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Provide your students with easy access to additional learning materials, from audio files to slideshows and PDFs. Sensei LMS Media Attachments enables you to attach media files to your courses and lessons in Sensei LMS. For example, you may have some reading material, in PDF format, to offer your students. With Sensei LMS Media Attachments, you can upload the file to your course or lesson. The file will then be presented as a link in a separate Course Media or Lesson Media section.

Increase course enrolments by showing site visitors just how popular your courses are. People are more likely to sign up for a course if they can see that it’s already popular, right? Sensei Course Participants shows your site visitors how many people are currently taking each course. There’s also an optional widget, which you can add to your sidebar, to display a list of all the learners taking the course. If you have public profiles enabled it will also link to each learner’s profile.

Let your students strut their stuff (and promote your course) by sharing their progress on social media. Get social with Sensei! The Share Your Grade extension allows your learners to share their progress on a selection of social networks after completing a lesson or course. The share will automatically link back to your course page, meaning more learners for you!

Create beautiful and engaging online courses, lessons, and quizzes. Sensei LMS is a teaching and learning management plugin built by Automattic, the company behind WordPress.com, WooCommerce, and Jetpack. In fact, Sensei LMS is used to power all of Automattic’s employee training and courses too.

Sensei LMS integrates seamlessly with your WordPress site, and courses look great with any theme. Add blocks for course and student information to any page or post. Customize the look and feel to match your branding and site style.

Tame your order numbers! Upgrade from Sequential Order Numbers with advanced features and with optional prefixes/suffixes. The WooCommerce Sequential Order Numbers Pro plugin allows your store to have sequential, rather than random, order numbers. Additionally you can customize your order numbers by setting a starting number, order number length, and custom prefixes and suffixes. Instead of your order numbers looking like 15, 16, 37, and so on, they could now be WT-01000-UK, WT-01001-UK, or whatever format you prefer!

Inclua informações de rastreamento de envio nos seus pedidos. Forneça aos clientes uma maneira fácil de rastrear suas encomendas com o WooCommerce Shipment Tracking. Depois de adicionar os detalhes a um pedido, as informações de rastreamento aparecerão nos e-mails, na página de rastreamento do pedido e na página de visualização do pedido na seção de conta dos clientes. Para dar a melhor impressão possível, inclua os dados de rastreamento um pouco antes de “concluir” um pedido.

Allow your customers to ship individual items in a single order to multiple addresses. Convenience for your customers should be a paramount priority for any eCommerce retailer. That’s where Multiple Ship-To functionality comes in. Out of the box, with little setup, you can help avoid the frustration that can occur when a customer is shopping for multiple people at one time. Instead of forcing them to place multiple orders, they can quickly and easily ship to multiple addresses with one order. This can be especially useful around the holidays, when more and more people are doing their primary holiday shopping online.

Define separate shipping costs per product which are combined at checkout to provide a total shipping cost. Define shipping costs per-product and per-variation. Per product shipping allows you to define different shipping costs for products, based on customer location. Costs can be added to other shipping methods, or used as a standalone shipping method.

A full-featured Shipwire integration, with real-time shipping rates, automatic fulfillment processing, and live inventory/tracking updates. This extension is a full-featured integration for Shipwire, including real-time shipping rates, automatic order fulfillment processing, and live inventory / tracking updates.

Easily display real-time shipping quotes from Shipwire to your customers during checkout, then automatically export orders to Shipwire after they’ve been processed. Inventory and order tracking information are updated automatically when pushed from Shipwire. Tracking information is available on the Edit Order page to see the status of every order placed. Simplify Shipping and Inventory Management with Shipwire.

Shop as a Customer to Create Orders for Offline Users. Switch Between Admin and Customer View In a Few Clicks! Use your online shop as a client to create orders on behalf of people who are unable to do online shopping. i.e you may get orders directly on call or at your physical address. Shop as Customer lets you access the front end of your store as one of your customers. Collect order details via phone and email and create an order on their behalf to increase conversions among customers who are less tech-savvy. Switch between the customer and admin with just one click when needed.

