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WooCommerce iPay88 Gateway 1.5.2

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WooCommerce Slack 1.4.1


Allow customers to securely save multiple payment methods to their account for faster checkout. The Intuit Payment Gateway extension provides an advanced payment integration for WooCommerce while providing the security and reliability that comes with using Intuit for payment processing. This extension supports merchants using an Intuit Payments account for eCommerce processing.

Intuit Payments provides increased security in payment processing, as customer credit card information is tokenized before being sent through your server, meeting the lower level PCI SAQ A-EP compliance level. The customer doesn’t see a difference in the checkout process, but payment data is more secure behind the scenes. Let your customers save their credit cards and bank accounts to their WooCommerce account for fast and easy checkout. Includes full support for WooCommerce Subscriptions!

O plugin WooCommerce WooSlider Products Slideshow é uma ferramenta útil para lojas online que usam a plataforma WooCommerce para vender produtos. Com este plugin, os usuários podem criar facilmente slideshows de produtos que serão exibidos em sua loja virtual. Isso pode ser uma maneira eficaz de exibir os produtos mais recentes, populares ou em promoção para seus clientes.

O WooSlider Products Slideshow também oferece uma ampla variedade de opções de personalização. Os usuários podem escolher entre diferentes estilos de slider, efeitos de transição, velocidade e tamanho de imagem, entre outros recursos. Além disso, é possível escolher quais produtos devem ser exibidos nos slideshows com base em várias categorias ou tags.

Outro benefício deste plugin é que ele é fácil de instalar e usar. Ele pode ser integrado com o WooCommerce com apenas alguns cliques e não é necessário nenhum conhecimento técnico avançado. Isso permite que os usuários adicionem rapidamente slideshows de produtos à sua loja virtual e ofereçam aos clientes uma experiência de compra aprimorada. Em resumo, o WooSlider Products Slideshow é uma opção interessante para quem deseja adicionar um toque de dinamismo e visual atraente à sua loja virtual WooCommerce.

Sell on Walmart with Walmart Integration for WooCommerce and automate, list, and sync inventories in a click and grow your sales. Connect your WooCommerce store with Walmart and grow the visibility of your products. Experience effortless selling with automated product syncing, centralized inventory management, and more using Walmart Integration for WooCommerce.

This extension gives you control over the appearance of the blog on your Storefront-powered WordPress site. Storefront is primarily a WooCommerce theme but that’s not to say that it cannot be used for standard blog/magazine web sites. The importance of an active blog with a large readership is an invaluable asset to any eCommerce website as well. The Storefront Blog Customizer extension gives you the ability to give your blog a unique design that suits your content and to display blog content on your homepage.

The Split Orders extension gives you the power to process and ship part of a customer’s order separately. You can choose the quantity of each item to be split to a new order, assigned to the same customer, with matching shipping and billing details.

Receive purchase orders via your WooCommerce-powered online store. The Purchase Order Gateway extension for WooCommerce adds a field to the checkout screen where your customer enters in their purchase order number (provided by you directly to the customer in a manual agreement). The Purchase Order Gateway requires no configuration to get up and running.

This plugin allows the cart to automatically update when a customer changes the quantities of the products in their cart. Auto Update Cart for WooCommerce ensures that when customers change the quantity of an order, the cart automatically updates to reflect the new quantity. WooCommerce Auto Update Cart has one simple setting where you can enter the delay from when the customer updates the quantities to when the cart gets updated.

Ever wished you could let your creative side go wild and design the best-looking bookable product pages in WooCommerce Booking and Elementor? Your booking calendar should match the great looks and feel of the rest of your website. Use Elementor Connector for WooCommerce Bookings to create a matching booking calendar.

With Elementor Connector, you have full control of bookable single product-page designs with a dedicated Elementor widget. This booking-form widget allows you to take your booking page designs to the next level with specific controls for colors, backgrounds, layouts, paddings and margins, fonts, and borders.

