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WooCommerce Cart Add-Ons 2.3.2

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WooCommerce Cost of Goods 2.13.1

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WooCommerce MSRP Pricing 3.5.1

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WooCommerce Order Barcodes 1.7.4

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WooCommerce PDF Watermark 1.6.3

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WooCommerce Amazon Fulfillment

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WooCommerce Cart Reports 1.4.0

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WooCommerce LightSpeed POS 2.16.2


Dynamic pricing for WooCommerce products based on product quantity. Specify prices for different product quantities, and sell more with Tiered Pricing Table for WooCommerce. Tiered pricing could be super useful for wholesalers and anybody who provides a progressive discount scale depending on the quantity or offers specific prices based on the user’s role. You can easily set up individual pricing for various quantity ranges, and your customers would be able to see how the price for one item changes depending on the quantity they have chosen.

Running out of stock is always frustrating. Can’t avoid it? Then turn it into something positive! Stop worrying about all the sales you are missing, and think about the customers you can bring back. Back In Stock Notifications gives your customers an effortless way to know when your products are restocked, and brings them back to your store. Customers who sign up for back-in-stock notifications send you a strong buying signal with high purchase intent. So why not take the opportunity to stay connected with them? Back In Stock Notifications stores your waitlist contact details even after all notifications have been sent, making it easy to export and use them in your favorite email marketing platform.

Donation For WooCommerce is a powerful WooCommerce extension that enables you to create fundraising campaigns with more than just the ability to collect simple donation payments. You can customize your donation campaign with features like recurring donation payments, progress goals, round-up donations, and more. Collecting donations on your WooCommerce website is a great way to raise funds for nonprofits, charities, NGOs, clubs, or any other causes. Contrary to popular belief, donation systems are easy to configure and manage, given that you have the right tools and extensions. Make it easy for your customers to donate generously – Donation for WooCommerce features a variety of functions that help you request donations without making it sound like a hassle.

WooCommerce Subscription Downloads adds one new field to your downloadable products, in the Product Data meta box. Once you have your subscription product in place, the subscription can be searched for via the new Subscriptions field shown when adding your Downloadable product. When you update the files available for a downloadable product, your subscribers automatically receive the update.

Get shipping rates from the UPS API which handles both domestic and international parcels. Founded in 1907 as a messenger company in the United States, UPS has grown into a multi-billion-dollar corporation by clearly focusing on enabling commerce around the globe. This extension requires that your server has SimpleXML installed. It primarily works with ins and lbs, but other units can be converted automatically. The Rates API will return rates in the currency of the country in which the API was registered so make sure this matches your store.

A tool for driving incremental and impulse purchases once customers are in the shopping cart. It extends the concept of upsells and cross-sells at the product level, and engages your customers at the moment they are most likely to increase spending.

Easily track profit by including your cost of goods in your orders and reports.

WooCommerce gives you access to great reports on revenue and top-sellers or earners. Now we’ve added Profit Reporting to make these reports even more valuable! You can evaluate not only revenue, but costs and profit all from within your WooCommerce store. Quickly and easily get the information you need to make marketing and sales decisions to optimize your store’s revenue.

The WooCommerce MSRP plugin allows you to record Manufacturer Suggested Retail Prices / Recommended Retail Prices against your products, and have them displayed on the sales pages. This allows your customers to see why it’s a good idea to buy from you. On your product edit screens you’ll now see an extra field in with the normal pricing information, labelled MSRP. You can enter the MSRP here and it will be shown on the front end to your customers. If you’re bulk importing products, then the MSRP can be imported by using meta: _msrp. By default the MSRP will be shown struck-out – much like a sale price. You can style these however you want, the whole content is within a div with a class of woocommerce_msrp, and the price itself is within a span with a class of woocommerce_msrp_price.

Sell on Etsy with Etsy Integration for WooCommerce. Automate, list, and sync inventories in a click and grow your sales. Experience hassle-free selling with automated orders, real-time updates, inventory synchronization, and more with Etsy integration for WooCommerce. Etsy is a global marketplace that focuses on selling unique and creative goods including handmade, vintage, and craft supplies. Products such as art, jewelry, health & beauty, clothing, photography, and a lot more products make Etsy a popular marketplace.

