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With WooCommerce Deposits, your customers can put down a deposit or use a payment plan for products you specify. Nice, hey? This robust and flexible tool allows you the ability to create custom payment plans, with variable percentages and intervals. Customers are guided through the process of paying for items as they browse and checkout, with easy-to-follow visuals.

Offer discounts on subscription renewals or offer role-based discounts—make subscription products highly profitable, increase customer retention rates and your store’s long-term value. Discounts for WooCommerce Subscriptions is the first specialized tool to manage the pricing of recurring payments for the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin.

Easily offer shipping rates based on the distance or total travel time to your customer. The WooCommerce Distance Rate Shipping extensions allows you to easily offer shipping rates based on the distance or total travel time to your customer. Rules can be set up to charge based on the distance, total travel time as well as charging extra based on the total cart value, total weight of the products in the cart, and the number of items in the cart. The WooCommerce Distance Rates Shipping extension is perfect for the store owner who wants to charge customers for delivery of items based on how far away they are from the store. A perfect example would be for store hiring out equipment or a take away store.

For example say you are a company hiring out Keg Draught Beer setups and deliver the equipment however want to charge different rates for the delivery based on how far away the customer is from you and how many kegs they hire, then WooCommerce Distance Rate Shipping extension is for you. Or if you run a service that produces home cooked meals but would like to charge more for delivery based on the further the customer lives from you then the WooCommerce Distance Rate Shipping extension is perfect. The use cases are endless and can cover pretty much every scenario for charging shipping based on the total distance or travel time.

Donation For WooCommerce is a powerful WooCommerce extension that enables you to create fundraising campaigns with more than just the ability to collect simple donation payments. You can customize your donation campaign with features like recurring donation payments, progress goals, round-up donations, and more. Collecting donations on your WooCommerce website is a great way to raise funds for nonprofits, charities, NGOs, clubs, or any other causes. Contrary to popular belief, donation systems are easy to configure and manage, given that you have the right tools and extensions. Make it easy for your customers to donate generously – Donation for WooCommerce features a variety of functions that help you request donations without making it sound like a hassle.

Connect your WooCommerce store to your Drip Email Marketing account so you can track and analyse your subscribers and customers. WooCommerce Drip connects your WooCommerce store to your Drip Email Marketing account. It allows customers to subscribe to receive emails, and tracks conversions, sales and lifetime value for those who do. WooCommerce Drip also comes with an optional ‘Subscribe to Campaign’ checkbox that can be turned on and added to the checkout and account registration forms. You can choose the campaign for it to sign users up to and even customise the text it uses next to the checkbox.

Manage your entire Dropshipping operation from within WooCommerce. Includes AliExpress integration and Amazon Affiliate support. WooCommerce Dropshipping is designed to make Dropshipping easy and hassle-free. This lets you sell more, and work less! WooCommerce Dropshipping is a powerful store management tool for dropshipping stores. WooCommerce dropshipping is helping woo sellers by expanding their horizons. If you are looking for a solution to start dropshipping with AliExpress, local suppliers around you, or want to become an Amazon associate, this is the plugin for you. WooCommerce Dropshipping provides everything you need to start a successful dropshipping business.

O plugin WooCommerce Dwolla Gateway é uma extensão que permite a integração da plataforma de pagamento Dwolla com a loja virtual WooCommerce. Com essa integração, é possível oferecer aos clientes uma forma de pagamento segura, rápida e de baixo custo.

A Dwolla é uma plataforma de pagamentos online que permite realizar transações financeiras de forma simples e segura, sem a necessidade de intermediários. Com a integração do plugin, os clientes podem efetuar pagamentos diretamente da conta bancária, sem a necessidade de cartões de crédito ou débito. Isso proporciona uma grande comodidade e segurança, além de reduzir os custos de transação para o lojista.

O WooCommerce Dwolla Gateway é fácil de instalar e configurar, e oferece uma experiência de pagamento fluida para os clientes. Além disso, o plugin é altamente personalizável e oferece várias opções de configuração para atender às necessidades específicas de cada loja virtual. Com essa integração, é possível agregar valor à loja virtual e aumentar a satisfação dos clientes, ao mesmo tempo em que se reduz os custos de transação.