Accept credit card payments with the Bambora payment gateway (North America only). The WooCommerce Bambora (formerly Beanstream) extension provides a completely integrated checkout experience between WooCommerce and Bambora. Payments take place directly on your website so you have maximum control over what the checkout looks like, and customers never have to leave your site to make a payment. Even better, using Bambora’s Custom Checkout implementation, your seamless checkout also meets PCI compliance at SAQ-A levels, giving you a checkout that’s beautiful, seamless, and secure.

The wooCommerce variations table plugin allows merchants to display product variations in the table for WooCommerce product pages. Users can filter and sort to find the product they need, replacing the conventional select field option. With a dynamic table, it allows users to search for products by size, color, and style. The “Add to cart” button beside each table item simplifies the shopping experience. Users not yet ready to order can extract product variation sheets in multiple formats to review offline and make a purchase decision in their own time.

O plugin WooCommerce WooSlider é uma extensão popular e altamente personalizável do WooCommerce que permite aos usuários criar slideshows impressionantes e atraentes para suas lojas online. Com este plugin, os usuários podem adicionar facilmente imagens, vídeos, texto e efeitos de transição para criar slideshows cativantes em suas páginas de produtos, páginas de destino ou em qualquer lugar em seu site.

Uma das principais vantagens do plugin WooCommerce WooSlider é a sua facilidade de uso. Mesmo para usuários sem experiência em programação ou design, o WooSlider oferece uma interface amigável e intuitiva, com opções de personalização fáceis de usar para ajustar a aparência e comportamento do slideshow. Além disso, o plugin é totalmente responsivo, o que significa que os slideshows se adaptam perfeitamente a qualquer dispositivo, desde smartphones até monitores de desktop.

Por fim, o plugin WooCommerce WooSlider oferece uma variedade de recursos avançados que o tornam uma excelente escolha para lojas online profissionais. Com recursos como suporte para multilíngua, SEO otimizado e compatibilidade com vários temas e plugins, o WooSlider é uma solução versátil que pode ajudar as empresas a aumentar as vendas, melhorar a experiência do usuário e se destacar da concorrência. Em resumo, o plugin WooCommerce WooSlider é uma excelente opção para quem busca um slideshow personalizável, responsivo e cheio de recursos para sua loja online.

Add purchase price, cost and cost of goods to your products / variations. New prices are calculated and suggested based on these values using your Markup (profit margin). These values give you direct control over your store’s profits and revenue. With the included table editor and its bulk features, you can easily add and update all these values. In addition, you can seamlessly update inventory, see value at cost, sales value and total profit. The price selector (NEW) give you several options to automatically calculate and view: retail value, value at cost and profit based on the price you select (i.e inc.VAT).

Cost & Reports includes valuable and unique sales reports. The reports show in detail your actual profits and income, not just bestsellers, but down to product or variation level. Retrieve reports by predefined or a selected date range, see your acceptable profit (green background marking) and unacceptable profit (red background marking). Download reports as .csv or Export table data (based on your filters) for further processing in applications such as MS Excel or Apple Numbers.

Offer discounts on subscription renewals or offer role-based discounts—make subscription products highly profitable, increase customer retention rates and your store’s long-term value. Discounts for WooCommerce Subscriptions is the first specialized tool to manage the pricing of recurring payments for the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin.

WooCommerce Tax Exempt provides you a proper system through which you can give tax exemption to selected customers and user roles. You can enable a customizable tax exemption form on My Account page to let customers submit the required files and other information to claim tax exemption. The store admin can review the submitted info and reject or grant the tax exemption requests from backoffice.

Once the tax exemption is granted, a checkbox is displayed on the checkout page to let customers claim the tax exemption. The tax exemption details are displayed in order detail pages. The store admin can also tax-exempt selected customers from BackOffice. These exempted customers may or may not upload any tax information but still, they will be able to claim the tax exemption just like the other customers who have uploaded the tax files and claimed tax exemption.

