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WooCommerce Bulk Category Editor 2.4.5

Adicionado em 04/06/2024
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WooCommerce Admin Order Modifier 1.1.0

Adicionado em 04/06/2024
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WooCommerce Order Tracking 1.1.0

Adicionado em 03/06/2024
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WooCommerce Clone Orders 1.5.9

Adicionado em 01/05/2024
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WooCommerce User Switching 2.1.0

Adicionado em 22/11/2023
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WooCommerce Cashier 1.8.0

Adicionado em 18/10/2023
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WooCommerce Subaccounts & Multi-User Accounts 1.2.5

Adicionado em 30/08/2023
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WooCommerce Payment Reminder 1.0.8

Adicionado em 03/03/2023
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WooCommerce Wallet 3.9.0

Adicionado em 19/12/2022
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WooCommerce Product Variation Table 1.2.4

Adicionado em 12/12/2022
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WooCommerce Auto Update Cart 1.4.1

Adicionado em 27/11/2022
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WooCommerce Top Bar 1.2.6

Adicionado em 24/11/2022
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WooCommerce Pixel Manager for WooCommerce (Premium) 1.40.1 Desbloqueado

Adicionado em 21/11/2022
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WooCommerce Merge Orders 1.3.9

Adicionado em 26/10/2022
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WooCommerce Storewide Sale 1.0.6

Adicionado em 19/10/2022
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WooCommerce Referral System

Adicionado em 08/10/2022
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WooCommerce Currency Switcher 1.7.2

Adicionado em 08/10/2022
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WooCommerce Address Field Autocomplete 1.1.0

Adicionado em 08/10/2022
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WooCommerce Edit Order by Customer 1.1.1

Adicionado em 08/10/2022
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WooCommerce Cost & Reports for WooCommerce 3.4.6

Adicionado em 07/10/2022
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WooCommerce Customer Email Verification 2.6.2

Adicionado em 06/10/2022
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WooCommerce Product Availability Slots 5.3.0

Adicionado em 16/09/2022
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WooCommerce Back In Stock Notifications 1.7.2

Adicionado em 30/06/2022
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WooCommerce Global Payments HPP 3.3.0

Adicionado em 24/02/2022

Everything to optimize WooCommerce checkout in one plugin. WooCommerce one page checkout, checkout field editor, direct checkout, Buy now buttons, one-click checkout, side cart, frequently bought together and many other enhancements.

Stop abandonment before they happen. Create superior checkout flows for customers. Cashier is a single plugin for all major customizations in your sales funnel — cart, checkout page, order complete page, product recommendations and more.

uy any popular WooCommerce one page checkout plugin, and you’ll spend $79. Add checkout field editor, direct checkout, side cart, frequently bought together, cost of goods sold and other checkout/marketing plugins…you’ll spend a minimum of $500! You also need to install so many plugins and configure them which in itself is a daunting task. In case of any issue, you need to reach out to individual plugin support. So, not just money, you’re also spending your precious time and efforts juggling with so many plugins.

WooCommerce quantity discounts plugin allows to create product based discounts as well as cart based discounts. With product based discount rule you can offer discount on products’ quantity ranges or set price per product quantity. It creates a pricing table to set discounts on various quantity ranges, creates multiple rules to set different discount offers on various products, and applies each rule to various products and categories to save time.

Using cart based discount rule you can provide a discount in cart totals on the cart page. You can provide a discount based on the quantity of total cart items. Option add multiple conditions which customers have to meet to avail cart discount. You can also set offer discounts to specific user roles—a useful feature for B2B stores. With WooCommerce quantity discounts plugin, you can provide fixed or percentage discounts or set discounted prices. The extension displays the pricing table on product pages that encourages customers to increase their order quantities to get valuable discounts.

WooCommerce Automatic User Role Switcher enables you to automatically switch user roles based on various conditions like a specific product purchase, the total order amount, the customer’s total lifetime amount spent, and more.

Managing users across different roles enable merchants to offer different pricing, promotions, products, and personalized choices to improve the user experience and conversion rate. However, managing users across different roles manually is time-consuming. Our extension can help in automatically switching user roles based on various conditions.