Configure bulk discounts for each product in your store by creating a table of quantities and discount amounts. Choose from fixed price adjustments, percentage adjustments or set a fixed price for the product. Optionally choose roles the pricing rule should be applied for.

Choose how to tally the quantities used in the quantity pricing table. Choose to tally quantities based on the cart quantity of the product, each individual variation, each cart line item (useful when using Product Add-ons or Gravity Forms Add-ons), or based on categories in the cart.

Advanced product pricing is useful when you need to discount a product based on the quantity of something a shopper is purchasing. Optionally, advanced product pricing can be applied to existing customers who you have added to a role you configure, such as “Gold Members”.

The Edit Order by Customer for WooCommerce extension allows customers to edit placed orders with certain order statuses. You can control the information a customer can edit based on their user role and current order status. For example, you can allow customers to change products, and billing and shipping addresses when the order is in pending payment status. Your customers can change billing addresses, shipping addresses, products, and payment and shipping methods.

The extension is beneficial if you have B2B customers who place large orders. You can allow them to adjust their orders prior to making payment. Your store admin will receive an automatic email if the order has been edited by a customer, along with the new order details. The order will be automatically moved to on-hold status. The store admin can finalize the changes and move the order back to pending payment or any order status depending on the current order stage.

Accept credit card payments with Elavon, the fourth largest merchant acquirer in North America. Elavon Converge for WooCommerce is a gateway plugin that allows you to take credit card and eCheck payments directly on your WooCommerce store. Customers never leave your site during the checkout process, which results in a seamless checkout process. Includes full support for WooCommerce Subscriptions and WooCommerce Pre-Orders!

An SSL certificate is required for PCI compliance due to the direct checkout to ensure that your customers’ payment information is secure. The direct checkout allows you to keep the customer on your site for the entire process, allowing you greater control over the checkout experience so that you can test and implement the most effective experience for your store.

Ever wished you could let your creative side go wild and design the best-looking bookable product pages in WooCommerce Booking and Elementor? Your booking calendar should match the great looks and feel of the rest of your website. Use Elementor Connector for WooCommerce Bookings to create a matching booking calendar.

With Elementor Connector, you have full control of bookable single product-page designs with a dedicated Elementor widget. This booking-form widget allows you to take your booking page designs to the next level with specific controls for colors, backgrounds, layouts, paddings and margins, fonts, and borders.

With this plugin you can add any type and any number of attachments to the email correspondence generated by WooCommerce. You also may add additional CC and BCC recipients. To make the recipients aware of the email attachments you can add a notification headline and a notification text at the footer of the email. Starting with version 3.0 the plugin recognizes and supports all emails added by WooCommerce plugin. Additional emails generated by WooCommerce extensions are also recognized, if these plugins use and support the WooCommerce email API (i.e. like the subscription or booking extensions).

O plugin WooCommerce Email Customizer é uma ferramenta de personalização de e-mails projetada especificamente para usuários do WooCommerce, uma plataforma popular de comércio eletrônico. Com este plugin, os usuários podem personalizar o layout, o conteúdo e o estilo dos e-mails enviados aos clientes durante todo o processo de compra. Isso inclui e-mails de confirmação de pedido, notificações de envio, recibos e outros e-mails importantes relacionados ao processo de compra.

Com o WooCommerce Email Customizer, os usuários têm acesso a uma ampla variedade de recursos de personalização, como modelos prontos, arrastar e soltar widgets, editor de HTML e CSS e muito mais. Esses recursos permitem que os usuários personalizem facilmente seus e-mails para se adequarem à identidade visual da sua loja e para fornecer aos clientes uma experiência mais coesa e profissional.

Além disso, o WooCommerce Email Customizer é altamente flexível e escalável, permitindo que os usuários criem e personalizem um número ilimitado de e-mails e modelos para atender às suas necessidades. Com este plugin, os usuários podem criar e gerenciar modelos de e-mail em um único painel de controle, tornando o processo de personalização de e-mails mais fácil e eficiente. No geral, o WooCommerce Email Customizer é uma ferramenta poderosa para personalizar e melhorar a experiência de e-mail para os clientes do WooCommerce.