Pack items into boxes with pre-defined costs per destination. Flat rate box shipping lets you define costs for boxes to different destinations. Items are packed into boxes based on item size and volume, and then that box uses the fixed costs you define per destination. Add multiple box sizes per shipping zone. Add costs per box, per weight unit, and a percentage of the item costs inside. Define a cost for un-packable items e.g. too large to fit in a box.

It helps customers to fill address field on checkout page automatically via suggestions from Google Address Autocomplete API. WooCommerce store owners know the pain of incurring losses due to packages with invalid addresses being undelivered — it’s a common problem for most store owners and recent research has shown companies are particularly hit by customers filling out address fields incorrectly during holiday sales like Black Friday. Address Autocomplete for WooCommerce is an intelligent yet easy-to-use extension that allows you to sync your site with Google Maps’ location detector at the checkout page.

This saves your customers time and effort when filling out their checkout form’s address fields. As soon as the customer selects their location on the map, Google Address auto-complete (via Google API) automatically fetches their Address, Country, City, State, and Zipcode and auto-fills the data against the relevant field. Moreover, if the customer suggests a location or zip code, the system will display a list of suitable locations to choose from.

Offer selected currencies to customers so they can convert to their preferred currency on the shop, cart, and checkout pages. In the global context of eCommerce, you must ensure that you make your products available globally. Since many online stores are already catering to an international audience, why not give your customers the power to shop in their local currency? What you need is a multi-currency converter extension that can instantly switch currencies on your WooCommerce website as per your customer’s preference.

Currency Switcher for WooCommerce – a powerful extension that automatically updates currency exchange rates and shows your customer’s their preferred currency anywhere on the website. Currency Switcher for WooCommerce automatically detects the Geo-Location IP of your customer and the country from which they are browsing your store. When any page from your store loads, the extension displays all the prices in the home currency of the customer. The extension uses live rates for currency conversion which gets updated at a predefined time or interval.

With this plugin you can add any type and any number of attachments to the email correspondence generated by WooCommerce. You also may add additional CC and BCC recipients. To make the recipients aware of the email attachments you can add a notification headline and a notification text at the footer of the email. Starting with version 3.0 the plugin recognizes and supports all emails added by WooCommerce plugin. Additional emails generated by WooCommerce extensions are also recognized, if these plugins use and support the WooCommerce email API (i.e. like the subscription or booking extensions).

O plugin WooCommerce Storefront Designer é uma ferramenta popular para personalizar a aparência da sua loja virtual WooCommerce. Ele permite que você personalize facilmente o design da sua loja, incluindo o esquema de cores, fontes, layouts e muito mais. Com este plugin, você pode fazer com que sua loja pareça única e se destaque da concorrência.

Uma das características mais notáveis ​​do WooCommerce Storefront Designer é sua interface fácil de usar. Mesmo que você não tenha experiência em design ou programação, pode personalizar sua loja virtual com facilidade. A ferramenta oferece diversas opções para personalização, com opções simples de arrastar e soltar para alterar o design.

Outra vantagem do WooCommerce Storefront Designer é a compatibilidade com uma ampla variedade de temas WooCommerce. O plugin funciona perfeitamente com o tema padrão do WooCommerce, o Storefront, mas também é compatível com muitos outros temas populares. Isso significa que você pode personalizar sua loja virtual, independentemente do tema que está usando. Com sua interface intuitiva e recursos robustos, o WooCommerce Storefront Designer é uma excelente escolha para proprietários de lojas virtuais que desejam criar uma aparência única para sua marca.

O plugin WooCommerce Product Gallery Slider é uma ferramenta útil para proprietários de lojas on-line que desejam melhorar a experiência de seus clientes ao visualizar seus produtos. Com este plugin, é possível transformar a galeria de imagens de um produto em um carrossel de imagens deslizante, o que torna mais fácil para os clientes visualizarem todas as imagens do produto em uma única página.

Além disso, este plugin oferece vários recursos personalizáveis, como a possibilidade de definir a velocidade de transição do carrossel de imagens, o número de imagens exibidas simultaneamente e o estilo do carrossel. Esses recursos permitem que os proprietários de lojas on-line personalizem a aparência e a funcionalidade do plugin de acordo com suas necessidades.

