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BeTheme é um tema premium para o WordPress altamente personalizável que oferece mais de 600 modelos de sites prontos para diferentes nichos de negócios, desde agências de viagens até restaurantes. O BeTheme é altamente responsivo e pode ser usado em uma ampla variedade de dispositivos e tamanhos de tela. Ele inclui recursos avançados de personalização que permitem que você ajuste facilmente as configurações de estilo e layout do tema para corresponder às necessidades específicas do seu site. Você pode personalizar as cores, fontes, planos de fundo e muito mais, sem a necessidade de conhecimentos avançados de programação.

O tema também inclui um construtor de páginas integrado que permite que você crie páginas personalizadas sem precisar de códigos. Além disso, ele vem com o plugin WPBakery Page Builder, um dos construtores de páginas mais populares para o WordPress. Outros recursos do BeTheme incluem compatibilidade com o WooCommerce, opções avançadas de cabeçalho e rodapé, integração com o Google Maps, ícones de mídia social, ícones personalizados, diversos estilos de galeria, suporte a vários idiomas e muito mais. O BeTheme é um tema altamente versátil e personalizável que pode ajudar a melhorar a aparência e o desempenho do seu site no WordPress. Ele é atualizado regularmente com novos recursos e melhorias, o que o torna uma escolha popular entre os usuários do WordPress.

WoodMart é um tema de comércio eletrônico para WordPress projetado para criar lojas online profissionais e elegantes. Ele é um tema altamente personalizável que oferece uma ampla gama de recursos e opções para que os usuários possam criar lojas online exclusivas e funcionais. Algumas das principais características do WoodMart são:

  • Design responsivo: o WoodMart é totalmente responsivo e funciona perfeitamente em dispositivos móveis, como smartphones e tablets.

  • Personalização de layout: o tema oferece muitas opções de personalização de layout para que os usuários possam criar lojas online exclusivas e personalizadas.

  • Suporte para WooCommerce: o WoodMart é projetado para ser compatível com o plugin WooCommerce, oferecendo uma ampla gama de recursos de comércio eletrônico, como gerenciamento de pedidos, pagamento e envio.

  • Mais de 60 demos pré-construídas: o tema inclui mais de 60 demos pré-construídas que os usuários podem importar para seus sites e personalizar para suas necessidades.

  • Suporte para idiomas: o WoodMart suporta traduções em vários idiomas, permitindo que os usuários criem lojas online para audiências globais.

O WoodMart é um tema de comércio eletrônico altamente personalizável e responsivo para WordPress, projetado para criar lojas online profissionais e elegantes. Com uma ampla gama de recursos e opções de personalização, o WoodMart é uma excelente escolha para qualquer pessoa que deseje criar uma loja online única e de alta qualidade.

Flatsome é um tema premium para WordPress que foi projetado com foco em lojas online. O tema é altamente personalizável e possui uma ampla gama de recursos, o que o torna uma escolha popular para lojas online em todo o mundo. O tema Flatsome possui um construtor de páginas integrado que permite criar páginas personalizadas e layouts para sua loja sem precisar de conhecimentos técnicos em programação. Ele também oferece uma ampla variedade de opções de personalização para cores, fontes, layouts, cabeçalhos e rodapés, permitindo que você crie uma aparência única e personalizada para sua loja.

Além disso, o tema Flatsome é totalmente responsivo, o que significa que sua loja será exibida de forma adequada em qualquer dispositivo, como desktops, laptops, tablets e smartphones. O Flatsome é compatível com uma variedade de plugins populares, incluindo WooCommerce, YITH WooCommerce Wishlist, WPML e muitos outros. Ele também oferece recursos avançados de comércio eletrônico, como integração com o Amazon Payments, suporte para venda de produtos digitais e físicos, ferramentas de gerenciamento de estoque e muito mais.

O Astra é um tema rápido, totalmente personalizável e bonito, adequado para blog, portfólio pessoal, site de negócios e loja da WooCommerce. É muito leve (menos de 50 KB na interface) e oferece velocidade incomparável. Construído com o SEO em mente, o Astra vem com o código Schema.org integrado e está pronto para o AMP nativo, para que os mecanismo de pesquisa amem seu site. Oferece recursos e modelos especiais para que funcione perfeitamente com todos os construtores de páginas, como Elementor, Beaver Builder, Visual Composer, SiteOrigin, Divi, etc. Alguns dos outros recursos: # Pronto para WooCommerce # responsivo # RTL e pronto para tradução # Extensível com complementos premium # Atualizado regularmente # design, desenvolvido, mantido e suportado pela Brainstorm Force. Procurando um tema base perfeito? Não procure mais. O Astra é um tema rápido, totalmente personalizável e pronto para o WooCommerce que você pode usar para criar qualquer tipo de site!

Phlox Pro é um tema projetado para ser compatível com o construtor de páginas Elementor, o que significa que você pode criar facilmente layouts personalizados para suas páginas usando uma interface intuitiva de arrastar e soltar. Algumas das principais características do Phlox Pro incluem:

  • Mais de 50 demos prontos para uma variedade de segmentos, incluindo negócios, agências, portfólios, comércio eletrônico e muito mais.

  • Personalização completa com o Elementor, incluindo um conjunto de widgets personalizados, opções de estilo e muito mais.

  • Compatibilidade com os principais plugins do WordPress, incluindo WooCommerce, Yoast SEO e Contact Form 7.

  • Suporte para várias línguas, incluindo português.

  • Design responsivo e otimizado para velocidade e desempenho.

Em geral, o Phlox Pro é uma ótima opção para quem procura um tema WordPress versátil e fácil de usar que oferece muitos recursos e opções de personalização.

Porto WordPress is an ultimate business & woocommerce wordpress theme that is suitable for any business and woocommerce sites. Porto provides plenty elements and powerful features that can configure all you want. Compared to other multi-purpose themes’ general ecommerce features, Porto provides ultimate woocommerce features with exclusive skins & layouts and features. Porto guarantees super fast performance which is essential for your business & woocommerce shops. Please check below to see more features from Porto. Enjoy Porto Business & Woocommerce Theme!

Porto has wonderful features – Soft Mode, Merged JS and CSS, Critical CSS, Type Builder, Single and Archive Builders. Soft Mode is a new feature that can be surely called a huge development. It has made possible to edit anything. You can build site without touching a single line of code using full site builders. Critical CSS helps you reduce the rendering time of your site. Your site may suffer from too many styles yet not all of them are used at first time. Critical CSS helps you escape from all this stuff. You will be able to achieve high performance. Merged JS & CSS is also a important point in the new version. It limits the request count so even though you don’t use cache plugins, you can expect high speed on mobile devices. With Post Type Builder, any archive post layout can be built to be harmonized with your website.

As for Single & Archive Builder, most themes want customization yet for their single and archive pages. Never mind. Porto will do all those things for you and build a layout that is in your head. Eventually Porto has improved all its Google Lighthouse metrics above 98 on desktop and 70 on mobile without any cache plugins. For example Beauty Salon, Dentist, Auto Service… In addition to these features, 6.3.0 provides 3 new demos(Business Consulting 4, Dentist and Beauty Salon), scroll progress element, dynamic tags, conditional rendering system in Elementor section, etc. Porto improved performance by optimizing dynamic styles about 30ms, using css variables, optimizing server respond time about 30ms, etc.

