
myCred-Email Digest helps you to deliver content by email to different user groups. Send email notifications periodically. Also, you can include and exclude certain user groups based on roles, ranks, and badges.

CashCred Paystack allows users to connect cashCred with their Paystack account. cashCred gives users the ability to convert myCred points into cash. The admin can set the exchange rate and conversion value for each myCred point.

Show your users their current rank or badge achievement progress with a beautifully designed progress bar. The myCred Progress Bar addon helps you create a multi-colored progress bar that can be customized according to any of your users’ reference attributes.

The SMS Payments Add-on allows your users to check their current point balance or make transfers via SMS (Short Message Service) messages.Just like the Transfer add-on where users transfer their points via a shortcode on your website, SMS Payments does the exact same thing but via specially constructed SMS messages. In order to use this add-on, you must have a Twilio account with a verified phone number that supports messaging.

myCred-Zapier lets you connect custom Zapier hooks with myCred. Automate your repetitive processes and be more productive, instantly send user achievement information to third-party tools like Google, Slack, Mailchimp, Dropbox and more via Zapier. With the help of custom webhooks, data will be sent to Zapier when an achievement is being earned by the user.

myCred Nominations allows your users to nominate other members for achievements, points and ranks and other rewards. You can enable auto-nomination so that users can nominate any member with a majority of votes. All of this is done by adding nomination forms on your website. The nomination forms can customized to accept notes that can be used as feedback.

Expands the buyCRED add-on in myCred to allow payments via payStack.

Video Add-on For JW Player is a myCred add-on that allows admin to award points to users according to watching videos type

Reward or charge your users with points for using Users Ultra. Users Ultra is the ideal plugin for creating advanced user communities & networks in a few minutes. Award or deduct points from users whenever they follow certain actions like making changes to their profile, adding media or sending new messages.

WPBakery Page Builder is one of the most popular and best (IMO) page building plugin for WordPress. The myCred for WPBakery page builder add-on allows you to add myCred shortcodes into your WPBakery Page Builder menu for easy insertions! As an extra treat, this add-on also gives you a custom shortcode called Rank Progress which allows you to show your users progress from their current rank to the next!

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