Por fim, o WooCommerce Product Gallery Slider é fácil de usar e instalar, sendo compatível com a maioria dos temas WooCommerce disponíveis no mercado. Com sua capacidade de melhorar a experiência de visualização de produtos dos clientes e seus recursos personalizáveis, este plugin é uma excelente opção para proprietários de lojas on-line que desejam melhorar a funcionalidade e a aparência de suas galerias de produtos.

Empower your customers to request refunds directly from their My Account screen. WooCommerce Smart Refunder removes pain from the refund process – both for customers and store owners. If you are selling virtual products, digital goods or subscriptions – the refund process can be fully automated with WooCommerce Smart Refunder. Customers request a refund and get it instantly.

If you are selling physical products or a gateway that doesn’t support refunds, Smart Refunder allows customers to request refunds from My Account and shows refund requests to you in WooCommerce. You then process them manually and complete refund requests. This saves you time since all required details are available at your fingertips. If you have chosen to provide coupons for refunds, and customers want them, a new coupon is emailed instantly.

Keep students engaged and improve knowledge retention by setting a delivery schedule for course content. For each lesson in a course, you can specify when learners will be able to access the lesson content, either as a fixed interval after the date they start the course, or on a specific date. Whatever schedule you decide upon, you are in complete control of your students’ learning pace. Note: This is an extension for Sensei LMS. It requires the Sensei LMS plugin to be installed and activated.

O plugin WooCommerce Review for Discount é uma ferramenta poderosa que ajuda a impulsionar as vendas em sua loja online. Ele permite que você ofereça descontos em troca de avaliações de produtos em sua loja virtual WooCommerce. Com este plugin, você pode motivar os clientes a deixarem avaliações honestas e úteis, ao mesmo tempo em que promove a fidelidade à marca e melhora a visibilidade de seus produtos nos resultados de pesquisa.

O processo de usar o WooCommerce Review for Discount é simples e eficaz. Quando um cliente faz uma compra em sua loja, você pode configurar o plugin para enviar um email solicitando uma avaliação do produto comprado. Em troca da avaliação, o cliente recebe um desconto na próxima compra em sua loja. Isso incentiva a interação com seus clientes e, ao mesmo tempo, incentiva-os a voltar e fazer mais compras em sua loja.

Outra grande vantagem do plugin WooCommerce Review for Discount é que ele ajuda a aumentar a visibilidade de seus produtos nos resultados de pesquisa. Isso ocorre porque as avaliações de produtos são usadas pelos mecanismos de pesquisa para classificar e classificar seus produtos em relação aos concorrentes. Ao obter avaliações positivas de seus clientes, você pode melhorar a classificação de seus produtos nos resultados de pesquisa e aumentar a visibilidade de sua loja virtual. Em resumo, o plugin WooCommerce Review for Discount é uma ferramenta poderosa que ajuda a melhorar a interação com seus clientes, promove a fidelidade à marca e aumenta a visibilidade de sua loja virtual nos resultados de pesquisa.

Accept payment with First Data using the Payeezy Gateway, Payeezy, or legacy Global Gateway payment gateways. Let your customers easily and seamlessly check out on your site with First Data. Capture more sales and reduce cart abandonment by taking advantage of First Data TransArmor credit card tokenization, allowing customers to securely and safely save their cards for future checkout. Benefit from tons of great features like enhanced checkout forms, Subscriptions support, capturing charges, and more!

Create custom, full-width dropdowns that seamlessly tie into your Storefront-powered WooCommerce shop. This extension gives you the power to transform any top-level menu item into a full-width dropdown. Our easy to use Drag & Drop interface allows you to add widgets that can be rearranged and resized to display any content you wish in your website navigation. Each Mega Menu blends seamlessly into your Storefront design by aligning all columns to the grid. Mega Menus is compatible with all Storefront Child Themes.