O plugin WooCommerce Skrill Payment Gateway é uma extensão do WooCommerce que permite aos proprietários de lojas online receber pagamentos por meio da Skrill, uma plataforma de pagamento digital que oferece transferências de dinheiro instantâneas e seguras. Com o plugin instalado e configurado corretamente, os clientes podem optar por pagar pelos produtos usando suas carteiras digitais da Skrill, cartões de crédito ou débito, transferência bancária ou outros métodos de pagamento disponíveis.

Uma das principais vantagens de usar o plugin WooCommerce Skrill Payment Gateway é a segurança. A Skrill é conhecida por sua tecnologia de segurança avançada e protocolos de criptografia de dados para garantir que todas as transações sejam seguras. Além disso, o plugin WooCommerce Skrill Payment Gateway é compatível com o protocolo PCI DSS (Padrão de Segurança de Dados do Setor de Cartões de Pagamento), que garante que os dados do cartão dos clientes sejam protegidos e que as transações sejam seguras.

Outra vantagem do plugin WooCommerce Skrill Payment Gateway é a sua facilidade de uso. O plugin é fácil de instalar e configurar, e vem com uma interface de usuário intuitiva que permite aos proprietários de lojas personalizar as configurações de pagamento de acordo com suas necessidades. Além disso, o plugin é compatível com várias moedas e idiomas, tornando-o uma escolha ideal para lojas online que desejam expandir seus negócios internacionalmente. Em geral, o plugin WooCommerce Skrill Payment Gateway é uma excelente escolha para lojas online que desejam oferecer aos clientes uma ampla variedade de métodos de pagamento seguros e fáceis de usar.

Brings your WooCommerce store into the heart of your Slack channel conversations. Receive Slack notifications for events in your WooCommerce-powered store, as they happen! WooCommerce Slack brings your WooCommerce store into the heart of your Slack channel conversations, allowing you and your team to easily stay ‘in the loop’ on what’s happening in your store with minimal effort.

There are currently seven notification events that can optionally be enabled. You can set a specific channel and emoji for each notification, as well as customize the notification text to your liking! Some notification types also featured ‘extended notifications,’ allowing to you to optionally send detailed order line items or the content of your reviews, saving you from needing to open up your dashboard to check out your latest orders.

Everything you need for discounts, coupons, credits, gift cards, product giveaways, offers, and promotions. Most popular and complete coupons plugin for WooCommerce. Everyone loves coupons. This plugin has everything you need to grow sales and customers using discounts, coupons, credits, vouchers, product giveaways, offers and promotions. It’s the best-selling and most complete coupon management plugin for WooCommerce. Most complete, most loved, best-supported, best-coded, best-selling credits, coupons, discounts, and vouchers plugin for WooCommerce.

Empower your customers to request refunds directly from their My Account screen. WooCommerce Smart Refunder removes pain from the refund process – both for customers and store owners. If you are selling virtual products, digital goods or subscriptions – the refund process can be fully automated with WooCommerce Smart Refunder. Customers request a refund and get it instantly.

If you are selling physical products or a gateway that doesn’t support refunds, Smart Refunder allows customers to request refunds from My Account and shows refund requests to you in WooCommerce. You then process them manually and complete refund requests. This saves you time since all required details are available at your fingertips. If you have chosen to provide coupons for refunds, and customers want them, a new coupon is emailed instantly.

Allows your customers to pay using SnapScan, South African mobile payments. SnapScan allows South African customers to check out quicker and more securely with a scan or tap via card details stored on their phone. Customers spend less time in checkout, and more time shopping! This adds another payment option. When a customer pays with SnapScan, they scan your code and pay without leaving your site.

Online bank transfer via SOFORT Überweisung. Sofort.com is one of the most famous online banking payment providers in Europe. Customers can transfer cash using their online banking account via sofortueberweisung.de or sofort.com, a well-known payment provider in Europe.

