Tag: email

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Total 193 itens
<span>Gravity Forms</span> MailerLite

Gravity Forms MailerLite 1.0.0-beta-1

Adicionado em 16/06/2024
WP Desk | Flexible Wishlist PRO – Analytics & Emails

WP Desk | Flexible Wishlist PRO – Analytics & Emails 1.1.9 Desbloqueado

Adicionado em 05/05/2024
WP Desk | Flexible PDF Coupons PRO – Advanced Sending

WP Desk | Flexible PDF Coupons PRO – Advanced Sending 1.0.10 Desbloqueado

Adicionado em 05/05/2024
LeadTrail – WordPress Plugin to Sell Leads

LeadTrail – WordPress Plugin to Sell Leads 1.1.0 Desbloqueado

Adicionado em 08/04/2024
Newsletter – The Newsletter Plugin For WordPress

Newsletter Newsletter – The Newsletter Plugin For WordPress 8.3.8 Desbloqueado

Adicionado em 02/04/2024
<span>BookingPress</span> Mailchimp Integration Addon

BookingPress Mailchimp Integration Addon 1.5

Adicionado em 11/03/2024
<span>SupportCandy</span> Email Marketing Tools Integration

SupportCandy Email Marketing Tools Integration 3.0.1

Adicionado em 22/02/2024
<span>Gravity Forms</span> SMTP

Gravity Forms SMTP 1.0-rc-5

Adicionado em 30/01/2024
<span>AutomatorWP</span> MailerLite

AutomatorWP MailerLite 1.0.3

Adicionado em 16/12/2023
<span>WS Form</span> Mailchimp

WS Form Mailchimp 1.0.14

Adicionado em 30/11/2023
<span>WS Form</span> MailerLite

WS Form MailerLite 1.1.1

Adicionado em 30/11/2023
<span>WS Form</span> MailPoet

WS Form MailPoet 1.0.3

Adicionado em 30/11/2023
Content Notify – Content Subscription Forms and Email Alerts for WordPress

Content Notify – Content Subscription Forms and Email Alerts for WordPress 1.14.7 Desbloqueado

Adicionado em 28/11/2023
<span>Newsletter</span> Mailersend

Newsletter Mailersend 1.0.7

Adicionado em 20/11/2023
NEX-Forms MailChimp

NEX-Forms MailChimp

Adicionado em 08/11/2023
<span>UsersWP</span> MailChimp

UsersWP MailChimp 1.2.9

Adicionado em 28/10/2023
YayMail Pro – WooCommerce Email Customizer + Addons

YayMail Pro – WooCommerce Email Customizer + Addons 3.5.2 Desbloqueado

Adicionado em 07/10/2022
<span>WooCommerce</span> Customer Email Verification

WooCommerce Customer Email Verification 2.6.2

Adicionado em 06/10/2022
<span>WPForms</span> ActiveCampaign

WPForms ActiveCampaign 1.5.0

Adicionado em 22/09/2022
<span>WPForms</span> MailerLite

WPForms MailerLite 1.1.0

Adicionado em 21/09/2022
Booknetic Workflows | Email Action

Booknetic Workflows | Email Action 1.2.1

Adicionado em 18/09/2022
Email Creator – WooCommerce Email Template Customizer

Email Creator – WooCommerce Email Template Customizer 1.1.0 Desbloqueado

Adicionado em 04/09/2022
<span>Peepso</span> Email Digest

Peepso Email Digest

Adicionado em 25/08/2022
MC4WP – Mailchimp for WordPress Premium

MC4WP – Mailchimp for WordPress Premium 4.9.3

Adicionado em 23/08/2022

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