Plugins Premium

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Total 992 itens
Divi Extended | Gravity Forms Styler For Divi

Divi Extended | Gravity Forms Styler For Divi 1.0.2

Adicionado em 13/11/2023
Divi Extended | Divi Content Toggle

Divi Extended | Divi Content Toggle 1.0.3

Adicionado em 13/11/2023
Divi Extended | Divi Blurb Extended

Divi Extended | Divi Blurb Extended 2.2.9

Adicionado em 13/11/2023
Divi Extended | Divi Blog Extras

Divi Extended | Divi Blog Extras 2.7.0

Adicionado em 13/11/2023
Divi Extended | Divi Modal Popup

Divi Extended | Divi Modal Popup 1.1.0

Adicionado em 13/11/2023
Divi Extended | Divi Ajax Search

Divi Extended | Divi Ajax Search 1.1.3

Adicionado em 13/11/2023
XootiX | Waitlist Woocommerce Premium

XootiX | Waitlist Woocommerce Premium 3.1

Adicionado em 08/11/2023
Brickscore – The element collection addon for Bricks Builder

Brickscore – The element collection addon for Bricks Builder 1.5.3 Desbloqueado

Adicionado em 08/11/2023
Tychesoftwares | Product Input Fields for WooCommerce Pro

Tychesoftwares | Product Input Fields for WooCommerce Pro 2.9.1 Desbloqueado

Adicionado em 31/10/2023
BuddyBoss | BuddyPress User Blog

BuddyBoss | BuddyPress User Blog 1.3.5 Desbloqueado

Adicionado em 27/10/2023
Pluginize | WP Search with Algolia Pro

Pluginize | WP Search with Algolia Pro 1.4.1

Adicionado em 20/10/2023
WPManageNinja | FluentBooking Pro

WPManageNinja | FluentBooking Pro 1.4.2 Desbloqueado

Adicionado em 20/10/2023
Plugin Planet | GA Google Analytics Pro

Plugin Planet | GA Google Analytics Pro 2.5.1 Desbloqueado

Adicionado em 18/10/2023
Nsp Code | Advanced Category and Taxonomy Terms Order

Nsp Code | Advanced Category and Taxonomy Terms Order 3.5 Desbloqueado

Adicionado em 18/10/2023
Nsp Code | Advanced Post Types Order

Nsp Code | Advanced Post Types Order 5.3.1 Desbloqueado

Adicionado em 18/10/2023
Wombat | Advanced Product Fields Pro for WooCommerce

Wombat | Advanced Product Fields Pro for WooCommerce 2.7.3 Desbloqueado

Adicionado em 10/10/2023
BuddyDev | BuddyPress Emoji

BuddyDev | BuddyPress Emoji 1.0.2

Adicionado em 28/09/2023
MotoPress | Hotel Booking Event-Driven Emails

MotoPress | Hotel Booking Event-Driven Emails 1.3.2

Adicionado em 26/09/2023
MotoPress | Hotel Booking PDF Invoices

MotoPress | Hotel Booking PDF Invoices 1.3.0

Adicionado em 26/09/2023
MotoPress | Hotel Booking Checkout Fields

MotoPress | Hotel Booking Checkout Fields 1.2.1

Adicionado em 26/09/2023
Fatcat Apps | Optin Cat Elite

Fatcat Apps | Optin Cat Elite 2.5.7

Adicionado em 26/09/2023
WisdmLabs | Group Registration for LearnDash PRO

WisdmLabs | Group Registration for LearnDash PRO 4.3.11

Adicionado em 20/09/2023
Pinegrow Pro – Website Builder for Professionals

Pinegrow Pro – Website Builder for Professionals 1.0.18 Desbloqueado

Adicionado em 19/09/2023
Code Snippets Pro – #1 WordPress Code Snippets Manager

Code Snippets Pro – #1 WordPress Code Snippets Manager 3.6.5 Desbloqueado

Adicionado em 19/09/2023
WP Ultimo | Support Agents

WP Ultimo | Support Agents 1.0.10

Adicionado em 18/09/2023
WP Ultimo | Site Exporter & Importer

WP Ultimo | Site Exporter & Importer 1.0.1

Adicionado em 18/09/2023
WP Ultimo | Captcha

WP Ultimo | Captcha 1.0.0-beta.2

Adicionado em 18/09/2023
WooNinjas | LearnDash Certificate Verify and Share

WooNinjas | LearnDash Certificate Verify and Share 1.0.14 Desbloqueado

Adicionado em 14/09/2023
JetSloth | Gravity Forms Fetcher

JetSloth | Gravity Forms Fetcher 1.0.5

Adicionado em 11/09/2023
Acowebs | WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor and Manager

Acowebs | WooCommerce Checkout Field Editor and Manager 3.3.4 Desbloqueado

Adicionado em 04/09/2023

WooCommerce Waitlist lets you track demand for out-of-stock and backordered items, ensuring your customers feel informed, and therefore more likely to buy. Using this plugin, you can build a waiting list of people wanting the unavailable item, then notify customers automatically when products arrive.

Provide your members with their own blog and a great writing experience. Whether you have a community site and would like to give your users the ability to blog, or want to create a blogging platform focused on publishing, this plugin is for you. Give your members the ability to create blog posts, and manage their own blog.

