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Everything to optimize WooCommerce checkout in one plugin. WooCommerce one page checkout, checkout field editor, direct checkout, Buy now buttons, one-click checkout, side cart, frequently bought together and many other enhancements.

Stop abandonment before they happen. Create superior checkout flows for customers. Cashier is a single plugin for all major customizations in your sales funnel — cart, checkout page, order complete page, product recommendations and more.

uy any popular WooCommerce one page checkout plugin, and you’ll spend $79. Add checkout field editor, direct checkout, side cart, frequently bought together, cost of goods sold and other checkout/marketing plugins…you’ll spend a minimum of $500! You also need to install so many plugins and configure them which in itself is a daunting task. In case of any issue, you need to reach out to individual plugin support. So, not just money, you’re also spending your precious time and efforts juggling with so many plugins.

Transform WooCommerce into an online catalog by removing eCommerce functionality. Wait, what? Remove eCommerce functionality? It may sound strange but when you think about it, if you take out the cart, checkout process and ‘buy now’ buttons, WooCommerce is actually the perfect platform upon which to showcase a catalog of products which aren’t currently for sale online. The added beauty of this solution is that when you do want to start selling, you can do so with the flick of a switch.

But this extension does much more than that. Rather than just taking the entire store offline, you also have the option restrict it to users who are logged in. You can also configure messages to replace the price / add to cart button components or just remove them completely.

Pre-configured product bundles, giveaways, forced sells and discounted combos. Automatically adds “chained” products to cart when “main” product is added. Easily create custom pre-configured, discounted WooCommerce product bundles, free giveaways, force sells, combo offers, or packages. When someone buys a “main” product, they receive all the “chained” products automatically.

There are lots of alternate WooCommerce plugins for product bundling, packaging, grouping, force sells, composites, mix and match, buy one get one, giving away products, upsells, combo offers, and other common cases. This Chained Products plugin can handle the majority of those needs in a way that increases cart success.

The Chase Paymentech extension is an advanced payment integration that provides easy setup & powerful options for accepting payments. The Chase Paymentech Payment Gateway extension is an advanced payment integration for WooCommerce that provides powerful options for accepting payments via Chase. Let your customers securely save their credit card information to their WooCommerce account for fast and easy checkout. Includes full support for WooCommerce Subscriptions and Pre-Orders.

Highlight relevant products, offers like free shipping and other up-sells during checkout. The WooCommerce core checkout process covers all the basics needed to place an order, but what if you want to accept tips, offer gift-wrapping, or let customers add a gift message to their order? That’s where WooCommerce Checkout Add-Ons comes in! With Checkout Add-Ons, you can add free or paid options to your checkout page. You can add several different types of fields based on your add-on type – text fields, radio buttons, file uploads, and more!

Optimize your checkout process by adding, removing or editing fields to suit your needs. The checkout field editor provides you with an interface to add, edit, and remove fields shown on your WooCommerce checkout page. Fields can be added and removed from the billing and shipping sections, as well as inserted after these sections next to the standard ‘order notes’. The editor supports several types for custom fields including text, select, checkboxes, and datepickers. Core fields can also be moved around giving you more control over your checkout without touching the code.

O plugin WooCommerce Clockwork SMS Notifications é uma ferramenta útil para lojas virtuais que utilizam a plataforma WooCommerce para gerenciar suas vendas. Com este plugin, os proprietários de lojas podem enviar notificações via SMS para seus clientes, como confirmações de pedidos, atualizações de status de entrega e lembretes de carrinho abandonado.

Com o WooCommerce Clockwork SMS Notifications, as lojas virtuais podem melhorar a comunicação com seus clientes, aumentando a satisfação e fidelização dos mesmos. Além disso, o plugin é fácil de usar e personalizar, permitindo que os proprietários de lojas ajustem as configurações de acordo com suas necessidades.

Por fim, vale ressaltar que a integração do WooCommerce com o Clockwork SMS é bastante segura e confiável, garantindo que as mensagens sejam entregues aos destinatários de forma rápida e eficiente. Com este plugin, as lojas virtuais podem melhorar sua comunicação com os clientes, aumentando a probabilidade de fidelização e novas vendas.

O plugin WooCommerce Cloud Zoom é uma extensão do WooCommerce, que é um sistema de comércio eletrônico muito popular e amplamente utilizado para lojas online. Esse plugin oferece uma funcionalidade adicional para melhorar a visualização de imagens dos produtos. Ele permite que o usuário possa ampliar as imagens dos produtos de forma suave e fácil com apenas um clique, oferecendo uma experiência de navegação mais agradável e interativa para os clientes.