Ever wished you could let your creative side go wild and design the best-looking bookable product pages in WooCommerce Booking and Elementor? Your booking calendar should match the great looks and feel of the rest of your website. Use Elementor Connector for WooCommerce Bookings to create a matching booking calendar.

With Elementor Connector, you have full control of bookable single product-page designs with a dedicated Elementor widget. This booking-form widget allows you to take your booking page designs to the next level with specific controls for colors, backgrounds, layouts, paddings and margins, fonts, and borders.

O plugin WooCommerce Google Merchant Center Customer Reviews é uma extensão para WooCommerce que permite aos donos de lojas online coletar e enviar avaliações de clientes para o Google Merchant Center. Com este plugin, os clientes que compraram produtos em sua loja WooCommerce serão convidados a deixar avaliações e comentários sobre os produtos que compraram. Depois de coletar as avaliações, o plugin envia automaticamente as informações relevantes ao Google Merchant Center, para que possam ser exibidas nos resultados de pesquisa do Google Shopping.

Além disso, o plugin WooCommerce Google Merchant Center Customer Reviews também inclui recursos que permitem aos donos de lojas personalizar a solicitação de avaliação para seus clientes, escolhendo quando o pedido de avaliação é exibido na tela do cliente e personalizando o texto da solicitação. O plugin também inclui recursos para gerenciar as avaliações, permitindo que os donos de lojas respondam a elas diretamente do painel de administração do WooCommerce e monitorem as avaliações que foram coletadas e enviadas ao Google Merchant Center.

O plugin WooCommerce Google Merchant Center Customer Reviews é uma ferramenta valiosa para donos de lojas online que desejam melhorar a visibilidade de seus produtos nos resultados de pesquisa do Google Shopping, aumentar a confiança dos clientes e, finalmente, aumentar as vendas.

Payment Reminder for WooCommerce é um plugin que serve para gerenciar os pagamentos pendentes, enviando lembretes automáticos aos clientes que ainda não pagaram pelos produtos ou serviços comprados. O plugin pode ser configurado para enviar lembretes de pagamento em horários específicos, como um dia após a data de vencimento da fatura ou várias vezes antes do prazo de pagamento final. Os lembretes podem ser personalizados com o nome do cliente, o número da fatura e outras informações relevantes.

Com o Payment Reminder for WooCommerce, é possível reduzir o número de pagamentos pendentes e melhorar o fluxo de caixa de sua empresa. Além disso, o plugin oferece a conveniência de gerenciar automaticamente o processo de lembrete de pagamento, economizando tempo e esforço para a equipe da sua loja.

Wallet for WooCommerce helps your users to quickly complete a purchase by adding funds to the site and using them for future purchases. Your users can transfer/request funds to other users on your site. You have the option of charging your users a fund transfer fee. Your users can set up to automatically add funds to their wallets if their wallet balances fall below a specified threshold. The Gift Voucher Module allows you to generate gift vouchers that contain wallet balances. You can issue gift vouchers to your users and they can redeem the gift vouchers to add to their wallet balances.

The wooCommerce variations table plugin allows merchants to display product variations in the table for WooCommerce product pages. Users can filter and sort to find the product they need, replacing the conventional select field option. With a dynamic table, it allows users to search for products by size, color, and style. The “Add to cart” button beside each table item simplifies the shopping experience. Users not yet ready to order can extract product variation sheets in multiple formats to review offline and make a purchase decision in their own time.

This plugin allows the cart to automatically update when a customer changes the quantities of the products in their cart. Auto Update Cart for WooCommerce ensures that when customers change the quantity of an order, the cart automatically updates to reflect the new quantity. WooCommerce Auto Update Cart has one simple setting where you can enter the delay from when the customer updates the quantities to when the cart gets updated.

With WooCommerce Top Bar plugin you can add notification bars at the top or bottom of the page. Highlight your product promotions, sales, and other offers. Add a countdown timer to create urgency in the customers’ minds. Create multiple notification bars and add them to specific products, categories, home, blog, cart, checkout, and other pages. You can style/customize each notification bar with a custom background, text size, text font, countdown timer, and a button. You can also customize button text, background color, and links.