Allow them to directly publish their masterpieces or send them for review. Combine everyone’s posts into a central blog, and easily navigate to any member’s profile to read just their posts. We have put together an excellent user interface that enhances your bloggers’ writing experience. Let your users take advantage of the clean and uncluttered frontend editor and wow them with this state of the art interface.

FluentBooking is the ultimate solution for booking appointments, meetings, webinars, events, sales calls, and more. Eliminate Back-and-forth Emails for Appointment Scheduling and Focus on What Matters —Valuable Communications! FluentBooking is perfect for anyone who wants to offer a seamless appointment and booking system with ZERO web development skill.

ShopWP is a WordPress eCommerce plugin allowing creators, founders, and merchants to sell Shopify products on any WordPress site. Images, metafields, collections—ShopWP can sync it all. Use your Shopify data directly with other plugins such as Elementor, Yoast, etc. Because the data is synced as post meta values, the sky is the limit for the type of integrations you can create. ShopWP allows you to sync products by collections, tags, vendors, or any combination. This allows you to sync only what you need—nothing more.

GA Pro is a WordPress plugin that makes it easy to add Google Analytics to your WordPress-powered website. Simply add your GA Tracking ID and done. Supports all Google Analytics tracking techniques and features. GA Pro is lightweight and fast, with awesome features like visitor opt-out, support for multiple tracking codes, tracking code previews, and much more. GA Pro connects WordPress to your Google Analytics account, so you can log in anytime to view your site statistics.

What are the WordPress Taxonomies?

Taxonomy is a simple way of organizing data in the WordPress (post, pages, custom post types) by classify and group things. If you played some time with your site, you are already familiarized with the taxonomies usage, just that might not figure out that name. By default Taxonomies are Tags and Categories which are used for posts.As this is a great way to organize everything, implementing custom taxonomy into the WordPress was a necessarily step that the developers already took since version 3.0. Practically using a simple code or even custom plugins you can build any taxonomy structure for your data and take advantage of the new build-in menus to populate the fields.

What Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order can do for me?

The WordPress platform grows exponentially and now become the most famous CMS system which exists freely. No matter the required site structure, WordPress architecture easily allow integration for the best end user experience. Currently there are lots of themes and plugins which you can buy or use for free, most of these take advantage of the WordPress Taxonomies.

In certain situation you need to change the order of appearance for the categories or other taxonomies terms in general, but there’s a lack of support when it come to that matter. The Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order plugin helps with that, by showing an additional interface where the Term Taxonomies can be order using a simple jQuery drag and drop interface. So this become a simple task for you in case you need to move around the terms or change the category order to something else.

Post Types Order is a well known plugin, the best of it’s kind, with over 7 Millions downloads since release date. Is a well maintained, bug free plugin.

What are the Post Types?

One of the greatest features introduced by the WordPress developers starting with the 3.0 version is the custom post type. This feature allows users to create a custom content type. That provides an easy way to separate site sections for easier content management. Once again the WordPress developers prove they are inspired, this being a big plus over other available CMS … and it’s getting better.

Why use this plug-in do?

All WordPress users require – at a given time – to change the order of the posts. There are two ways of handling this. One can do that manually, by changing the WordPress Order field with a unique number for each of the posts. That obliviously turn into a nightmare if there are lots of posts. Another way is to use the Post Types Order plug-in, which represents a fast and easy way to update the sorting through a JavaScript drag and drop interface.

Advanced Product Fields for WooCommerce lets you add extra options to your products, like text boxes, dropdowns, swatches, images, and more. You can choose between 16 different input types to add to your products, including: text boxes, number fields, dropdown lists, checkboxes, radio buttons, image swatches, color swatches, date fields, and file upload. You can also add content fields such as text, HTML, shortcodes, or extra images.

Each option has the ability to increase or decrease the final product price. Our plugin supports various pricing structures that can support even the most difficult pricing schemes. You can choose to add an additional flat fee, quantity-based fee, or percentage-based fee to your product. For complex pricing schemes, our plugin supports formula-based pricing or “lookup table” pricing.

Construa sites profissionais com Pinegrow Web Editor. Um editor Web para Windows, Mac e Linux que cria websites responsivos mais rapidamente com edição em tempo real de várias páginas, estilos CSS e SASS, editor de Grid CSS e suporte completo para Bootstrap, TailwindCSS, Foundation e WordPress. O Pinegrow é um construtor de sites que abre e grava arquivos HTML e CSS padrão.

With the LearnDash Certificate Verify & Share add-on your students can easily share their earned certificates on their LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter accounts for all their contacts to see. The add-on adds value and validity to your student’s achievements by allowing information on LearnDash certificates to be verified directly on your site. Allowing your students to view and share detailed information about earned certificates to confirm the veracity of their credentials.

Thus, they can use their certificates as evidence of their knowledge and skills. Being able to share their certificates with family, friends and coworkers boost the sense of achievement and accomplishment that students get when completing a course or quiz.

Woocommerce checkout field editor and manager plugin helps to manage the checkout page fields in your WooCommerce Store. Its drag and drop form builder helps editing checkout fields easier. It can be used to modify or hide default woocommerce checkout fields. Checkout field editor and Manager has a user-friendly drop-down form builder at the back-end. Adding new fields and re-positioning the existing fields are not a big task now because of this behaviour of our form builder.

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