Observe how your customers use your store, keep a full purchase history log, and calculate the total customer lifetime value. The Customer History extension for WooCommerce observes how your customers browse through your WooCommerce store, as well as keeping a full purchase history log, and calculating the total customer lifetime value. Increase your conversion rate by seeing how your customers browse your WooCommerce store.

O plugin WooCommerce PayPal Advanced Gateway é uma extensão para o popular plugin de comércio eletrônico WooCommerce, que permite aos proprietários de lojas online aceitar pagamentos usando a plataforma de pagamentos PayPal Advanced. Esse gateway oferece uma experiência de pagamento integrada e personalizada, além de permitir que os clientes paguem com vários cartões de crédito ou débito, sem sair do site da loja.

Uma das principais vantagens do plugin WooCommerce PayPal Advanced Gateway é a segurança. Com essa solução de pagamento, os clientes não precisam inserir as informações do cartão de crédito em cada compra, o que ajuda a proteger suas informações pessoais e financeiras. Além disso, a solução é compatível com PCI, garantindo que os dados do cartão de crédito sejam tratados de acordo com os padrões de segurança do setor.

Outra vantagem importante do plugin WooCommerce PayPal Advanced Gateway é a facilidade de uso. Os proprietários de lojas online podem configurar facilmente o gateway e começar a aceitar pagamentos em questão de minutos. Além disso, o plugin é altamente personalizável, permitindo que os proprietários de lojas personalizem a aparência e a funcionalidade do gateway para atender às necessidades específicas de seus negócios. Com todas essas vantagens, não é surpresa que o plugin WooCommerce PayPal Advanced Gateway seja uma escolha popular entre proprietários de lojas online que buscam uma solução de pagamento segura, fácil de usar e personalizável.

The iPay88 extension allows you to integrate WooCommerce store with iPay88 payment gateway. iPay88 is a leading eCommerce payment provider in South East Asia. It supports payments via Credit cards, Debit cards, Bank account transfers, and alternative payments. Merchants can also accept payments in different currencies like Malaysian Ringgit(MYR), US Dollar (USD), Yuan Renminbi (CNY), Euro (EUR), Pound Sterling (GBP) and more. Please note that you need a working iPay88 account in order to connect your store to the gateway. To obtain an account please contact iPay88 directly.

O plugin WooCommerce 2Checkout Gateway é uma extensão para a plataforma WooCommerce que permite a integração do gateway de pagamento 2Checkout com sua loja virtual. Com esse plugin, é possível oferecer aos seus clientes uma ampla variedade de opções de pagamento, incluindo cartões de crédito, débito e PayPal, além de outros métodos de pagamento regionais e internacionais.

Ao usar o plugin WooCommerce 2Checkout Gateway, você pode configurar facilmente o processo de checkout da sua loja virtual para aceitar pagamentos por meio do 2Checkout. Isso significa que seus clientes podem concluir suas compras com rapidez e facilidade, sem precisar sair da sua loja virtual ou criar uma conta no 2Checkout.

Com o WooCommerce 2Checkout Gateway, você também pode gerenciar facilmente suas transações e pagamentos diretamente no painel de administração da sua loja virtual. Isso inclui a capacidade de acompanhar o status de seus pedidos, gerenciar reembolsos e cancelamentos de pedidos, além de gerar relatórios e análises detalhadas para monitorar o desempenho da sua loja virtual. Em resumo, o plugin WooCommerce 2Checkout Gateway é uma excelente opção para quem busca uma solução de pagamento segura, fácil de usar e altamente integrada com a plataforma WooCommerce.

O 2Checkout Inline Checkout é um serviço de processamento de pagamentos global que aceita mais de 87 moedas e 15 idiomas. O plugin WooCommerce 2Checkout Inline Checkout permite que os proprietários de lojas personalizem a aparência do checkout para que combine com o design da loja, e oferece suporte a vários métodos de pagamento, como cartão de crédito, PayPal, débito bancário e mais.