You’ve never built a WordPress website like this before. Divi is more than just a WordPress theme, it’s a completely new website building platform that replaces the standard WordPress post editor with a vastly superior visual editor. It can be enjoyed by design professionals and newcomers alike, giving you the power to create spectacular designs with surprising ease and efficiency. Divi isn’t just a WordPress theme, it’s a complete design framework that allows you to design and customize every part of your website from the ground up. You have control over everything down to the finest detail. Create the perfect websites for you and your clients.

Divi not only comes with powerful design tools, it also helps you make your website a success. Build your marketing lists with Bloom pop-ups. Promote your website on social media with Monarch social sharing. Increase website conversions with Divi Leads split testing. If you are a web design professional, you will be amazed by Divi’s speed and efficiency. Divi isn’t just an easy-to-use website builder for beginners, it’s an advanced design system that can help take your team’s work flow to the next level.

Avada é o tema WordPress mais vendido do mercado. Ele é altamente personalizável e possui uma ampla variedade de recursos, o que o torna adequado para uma ampla gama de projetos e finalidades. Ele é conhecido por sua facilidade de uso, compatibilidade com plugins populares do WordPress, e pela capacidade de criar designs de página personalizados usando o construtor de páginas integrado.

O Avada inclui muitos recursos e opções de personalização, como uma variedade de opções de layout, estilos de fonte personalizados, menus personalizados, sliders de imagens e suporte para vários tipos de conteúdo, incluindo vídeo, áudio e galerias de imagens.

Além disso, o tema é altamente responsivo, o que significa que ele é otimizado para exibição em dispositivos móveis e em várias resoluções de tela. Também inclui suporte para SEO (otimização para motores de busca) e integração com redes sociais, permitindo que os usuários compartilhem facilmente o conteúdo do site em plataformas como o Facebook e o Twitter.

JNews é um tema altamente versátil e responsivo, projetado para atender às necessidades de sites de notícias, revistas digitais, blogs, etc. Com uma variedade impressionante de demos prontas e a opção de personalização, JNews permite que editores e criadores de conteúdo lancem rapidamente um site com layouts que podem ser ajustados de acordo com o que desejam.

Uma das principais características do JNews é a integração com o AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages), garantindo que o conteúdo do site seja carregado quase instantaneamente em dispositivos móveis, melhorando a experiência do usuário e potencialmente aumentando o tempo de permanência na página.

O tema também é otimizado para SEO, ajudando a maximizar a visibilidade nos motores de busca e a atrair mais tráfego orgânico. JNews também oferece suporte a uma ampla gama de plugins populares no WordPress, permitindo funcionalidades adicionais, como formulários de contato, integração com redes sociais, e sistemas de assinatura, entre outros.

Sell memberships, courses, and build online communities.

We make it easy for you to build on WordPress, the World’s #1 open source platform, giving you the flexibility, control and freedom you need, to create a successful online platform.

Selling Courses Online

BuddyBoss makes it easy to share your knowledge and passion, while building your audience and growing your revenue. The platform enables structured training, micro-learning, social learning and gamification for an engaged learning experience. You can also have your own white label mobile app, thanks to the BuddyBoss App integration, so your employees can learn on the go.

Online Communities

An online community enables your followers or customers to connect under your brand. Members can connect and engage with each other on topics within forums and groups. This can help you build loyalty, gather feedback, provide more value and keep your audience engaged around your brand. With the BuddyBoss App integration, you can launch your own mobile app, and keep your community connected on the go.

Online Membership Programs

Provide value to your members while building a recurring and reliable revenue stream. Use the community and gamification features to keep your community engaged. Take advantage of the BuddyBoss App integration, to launch your own mobile app, and allow everyone to stay connected and access training, on the go. Your members can learn from each other, increase the value of your brand, all while reducing your workload.

Corporate Training

Having a central hub for training your workforce and for connecting and engaging with employees is key in succeeding in today’s competitive market. BuddyBoss helps you put the focus on the learner and the learning experience. The solution enables structured training, micro-learning, social learning and gamification for an engaged learning experience. You can also have your own white label mobile app, thanks to the BuddyBoss App integration, so your employees can learn on the go.

Non Profit Organizations

Reduce on-boarding and training costs thanks to structured online courses for your employees & volunteers. Provide training for critical skills such as effective fundraising or grant proposal writing to help increase funding for your organization. Use the community features to keep your employees, volunteers and stakeholders engaged, provide them with more value which can help influence your reputation. Take advantage of the BuddyBoss App integration, to launch your own mobile app, and allow everyone to stay connected and access training, on the go.

Online Schools & Blended Learning

Online education is growing at a rate faster than ever. BuddyBoss helps you build a flexible learning environment that supports your students from wherever they are in the world. The solution enables structured training, micro-learning, social learning and gamification for an engaged learning experience. You can also have your own white label mobile app, thanks to the BuddyBoss App integration, so your employees can learn on the go.

Newspaper é um tema que permite escrever artigos e publicações com facilidade. Crie um site de notícias em segundos com nossos modelos prontos. Este tema best-seller é perfeito para blogs e também conta com suporte para WooCommerce, editoriais, jornais, magazines, e até mesmo sites de reviews. Suporta vídeos do YouTube, AMP, está preparado para dispositivos móveis, RTL e suporte multi-lingual. Compatível com GDPR, o tema é rápido, simples e fácil de usar também para criptomoedas, moda, comida, estilo de vida, moderno, pessoal, viagens, luxo, viral, projetos minimalistas, desenvolvimento web e muito mais.

Possui integração com o Instagram, bbPress, BuddyPress e WooCommerce. Newspaper usa as melhores práticas de SEO e ainda suporta anúncios responsivos do Google e AdSense. Newspaper é o tema WordPress de notícias mais vendido do mundo, com mais de 110.000 clientes e classificação cinco estrelas com base no feedback de mais de 6.800 usuários: blogueiros, vloggers, jornalistas, profissionais de negócios, donos de lojas, usuários iniciantes e avançados do mundo todo confiam no tema Newspaper para criar seu site.

The7 é um poderoso kit de templates projetado para oferecer flexibilidade e funcionalidades avançadas. Com uma ampla variedade de opções de design e recursos, o The7 é uma escolha versátil para criar sites diversos, desde portfólios e blogs até lojas online robustas.

Um destaque do The7 é a integração com o plugin WooCommerce, que permite criar facilmente uma loja completa. Com layouts de produtos personalizáveis, opções de pagamento seguras e gerenciamento de inventário, o The7 oferece uma solução abrangente para aqueles que desejam entrar no mundo do comércio eletrônico.

A personalização é um ponto forte deste kit, graças ao seu design baseado em Elementor. Os usuários podem ajustar facilmente o layout, as cores, as fontes e outros elementos visuais para atender às suas necessidades específicas, sem a necessidade de conhecimentos avançados de programação.

The7 também oferece uma biblioteca extensa de demos prontas que cobrem uma variedade de setores e estilos de design. Essas demos podem ser importadas com alguns cliques, proporcionando um ponto de partida sólido para a criação de um site impressionante.