Pinterest gives people their next great idea. Part collection, part marketplace, it’s a one-stop shop for millions of pinners to source inspiration, new products and new possibilities. It’s like a visual search engine, guiding people to ideas, inspiration and products that are just right for them. With the Pinterest for WooCommerce extension, you can put your products in front of Pinterest users who are already looking for ideas and things to buy. Connect your WooCommerce store to your Pinterest business account directly in the WooCommerce app. Your entire catalog will become browsable on Pinterest in just a few clicks.

Offer smarter upsells, cross-sells, and “frequently bought together” recommendations. Measure their impact with in-depth analytics. Ever noticed how the most successful stores leverage the power of product recommendations? When done right, upsells and cross-sells deliver a more engaging experience to your visitors — the kind of experience that not only helps them find products they like, but also keeps them coming back.

Fortunately, you don’t need a team of machine learning specialists to get started. Product Recommendations is a state-of-the-art product recommendations platform for WooCommerce that brings together human intelligence and machine learning, with one goal: To help you grow your sales. Build intelligent engines that generate automated, accurate Frequently Bought Together recommendations, with near-zero waiting or training. Our lightweight search algorithm analyzes your orders to discover meaningful product relationships, and quickly adapts itself to new trends and seasonal patterns.

Recover abandoned carts and pending orders to improve your store’s revenue. Recent studies show that the average abandoned cart rate for various industries is 55-80%. Sending a followup email can help you recover at least 30% of sales that might otherwise be lost. The WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery extension empowers you to do just that.

With the extension, you can create multiple follow-up emails and schedule to send them at specific intervals. You can include coupons and other incentives to improve conversion rates. And you can track your recovery performance using the extension’s built-in analytic dashboard. The WooCommerce Abandoned Cart extension comes with an intuitive dashboard that shows abandoned carts, pending orders, and their recovery details for the last 30 days.

Generates a unique barcode for each order on your site – perfect for e-tickets, packing slips, reservations and a variety of other uses. WooCommerce Order Barcodes generates unique barcodes for every order placed on your site. These barcodes can be used on e-tickets, e-reservations, packing slips or anything else that would benefit from having a scannable barcode attached to it. Barcodes can be created as one of five different types (from standard barcodes to QR codes) and can be scanned and processed directly on your site. Customers will receive their barcodes by email so they can be easily printed out where necessary.

Secure your PDF documents with text or image watermarks on your PDF downloads, or enable password and/or copy protection. The WooCommerce PDF Watermark extension is the ultimate PDF protection extension you will ever need to protect and secure your PDF downloads via WooCommerce.

WooCommerce PDF Watermark has an array of features that will ensure your PDF files are protected by giving you the ability to place image or text watermarks on your PDF file downloads. In addition to text and image watermarks there are also other key PDF protection features included with the extension, such as the ability to password protect your PDF file downloads, prohibiting copying, prohibiting modification and prohibiting printing of any of your PDF files.

WooCommerce PDF Watermarks allows you to define text or image watermarks on either a global, product or variation level, meaning you have the most control over what watermarks you want to place on what products. The text watermarks can be personalised based on the customer who purchased the product by means of a template tag system, these tags are also extendible so if we don’t have a specific tag you would like you can easily add it yourself. WooCommerce PDF Watermark was also developed with extendibility in mind allowing you to extend functionality easily via the array of hooks included in the extension.

Sell Memberships with Groups and WooCommerce – the best Group Membership and Access Control solution for WordPress and WooCommerce. Groups WooCommerce grants memberships based on products. It automatically assigns a customer to one or more groups based on the products ordered. This extension allows you to sell Unlimited Memberships and Time-limited Memberships, allowing your customers to access restricted resources during the duration of their group membership.

Give away a free item to any customer with the coupon code With WooCommerce Free Gift Coupons. With WooCommerce Free Gift Coupons, you can give away a free item(s) to any customer with the correct code. When a coupon is applied successfully, the free gift is automatically added to the cart.

You can give a gift or a combo discount and gift depending on your coupon configuration. This is a great way to reward specific customers or encourage customers to spend more in order to be eligible for the bonus item. Free Gift Coupons allow all the same Usage Restriction and Usage Limits as other coupon types, such as by email address, minimum cart total, etc.

Connect your WooCommerce store to Amazon’s Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) service and automatically ship orders to your customers. Automatically ship orders from your WooCommerce site to your customers with FBA. Through this extension Amazon will pick, pack, ship, and track orders for you! Remove the hassle of fulfillment and spend more time creating and selling great products! This integration is fast and easy to set up and comes with a variety of options ranging from complete auto-pilot all the way down to specific product shipping options if desired.