Com o WooCommerce Cloud Zoom, os clientes podem ver os detalhes dos produtos com mais clareza e facilidade, o que ajuda a aumentar a confiança do cliente na qualidade dos produtos e incentiva as vendas. Além disso, o plugin é altamente personalizável, permitindo que os proprietários da loja personalizem as configurações para atender às necessidades de sua loja.

Outra vantagem do plugin é que ele é altamente compatível com uma ampla variedade de temas do WooCommerce, o que significa que ele pode ser integrado facilmente a qualquer loja online existente. Em resumo, o WooCommerce Cloud Zoom é uma ferramenta valiosa para proprietários de lojas online que desejam melhorar a experiência do usuário e aumentar as vendas de seus produtos.

Accept payment with First Data using the Payeezy Gateway, Payeezy, or legacy Global Gateway payment gateways. Let your customers easily and seamlessly check out on your site with First Data. Capture more sales and reduce cart abandonment by taking advantage of First Data TransArmor credit card tokenization, allowing customers to securely and safely save their cards for future checkout. Benefit from tons of great features like enhanced checkout forms, Subscriptions support, capturing charges, and more!

Create product kit builders and custom product configurators using existing products. Looking for a way to offer customizable product kits, such as custom computers, skateboards, gift-boxes, or made-to-order jewelry? Look no further! Give customers the freedom to build their own products, with Composite Products: The most flexible, robust product builder for WooCommerce. Composite Products lets you utilize existing products to create the most engaging product kits and configurable products. Engineered specifically for kit-building applications with advanced inventory management requirements, the plugin works great in a broad range of use cases.

Allows you to display content on your store based on a set of rules that you configure. Conditional content is designed to allow you to display messages, advertisements, reminders, or other content based on a wide assortment of rules and conditions. It’s great for showing content you need throughout your store when users add specific quantities of items to their cart, when products are in a certain category, when products have certain price ranges, when items are about to run out of stock, and many many more conditions you can think of.

Use conditional logic to restrict the shipping and payment options available on your store. Conditional Shipping and Payments gives you a streamlined way to restrict the shipping methods, payment gateways, and shipping destinations available to your customers. Create rules to prevent customer orders from being shipped to specific shipping countries or states in order to comply with customs import regulations, or shipping carrier terms. Conditional Shipping and Payments allows you to create both global or per product restrictions. No matter which approach you choose, the extension keeps your site clean and helps you quickly track down every single shipping and payment method restriction on your site.

O plugin WooCommerce Constant Contact é uma ferramenta criada para integrar a plataforma de comércio eletrônico WooCommerce com o serviço de e-mail marketing Constant Contact. Com essa integração, é possível coletar informações dos clientes que compram em sua loja virtual e utilizá-las para criar campanhas de marketing personalizadas e eficientes.

Uma das principais vantagens do plugin é a facilidade de uso. Ele é intuitivo e fácil de configurar, o que significa que mesmo aqueles que não têm muita experiência em marketing digital podem utilizá-lo sem dificuldades. Além disso, o WooCommerce Constant Contact oferece diversas opções de personalização, permitindo que você crie campanhas que se adequem às necessidades específicas do seu negócio.

Outro benefício do plugin é que ele ajuda a aumentar a taxa de conversão da sua loja virtual. Isso acontece porque as campanhas de e-mail marketing são uma forma eficiente de manter seus clientes engajados e informados sobre suas promoções, novos produtos e outras novidades. Com o WooCommerce Constant Contact, você pode criar campanhas segmentadas, direcionadas para um público específico, o que aumenta as chances de sucesso das suas campanhas de marketing.

Send conversion data of your WooCommerce store to Google/ Facebook/ Twitter/ Bing and many more. Connect your WooCommerce store with the best-in-the-game ad platforms out there. Send user-triggered events from your eCommerce store to your chosen platform. Retargeting is now as simple as ABC! Send Facebook Ads data about who’s viewed your products, added things to a cart, searched, purchased, and registered so you can get the most out of your ROI when you remarket to those users. Add multiple pixels and create product catalogs when required.

Add purchase price, cost and cost of goods to your products / variations. New prices are calculated and suggested based on these values using your Markup (profit margin). These values give you direct control over your store’s profits and revenue. With the included table editor and its bulk features, you can easily add and update all these values. In addition, you can seamlessly update inventory, see value at cost, sales value and total profit. The price selector (NEW) give you several options to automatically calculate and view: retail value, value at cost and profit based on the price you select (i.e inc.VAT).