XStore é um tema robusto e versátil para criar uma ampla variedade de lojas multisegmento usando o WordPress e o plugin WooCommerce. Com uma gama impressionante de recursos e uma interface intuitiva, o XStore oferece uma plataforma poderosa para construir sites de comércio eletrônico profissionais e atraentes.

Uma das principais características do XStore é sua ampla gama de demos prontas, cada uma projetada para atender a diferentes tipos de lojas e nichos de mercado. Essas demos podem ser importadas com apenas alguns cliques, facilitando o processo de criação do site e permitindo que os usuários escolham o design que melhor se adapte às suas necessidades e preferências.

Totalmente responsivo, o tema adapta-se perfeitamente a diferentes dispositivos, garantindo uma experiência de compra consistente e agradável em dispositivos móveis e desktops. A personalização também é uma característica chave, permitindo que os proprietários ajustem facilmente as cores, fontes e layouts.

O tema também inclui uma série de recursos específicos para lojas de comércio eletrônico, como catálogo de produtos avançado, opções de pagamento e envio integradas, funcionalidades de pesquisa de produtos aprimoradas e muito mais. Isso permite que os proprietários ofereçam uma experiência de compra e gerenciem eficientemente suas operações online.

REHub is a modern multipurpose hybrid theme. Theme covers many modern Business models for online websites. Each part can be configured and used separately or you can combine them all in one site. We used most actual trends and best unique seo instruments to build advanced wordpress functions which you will not find in other themes. Do you want to create a comparison site like PriceGrabber or maybe a deal/coupon site like Groupon? Now you can have absolutely new level of affiliate smart functions. No more copy of external products, we offer a much smarter way for affiliate websites which makes your site really useful for users and for search engines.

We researched the most profitable methods and added many additional unique instruments like top list builders, top tables, dynamic comparison (including multi-group comparison) and many special post templates and layouts. We added support for many popular affiliate plugins and also import tool. You can also use the theme in combination with Content Egg Pro and Affiliate Egg Pro (CE free is included in theme for start) to have mega powerful functions like on top comparison sites. Check video for 1 minute super functional post and also, check our special step by step guide for best affiliate site on our WordPress theme. We also included special smart Autoblog templates which can help to turn the theme to money making auto pilot site. This is not just for another useless affiliate blog, you can make really professional and useful site for users.

For almost a decade, Jupiter has been a go-to WordPress website builder for businesses, online shops and agencies and also a home to some of the most creative web designers and developers in the world. Our goal with Jupiter X2 is a theme with the utmost customizability and seamless building and styling experience to make great websites and outstanding online stores without needing extra tools such as Elementor Pro and extra WooCommerce plugins.

We wanted to make X2 to catch up with the latest trends in WordPress such as full site editing and introduce personalization and segmentation to the premium themes industry. We also wanted it to be a comprehensive package to answer all the needs of a WooCommerce online store. While we are working hard on bringing even more to the table in our next iterations, we can’t wait to see what our community of over 150,000 users creates with Jupiter X2 and we rely on the precious feedback from our community about X2 the same way they have have driven us forward after all releases from Jupiter V1 to V5, V6 and X.

Education WordPress Theme – Eduma is made for Education Website, LMS, Training Center, Courses Hub, College, Academy, University, School, Kindergarten, etc. Other themes use the built-in LMS feature, right inside the theme, for their WordPress based Education website. Education WP theme uses LearnPress, the #1 WP LMS plugin on WordPress.org – the official WordPress Plugins Directory, which offers you a whole lot of benefits, such as: easy to update, independent from the theme, easy to change theme or update in future. You will be able to make Udemy, Coursera or Edx education websites in minutes. This education WordPress theme uses the LearnPress plugin, which not only supports WooCommerce but also includes 4 other payment methods: PayPal, Stripe, 2Checkout and Authorize.net. If you’d rather not make your web server support a whole e-Commerce system with WooCommerce, there are 5 payment gateways available for selling courses: PayPal, Stripe, Authorize.net, 2Checkout and Offline payment.

Optimize your WooCommerce store for speed and conversions with Shoptimizer. Shoptimizer is a FAST WooCommerce theme that comes with a ton of features all designed to help you convert more users to customers. We’ve built Shoptimizer based upon research and best practices, many of which have been covered by Baymard who have analyzed the top eCommerce sites on the web. Speed, design, and conversions are key. Own and control your own data with WooCommerce. Plus, with over 5,000 extensions there are multiple ways to add additional functionality to your store. There are no limits when it comes to variations. The fastest eCommerce theme: Speed is essential a delay of even miliseconds equals lost orders.

We’ve benchmarked Shoptimizer against the most popular WooCommerce themes in the industry. Research has shown that even a one second delay equals a 7% reduction in conversions. This is real money for online businesses, speed has become a vital factor. Organic search is a huge part of most business’s performance, as well as a critical component of the buyer funnel and ultimately getting users to complete an engagement. We’ve benchmarked Shoptimizer against five of the leading WooCommerce themes. See how it stacks up in terms of performance, speed and the first meaningful paint time.

Soledad is a powerful & flexible WordPress Themes and easy to customize. It helps you create unique & professional websites in some minutes. Soledad WordPress Theme supports AMP, compatible with Woocommerce, BBPress, BuddyPress & most of all plugins.You can easily import a demo into your site with one click. All of the presented elements, layouts & styles can be freely combined. No extra cost to get it works.

Why our theme keep being #1 selling WordPress Theme for Blog/News/Magazine/Business? Because, we help customers build professional websites fast & easy, even if you’re a non-techy person. You can customize everything: layouts, styles, content, colours, fonts…, without knowing or even understanding codes. We always update the theme regularly with new features to help you beat up your competitors. We are always listening to requests from our customers to make Soledad even greater day by day. You can use Soleldad for any purpose. And we’re updating with new demos with new designs and features.

BRIDGE is a responsive retina multipurpose WordPress theme perfect for just about anyone. Whether you are a creative, a corporate team, a lawyer, a medical doctor or a freelancer looking for a modern portfolio website or a personal blog, Bridge is your best option. Build with WPBakery or Elementor – it’s your choice! Bridge is not just a theme, it’s a collection of amazing examples with tons of features. The possibilities are truly endless.

Need a 1-page gallery, a coming soon or an app landing page? Own a restaurant, a bar or a pizza parlor? A gym or a fitness studio? You have a wellness or a spa center, or promote healthy lifestyle? We got you! Bridge is here if you need a superb website for your hotel, travel tour, church, wedding, shop, seo digital marketing agency, or if you are into photography, architecture, fashion, design, organic food, music or offer any type of service out there.

Masterstudy Education WordPress Theme for Learning Management System (LMS) is powered by MasterStudy Pro plugin. No extra fees! MasterStudy Pro plugin is already included with this theme. Whether you specialize in local workshops or online courses – MasterStudy is the only theme you need to build a vibrant and compelling learning hub. Based on extensive research into the education and learning industry, we have developed a range of first-class features that will make your life easier – saving you time and delivering excellent results. Download today The Best Education WordPress theme! As the ultimate Education WordPress theme, Masterstudy makes it simple and hassle-free to build, customize and manage your site.