Transmit visitor tracking information, events, and conversions to Google Analytics, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Microsoft Ads, and more with Pixel Manager Pro for WooCommerce. This plugin tracks WooCommerce shop visitors and collects valuable data for conversion optimization, dynamic remarketing, and reporting. The Pixel Manager Pro is the most complete and flexible solution for implementing pixels of various providers, like Google Analytics (Universal and GA4), Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords) Pixel, Meta Pixel (Facebook Pixel), Microsoft Pixel, TikTok Pixel, and many more.

While the setup is as simple as it can get, the pixel engine under the hood is very powerful. It tracks all e-commerce events and implements all advanced pixel features like Meta CAPI (Facebook CAPI), Google Analytics Enhanced E-Commerce, Google Shopping Cart Item Tracking, and much more. For advanced users, the plugin offers filters that allow them to tweak the output flexibly and fine-tune the behavior for each shop.

The Merge Orders extension allows you to combine multiple customer orders so you can process and ship them as one. Why merge orders? The most common scenario for needing to merge orders is when you receive multiple orders for the same customer. Merging and shipping them as one package provides multiple benefits, including: Reducing costs on shipping and packaging—better for you, and better for the planet! Streamlining order processing and putting the tracking in one place. Improving customer experience—they only have to track one delivery, and they receive everything they ordered at the same time.

Storewide Sale for WooCommerce allows you to enable sales for multiple products in bulk. You can set the storewide sale as a percentage or fixed reduction and specify the start and end dates of the sale. It’s time consuming to add sale prices to products individually. This extension allows you to put bulk products on sale with a single click. Store owners can include/exclude specific products, product categories, and product tags for storewide sales. Enable a sale globally for specific products, product categories, tags, or for the entire store without editing each product. Store owners can easily schedule sale prices for products and increase overall store revenue.

The ultimate referral plugin that will take your sales through the roof with word-of-mouth marketing! Implement a referral system in your online store that turns your customers into brand advocates and rewards them for making referrals. Referral System for WooCommerce offers a complete set of referral marketing features that will get your customers engaging with their friends and family, attracting referrals with compelling rewards and ultimately growing your sales and revenues.

Offer selected currencies to customers so they can convert to their preferred currency on the shop, cart, and checkout pages. In the global context of eCommerce, you must ensure that you make your products available globally. Since many online stores are already catering to an international audience, why not give your customers the power to shop in their local currency? What you need is a multi-currency converter extension that can instantly switch currencies on your WooCommerce website as per your customer’s preference.

Currency Switcher for WooCommerce – a powerful extension that automatically updates currency exchange rates and shows your customer’s their preferred currency anywhere on the website. Currency Switcher for WooCommerce automatically detects the Geo-Location IP of your customer and the country from which they are browsing your store. When any page from your store loads, the extension displays all the prices in the home currency of the customer. The extension uses live rates for currency conversion which gets updated at a predefined time or interval.

It helps customers to fill address field on checkout page automatically via suggestions from Google Address Autocomplete API. WooCommerce store owners know the pain of incurring losses due to packages with invalid addresses being undelivered — it’s a common problem for most store owners and recent research has shown companies are particularly hit by customers filling out address fields incorrectly during holiday sales like Black Friday. Address Autocomplete for WooCommerce is an intelligent yet easy-to-use extension that allows you to sync your site with Google Maps’ location detector at the checkout page.

This saves your customers time and effort when filling out their checkout form’s address fields. As soon as the customer selects their location on the map, Google Address auto-complete (via Google API) automatically fetches their Address, Country, City, State, and Zipcode and auto-fills the data against the relevant field. Moreover, if the customer suggests a location or zip code, the system will display a list of suitable locations to choose from.

The Edit Order by Customer for WooCommerce extension allows customers to edit placed orders with certain order statuses. You can control the information a customer can edit based on their user role and current order status. For example, you can allow customers to change products, and billing and shipping addresses when the order is in pending payment status. Your customers can change billing addresses, shipping addresses, products, and payment and shipping methods.

The extension is beneficial if you have B2B customers who place large orders. You can allow them to adjust their orders prior to making payment. Your store admin will receive an automatic email if the order has been edited by a customer, along with the new order details. The order will be automatically moved to on-hold status. The store admin can finalize the changes and move the order back to pending payment or any order status depending on the current order stage.

