any coupon in your WooCommerce store. When this URL is used or clicked on, it automatically applies the coupon discount and can (optionally) add products to the customer’s shopping cart. URL coupons gives you the perfect way to make your print advertising actionable, or you can also help customers remember coupons so that they actually complete purchases. Measure the success of your pay-per-click ad campaigns by using a coupon URL, or use the plugin to only allow URL coupons.

Add user roles and customer specific pricing. Add a fixed price, markup or discount existing price in percentage or fixed amount. WooCommerce Role Based Pricing extension empowers you to set your product prices based on user roles and individual customers. You can discount or markup prices by fixed or percentage amount. Once the prices are changed only the specified customer & user roles will see the new prices, whereas the rest of the customers will see the regular prices. This extension comes with rule-based management that allows you to change prices in bulk for a whole category or selected products. While setting up a price change, you can choose to set a minimum & maximum order quantity and restrict customers from purchasing beyond the predefined quantity limit.

The WooCommerce Additional Variation Images extension allows you to add additional gallery images per variation on variable products within WooCommerce. By default WooCommerce will only swap the main variation image when you select a product variation, not the gallery images below it. This extension allows visitors to your online store to be able to swap different gallery images when they select a product variation. Adding this feature will let visitors see different images of a product variation all in the same colour and style.

Accept text, photo, and video as part of product reviews on your store, and enable “review qualifiers”. It’s no secret that product reviews are an extremely powerful tool for online conversions as they provide social proof. Studies show that about 70% of customers look at product reviews before purchasing 1, and over 63% of customers are more likely to purchase if a site has product ratings and reviews 2. Some studies even suggest that these statistics are higher: 85.57% of the participants stated that they read reviews often or very often before they purchase online. Of the participants who read reviews, 83.65% compare positive and negative reviews with each other..

While product reviews are extremely powerful selling tools, they’re typically underutilized by online stores. WooCommerce includes some of the best core review options available, yet these still underachieve when compared to what product reviews can do. That’s what WooCommerce Product Reviews Pro is for: you can supercharge your product reviews to add Amazon-style reviews and filtering, add even more review capabilities, and provide additional discussion options. Give your customers the review capabilities they expect from shopping at large e-retailers within your own store!

Product Reviews Pro will allow you to accept product reviews in the same way that you do now, but you can also accept user photos and videos as part of the review, as well as add “review qualifiers”, which are questions about the product in a dropdown (how it fit, if it was comfortable, etc.).

Easily setup “new order” and stock email notifications for multiple recipients of your choosing. The Advanced Notifications extension for WooCommerce lets you set up order and stock notifications for users other than the admin. These can be used for notifying staff and users of sales, sending stock notices to suppliers, or even sending new orders to drop shippers. Within the plugin, you can create a recipient, give them a name, email address and other details.

WooCommerce Wishlists allows guests and customers to create and add products to an unlimited number of Wishlists. WooCommerce Wishlists allows guests and customers to create and add products to an unlimited number of Wishlists. From birthdays to weddings and everything in between, WooCommerce Wishlists is a welcome addition to any WooCommerce store.

Studies show that allowing customers to save and manage their own Wishlist can increase your sales and conversions. What better way to encourage customers to return to your site than allowing them to save items for later, or create their own dream list of products for that special occasion? Plus customers can share lists with friends and family via social media and open the door to potential new customers and visitors.

With WooCommerce Deposits, your customers can put down a deposit or use a payment plan for products you specify. Nice, hey? This robust and flexible tool allows you the ability to create custom payment plans, with variable percentages and intervals. Customers are guided through the process of paying for items as they browse and checkout, with easy-to-follow visuals.

Import both customers and orders into WooCommerce from a CSV file. Mass import hundreds, even thousands of customers, coupons, and orders into your WooCommerce store with the Customer / Coupon / Order CSV Import Suite. This user-friendly importer will import customers with a minimum of hassle, and can import orders and link them to your shop’s customers and products.

This is an ideal tool when migrating an existing shop on a different eCommerce platform to WooCommerce, allowing you to maintain your customer accounts and order history. Have coupons to migrate from your old eCommerce platform, or campaigns requiring the creation of hundreds of coupons or more? The importer will import those, too!

Reserve acomodações usando o WooCommerce e a extensão WooCommerce Bookings. O gerenciamento de acomodações no setor hoteleiro pode ser desafiador. Você precisa de uma solução que não apenas simplifique o monitoramento de reservas de longo prazo ou pernoite, mas também facilite o processo de reserva online.

O complemento Accommodation Bookings para o WooCommerce Bookings é tudo de que você precisa para fazer isso, de forma simples. Ao adicionar uma nova opção “Acomodação”, você permite que seus hóspedes reservem pernoites com apenas alguns cliques. Além disso, você conta com controle ajustado de horários de check-in/check-out e tarifas especiais de quarto para sempre saber o que acontece no seu local.

Consiga mais reservas ao exibir um calendário ou agenda de disponibilidade na página ou post. Ofereça uma seleção com curadoria ou todos os seus produtos em um formato que facilite aos clientes encontrar rapidamente hora e data que funcionem para eles e adicionem ao carrinho. Exiba a disponibilidade do produto para um determinado dia/semana/mês em um formato de lista que permite que os clientes adicionem diretamente ao carrinho.