The Visual Composer plugin is included, so you can build pages in minutes with easy drag and drop tools. Unlimited skin colors and a vast collection of Google Fonts give you even more scope to personalize the look and feel of your website. Your Masterstudy education WordPress theme is fully responsive, so you can be confident that your content looks perfect on any device. Masterstudy is developed as a Learning Management System for Courses Listing Platform like Udemy, Training Center, Courses Hub, eLearning Business, College, Academy, University or School.

Perfectly suitable for: agency artist beauty car church clinic conference consulting online courses digital real estate fashion hotel interior it landing life magazine medical mobile app nature news personal photographer portrait rental restaurant school shop store tech wedding addon block buy click complete design develop drag drop drive global grid guide header helpdesk illustrate import include install market most multiple one page optimize option partial powerful premium rate reusable sale sell seo simple speed test top update visual web architect studio government fitness.

Elessi is clean, modern, user-friendly WooCommerce Theme with many of functions theme just perfect for your eCommerce project. Elessi is built with the customer experience in mind with features like: Unique product filtering, Unique Compare, Multiple ajax off-canvas Wishlist & Cart Sidebar, Product Quick View (Off-canvas or Popup), One Click them installs, … and so much more. Easy to use, awesome and powerful. You will be able to build your website in a snap without coding knowledge. Are you ready to get it for now?

Education WordPress Theme That Compatible with LearnPress, LearnDash & Tutor 3 Popular LMS. Edubin is perfect for e-Learning, Online Courses, Kindergarten, School, College, University, Training Center & Other Institutes. Edubin education WordPress theme is developed as a Learning Management System for Courses Listing Platform like Udemy, Coursera, Edx, Training Center, Courses Hub, language school, eLearning Business, learning courses, music education school, dance academy and driving school College, Academy, University or School.

Edubin is one of the best Education LMS WordPress Theme perfect for Sell Online Courses, University, College, School, Training Center, E-Learning, Courses Tutorials, Education Center & Other Institutes. Edubin is a complete education solution with all features and functionalities. It is built with drag and drop Elementor Page Builder. By using this theme possible to build the website for any type of educational institute. This education theme supported Tutor, LearnDash and LernPress 3 popular LMS plugins. Also, this theme has Event Calender, Event Registration, WooCommerce Shop and more features.

TheFox is the New ultimate multi-purpose WordPress theme. It is clean, got the newest design, super flexible, responsive, working with the awesome Visual Composer and created with a powerful admin options panel ! This theme is what we call multi-purpose, using the multiple style of TheFox you will be able to create any kind of website, the possibilities are endless ! We have our own support forum if you have any questions or problem, the theme also comes with lifetime updates and we are trying to keep adding new thing in every update. TheFox is super intuitive to use and really user friendly, TheFox include Visual Composer so you won’t need to code anything, we can asure you that even if you don’t know nothing about coding you will be able to create awesome websites. TheFox comes with a lots of awesome features, we’ve highlighted some of our main features below, check them to get an idea of how awesome TheFox is. TheFox include design that can be used for any type of website: business, corporate, portfolio, blog, products, magazine, etc. Buy TheFox and join our awesome community, let’s make TheFox better together!

Electro é uma escolha sólida para lojas online que desejam vender produtos, como dispositivos eletrônicos, gadgets, eletrônicos de consumo e muito mais. Este tema é projetado especificamente para atender às necessidades dessas lojas e oferece uma série de recursos específicos para esse setor.

Com Electro, você pode criar uma loja online atraente e funcional para listar seus produtos. Ele inclui opções de categorização e filtragem para facilitar a navegação dos clientes e encontrar os produtos desejados.

Também oferece recursos de comércio eletrônico completos, como opções de pagamento online, carrinho de compras, avaliações de produtos e muito mais. A responsividade é fundamental para garantir que sua loja online seja acessível em dispositivos móveis e desktops.

Possui recursos como integração com mídias sociais, opções de blog para compartilhar notícias e análises de produtos, e ferramentas de personalização para ajustar a aparência da loja de acordo com a identidade visual da sua marca.

Jannah é um tema para blogs e revistas online que oferece uma variedade de recursos e ferramentas para ajudar a criar um site atraente e dinâmico. O tema é altamente personalizável, com mais de 20 demos pré-construídas disponíveis, o que permite que os usuários escolham entre uma ampla gama de layouts e designs. Além disso, o Jannah possui recursos como a integração do BuddyPress, que permite criar uma comunidade de usuários em seu site e recursos de compartilhamento social para promover ainda mais o seu conteúdo.

O tema Jannah é uma excelente opção para quem deseja criar um site de notícias ou revista online, pois possui recursos como áreas de widget personalizáveis para anúncios e áreas de destaque para as últimas notícias. Além disso, o tema é altamente responsivo, tornando-se perfeitamente compatível com dispositivos móveis. O Jannah também inclui recursos de SEO e opções de integração com o Google AdSense, o que é essencial para os sites que desejam obter uma receita adicional por meio de publicidade.

O Jannah é um tema de blog e revista online de última geração, com recursos e ferramentas poderosos para ajudar a criar um site atraente e envolvente. Com suporte para BuddyPress, integração com as redes sociais e recursos de SEO, este tema é uma excelente opção para quem deseja criar uma comunidade de usuários e um site de notícias de sucesso. Com mais de 20 demos disponíveis e recursos personalizáveis, o Jannah oferece muitas opções para ajudar os usuários a criar o site perfeito para atender às suas necessidades.

Welcome to Houzez. The worldwide popular WordPress theme for real estate agents and companies. Houzez is a super flexible starting point for professional designers to create top-notch designs. It has features that your client – a real estate agent or company – might not even have dreamt about. Take advantage of the amazing flexibility of Houzez to create attractive and feature-rich search bars and place them where ever you need on the page layout. Houzez lets you build a feature-rich footer with a wide range of tools and options.

Visually build the conversion focused site of your dreams no matter your experience level with the only marketing centered wordPress theme builder. Easily build your marketing focused WordPress website with 100% front-end visual theme building magic. No coding needed! Not a plugin, and not some workaround, Thrive Theme Builder is a full-fledged WordPress theme and site builder—with drag and drop, front-end customization power— that’s been broken free from the traditional WordPress framework to give you unparalleled control over your site. Thrive Theme Builder allows you to visually create and customize your header, footer, blog post templates, sidebar, page layout, category pages, search pages, 404s, and MORE.

Getting started with a new site or theme is HARD… the learning curve alone can eat up precious hours and days. No longer. Thrive Theme Builder comes equipped with a site set-up walkthrough wizard that will hold your hand through a series of steps to get your first site live in under 15 minutes.

Thrive Theme Builder makes it easy to manage your brand everywhere from one centralized location with dynamic global color settings, centralized font management, and effortless control over your logos. Quickly change brand elements everywhere with one-click, or customize every pixel to your exact needs.

Thrive Theme Builder doesn’t just give you a professional looking website. A website build with Thrive Theme Builder will help you grow your business and get more email subscribers. Thrive Theme Builder was built with conversions in mind.

Thrive Theme Builder was built with the mobile web in mind. Every page, element, and feature was built to look and function beautifully out-of-the-box on any modern web browser.

Get started building beautiful, conversion-focused sites with every design and site-building element you could ever need. Icons, fonts, fancy dividers, page blocks, content elements, conversion tools, global color management… never go hunting for design elements again.

