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WooCommerce API Manager 3.3.0

Adicionado em 09/05/2016
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WooCommerce Checkout Add-Ons 2.7.1

Adicionado em 09/05/2016
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WooCommerce Storefront WooCommerce Customiser 1.9.2

Adicionado em 09/05/2016
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WooCommerce Authorize.net AIM Gateway 3.14.6

Adicionado em 09/05/2016
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WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor 1.7.14

Adicionado em 09/05/2016
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WooCommerce 2Checkout Gateway 1.5.1

Adicionado em 09/05/2016
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WooCommerce Authorize.net CIM Gateway 3.10.4

Adicionado em 09/05/2016
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WooCommerce 2Checkout Inline Checkout 1.1.15

Adicionado em 09/05/2016
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WooCommerce AWeber Newsletter Subscription 4.0.4

Adicionado em 09/05/2016
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WooCommerce 360 Degrees Image 1.4.1

Adicionado em 09/05/2016
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WooCommerce Bambora / Beanstream Gateway 2.9.2

Adicionado em 09/05/2016
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WooCommerce Groups WooCommerce 2.9.0

Adicionado em 09/05/2016
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WooCommerce Account Funds 3.0.3

Adicionado em 09/05/2016
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WooCommerce Bookings 2.1.3

Adicionado em 09/05/2016

Sell and manage API Keys (License Keys) for software downloads and updates, or online services. Full subscription support. WordPress Plugins and Themes, or any other software, fully supported with robust APIs. The WooCommerce API Manager turns WooCommerce Products into an API Resource that can be accessed with an API Key (License Key). API Resources (products) can be software, a service, an iPhone or Android App, a membership, a subscription, or anything that can be accessed over the Internet. The most frequently used Product types are Simple, Variable, Simple Subscription, Variable Subscription, and Group. Subscription product types are created using the WooCommerce Subscriptions extension that allows for automated payment collection on the renewal anniversary. There is also support for API access expiration time limits for built-in WooCommerce products purchases that require manual purchase renewal.

Highlight relevant products, offers like free shipping and other up-sells during checkout. The WooCommerce core checkout process covers all the basics needed to place an order, but what if you want to accept tips, offer gift-wrapping, or let customers add a gift message to their order? That’s where WooCommerce Checkout Add-Ons comes in! With Checkout Add-Ons, you can add free or paid options to your checkout page. You can add several different types of fields based on your add-on type – text fields, radio buttons, file uploads, and more!

O plugin WooCommerce Storefront WooCommerce Customiser é uma extensão do WooCommerce Storefront, um dos temas mais populares para lojas virtuais criado pela própria equipe do WooCommerce. Esse plugin permite que os usuários personalizem ainda mais o layout e design da sua loja virtual, adicionando novas opções de cores, fontes, estilos e muito mais.

Com o Storefront WooCommerce Customiser, os usuários têm acesso a uma interface intuitiva e fácil de usar, que permite personalizar todos os aspectos visuais da loja virtual sem precisar de conhecimentos em programação ou design. É possível mudar a cor de fundo, das fontes e dos botões, adicionar imagens de fundo e banners, ajustar o tamanho das imagens e muito mais.

Outra vantagem desse plugin é que ele é totalmente compatível com o WooCommerce, o que significa que todos os recursos e funcionalidades do plugin principal continuam disponíveis para os usuários, como a gestão de produtos, carrinho de compras, checkout e muito mais. Dessa forma, é possível criar uma loja virtual totalmente personalizada, sem abrir mão de recursos essenciais para a venda online.

The Authorize.Net extension provides one of the most advanced integrations for WooCommerce while providing the security and reliability that comes with using Authorize.Net for payment processing. Let your customers save their credit cards and bank accounts to their WooCommerce account for fast and easy checkout. Includes full support for WooCommerce Subscriptions, WooCommerce Pre-Orders, and Accept.js. Start using the most advanced WooCommerce payment gateway today!

Authorize.Net is one of the most popular payment processors around for a reason: they offer easy, safe, and affordable credit card and eCheck processing. This Authorize.Net payment gateway integration lets you take advantage of several features offered by Authorize.Net, such as customer profiles, card tokenization, and eCheck processing.

Optimize your checkout process by adding, removing or editing fields to suit your needs. The checkout field editor provides you with an interface to add, edit, and remove fields shown on your WooCommerce checkout page. Fields can be added and removed from the billing and shipping sections, as well as inserted after these sections next to the standard ‘order notes’. The editor supports several types for custom fields including text, select, checkboxes, and datepickers. Core fields can also be moved around giving you more control over your checkout without touching the code.

O plugin WooCommerce 2Checkout Gateway é uma extensão para a plataforma WooCommerce que permite a integração do gateway de pagamento 2Checkout com sua loja virtual. Com esse plugin, é possível oferecer aos seus clientes uma ampla variedade de opções de pagamento, incluindo cartões de crédito, débito e PayPal, além de outros métodos de pagamento regionais e internacionais.

Ao usar o plugin WooCommerce 2Checkout Gateway, você pode configurar facilmente o processo de checkout da sua loja virtual para aceitar pagamentos por meio do 2Checkout. Isso significa que seus clientes podem concluir suas compras com rapidez e facilidade, sem precisar sair da sua loja virtual ou criar uma conta no 2Checkout.