Uma das principais vantagens do plugin WooCommerce 2Checkout Inline Checkout é que ele é fácil de configurar e usar. Os proprietários de lojas podem instalar o plugin em sua loja WooCommerce em poucos minutos e começar a aceitar pagamentos rapidamente. Além disso, o plugin vem com suporte técnico dedicado para ajudar os proprietários de lojas em caso de qualquer problema ou dúvida.

Em resumo, o plugin WooCommerce 2Checkout Inline Checkout é uma extensão valiosa para qualquer proprietário de loja que deseja oferecer aos seus clientes uma experiência de checkout fácil e segura. Com suporte a várias moedas e idiomas, além de vários métodos de pagamento, este plugin é uma ótima opção para lojas que desejam expandir seus negócios globalmente. Além disso, sua fácil configuração e suporte técnico dedicado tornam o uso deste plugin uma opção conveniente e confiável para proprietários de lojas de todos os níveis de habilidade.

Brings your WooCommerce store into the heart of your Slack channel conversations. Receive Slack notifications for events in your WooCommerce-powered store, as they happen! WooCommerce Slack brings your WooCommerce store into the heart of your Slack channel conversations, allowing you and your team to easily stay ‘in the loop’ on what’s happening in your store with minimal effort.

There are currently seven notification events that can optionally be enabled. You can set a specific channel and emoji for each notification, as well as customize the notification text to your liking! Some notification types also featured ‘extended notifications,’ allowing to you to optionally send detailed order line items or the content of your reviews, saving you from needing to open up your dashboard to check out your latest orders.

Fortune wheel like conversion tool – The Ultimate Sales Booster For WooCommerce. Boost your sales by offering your visitors a chance to win discount coupons just by spinning a wheel on your store. Spin Wheel for WooCommerce is a WooCommerce extension that helps you convert your visitors into customers by adding a “wheel of fortune” to your site. Use this marketing tool to retain customers and increase sales by offering discounts in a fun, engaging way.

The customizable wheel gives you full control over the text and color options so that you can match it with the theme of your website. Want to make it more fun? Add more wheel slices, each with a different prize. Retain your customers easily – Configure the wheel’s display on exit intent, so the visitor gets the chance to spin the wheel before leaving. Even set up the time duration during which the wheel will be displayed.

O plugin WooCommerce Storefront WooCommerce Customiser é uma extensão do WooCommerce Storefront, um dos temas mais populares para lojas virtuais criado pela própria equipe do WooCommerce. Esse plugin permite que os usuários personalizem ainda mais o layout e design da sua loja virtual, adicionando novas opções de cores, fontes, estilos e muito mais.

Com o Storefront WooCommerce Customiser, os usuários têm acesso a uma interface intuitiva e fácil de usar, que permite personalizar todos os aspectos visuais da loja virtual sem precisar de conhecimentos em programação ou design. É possível mudar a cor de fundo, das fontes e dos botões, adicionar imagens de fundo e banners, ajustar o tamanho das imagens e muito mais.

Outra vantagem desse plugin é que ele é totalmente compatível com o WooCommerce, o que significa que todos os recursos e funcionalidades do plugin principal continuam disponíveis para os usuários, como a gestão de produtos, carrinho de compras, checkout e muito mais. Dessa forma, é possível criar uma loja virtual totalmente personalizada, sem abrir mão de recursos essenciais para a venda online.

Limit different user roles to specific payment methods and shipping methods. WooCommerce Role-Based Methods extension gives site administrators the ability to individually limit available Shipping Methods and Payment Gateways for each user role configured in WordPress. Additionally, site admins can now customize methods and gateways available to customers checking out as WooCommerce ‘guests.’ When using custom roles, The WooCommerce Role Based Methods extension makes it easy to customize shipping methods and payment gateways for customers large and small.

O plugin WooCommerce Product Image Watermark é uma ferramenta útil para lojas online que utilizam a plataforma WooCommerce. Ele permite adicionar marcas d’água em suas imagens de produtos, aumentando a segurança e protegendo contra o uso indevido de suas imagens por terceiros.