Additional features for WooCommerce Subscriptions such as Updating Price for Existing Users, Cancel Delay, Auto-Renewal Reminder, etc. Enhancer for WooCommerce Subscriptions adds new features to WooCommerce Subscriptions such as Buy Now/Subscribe, updating prices for existing users, a cancel delay, preventing cancel before specific days of renewal, auto-renewal reminder, expiry reminders, manual renewal reminder and separate shipping cycle for subscriptions.

ePay.bg is a leading Bulgarian online payment system. It allows you to pay for orders using debit with BORICA logo, credit cards, Visa and Master Card, or using an ePay.bg micro account. ePay.bg accepts payment in Bulgarian Lev (BGN). ePay.bg Payment Gateway will allow you to integrate your WooCommerce store with ePay.bg payment system. The payment process uses a customer redirect to send the customer to the ePay.bg secure servers for payment then redirects the customer back to the store.

Sell on Etsy with Etsy Integration for WooCommerce. Automate, list, and sync inventories in a click and grow your sales. Experience hassle-free selling with automated orders, real-time updates, inventory synchronization, and more with Etsy integration for WooCommerce. Etsy is a global marketplace that focuses on selling unique and creative goods including handmade, vintage, and craft supplies. Products such as art, jewelry, health & beauty, clothing, photography, and a lot more products make Etsy a popular marketplace.

Collect VAT numbers at checkout and remove the VAT charge for eligible EU businesses. This extension provides your checkout with a field to collect and validate a customer’s EU VAT number if they have one. Upon entering a valid VAT number, the business will not be charged VAT at your store. The validation function uses the handy VIES.

Take credit card payments securely via Eway (SG, MY, HK, AU, and NZ) keeping customers on your site. The Eway extension for WooCommerce allows you to accept credit card payments directly through your store without redirecting your customers to a third party site to make payment. Everything happens on your site without the customer ever leaving.

Eway for WooCommerce supports tokenization, which allows customers to save credit cards for future purchases. The gateway also supports WooCommerce Subscriptions, WooCommerce Refunds API, WooCommerce Memberships and WooCommerce Bookings. Eway is a leading provider of online payments solutions with a presence in Australia, New Zealand, and Asia.

O plugin WooCommerce Facebook Tab é uma ferramenta útil para proprietários de lojas online que desejam integrar seus sites de comércio eletrônico ao Facebook. Ele permite que você crie uma guia personalizada na sua página do Facebook para mostrar seus produtos, preços, imagens e descrições diretamente no Facebook. Com este plugin, você pode aumentar sua presença nas redes sociais, melhorar a exposição da sua marca e impulsionar as vendas.

Uma das principais vantagens do plugin WooCommerce Facebook Tab é a facilidade de uso. Ele é fácil de instalar e configurar, sem a necessidade de conhecimentos técnicos avançados. Além disso, o plugin permite que você personalize sua guia do Facebook com as cores e fontes do seu site, garantindo uma aparência consistente da sua marca em todos os canais.

Outra vantagem importante do plugin WooCommerce Facebook Tab é a capacidade de rastrear as conversões de vendas diretamente do Facebook. Isso significa que você pode medir o retorno do investimento (ROI) de suas campanhas de publicidade no Facebook, bem como o desempenho dos seus produtos na plataforma. Com esses dados em mãos, você pode otimizar suas campanhas e maximizar seus resultados. Em resumo, o plugin WooCommerce Facebook Tab é uma ferramenta poderosa para ajudar a impulsionar as vendas do seu negócio online, aumentar sua visibilidade nas redes sociais e obter insights valiosos sobre o desempenho do seu site de comércio eletrônico.

O plugin WooCommerce Featured Listing é uma ferramenta poderosa para proprietários de lojas online que desejam destacar certos produtos em suas páginas iniciais. Ele permite que os usuários exibam uma lista personalizada de produtos de destaque em suas lojas WooCommerce, permitindo que os clientes visualizem facilmente as ofertas mais populares e atraentes.

Com o plugin, os usuários podem facilmente selecionar quais produtos deseja exibir em sua lista de produtos em destaque. Isso permite que os proprietários de lojas escolham produtos com base em sua popularidade, margem de lucro, tendências de mercado ou outras métricas relevantes. Além disso, o plugin é altamente personalizável, permitindo que os usuários definam o número de produtos a serem exibidos, a ordem de exibição e outros detalhes.