Get real-time reports on what customers are leaving in their cart. View cart abandonment statistics and graphs from your WooCommerce dashboard. The WooCommerce Cart Reports extension provides real-time metrics on your customers’ open and abandoned shopping carts. Keep tabs on your customers’ carts and manage your online store more efficiently. Cart Reports for WooCommerce provides a list view to analyze open, abandoned, and converted carts. From the list view, you can filter by cart date, cart status, or customer. You can view cart actions, where available, including “View Order” for converted carts, and “Email Customer” for carts associated with a user.

Connect your WooCommerce-powered store to Lightspeed Retail’s Point of Sale system. The Lightspeed Retail (R-Series) integration for WooCommerce enables your WooCommerce store and Lightspeed Retail (R-Series) account to communicate and keep inventory in sync. When a new sale comes in via your Point of Sale system, stock quantities are updated within WooCommerce. When a new order arrives via WooCommerce, your Lightspeed Retail (R-Series) account reflects the same inventory numbers. Lightspeed Retail (R-Series) is powerful point of sale and inventory management software, enabling your business to succeed and manage inventory across multiple channels.

The Currency Converter Widget lets you offer a dynamic currency switcher for displaying product prices and totals. The widget makes full use of money.js and the Open Source Exchange Rates API, allowing it to dynamically grab the latest exchange rates, and substitute displayed prices in real time. All prices formatted by WooCommerce are updated, even totals. Checkout is still done using your store’s base currency, but the converted price is also stored for your reference.

Gives you complete control over your product page tabs, create local and global tabs using a visual drag-and-drop interface, and more. As a WooCommerce store owner, we know you love your products. In fact, you love them so much you probably want to tell your customers everything about them, from dimensions to shipping and manufacturing details. We get it! But you probably want a really polished way to do it on your product pages, right? Tab Manager helps you create professional, informative product pages using easy-to-manage product tabs.

Tab Manager gives you complete control over your product page tabs, allowing you to easily create new tabs for products, share tabs among multiple products, reorder tabs using a visual drag-and-drop interface, and more. No more messing with filters, template files, or modifying your theme; you’ll be able to create custom tabs from the convenience of the WordPress dashboard. Even most 3rd party tabs added by other plugins will be detected, allowing you to hide or order them alongside your own tabs.

Make your checkout process faster by skipping cart and redirect users directly to cart page. Add a custom button for specific products to let customers purchase from Amazon or any other marketplace where your product is available. The WooCommerce Buy Now button simplifies your checkout process. It allows your customers to skip the cart step and go straight to the checkout page — or any other destination you choose — with a single click.

You can still direct users to their cart, send them to checkout, or opt for another external link. The external link feature is useful when you want customers to go to relevant product pages on Amazon, eBay, or any other marketplace where they can buy your products. You can display the Buy Now button for all products or only for specific ones, as well as customize button text, redirect destination, and position. Product-specific settings enable you to set up separate links for each Buy Now button.

Customize and sell downloadable PDF vouchers for specific products or store credit. PDF Product Vouchers by SkyVerge helps you connect your online store to an on-the-ground business, providing printable gift certificates to be used in person, online, at events, in exchange for free gifts, and more! With WooCommerce core coupons, you can offer discounts to your customers. However, you can’t sell these coupons as store credit and they can’t be redeemed in-person at your brick-and-mortar locations.

WooCommerce PDF Product Vouchers is perfect for businesses that accept orders online but provide a good or service at a later date or in-person. Vouchers can be used for pre-paid admission to your cooking class, tickets to an event, as gift certificates for in-store purchases, or to provide as redemption for a free gift when visiting a retail location. Product vouchers also make an attractive gift for customers to purchase for their friends and family, and can be personalized with a recipient name and message.

Bulk manage stock levels and print out stock lists from admin. The bulk stock management extension gives you a new interface (found in Products > Stock management) which lists your products and variations along with their stock properties. Products can be filtered by product type, stock management status and stock status, and ordered by name, ID, SKU or stock quantity.

Via the input field you can easily set the stock quantity for multiple products at once. There are bulk actions for setting the stock status too. Finally, there is a ‘View stock report’ button which lets you print a report of all stock levels in your store.