We know that integrating with your favorite online tools is essential for your business. Thrive Theme Builder is natively integrated with dozens of tools, including email marketing systems, webinar platforms, Zapier, and more.

Why Ewebot? It has awesome and clean design dedicated to marketing services like SEO, website analysis, optimization, link building etc. The custom pages have a lot of content blocks which allow you build unique pages. The powerful #1 Elementor drag and drop page builder and WPDaddy Header & Footer builder. And the most important thing is a smart one click demo import tool.

Design and features never seen before with unparalleled attention to detail. Unleash the power of WordPress today with Essentials Build stunning and powerful websites without writing a single line of code! You can use Essentials for any purpose starting from business, marketing, corporate, app, creative, minimal, flat, eCommerce, Restaurant, one page, professional, Education, eCourse, Sign-up to download course outline/prospectus or an application for enrolment, Real Estate, New condo development sign-up, Property listing with real estate agent contact form, Travel , Resort package special offer (one listing), Seasonal getaways (multiple destinations), Luxury cruise, Medical/Treatment, Procedure info & sign-up (e.g. LASIK, Invisalign, cosmetic surgery), Report/White Paper/ebook download, Law, Group lawsuit call-to-action, Request for quote, Startup, Pre-launch/coming soon email sign-up, App release specs & download, SaaS Trial Sign-up, Software pricing info & sign-up, Non-Profit, Donations to a cause or Sign a petition, B2B, app landing page, builder, catering, course, fitness, landing, launch, marketing, multipurpose, one page, page, responsive landing page, startup, tour, Webinar sign-up, ebook download, Lead gen/request quote, Agency, Service offering & request for quote, Insurance, Insurance plans & lead generating form, Beauty, University Landing page, Shop with deals page, Marketing Subscription landing page with mailchimp, Hotel, Gym, Party, Event, Marketing Representative/product information & request for consultation form, Multi-Purpose, General template fit for multi-purpose usage.

Martfury é um tema projetado para criar um mercado online usando o plugin WooCommerce. Este tema oferece uma plataforma robusta para criar um mercado onde vendedores podem listar seus produtos e os compradores podem navegar e comprar de múltiplos vendedores.

O tema inclui uma ampla gama de recursos e funcionalidades que são essenciais para a criação e gestão. Isso inclui a capacidade de permitir que vendedores se registrem e listem seus produtos, configurar sistemas de pagamento, definir comissões para os vendedores, gerenciar pedidos, avaliações de produtos e muito mais.

A responsividade deste tema garante que seu marketplace seja facilmente acessível em dispositivos móveis e desktops. Martfury também é altamente personalizável, permitindo que você ajuste o design, as cores, as fontes e os layouts para corresponder à identidade visual do seu marketplace.

We found these website styles rise to the top every time, so with Motors, we sought to create the most elegant designs, the fastest loading directories, coded to meet tomorrow’s standards and to exceed all of your expectations. We know you have a work to do, so we took all of the grunt work out of building a website for you. With our Drag and Drop Page builder, everything works in a familiar fashion to using a Word Processing App – just drag and drop elements where you want them and let Motors take care of the rest.

It is the perfect theme for Car Dealer, Auto Dealer, Automotive, Electric Car Dealership, Boat Dealer WordPress, Motorcycle Dealership website, Rent a Car and any other automotive dealership business, who sell, buy, loan or lease vehicles/boats via a website. You can build your unique Classified Listing website with Motors WordPress theme. Classified Listing layout has several additional features like Seller & Dealer registration, Car for Sale submission, XML/CSV inventory import, Dealer Profile with user reviews and much more.

Our enhanced Inventory Manager does all the hard work for you to make your listings irresistible to buyers, so they have no excuse not to make a purchase! Quickly and easily input the relevant information about a vehicle – an overview, photos and videos, technical features and options, location, contact information, WhatsApp chat module, loan calculator and PDF brochure – and Motors classified listing WordPress theme will collate and present your listing in style.

Salient é um tema WordPress altamente versátil e flexível projetado para atender às necessidades de uma ampla variedade de sites e finalidades. Com foco na criatividade e no design, o Salient é uma escolha popular para criar sites impressionantes para negócios, portfólios, lojas online e muito mais.

Uma característica notável do Salient é a sua ampla gama de recursos e opções de personalização. O tema oferece uma seleção diversificada de layouts de página, elementos e estilos de design, permitindo que os usuários adaptem o site de acordo com suas necessidades específicas. Ele também inclui um construtor de páginas integrado que facilita a criação de páginas personalizadas por meio de uma interface de arrastar e soltar.

O Salient é totalmente compatível com o plugin WooCommerce, tornando-o uma escolha sólida para a criação de lojas online. Ele oferece suporte a recursos de comércio eletrônico, como carrinho de compras, catálogo de produtos, opções de pagamento e muito mais.

Além disso, o Salient é otimizado para desempenho e SEO, garantindo que o site seja rápido e bem classificado nos mecanismos de busca. Sua responsividade garante que o site seja exibido de maneira eficaz em dispositivos móveis e desktops.

The main intention for TheGem was to create a WordPress Theme for business, agencies, online shops, photographers, bloggers and designers that would give a maximum creative freedom for users not deeply involved in design & coding. The result is impressive: with more than 200 styles for more than 50 content elements you can create absolutely unique designs in minutes. It’s a wordpress onestop tool shop, and truly easy to use. TheGem’s design is based on thorough analysis of 2016 Web Designs by UX Pin. This theme reflects modern trends of UI / UX design in the unique way, free of annoying mainstream approaches. TheGem is a fresh design experience, aimed to fulfill both understated and crazy ideas in a minimalistic, or excessive way – ultimately the choice is yours.

TheGem has over 40 complete design concepts, each and every one featuring its own style and character. These are not simple reskins; each demo has been thoroughly researched and features carefully considered design concepts, with a myriad of business types covered. TheGem has been developed for high-performance and fully optimized for modern devices, including laptops, desktops, smartphones and tablets, as well as mastering SEO best practise. That’s why when buying TheGem you can be sure that you get the long- term winning website.

Enfold is a clean, super flexible and fully responsive WordPress Theme (try resizing your browser), suited for business websites, shop websites, and users who want to showcase their work on a neat portfolio site. The Theme is built on top of the fabulous Avia Framework and offers support for the WPML MULTI LANGUAGE plugin, just in case you need it. It comes with a plethora of options so you can modify layout, styling, colors and fonts directly from within the backend. Build your own clean skin or use one of 18 predefined skins right out from your WordPress Admin Panel. Font, background and color options as well as the dynamic template builder will help you create the Website you need in no time. In addition to the global options you can set unique styling options for each entry as seen in the theme demo

Consulting é um tema abrangente e sofisticado para empresas que atuam nos setores de consultoria, negócios e finanças. Projetado com um foco na profissionalidade e na funcionalidade, o tema oferece uma plataforma robusta e altamente personalizável para empresas que desejam estabelecer uma presença online de destaque.

Com uma ampla gama de recursos para empresas de consultoria e financeiras, o Consulting permite que os usuários destaquem seus serviços, equipe e histórico de sucesso de forma eficaz. Desde seções dedicadas a depoimentos até elementos de portfólio e áreas para destacar certificações e credenciais, o tema capacita as empresas a transmitir sua expertise e credibilidade de maneira convincente.