Além disso, o WooCommerce Featured Listing também é altamente compatível com outras extensões e temas WooCommerce. Isso significa que os usuários podem aproveitar ao máximo a funcionalidade do plugin e personalizar completamente sua página inicial com outros recursos úteis, como widgets personalizados e opções de formatação avançadas. Em resumo, o plugin é uma excelente opção para proprietários de lojas que desejam destacar produtos em sua loja e aumentar suas vendas de maneira eficiente e eficaz.

Receba as tarifas de envio da API da FedEx, que trata de encomendas nacionais e internacionais. Com o método de envio FedEx, no checkout, os compradores poderão consultar e receber a cobrança sobre o envio, de acordo com as suas tarifas do FedEx. As tarifas são definidas pela API da FedEx. Essa extensão requer que a sua loja utilize dólares americanos ou canadenses como moeda, EUA ou Canadá como o país-sede e que o servidor tenha o SOAP instalado. Polegadas e libras são as unidades com que trabalhamos, mas outras unidades poderão ser convertidas automaticamente. A FedEx é capaz de calcular as cotas para todo o mundo, pois a empresa lida com encomendas nacionais e internacionais:

O plugin WooCommerce FirstData UK é uma solução de pagamento integrada desenvolvida especialmente para comerciantes que operam no Reino Unido. Ele permite que os proprietários de lojas online aceitem pagamentos por cartão de crédito ou débito diretamente em sua loja virtual, facilitando a finalização de compras para os clientes. Além disso, esse plugin oferece uma ampla gama de opções de pagamento, incluindo cartões Visa, MasterCard, American Express e Discover, além de permitir pagamentos através de contas bancárias.

Uma das principais vantagens do plugin WooCommerce FirstData UK é que ele é fácil de instalar e usar, mesmo para usuários iniciantes. O plugin pode ser facilmente integrado ao WooCommerce, que é a plataforma mais popular de comércio eletrônico do mundo. Além disso, a integração do FirstData UK permite aos comerciantes gerenciar os pagamentos diretamente do painel de administração do WooCommerce, oferecendo maior controle e segurança nas transações.

Outra grande vantagem do plugin WooCommerce FirstData UK é a segurança que ele oferece aos clientes e aos comerciantes. Ele utiliza o protocolo de segurança SSL, que criptografa todas as informações sensíveis dos cartões de crédito ou débito do cliente durante a transação. Além disso, ele possui recursos de detecção de fraudes, que alertam os comerciantes sobre atividades suspeitas, como transações fraudulentas ou tentativas de acesso não autorizado. Isso ajuda a garantir que as transações sejam seguras e protegidas, aumentando a confiança dos clientes na sua loja virtua

Pack items into boxes with pre-defined costs per destination. Flat rate box shipping lets you define costs for boxes to different destinations. Items are packed into boxes based on item size and volume, and then that box uses the fixed costs you define per destination. Add multiple box sizes per shipping zone. Add costs per box, per weight unit, and a percentage of the item costs inside. Define a cost for un-packable items e.g. too large to fit in a box.

Automatically contact customers after purchase – be it everyone, your most loyal or your biggest spenders – and keep your store top-of-mind. Do you always remember to send a personalized email to follow up with customers? Do you know who your best customers are and continuously nurture them towards an additional purchase or ensure happiness with their last one? Do you want to know when a student is falling behind or has not yet taken a quiz? Do you add new content and communicate this to your audience? Do you segment your mailing lists based on interest? If you answered no to any of the above questions, Follow-Ups will change your business for the better. The Direct Marketing Association reports that email marketing ROI is $43 for every dollar spent, making it the most effective marketing channel for driving sales.

Force related products to be added to the cart. The Force Sells extension allows you to link products together, so they are added to the cart together. This is useful for linking a service or required product to another. For example, if you are selling iPad glass repair as a service, you can link a new glass window as a forced sell product.

There are two types of force sells:

Normal force sell

products will be added to the cart along with the main product, in the same quantity as selected for the main product. Added force sell products can be removed and the quantity of it can be changed in the cart by the customer.

Synced force sell

products work in the very same way as normal force sells. The only difference is that customers can’t remove a synced force sell from the cart or change the quantity. In case the main product is removed, the synced force sell products will be removed too. Same goes for quantity. If the quantity of the main product is changed, the quantity for all synced force sell products will change too.