The WooCommerce Software Add-on gives you the ability to manage license keys and activations via your store. Define your products as software via the edit product page, and after doing so lets you define software specific properties. Customers purchase software like any other product, but after doing so (when the order is completed) they will receive an auto-generated license key from the system within their order-complete email.

Order emails contain the key, activation email, and activations remaining. You can resend these emails using the in-built ‘send’ button in WooCommerce on the orders screen. If you ever introduce a paid upgrade for software you can define valid upgrade keys, and an upgrade price, which your customers can make use of. They will just have to enter their license details during their purchase. This extension comes with an API for generating keys, activating licenses, de-activating and resetting. This API can be integrated into your software/web app to validate licenses. See the documentation for more details on the API.

Alert people to latest offers, prompt them to sign up to newsletters or just deliver some important content to your visitors via popup. Allows store owners to display specific content to new and returning visitors via lightbox popup. Alert people to latest offers, prompt them to sign up to newsletters or just deliver some generic or important content to all your visitors. The WooCommerce Splash Popup extension uses WordPress pages to deliver content to users based on a few different properties.

The Split Orders extension gives you the power to process and ship part of a customer’s order separately. You can choose the quantity of each item to be split to a new order, assigned to the same customer, with matching shipping and billing details.

Accepting payments is easy with Square. Clear rates, fast deposits (1-2 business days). Sell online and in person, and sync all payments, items and inventory. Get the Square extension for WooCommerce at no cost and instantly start accepting payments. With Square and WooCommerce, you can easily synchronize sales, inventory, and customer data, manage all your channels through one centralized platform, and use one payment solution across all of them. It’s easy to get started with Square in minutes. There are no long-term commitments, hidden fees, or surprises. With Square, you only pay when you make a sale.

With the Stamps.com integration you can automatically create ready-to-print shipping labels for USPS, based on items in an order. With the Stamps.com integration, you can automatically create ready-to-print shipping labels for USPS, based on items in an order. Stamps.com seamlessly accesses the latest USPS rates when creating your labels, giving you unprecedented reliability, ease, and speed. With nearly 500,000 customers, Stamps.com has become the leading USPS postage provider in the country by simplifying access to the lowest USPS shipping rates and the most popular USPS services. Whether you ship one package a day or 1000, from your garage or a giant warehouse, Stamps.com has the tools to make your USPS® shipping process faster, more affordable and more efficient.

The WooCommerce Stamps.com extension allows you to select orders to export into an XML format for import into the Stamps.com client. Time is money – sounds reasonable, right? That’s why automation is a beautiful thing, and what the Stamps.com Exporter will do for you. Automate your order formatting in order to bring your WooCommerce Orders into Stamps.com! This extension allows you to directly import orders into the Stamps.com Desktop Client (not the web-based client) in XML format rather than formatting order information by hand so that you save time and money. Make printing your shipping labels via Stamps.com faster and more efficient!

Offer your customers a PDF download of your product catalog, generated by WooCommerce. WooCommerce Store Catalog PDF Download will allow shop owners to attach their own already made PDF catalog of their products for customers to download. In addition, customers can download page specific PDFs or even a single product in detail. This feature is useful for customers that need to do offline viewing, printing or even just to save for future reference.

Many times customers would like to see a catalog of your products perhaps for offline viewing or even printed. This plugin adds that functionality to your store. The PDF itself can even link back to your site via a click. Each product listed on the PDF has a link back to your online store. In addition to dynamic generated PDF of the current page view, you can also upload your own custom PDF of the whole store. With the shortcode supplied, you can display the download button anywhere on your site. Hopefully with these added features, it will help that much more in your store conversions!

Creating a loyal customer base that is true fans of what you do and will support you along the way is what keeps many store owners awake at night. Being the top-of-mind choice for a significant group of customers is the final goal of marketers and business owners, no matter if we talk about Amazon or the flower shop on your street. Personal coupons and gift cards are a good way to hack through the mental resistance of your clients and get them to buy your products. Whether you focus on offering free shipping or a big discount, Store Credit coupons are truly effective to get your sales going, and WooCommerce Store Credit is the simplest, most effective way to do it.