Possui também integrações com formulários de contato, calendários de agendamento e chat ao vivo facilitam a comunicação e o engajamento com os clientes em potencial. Com opções de layout versáteis, uma variedade de esquemas de cores e ferramentas de personalização intuitivas, os usuários podem adaptá-lo facilmente para refletir a identidade e a sua marca.

MyListing is a directory and listing WordPress theme that gives you the tools to build a directory site like never before. MyListing pages are created using the powerful front-end page builder, Elementor. All 50+ elements are drag and drop, and easy to use and customize. Absolutely no coding required. Build advanced search forms with unlimited custom filters. Choose between three pre-made explore page templates and 10+ Google map skins.

Whether you’re creating a business, event, or any other type of directory, you would want different look, functionality and features for each of them. Our advanced listing type creator lets you do just that. Choose between 20+ pre-made fields and create your own unlimited custom fields. Each listing can also have their own products for sale, host events, forms, reviews, comments and other custom tabs.

Elegant Themes Extra é um tema popular para sites que executam a plataforma de gerenciamento de conteúdo mais amplamente utilizada, conhecida como WordPress. Este tema é uma opção popular para quem procura criar um site para revista ou blog, pois oferece muitos recursos de design e personalização. Ele vem com uma variedade de layouts de página inicial prontos e módulos personalizáveis que podem ser facilmente arrastados e soltos em seu site.

Uma das melhores coisas sobre o tema Elegant Themes Extra é que ele é altamente personalizável, permitindo que você crie um site que se adapte às suas necessidades e gostos específicos. Com seu sistema de painel de opções fácil de usar, você pode modificar a aparência do seu site com facilidade, sem ter que escrever uma única linha de código. Você também pode personalizar a aparência do seu site com a seleção de fontes e cores disponíveis.

Além disso, Elegant Themes Extra oferece suporte técnico de qualidade, o que é fundamental para quem não tem conhecimento técnico avançado. Se você precisar de ajuda para personalizar seu site ou corrigir algum problema técnico, pode contar com a equipe de suporte técnico da Elegant Themes. Eles estão disponíveis 24 horas por dia, sete dias por semana, para responder a quaisquer perguntas e ajudá-lo a resolver quaisquer problemas.

Woffice is a feature rich, powerful Multipurpose Intranet and community WordPress theme. All is wrapped with an easy-to-customize design inspired by Google’s Material Design, giving it a beautifully modern feel and easy to navigate User Interface. Woffice is fully adaptable to a wide range of applications including Business & Government Intranets / Extranets, School Networks or any Community Network and Associations/Charities.

Classima is a creatively crafted, clean, modern, and classy classifieds ads WordPress theme. For a classified listing and directory website, this theme is perfect. Being Gutenberg optimized, you can design and publish posts most straightforwardly. We created this theme with the Elementor Page Builder so you can customize your website via a drag and drop interface. Its basic features include 4 gorgeous multi homepages, which are extensively customizable with the classy page builder. You can import any of the homepage demos easily using a one-click demo importer. The 4 header styles accommodate a variation of 5 styles.

Classima gives you the chance to choose the colors of every block on your websites. As you write your blogs on the 2 layout options, you have a choice between 800+ Google fonts. You have control over image size for thumbnails and galleries. From the robust Redux admin panel, you can manipulate the theme options for the whole website in real-time. With the inclusion of the Child Theme, you can change layouts and other significant aspects of the entire site.

You can display ads using the grid or the list layouts, with each having 2 style variations. Ajax filters and autocompletion of searches for both categories and locations. The store add-on comes with membership and a storage facility. Along with the option to view maps as a list, you also get a map widget. Classima has ReCaptcha control for report abuse, registration, listing, and a contact form. The social share options include Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Plus, and Pinterest. Explore many more features in our demos. This theme is mobile-friendly and is fully responsive to any screen size. It offers a range of payment options, including PayPal and Stripe. It is compatible with all modern browsers and is translation ready.

WP Residence is a state-of-the-art WordPress theme that gives you the tools to build an astonishing real estate website for independent agents, agencies or companies. It offers high customizability, flexibility and excellent documentation with narrated video tutorials. The theme has all the flexibility you need to provide the best user experience. Over 400 neatly organized theme options are included to help you create a unique and modern real estate website. 32 pre-built demos are available to get you started in minutes.

ListingProWP is an end-to-end WordPress directory & listing solution and no extra paid plugins are required. An All-in-One turn-key solution to build and monetize your online directory in all 7 continents. Built-in checkout with Stripe, PayPal, 2CO, and Bankwire. Free & paid payment gateway add-ons are available including: PayFast, Paystack, Razorpay, PayU India, Mollie, eWAY, Mercadopago. Entrepreneurs who need to build an online business directory or listing website fast and within a bootstrap budget without coding knowledge. Also suitable for developers, freelancers, and web agencies.

RealHomes is a handcrafted WordPress theme for real estate websites. It provides design variations, a high level of customizability, and advanced functionality.

It is a real estate solution designed for:

  • Indpendent real estate agents & agencies to build their dream websites.
  • People looking for a real estate booking solution, like vacation rentals.
  • Professional real estate developers to market & sell their projects.
  • People looking for a solution to build real estate websites where sellers can publish their listings against a fee OR a paid membership package. Free submissions are also supported.
  • It can be customized for various other scenerios.

RealHomes theme gracefully presents listing information to website visitors, collects inquiries/leads, and facilitates real estate business owners by making property management easier & affordable.

O XTRA WordPress Theme é um tema poderoso que foi projetado para ser usado por qualquer pessoa, independentemente do nível de conhecimento técnico. Com o XTRA, é possível criar sites incríveis com facilidade, graças às suas ferramentas intuitivas e recursos avançados. Este tema é altamente personalizável e oferece uma ampla variedade de opções de design para ajudar a criar um site que seja verdadeiramente único.

Além disso, o XTRA WordPress Theme vem com uma ampla variedade de plugins e widgets que podem ser facilmente integrados em seu site. Esses recursos ajudam a melhorar a funcionalidade e o desempenho do seu site, tornando-o mais atraente e fácil de usar. A interface do usuário é limpa e moderna, e todos os recursos são facilmente acessíveis através do painel de controle intuitivo do tema.

Por fim, o XTRA WordPress Theme é altamente responsivo e funciona perfeitamente em todos os dispositivos, desde desktops até smartphones e tablets. Isso garante que seu site seja acessível para todos os usuários, independentemente do dispositivo que eles estão usando para acessá-lo. Com todas essas características, o XTRA WordPress Theme é uma excelente escolha para quem deseja criar um site poderoso e profissional.

After months of thorough research into education and how eLearning platforms work, we’ve put into design and development for building a functional and compelling education theme. And here it is, EduMall, a perfect solution for this industry. Powered by Tutor LMS, the most powerful WordPress LMS plugin, EduMall offers all functions needed for an educational platform including Course Management System, Quiz Creator, Administration Options… Thanks to the Tutor plugin, users can now experience the best LMS ever along with impressive UI/UX design from us. Utilized for the eLearning platform, EduMall enables users to build their own Udemy or Coursera-lookalike website easily with a variety of educational functions.