Give away a free item to any customer with the coupon code With WooCommerce Free Gift Coupons. With WooCommerce Free Gift Coupons, you can give away a free item(s) to any customer with the correct code. When a coupon is applied successfully, the free gift is automatically added to the cart.

You can give a gift or a combo discount and gift depending on your coupon configuration. This is a great way to reward specific customers or encourage customers to spend more in order to be eligible for the bonus item. Free Gift Coupons allow all the same Usage Restriction and Usage Limits as other coupon types, such as by email address, minimum cart total, etc.

Offer Free Gifts to your customers for making purchases in your WooCommerce Shop. Free Gifts for WooCommerce allows you to offer Free Gifts to your customers in four ways, 1. Admin can manually send free gifts to any user – 2. Gift products can be automatically added to the user’s cart – 3. Customers can choose their gift on cart page – 4. Admin can offer free gifts to customers in the form of Buy X Get Y(Buy One Get One).

O plugin WooCommerce FreshBooks é uma extensão que permite que os usuários do WooCommerce integrem suas lojas online com a plataforma de contabilidade FreshBooks. Com este plugin, os proprietários de lojas online podem sincronizar automaticamente seus dados de vendas e faturamento com suas contas FreshBooks, economizando tempo e esforço na gestão financeira de suas lojas.

Ao instalar o plugin WooCommerce FreshBooks, os usuários podem definir como suas vendas serão enviadas para o FreshBooks. É possível escolher se os pedidos serão importados automaticamente como faturas, como notas fiscais ou como recibos. O plugin também permite que os usuários personalizem o formato de suas faturas e adicione informações extras, como taxas de envio e descontos.

Uma das principais vantagens do plugin WooCommerce FreshBooks é que ele simplifica significativamente a gestão financeira das lojas online. Com a integração do FreshBooks, os usuários podem gerenciar facilmente suas faturas, pagamentos e fluxo de caixa em um só lugar. Além disso, o plugin ajuda a garantir a precisão dos dados financeiros, evitando erros de registro e reconciliação. Em resumo, o plugin WooCommerce FreshBooks é uma ferramenta essencial para proprietários de lojas online que desejam simplificar e otimizar sua gestão financeira.

Help your customers quicker, using WooCommerce and Freshdesk. Using WooCommerce Freshdesk, connect your WooCommerce-powered online store to your Freshdesk help desk account, helping your customers to request assistance with orders and to receive their answers as quickly as possible.

Freshdesk contains many moving parts including a ticketing system, discussion forum and solutions centre (knowledgebase). WooCommerce Freshdesk integrates seamlessly with each section of Freshdesk, ensuring the seamless creation of forum and solution centre categories, as well as helping your customers to create tickets without having to leave your store.

Manage cookies and cookie notifications on your WooCommerce store to assist with GDPR compliance. Cookie pop-ups, management and GDPR compliance are no longer issues with this easy-to-use extension: create and manage the design, content, and options of cookie pop-ups, no coding required.

The GDPR Cookies extension has a number of features making it simple to manage cookies, allow acceptance from website visitors, and ensure compliance with many of the GDPR requirements. Opening up your store customers in the EU means increased sales. And a cookie notice gives customers the ability to choose what they do and don’t share with you — a key feature for privacy-conscious customers.

Offer prepaid digital gift cards that customers can redeem online

There’s a reason why the most successful online stores are offering digital gift cards: E-gift cards increase customer loyalty, drive more revenue, and introduce new customers to your store. Customers love them, too: Giving and receiving digital gift cards is convenient, and paying with them is fast and secure.

Meet Gift Cards – the most intuitive, lean way to sell and accept pre-paid, multi-purpose e-gift vouchers on your WooCommerce store. Not offering gift cards yet? Now is the best time to start!

Let customers add gift wrapping to individual products from product pages, or to entire orders. Charge optional fees for gift wrapping. With Gift Wrapper for WooCommerce, shoppers can add gift wrap to individual products right from the product page, or gift wrap their entire order from the cart or checkout page. They can also enter a personalized message, and store owners can choose whether to charge a fee for gift wrapping.

Increased revenue: Set a fee for gift wrapping and up your revenue with every order. Convenience for customers: Shoppers save time and hassle by ordering already-wrapped gifts, and happy customers are return customers. Increased brand visibility: Gift wrapping not only makes a good impression on your customers — when they gift your products, recipients also learn about your brand!

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