This extension gives you control over the appearance of the blog on your Storefront-powered WordPress site. Storefront is primarily a WooCommerce theme but that’s not to say that it cannot be used for standard blog/magazine web sites. The importance of an active blog with a large readership is an invaluable asset to any eCommerce website as well. The Storefront Blog Customizer extension gives you the ability to give your blog a unique design that suits your content and to display blog content on your homepage.

This extension gives you control over the appearance of the blog on your Storefront-powered WordPress site. Storefront is primarily a WooCommerce theme but that’s not to say that it cannot be used for standard blog/magazine web sites. The importance of an active blog with a large readership is an invaluable asset to any eCommerce website as well. The Storefront Blog Customizer extension gives you the ability to give your blog a unique design that suits your content and to display blog content on your homepage.

O plugin WooCommerce Storefront Designer é uma ferramenta popular para personalizar a aparência da sua loja virtual WooCommerce. Ele permite que você personalize facilmente o design da sua loja, incluindo o esquema de cores, fontes, layouts e muito mais. Com este plugin, você pode fazer com que sua loja pareça única e se destaque da concorrência.

Uma das características mais notáveis ​​do WooCommerce Storefront Designer é sua interface fácil de usar. Mesmo que você não tenha experiência em design ou programação, pode personalizar sua loja virtual com facilidade. A ferramenta oferece diversas opções para personalização, com opções simples de arrastar e soltar para alterar o design.

Outra vantagem do WooCommerce Storefront Designer é a compatibilidade com uma ampla variedade de temas WooCommerce. O plugin funciona perfeitamente com o tema padrão do WooCommerce, o Storefront, mas também é compatível com muitos outros temas populares. Isso significa que você pode personalizar sua loja virtual, independentemente do tema que está usando. Com sua interface intuitiva e recursos robustos, o WooCommerce Storefront Designer é uma excelente escolha para proprietários de lojas virtuais que desejam criar uma aparência única para sua marca.

Adds a full-width widget region above the Storefront footer widget area, which can be customized with colors and a background image. Adds a full-width widget region above the default, columnized Storefront footer widget area. Customize the display by adding a background image and tweaking colors via the Customizer. This extension is designed to work specifically with Storefront, the official WooCommerce theme. It will not work with any other theme.

Create custom, full-width dropdowns that seamlessly tie into your Storefront-powered WooCommerce shop. This extension gives you the power to transform any top-level menu item into a full-width dropdown. Our easy to use Drag & Drop interface allows you to add widgets that can be rearranged and resized to display any content you wish in your website navigation. Each Mega Menu blends seamlessly into your Storefront design by aligning all columns to the grid. Mega Menus is compatible with all Storefront Child Themes.

Add an attention grabbing, immersive parallax hero component to your Storefront homepage. Storefront Parallax Hero adds a customizable hero component on your homepage template. Once installed you’ll notice a new top level section in the Customizer allowing you control the different aspects of the hero component. You control the content – specify a title, some body text (and they colors they’re displayed in) then create an optional call to action button. Specify whether to align the content centrally, to the left or the right to fine tune.

Enjoy complete control of the hero component background. You can choose a plain color for minimalist designs, upload an image or even a video. Tiling patterns or large photos will both work great. Specify whether the background scrolls with a parallax affect and apply a semi-opaque overlay to make the text pop. Choose between a full width or fixed width layout. The full width layout will make the hero component span the full width of the browser while the fixed width option keeps it the same width as the main content area.

With Storefront Powerpack, you can easily add style and customize the appearance of your store – all without ever touching any code. Customize Storefront from top to bottom, all without editing any code
Customizing your theme has long been a hassle that no one enjoys undertaking. With Storefront Powerpack, you can change all that. Powerpack gives you the ability to customize and style nearly every aspect of Storefront without ever touching any code. Change your store’s header layout, tweak colors, fonts and layouts of almost any element, change text, checkout flow and more. Preview your changes instantly in the Customizer. Make changes to a single product page or on a global scale — it’s all up to you.

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