Create Your Entire Site Visually: from header to footer, and anything in between. Customize every aspect of your site right in the builder … Soon you’ll forget you’re using WordPress Insert dynamic data. Edit & preview multiple breakpoints for a fully responsive website optimized for mobile. Lots of smart features to help you build better sites in less time.

Bricks doesn’t just help you build your site in record time, it loads it in record time, too. 100/100 GTmetrix score out-of-the-box. No optimization plugin needed. How? No bloat, clean valid markup, and smart lazy loading of all your assets. Also, Bricks is a theme, not a plugin. The whole deal, if you will.

Hit the ground running with one of our ready-made templates. Create custom theme styles to make any design your own. Edit your images visually via CSS filters. Add unlimited gradients & shape dividers to any block. Create a color palette that fits your brand. Upload your favorite fonts and SVGs. Need more programmatic design power? Custom CSS & JavaSript can be added globally or to individual blocks.

Easily create your own elements with PHP, HTML, and CSS. No complicated build/compile process required. Use hooks and filters to customize everything down to color palette, save messages, and so on. Extend Bricks in any way imaginable by adding your own endpoints to the Bricks API. What are you going to build next?

Riode WooCommerce theme is an ultimate WooCommerce WordPress theme that is suitable for any type of ecommerce business sites. Riode provides plenty elements and powerful features that can configure all you want. Compared to other multi-purpose themes’ general ecommerce features, Riode provides ultimate WooCommerce features with exclusive skins & layouts and features. Riode guarantees super fast performance which is essential for your WooCommerce shops. Please check below to see more features from Riode. Enjoy Riode Business & WooCommerce Theme!

Introducing the most powerful and flexible WordPress theme created by Themify, making it easy to create any site quickly and beautifully (and responsive, of course). Take full control of your theme design from header to footer. Ultra is a “must-have” theme for designers and developers.

Ultra now comes with design skins and pre-made demo sites! The skin not only transforms the site’s design appearance, but can also help you to setup a real sample site within minutes. With just a single click, you can import the demo setup that includes the theme settings, content, menus, widgets, etc., exactly like our theme demos. This is a time saver for creating client sites.

Bimber is a viral magazine theme, that lets you launch a fully functional viral site in no more than 24 hours. It comes with powerful sharing buttons; popular, hot, trending listings and multiple ad locations. Everything in a lightweight and easy-to-use package. Just start today and go viral today! We’ve got many demos for shareable viral content like lists, polls, quizzes, breaking news, memes, gifs, gags, social bookmarks, video, open lists, freebies, celebrity news & gossip. Insired by popular sites like BuzzFeed, 9GAG, Reddit, Hacker News, Bored Panda or YouTube and their clones.

Rey theme is probably one of the most unique items on the WooCommerce market, being fit for Furniture stores, Fashion/Clothing & Apparel stores, Artists or Painters store, and many others. A Jack of all trades for ecommerce business. Rey is a well crafted WordPress theme, with lots of features, a gorgeous design and a rock solid infrastructure to provide a foundation for your upcoming projects. While it was mainly thought as an ecommerce dedicated theme, this is just a fraction of its powers. So you can safely use it for pretty much any type of website. I’m dedicated exclusively to this theme and i want to continuously update it with features, improvements, fixes and new astonishing designs. Feel free to reach me if you have feature requests. I have a huge list of features to do and your requests will help me prioritize them better.

Careerfy – Job Board WordPress theme is advanced job board WordPress theme brings you the most simple solution to display jobs on any type of websites job board WordPress theme . You may already know, some really big job board WordPress theme provides the option to use their database and extend your website with job offers. a complete job board WordPress theme loaded with separate panels for employer and candidates. job board WordPress theme can make everything automatically, some job providers also pay commission when any of your visitors click on the job links. Job Board WordPress theme : Careerfy theme by Eyecix is a complete Job Board WordPress theme that allows you to create a useful and easy to use job listings website . Using Careerfy theme, you can create a complete fully Responsive job portal, job posting recruitment website.. Careerfy theme has been built with the plan to make it compatible with famous jobs feeds like indeed. Careerfy is not just a job board theme, it’s the best WordPress job portal theme choice for anyone who wants create a simple complete Job Board WordPress fully Responsive job portal and that is a best WordPress job portal template.

Minimog is The Next Generation of highest-converting and extensible WordPress themes that will get you going in close to no time. This is such an ultimate solution: A theme comes with a bundle of eCommerce Features that enable your store’s hidden power, and you don’t need to pay any extra fee. It’s FREE 100%. From custom design to built-in SEO and lightning speed, Minimog will help you get more sales from your online store. Minimog comes with 60+ sophisticated demos as well as 7+ header styles and 30+ footer styles. You can easily change colors, layouts or fonts of your store. It’s also packed with premium eCommerce features such as Product Bundles, Video Gallery, Sale Countdown Timer, and so much more that makes it easy to run & manage your online store.

Hub is the all-in-one builder with ultra high performance, intuitive editor, exclusive features and award-winning design collection. It includes 70+ pre-built websites, 600+ section templates and 100+ inner pages. Hub is the all-in-one builder with ultra high performance, intuitive editor, exclusive features and award-winning design collection. Bring your ideas to life with an intuitive visual editor. Create, edit, and customize your website visually and see the changes instantly. No coding required! WooCommerce. Hub provides all the tools you need to start selling online. Let your customers to experience WooCommerce at its absolute-best.

Avas is multi-purpose responsive WordPress theme with lightweight and less plugins. Ready to use for any purpose such as Business, Finance, Corporate, Agency, Portfolio, App, Real Estate, News, Blog, Magazine, Cleaning services, Construction, Designs, Freelancer, Wedding, Restaurant, Education, Charity, Shop, Mechanic, Moving, Covid-19 Coronavirus, Resume, Startup, Creative, Architecture, Consultant, Kindergarten, Travel, Insurance, Lawyer, Medical, Hosting, Fitness, Gym, Spa, SEO, Pinterest Style, ICO Cryptocurrency, Crypto News, Photographer, Website Builder, Website Solution, Barber Shop, Driving School, Nice & Clean, Music Band, Chef, Tattoo Parlour and many more.

Avas has 55+ different demos ready with one click demo install supported so you can choose any of the demos according to your niche. Avas templates are built with a super-fast lightweight Elementor page builder with a drag and drop function so your website will not load heavily. We have added lots of options in the theme options panel with the Redux framework so you don’t need any coding knowledge.

Phox is a perfect solution for Hosting Companies. Phox gives you the ability to create a unique-looking website with an easy-to-use drag and drop page builder. fully responsive, retina-ready, and SEO-optimised. On top of that, Phox comes with Advanced Domain Search, You can also choose from +20 website templates as a quick start.

Saasland is a multipurpose WordPress theme for saas, software, startup, mobile app, agency and related products & services. SaasLand is loaded with tons of features, elements & blocks, options that give its users real flexibility to create a dynamic, professional website in no time. It is 100% responsive and looks stunning on all types of screens and devices. Saasland is a better way to present and promote your start-up or boosting your current agency website. Users will love your Saasland driven site as it gives them a unique user experience (UX), clean, modern and beautiful design. Saasland technology theme is surely a great way to kickstart your new startup project or website.