Com este plugin, você pode escolher a posição, a transparência e o tamanho da marca d’água a ser adicionada em suas imagens. Além disso, o plugin permite que você escolha quais tipos de imagens devem ter a marca d’água aplicada, como imagens em miniatura, imagens de produtos individuais ou imagens de produtos na página de categoria.

Ao adicionar marcas d’água em suas imagens de produtos, você pode aumentar a credibilidade da sua loja online, pois os clientes sabem que as imagens são autênticas e pertencem à sua loja. O plugin WooCommerce Product Image Watermark é fácil de usar e pode ser uma excelente opção para garantir a segurança de suas imagens e proteger a integridade da sua marca.

Help your customers quicker, using WooCommerce and Freshdesk. Using WooCommerce Freshdesk, connect your WooCommerce-powered online store to your Freshdesk help desk account, helping your customers to request assistance with orders and to receive their answers as quickly as possible.

Freshdesk contains many moving parts including a ticketing system, discussion forum and solutions centre (knowledgebase). WooCommerce Freshdesk integrates seamlessly with each section of Freshdesk, ensuring the seamless creation of forum and solution centre categories, as well as helping your customers to create tickets without having to leave your store.

Track e-commerce events, site events, and more automatically. No coding necessary. No changes to JavaScript / CSS or theme files. No touching PHP or HTML. Simply install the plugin, enter your Segment.com API code and you would be tracking everything instantly. WooCommerce Segment.com connector integrates with Segment.com – an analytics aggregation and relay service. Segment.com lets you send your analytics data to any service you want, without you having to integrate with each one individually.

List features between products, then give visitors a way to add their chosen product to their cart, with the Storefront Pricing Tables extension. Pricing tables are an effective way of displaying the difference between a small number of products. List features between different subscriptions, or complex products, then give visitors a way to add their chosen product to their cart, with the Storefront Pricing Tables extension. Adding pricing tables is easy. Just use the shortcode generator button on any post or page to insert a pricing table and customise the layout and content. In the Customizer you can adjust the appearance to match your brand. Choose heading and background colors to grab visitors attention.

Enable your students to easily see their progress and pick up where they left off in a course. It can be easy for students to lose track of their progress in a course that contains many lessons. It can be especially problematic if they’re taking the course over a period of several weeks or months. Sensei LMS Course Progress provides a widget that displays the lessons in the current course or module. It lets your students see, at a glance, which lessons they have completed and which lessons they still have to take.

Adds a product condition to the product meta and to Schema markup for the product. Do you sell used goods? Help your customers find items that meet their needs with Product Condition for WooCommerce, a tool for displaying the condition of every item in your store, right on the product page. When you specify product conditions, customers know exactly what they’re buying and search engines can target your products for customers who are searching for the kind of items you offer. Do you sell used goods? Help your customers find items that meet their needs with Product Condition for WooCommerce, a tool for displaying the condition of every item in your store, right on the product page. When you specify product conditions, customers know exactly what they’re buying and search engines can target your products for customers who are searching for the kind of items you offer.

O plugin WooCommerce Clockwork SMS Notifications é uma ferramenta útil para lojas virtuais que utilizam a plataforma WooCommerce para gerenciar suas vendas. Com este plugin, os proprietários de lojas podem enviar notificações via SMS para seus clientes, como confirmações de pedidos, atualizações de status de entrega e lembretes de carrinho abandonado.

Com o WooCommerce Clockwork SMS Notifications, as lojas virtuais podem melhorar a comunicação com seus clientes, aumentando a satisfação e fidelização dos mesmos. Além disso, o plugin é fácil de usar e personalizar, permitindo que os proprietários de lojas ajustem as configurações de acordo com suas necessidades.

Por fim, vale ressaltar que a integração do WooCommerce com o Clockwork SMS é bastante segura e confiável, garantindo que as mensagens sejam entregues aos destinatários de forma rápida e eficiente. Com este plugin, as lojas virtuais podem melhorar sua comunicação com os clientes, aumentando a probabilidade de fidelização e novas vendas.