Add purchase price, cost and cost of goods to your products / variations. New prices are calculated and suggested based on these values using your Markup (profit margin). These values give you direct control over your store’s profits and revenue. With the included table editor and its bulk features, you can easily add and update all these values. In addition, you can seamlessly update inventory, see value at cost, sales value and total profit. The price selector (NEW) give you several options to automatically calculate and view: retail value, value at cost and profit based on the price you select (i.e inc.VAT).

Cost & Reports includes valuable and unique sales reports. The reports show in detail your actual profits and income, not just bestsellers, but down to product or variation level. Retrieve reports by predefined or a selected date range, see your acceptable profit (green background marking) and unacceptable profit (red background marking). Download reports as .csv or Export table data (based on your filters) for further processing in applications such as MS Excel or Apple Numbers.

The Customer Email Verification extension helps store owners to reduce registration spam and fake orders by requiring customers to verify their email address when they register an account or before they can check out on your store. Avoid Account Registration Spam – require email verification from customers that register an account on your store or membership site and prevent access to the account area from customers that sign up with fake email addresses just to check around or to get the free trial access. Avoid Fake Orders – Validating the email before the order can be placed is extremely useful when you sell digital products, memberships and offer free trials, free products and samples.

Avoid Bouncing Emails – avoid bouncing of undelivered “new account” and order emails due to typos in the email address. The new account emails are delayed until successful verification. Fully Customize the Email Verification workflow – Personalize and edit the content of the verification workflows and customize the design of the verification popup overlay using a customizer with a live preview. Easily manage and delete Unverified customers – you can easily verify or resend the verification email to customers from the users admin, you can also delete all unverified customers at once or schedule auto-delete unverified customers after a certain time from when the account was created.

Get your subscriptions to start at a later date either chosen by you or by your customers. Ever wanted to sell a subscription but also wanted to book it for a later start? Now you can! Choose a start date or allow your customers to choose their own with the Custom Start Date for WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin. Set up a specific date to start all subscriptions or just one product. You can get your payments in advance and start subscriptions when you want. Need a cooling-off period or some preparation time before starting a subscription? Set up a delay in days, weeks, or months between the first payment and the start of the subscription. Want to let your customer choose the exact day they want to start the subscription? You can do it with this plugin. Your customers can book their subscription anytime and start it when they are ready.

Product Availability Slots for WooCommerce can help you Sell Products on Fixed Time Slots in your WooCommerce Shop. Product Availability Slots for WooCommerce lets you sell limited-time products during fixed time slots in your WooCommerce shop. Using this plugin, it’s easy to sell products on specific days at specific time-slots. Offering products on a limited time can create a sense of urgency which can trigger the user to make the purchase right away.

Offer discounts on subscription renewals or offer role-based discounts—make subscription products highly profitable, increase customer retention rates and your store’s long-term value. Discounts for WooCommerce Subscriptions is the first specialized tool to manage the pricing of recurring payments for the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin.

Running out of stock is always frustrating. Can’t avoid it? Then turn it into something positive! Stop worrying about all the sales you are missing, and think about the customers you can bring back. Back In Stock Notifications gives your customers an effortless way to know when your products are restocked, and brings them back to your store. Customers who sign up for back-in-stock notifications send you a strong buying signal with high purchase intent. So why not take the opportunity to stay connected with them? Back In Stock Notifications stores your waitlist contact details even after all notifications have been sent, making it easy to export and use them in your favorite email marketing platform.

Global Payments eCommerce process over 11 billion transactions every year and 2.5 million businesses use their secure, seamless and reliable solutions for their online, over the phone and in-person card processing. As one of the world’s largest payment processing companies, Global Payments process all major cards, as well as offering an unmatched range of solutions and services to help grow your business and could increase your revenue.

This Global Payments HPP extension (formerly called “Realex HPP”) will enable your WooCommerce store to take payments through the Global Payments Hosted Payment Page (HPP). The HPP is a PCI DSS v3.2-compliant redirect solution. It allows you to easily process payments while reducing the significant PCI compliance burden associated with collecting card data. Merchants using the HPP can attest to their PCI Compliance by completing the short PCI DSS Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) A.

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