Com o WooCommerce 2Checkout Gateway, você também pode gerenciar facilmente suas transações e pagamentos diretamente no painel de administração da sua loja virtual. Isso inclui a capacidade de acompanhar o status de seus pedidos, gerenciar reembolsos e cancelamentos de pedidos, além de gerar relatórios e análises detalhadas para monitorar o desempenho da sua loja virtual. Em resumo, o plugin WooCommerce 2Checkout Gateway é uma excelente opção para quem busca uma solução de pagamento segura, fácil de usar e altamente integrada com a plataforma WooCommerce.

The Authorize.Net extension provides one of the most advanced integrations for WooCommerce while providing the security and reliability that comes with using Authorize.Net for payment processing. Let your customers save their credit cards and bank accounts to their WooCommerce account for fast and easy checkout. Includes full support for WooCommerce Subscriptions, WooCommerce Pre-Orders, and Accept.js. Start using the most advanced WooCommerce payment gateway today!

Authorize.Net is one of the most popular payment processors around for a reason: they offer easy, safe, and affordable credit card and eCheck processing. This Authorize.Net payment gateway integration lets you take advantage of several features offered by Authorize.Net, such as customer profiles, card tokenization, and eCheck processing.

The Authorize.Net Payment Gateway extension allows you to keep the customer on your site for the checkout process, allowing you maximum control over checkout so that you can test and implement the most effective experience for your store. An SSL is required for PCI compliance due to the direct checkout to ensure that your customers’ credit card information is secure.

O 2Checkout Inline Checkout é um serviço de processamento de pagamentos global que aceita mais de 87 moedas e 15 idiomas. O plugin WooCommerce 2Checkout Inline Checkout permite que os proprietários de lojas personalizem a aparência do checkout para que combine com o design da loja, e oferece suporte a vários métodos de pagamento, como cartão de crédito, PayPal, débito bancário e mais.

Uma das principais vantagens do plugin WooCommerce 2Checkout Inline Checkout é que ele é fácil de configurar e usar. Os proprietários de lojas podem instalar o plugin em sua loja WooCommerce em poucos minutos e começar a aceitar pagamentos rapidamente. Além disso, o plugin vem com suporte técnico dedicado para ajudar os proprietários de lojas em caso de qualquer problema ou dúvida.

Em resumo, o plugin WooCommerce 2Checkout Inline Checkout é uma extensão valiosa para qualquer proprietário de loja que deseja oferecer aos seus clientes uma experiência de checkout fácil e segura. Com suporte a várias moedas e idiomas, além de vários métodos de pagamento, este plugin é uma ótima opção para lojas que desejam expandir seus negócios globalmente. Além disso, sua fácil configuração e suporte técnico dedicado tornam o uso deste plugin uma opção conveniente e confiável para proprietários de lojas de todos os níveis de habilidade.

The AWeber integration for subscribing users to your newsletters, registering abandoned carts and more. Connecting WooCommerce and AWeber requires absolutely zero coding experience. It instantly provides you the ability to integrate your email marketing with your e-Commerce store. With the AWeber for WooCommerce plugin, you can quickly and easily grow your email audience and boost sales.

AWeber is a powerfully-simple email marketing solution that makes e-Commerce sales easy. AWeber is committed to building tools for small business owners who want to understand and connect with their customers, deliver personalized experiences, and turn more first-time shoppers into lifelong customers. Along with its award-winning 24/7 US-based customer support, AWeber delivers the ability to load and manage contacts quickly, send amazing emails, build visually-stunning landing pages, and analyze results without having to be a tech whiz.

An easy way to add a dynamic, controllable 360º image rotation to your WooCommerce site, by adding a group of images to a product’s gallery. WooCommerce 360 Image provides you with an easy way to add a dynamic, controllable 360º image rotation to your WooCommerce site. By simply adding a group of images to a product’s gallery, you’ll have a beautiful image rotation replace the product’s featured image. It’s responsive, touch-enabled and extremely easy to use. It’s simply a matter of adding some images to a product’s gallery.

Accept credit card payments with the Bambora payment gateway (North America only). The WooCommerce Bambora (formerly Beanstream) extension provides a completely integrated checkout experience between WooCommerce and Bambora. Payments take place directly on your website so you have maximum control over what the checkout looks like, and customers never have to leave your site to make a payment. Even better, using Bambora’s Custom Checkout implementation, your seamless checkout also meets PCI compliance at SAQ-A levels, giving you a checkout that’s beautiful, seamless, and secure.

Sell Memberships with Groups and WooCommerce – the best Group Membership and Access Control solution for WordPress and WooCommerce. Groups WooCommerce grants memberships based on products. It automatically assigns a customer to one or more groups based on the products ordered. This extension allows you to sell Unlimited Memberships and Time-limited Memberships, allowing your customers to access restricted resources during the duration of their group membership.

Allow customers to book appointments, make reservations or rent equipment without leaving your site. Let your customers book reservations, appointments or rentals on their own – no phone calls required. Save yourself time and fill up your calendar by letting your site do the work for you. Offer discounts for groups or people booking multiple slots, show lower prices for early birds, higher prices on weekends, or special prices for kids. Bookings lets you customize pricing any way you want.

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