Cost & Reports includes valuable and unique sales reports. The reports show in detail your actual profits and income, not just bestsellers, but down to product or variation level. Retrieve reports by predefined or a selected date range, see your acceptable profit (green background marking) and unacceptable profit (red background marking). Download reports as .csv or Export table data (based on your filters) for further processing in applications such as MS Excel or Apple Numbers.

Easily track profit by including your cost of goods in your orders and reports.

WooCommerce gives you access to great reports on revenue and top-sellers or earners. Now we’ve added Profit Reporting to make these reports even more valuable! You can evaluate not only revenue, but costs and profit all from within your WooCommerce store. Quickly and easily get the information you need to make marketing and sales decisions to optimize your store’s revenue.

Country Restrictions for WooCommerce extension enables you to customize displayed purchasing information by country. Only show users products and payment methods available in their country. Improve the user experience of international customers. Increase customer satisfaction and streamline your buying processes with Country Restrictions for WooCommerce.

Hide prices, add to cart button or entire product and payment methods based on countries. Create multiple rules to optimize catalog visibility for different countries. WooCommere Country Restriction extension automatically detects customers’ countries based on their geo-location to apply restriction rules.

Categorise coupons within coupon campaigns, making it easier to track the performance of a collection of coupons. The Coupon Campaigns extension for WooCommerce is designed to help you measure the impact your coupons make within your market. Whether you’re sending out a batch of coupons to an event your company is sponsoring, or are running a particular kind of promotion once a month on a variety of products, Coupon Campaigns makes tracking of these campaigns a breeze. Coupon Campaigns integrates directly into your WooCommerce reporting dashboard. This enables performance tracking of campaigns across various date ranges, with several default options included (this week, this month, last month, this year).

WooCommerce Coupon Referral Program Plugin enables your customers to earn coupon rewards for various activities they perform on your website like sharing the referral link to sign up on your WooCommerce store. The admin can also customize the referral button using the predefined options or by applying custom CSS. On WooCommerce, “Refer a friend” is the new ongoing trend that you shouldn’t deprive your store of. Without a doubt, you have found the best referral plugin for WooCommerce.

You can limit the number of times a referee can redeem a coupon when a user will sign up using their referral link. With our latest update in the plugin, you can now place the coupon referral code on the shop page or even create a dedicated referral tab using shortcodes.

WooCommerce Coupon Referral Plugin enables customers to copy the referral code (or link) & share the referral link on social networking sites and through emails. Admin can now also use custom texts in the Referral Modal/ Popup window for referrals as well as in the referral tab.

Adds additional coupon options, including restrictions for new customers, existing customers, user roles, countries and zip codes. The new customer coupon restriction is perfect for e-commerce sites that have a high lifetime customer value. Providing a discount on the first sale can help bring in new customers, without sacrificing margins for those who already love it.

If a customer is logged in, the extension will verify that they haven’t purchased anything from the site before allowing the coupon to be applied. For customers that aren’t logged in, the coupon verification runs right before checkout once the e-mail address has been entered.

Crowdfunding for WooCommerce enables you to create goals and collect donations in a group for an specific target amount. Create fundraising goals and collect donations for worthy causes and ideas with Crowdfunding for WooCommerce. If you like to use your WooCommerce site for good or innovation, you can create fundraisers for non-profits, NGOs, worthy individuals, ideas, and causes. Place fundraisers on your site’s pages or tied to specific product sales. Your customers, public donors, fans, or investors can make donations.

The Currency Converter Widget lets you offer a dynamic currency switcher for displaying product prices and totals. The widget makes full use of money.js and the Open Source Exchange Rates API, allowing it to dynamically grab the latest exchange rates, and substitute displayed prices in real time. All prices formatted by WooCommerce are updated, even totals. Checkout is still done using your store’s base currency, but the converted price is also stored for your reference.

Offer selected currencies to customers so they can convert to their preferred currency on the shop, cart, and checkout pages. In the global context of eCommerce, you must ensure that you make your products available globally. Since many online stores are already catering to an international audience, why not give your customers the power to shop in their local currency? What you need is a multi-currency converter extension that can instantly switch currencies on your WooCommerce website as per your customer’s preference.

Currency Switcher for WooCommerce – a powerful extension that automatically updates currency exchange rates and shows your customer’s their preferred currency anywhere on the website. Currency Switcher for WooCommerce automatically detects the Geo-Location IP of your customer and the country from which they are browsing your store. When any page from your store loads, the extension displays all the prices in the home currency of the customer. The extension uses live rates for currency conversion which gets updated at a predefined time or interval.