Exiba a disponibilidade do produto para um determinado mês em um calendário que permite que os clientes adicionem diretamente ao carrinho. A visualização do calendário também fornece informações adicionais aos clientes por meio de pop-up para cada reserva.

Sell tickets for your next event, concert, function, fundraiser or conference directly on your own site with Box Office. Box Office for WooCommerce allows you to create and sell tickets directly to customers — no need for them to visit or use a third-party site or service anymore! Get ticket sales for your next event or conference up and running within minutes and start making additional income today. With Box Office, you can create an ‘event’ product and sell it directly in your store, keeping your customers onsite.

Split your cart into separate shipping packages. Each package and the products inside will be shown separately in the cart and checkout pages. Each gets its own shipping rates based on your setup. Using powerful conditional logic setting you can create the packages exactly up to your need when you want, and with the products you want.

The customer will see separate shipping options for each package, according to how the packages are created. Note that the rest of the products in the cart are in a bundle called ‘Shipping.’ This is a default that cannot be changed.

Send conversion data of your WooCommerce store to Google/ Facebook/ Twitter/ Bing and many more. Connect your WooCommerce store with the best-in-the-game ad platforms out there. Send user-triggered events from your eCommerce store to your chosen platform. Retargeting is now as simple as ABC! Send Facebook Ads data about who’s viewed your products, added things to a cart, searched, purchased, and registered so you can get the most out of your ROI when you remarket to those users. Add multiple pixels and create product catalogs when required.

The best WooCommerce B2B + B2C solution for managing wholesale prices, products, and sales. Wholesale for WooCommerce is the most advanced WooCommerce B2B e-commerce solution for running a hybrid wholesale B2B + B2C store. Why waste your time and money, creating a separate website for your wholesale customers when you can use Wholesale for WooCommerce to sign-up wholesalers on a dedicated wholesale area and still take care of your regular customers all at the same time?

The Most Advanced & Complete Wholesale Suite for Your WooCommerce B2B Website. Wholesale for WooCommerce is the Swiss Army Knife of wholesale extensions that helps WooCommerce stores create and manage wholesale pricing plans across multiple levels – Simple, Easy & Effective. Control everything you want to sell to your wholesale customers through an extension that lets you manage your eCommerce store’s wholesale pricing, multiple wholesale user roles, and much more.

Turn your shop into an online catalog by hiding prices and add to cart button of specific or all products and categories. Hide for guests and selected registered user roles. Replace add to cart with a custom link or a contact form. WooCommerce Hide Price & Add to Cart extension allows you to hide prices and the “add to cart” button of specific products and categories. Choose to hide them for non-logged-in, registered customers, or user roles. Replace prices with custom text and cart buttons with contact7 forms or custom buttons that link to the page of your choice.

The best newsletter list to care about is the one that has all your past clients in it. Sharing content and special sales to reactivate all your past customers surely pays off as it takes up to 7 times less money to make a customer repeat a purchase than to obtain a new one. With WooCommerce Newsletter Subscription, you may integrate into your checkout a checkbox that allows your customers to subscribe to the mailing list of your choice with one click. Moreover, you can configure a widget to place a signup form in your sidebar or any other widget area. You can also take a look at your stats in no time with our simple yet effective dashboard widget.

WooCommerce Cart Notices helps you easily and effectively increase sales and customer satisfaction by displaying dynamic, actionable messages to your customers as they check out. Leverage proven tactics to increase conversions so that you earn more from customers you already have, and let them know of sales and promotions to improve the shopping experience.

Now you can encourage your customer to add just one more item with a message offering free shipping based on the amount in their cart. Or, create urgency to close that sale with a notice like “Checkout within the next 10 minutes and your order ships today!” Easily create as many notices as you’d like based on a particular product or product category in the cart, or using other criteria.

Define separate shipping costs per product which are combined at checkout to provide a total shipping cost. Define shipping costs per-product and per-variation. Per product shipping allows you to define different shipping costs for products, based on customer location. Costs can be added to other shipping methods, or used as a standalone shipping method.

Accepting payments is easy with Square. Clear rates, fast deposits (1-2 business days). Sell online and in person, and sync all payments, items and inventory. Get the Square extension for WooCommerce at no cost and instantly start accepting payments. With Square and WooCommerce, you can easily synchronize sales, inventory, and customer data, manage all your channels through one centralized platform, and use one payment solution across all of them. It’s easy to get started with Square in minutes. There are no long-term commitments, hidden fees, or surprises. With Square, you only pay when you make a sale.

Let customers buy online and pick up in-store with options to pick up products from specific locations, select a pickup date, and more. The built-in “Local Pickup” shipping method for WooCommerce allows your customers to come to you to pick up their purchased products. While this works great for stores with a single brick-and-mortar location, it poses large issues for stores with multiple locations or distribution centers.

Local Pickup Plus provides a far more robust pickup system for retailers with multiple locations, distribution centers, or pickup sites. Provide pickup locations across the country (or in other countries!), limit pickup to certain items, restrict which products are available at a location, accept scheduled pickups, and more!

Using Local Pickup Plus, your customers know exactly where to go to pick up their products, and you know where to expect them. Customers will see a list of available pickup locations for each product that can be picked up (or you can opt to only allow one pickup location per order), and can choose locations that that let them receive orders where they want them.

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