Using Buy Again for WooCommerce your customers can quickly re-purchase the products which they had purchased earlier in your site. Buy Again for WooCommerce allows your customers to quickly re-purchase the products they’ve bought from your shop in the past. The issue in using the existing options is that they are not very convenient. Also, the “Order-Again” button only allows the user to re-purchase the entire order, not individual products.

WooCommerce Bulk Variation Forms allows your users to add multiple variations of a product to their cart from single form. Easily configure products which have two variation attributes for bulk input. The bulk form will simplify the ordering process for wholesales, business to business sites, or any user who would like to order multiple variations of the same product at the same time. Shoppers always appreciate having a simple and efficient way to order products from your shop. Bulk Variation Forms makes it easy and convient for them to order everything they need to quickly.

Create flat rate shipping methods, Add unlimited conditional shipping rules and allow create free shipping. Advanced Flat Rate Shipping Method for WooCommerce is a full-featured plugin for all your flat-rate shipping needs. Create shipping methods and with different shipping rules. Offer multiple flat-rate shipping methods and with unlimited conditional shipping rules. Charge flat rates enable free shipping for any location, product, cart or user-specific conditions — or multiple conditions.

Using this plugin, you can apply rules related to the country, state, postal code, zone, product, category, tag, SKU, product variation, user, quantity, user role, cart subtotal before discount, coupon, weight, cart subtotal after discount, shipping class, etc. to your methods. Apply one rule, or select multiple conditions that an order needs to satify.

Let’s say a store wants to charge different shipping rates for different categories of product — $2 for t-shirts, $5 for groceries, and $7 for appliances category. And these rules only apply to deliveries in New York City where the cart subtotal is below $500. With advanced shipping price rules are those conditions, the store can apply multiple rules with multiple shipping fees. advanced rules support conditions.

Display star ratings below your Google Shopping Ads. Generate a product review feed url and have control over which products to include. Display star ratings below your Google Shopping Ads. Generate a product review feed url and have control over which products to include. With this extension, your Shopping Ads will display actual ratings and reviews from your website. Displaying product ratings on your Google Shopping ads helps shoppers feel more confident and may help increase clickthrough rates on your ads.

Let customers add gift wrapping to individual products from product pages, or to entire orders. Charge optional fees for gift wrapping. With Gift Wrapper for WooCommerce, shoppers can add gift wrap to individual products right from the product page, or gift wrap their entire order from the cart or checkout page. They can also enter a personalized message, and store owners can choose whether to charge a fee for gift wrapping.

Increased revenue: Set a fee for gift wrapping and up your revenue with every order. Convenience for customers: Shoppers save time and hassle by ordering already-wrapped gifts, and happy customers are return customers. Increased brand visibility: Gift wrapping not only makes a good impression on your customers — when they gift your products, recipients also learn about your brand!

The AWeber integration for subscribing users to your newsletters, registering abandoned carts and more. Connecting WooCommerce and AWeber requires absolutely zero coding experience. It instantly provides you the ability to integrate your email marketing with your e-Commerce store. With the AWeber for WooCommerce plugin, you can quickly and easily grow your email audience and boost sales.

AWeber is a powerfully-simple email marketing solution that makes e-Commerce sales easy. AWeber is committed to building tools for small business owners who want to understand and connect with their customers, deliver personalized experiences, and turn more first-time shoppers into lifelong customers. Along with its award-winning 24/7 US-based customer support, AWeber delivers the ability to load and manage contacts quickly, send amazing emails, build visually-stunning landing pages, and analyze results without having to be a tech whiz.

Adds B2B functionality to WooCommerce Memberships, allowing sites to sell team, group, corporate, or family member accounts. Teams for WooCommerce Memberships takes the memberships created by WooCommerce Memberships, and gives you the ability to sell them to teams, companies, groups, or families instead of individuals. When selling a team product, one owner handles all billing, and can share the team access with other members they invite. Great for selling corporate training accounts, family memberships, team site access, and more!

The Amazon S3 Storage plugin for WooCommerce enables you to serve digital products through your Amazon AWS S3 service. Amazon S3 Storage is fully automated allowing you to simply specify the bucket and object name of your file using shortcodes in the download file paths, and when a customer downloads their purchase the extension will translate this into a Amazon S3 URL and serve that file as the download. Using Amazon S3 storage to serve your digital products give you room for better scalability, offers more reliability, especially when serving big files, and greater download speeds for your customers. The Amazon S3 extension for WooCommerce also support multiple buckets within one product so you can easily provide download access to files stored on different Amazon buckets when purchasing one product.

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