Get your subscriptions to start at a later date either chosen by you or by your customers. Ever wanted to sell a subscription but also wanted to book it for a later start? Now you can! Choose a start date or allow your customers to choose their own with the Custom Start Date for WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin. Set up a specific date to start all subscriptions or just one product. You can get your payments in advance and start subscriptions when you want. Need a cooling-off period or some preparation time before starting a subscription? Set up a delay in days, weeks, or months between the first payment and the start of the subscription. Want to let your customer choose the exact day they want to start the subscription? You can do it with this plugin. Your customers can book their subscription anytime and start it when they are ready.

With the Custom Thank You Pages extension you can do exactly what it says; configure custom thank you pages, per product. The thank you page is a very powerful place that can be optimized, which not many eCommerce sites do. Why is it such a powerful place? Customers have just purchased something, giving you their hard earned money and more importantly, their trust.

Assuming you sell something amazing, the customer will have a good feeling about their purchase and probably a boost of endorphin (having a feeling of euphoria). As you can imagine this is the best time to use that feeling and interest for good. Optimize your ‘thank you’ page for the best user experience. Redirect users to different order confirmation pages per product.

Add custom registration fields to collect additional information from your customers. Display user roles dropdown and validate new user registrations. Supports 19 fields types. The WooCommerce User Registration Extension lets you collect extra information from your customers by adding custom fields to your registration form. Add dropdowns, multi-select options, checkboxes, file uploads, dates, and more. Display the fields on “My Account” page, and make them either required or optional.

You can also add a “user roles” dropdown menu to registration forms to let the customers select an appropriate role during registration — you can choose to display all or just specific user roles in the dropdown. Auto-approve new user registrations, or do it manually, which is particularly handy if you need to validate B2B customers before allowing them to log in and place orders. Tag fields with specific user roles and show them only when a customer selects a specific role from dropdown.

Export customers, orders, and coupons from WooCommerce manually or on an automated schedule. Easily Export Orders, Customers, and Coupons from WooCommerce. While WooCommerce gives you reporting and order fulfillment tools, many merchants still need to use external systems for customer management, order fulfillment, or simply need an easy way to get data out of WooCommerce.

We’ve simplified the data transfer from WooCommerce to CRMs, fulfillment providers, or other systems with a customer, order, and coupon exporter that outputs CSV and XML formatted files. The WooCommerce Customer / Order / Coupon Export plugin lets you export individual orders, customers, or coupons, bulk export records on-demand, and create multiple automated exports to transfer customer and order data via FTP, HTTP POST, or email. You can also create your own custom formats that can include any customer or order meta.

Best of all, because our export process runs asynchronously in the background on your site, you can complete other tasks or leave your site completely while your export runs!

The Customer Email Verification extension helps store owners to reduce registration spam and fake orders by requiring customers to verify their email address when they register an account or before they can check out on your store. Avoid Account Registration Spam – require email verification from customers that register an account on your store or membership site and prevent access to the account area from customers that sign up with fake email addresses just to check around or to get the free trial access. Avoid Fake Orders – Validating the email before the order can be placed is extremely useful when you sell digital products, memberships and offer free trials, free products and samples.

Avoid Bouncing Emails – avoid bouncing of undelivered “new account” and order emails due to typos in the email address. The new account emails are delayed until successful verification. Fully Customize the Email Verification workflow – Personalize and edit the content of the verification workflows and customize the design of the verification popup overlay using a customizer with a live preview. Easily manage and delete Unverified customers – you can easily verify or resend the verification email to customers from the users admin, you can also delete all unverified customers at once or schedule auto-delete unverified customers after a certain time from when the account was created.

Observe how your customers use your store, keep a full purchase history log, and calculate the total customer lifetime value. The Customer History extension for WooCommerce observes how your customers browse through your WooCommerce store, as well as keeping a full purchase history log, and calculating the total customer lifetime value. Increase your conversion rate by seeing how your customers browse your WooCommerce store.

Import both customers and orders into WooCommerce from a CSV file. Mass import hundreds, even thousands of customers, coupons, and orders into your WooCommerce store with the Customer / Coupon / Order CSV Import Suite. This user-friendly importer will import customers with a minimum of hassle, and can import orders and link them to your shop’s customers and products.

This is an ideal tool when migrating an existing shop on a different eCommerce platform to WooCommerce, allowing you to maintain your customer accounts and order history. Have coupons to migrate from your old eCommerce platform, or campaigns requiring the creation of hundreds of coupons or more? The importer will import those, too!

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