Saasland – Multipurpose WordPress Theme is a tried and tested Technology WordPress Theme build from the ground to be a functional, productive, and mature theme, all the while giving your business a unique web identity. Saasland Business WordPress Theme comes with 50+ demos, over 450+ elements, 95+ PSD with included images & graphics for a highly personalized experience for your Saas WordPress website. Saasland – Multipurpose WordPress Theme provides a whole range of customizability options with Elementor drag and drop page builder allowing you to make your website stand out among the rest. This responsive, retina-ready Tech Theme will surely attract users from all types of niches and grab their attention indefinably.

Welcome to Blacksilver Photography theme for WordPress. Blacksilver photography WordPress theme is designed with professional photographers in mind. It uses a minimalist yet attractive design approach so that your photos are always in the center. Blacksilver photography theme is built with page layouts for fullscreen slideshows, portfolios, proofing, events, blog and and landing pages. Lazy load images to improve page load times making even large image sets to load the page first and then display the images intelligently as the user scrolls. Apposed to simply fading in the images as user scrolls this technique uses actual lazy loading to load the images dynamically. The galleries can handle all the images you can add to it and at the same time display them very fast.

Blacksilver is powered by Elementor Pagebuilder, which is a live pagebuilder that let’s you easily customize each block, typography, fonts, colors, backgrounds, etc. The theme uses large images allowing you to beautifully showcase your photographs. It also comes with a built-in sliders and gallery designs with different approaches. For those who are starting a photography website for the first time using WordPress, this is an easy to build theme with an end design of professionalism and powerful features. Blacksilver theme is supported and future proof. It is coded with the highest strict standards which also makes it future proof. Blacksilver is Gutenberg optimized which will also work with live pagebuilder on click.

Onum é um tema desenvolvido para agências de SEO e marketing digital que desejam criar sites para promover seus serviços e conquistar novos clientes. Com um design moderno e focado no marketing digital, Onum busca transmitir inovação e eficácia em SEO e estratégias de marketing.

Uma característica do tema é a ênfase na apresentação dos serviços de SEO e marketing digital. Onum inclui layouts atraentes para exibir informações sobre otimização de sites, campanhas de marketing, análise de dados e outros serviços relacionados.

O tema também oferece seções para destacar depoimentos de clientes, informações sobre a equipe de especialistas em SEO e marketing, e opções para adicionar estudos de caso de sucesso para demonstrar os resultados alcançados com suas estratégias.

Onum também inclui opções de personalização, como cores, fontes e estilos. A responsividade é outro aspecto essencial do tema, garantindo que o site seja exibido corretamente em todos os dispositivos, desde desktops até smartphones e tablets.

Outros recursos que o tema oferece incluem a integração com formulários de contato personalizáveis, opções para adicionar gráficos e estatísticas para ilustrar o desempenho de campanhas e estratégias, e suporte para a exibição de depoimentos de clientes em formato de carrossel ou slider.

O Puca é um tema WooCommerce otimizado para dispositivos móveis, projetado para proporcionar uma experiência de compra excepcional em smartphones e tablets. Com um design moderno e funcional, ele é ideal para usuários que desejam criar uma loja online que seja visualmente atraente e altamente eficiente em qualquer dispositivo.

Uma de suas vantagens é sua otimização para dispositivos móveis. O tema é construído com um foco claro em responsividade e velocidade, garantindo que a loja carregue rapidamente e funcione sem problemas em telas menores. Isso não só melhora a experiência do usuário, mas também pode aumentar as taxas de conversão e melhorar o SEO da loja.

Puca oferece uma série de funcionalidades avançadas para melhorar a experiência de compra. Entre elas estão filtros de produtos avançados, listas de desejos, comparações de produtos e opções de visualização rápida, que facilitam a navegação e ajudam os clientes a encontrar rapidamente o que procuram.

Are you an eCommerce business? Do you need to promote your business? Do you need to grow your business? Try Besa now. Besa’s clean and modern style is suitable for any online store. The theme is optimized for Elementor, so building a website will be easier than ever. And especially, the theme’s impressive mobile design will make your customers unable to take their eyes off your phone.

Besa rocks a handy mobile menu which will take your shoppers to their desired product effortlessly. In total, you receive a whopping three hundred pages and get to benefit from the one-click demo content import. Enjoy the multiple contents now and have an eCommerce page up in close to no time.

From mesmerizing home and product pages to several contact sections, a nifty checkout process and even a blog system, it is all there. And no, you do not need to be an experienced coder to be able to work with Besa. You do not even need to touch a single line of code, Besa makes customizing super newbie-friendly.

Other treats of Besa are Slider Revolution, multivendor marketplace support, various shop and product layouts, speedy loading, search engine optimization, and multi-language and currency support. With the enormous set of features, you will find nothing missing in the Besa kit. Get involved and start building a sophisticated multi-vendor marketplace with the one and only, Besa.

Build any type of directory with the fastest and easiest for wordpress. Create unlimited directory types, our tool also lest you design functionality and features for each of them. Comes with power of Wiloke Tools, you can add unlimited directory types to your site. The tool also lets you design functionality and features. The administrator can design What Sections you want to display on the Single Listing Page. Plus, the owner of listing can inherit your design as well as re-design it in his own way. Design the fields of each directory type like visual way. Choose between 15 pre-made fields and create your own unlimited custom fields.

The Publisher is an all-in-one magazine, blog, and newspaper theme that has ever been created for WordPress.We have been working on Publisher for 5 years. The Publisher was the new bestseller theme on ThemeForest for 2 years with 15000+ sales just before leaving ThemeForest.We created Publisher with our 10+ years of experience in creating and running magazines, news, and blog sites. Because of that, it’s the most detailed theme in features and functionality that brings more visitors and better SEO to your site.

Listivo – Classified Ads WordPress Theme. It can be used to create a magnificent website for any type of directory. This theme is ultra easy to use and very flexible. You can customize options without knowing any programming – change colors, images, sizes, spaces, and placement of any section just via drag-and-drop. Listivo includes a powerful search module that allows you to modify all listing fields and search forms with just a few clicks. Your final website done via Listivo will be very quick and will work perfectly on mobile devices and tablets. Choosing Listivo is a great investment because you will have outstanding website without losing a lot of time or energy setting it up and managing it. We are Envato Elite Author.

Workreap is a Freelance Marketplace WordPress theme with some exciting features and excellent code quality. It has been designed and developed after thorough research to cater the requirements of people interested in building freelance marketplace or other similar projects. The design is contemporary but at the same time it focuses on the usability, visual hierarchy and aesthetics to ensure easy navigation for the end users.

This system would allow the freelancers and employers to register and create their profiles in few simple steps. Once the task is posted on the marketplace, the freelancers would have the option to submit their proposals for employer to review. Once a proposal is accepted, employer would be required to make the payment which would be received by the admin but it will also be shown in the wallet system of that freelancer after deduction of admin’s commission under the pending payments section. Once the project is completed and approved by the employer, that amount will move from pending balance section to available balance in freelancer’s wallet. The commission system would enable the admin to monetize this system.

This system also has a builtin one to one message inbox system to enable users to communicate with each other if they had any questions regarding work or proposal etc. It also has a built in review system that will allow employers to feedback and rate the work carried out by freelancers. In addition to this, the theme is packed with amazing features and you can see the full list of features on the description page of this theme.

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