Reporting for your Authorize.net transactions can be a real pain. You need to login to your account and run all sorts of complex reports (requiring up to a half hour in some cases!) just to get a simple list of transactions. No more! Simply install and configure this extension and you can start receiving a daily email with your Authorize.net transactions from the previous day attached as a CSV.

Even better, you can login to your WooCommerce store and download a CSV of transaction details from a given date range on-demand, without ever having to login to your Authorize.net account. If you’re accepting payments via Authorize.net for your WooCommerce store and need to generate reports to monitor transactions, this extension is a must-have!

The Edit Order by Customer for WooCommerce extension allows customers to edit placed orders with certain order statuses. You can control the information a customer can edit based on their user role and current order status. For example, you can allow customers to change products, and billing and shipping addresses when the order is in pending payment status. Your customers can change billing addresses, shipping addresses, products, and payment and shipping methods.

The extension is beneficial if you have B2B customers who place large orders. You can allow them to adjust their orders prior to making payment. Your store admin will receive an automatic email if the order has been edited by a customer, along with the new order details. The order will be automatically moved to on-hold status. The store admin can finalize the changes and move the order back to pending payment or any order status depending on the current order stage.

PayPal’s latest, all-in-one checkout solution. Securely accept PayPal Digital Payments, credit/debit cards and local payment methods. PayPal Payments lets you offer PayPal, Venmo (US only), Pay Later options and more — all designed to help you maximize conversion. PayPal Pay Later allows customers to pay over time while you get paid up front — at no additional cost to your business. And since 81% of younger consumers who use buy now, pay later decide which payment method to use before they get to checkout4, showing Pay Later messaging on your site lets customers know they have flexible options to pay over time while they are browsing — helping convert your browsers into buyers.

Using Watermark Pro for WooCommerce you can customize product images with your brand logo. Watermark Pro for WooCommerce allows you to secure your product images with a watermark. Add a text or image watermark to plain or striped watermarked backgrounds. You can configure text and image watermarks with custom sizes, colors, opacity, and watermark positions. There are five positions available with customizable margins. You can also set up custom logo blur, blur color, and opacity. Stripes are also customizable—you can set up the color, width, blur, blur color, and opacity.

Automatically apply watermarks on product images, catalog thumbnails, and any other place where images display using the bulk options in Watermark Pro for WooCommerce. You can auto-watermark any newly uploaded images for new products. With auto-watermark, there’s no action needed when you add new products to your website. Automatically watermark product images when accessed from the frontend. At any time, you can delete watermarks from images without compromising the original product images.

This extension gives you control over the appearance of the blog on your Storefront-powered WordPress site. Storefront is primarily a WooCommerce theme but that’s not to say that it cannot be used for standard blog/magazine web sites. The importance of an active blog with a large readership is an invaluable asset to any eCommerce website as well. The Storefront Blog Customizer extension gives you the ability to give your blog a unique design that suits your content and to display blog content on your homepage.

O plugin WooCommerce Storefront Sticky Add to Cart é uma extensão gratuita para a plataforma de comércio eletrônico WooCommerce, que permite aos usuários fixar o botão “Adicionar ao carrinho” na página de detalhes do produto. Isso facilita a navegação do cliente no site e melhora a experiência de compra. O botão flutuante permanece sempre visível, mesmo quando o usuário rola a página para baixo, o que ajuda a aumentar as conversões e a reduzir o abandono de carrinho.

O plugin é altamente personalizável e oferece diferentes opções para ajustar a aparência e o comportamento do botão. Por exemplo, os usuários podem escolher a cor e o tamanho do botão, bem como a posição em que ele é exibido na página. Além disso, é possível personalizar a mensagem de sucesso exibida após a adição do produto ao carrinho.

O WooCommerce Storefront Sticky Add to Cart é compatível com o tema oficial da WooCommerce, o Storefront, bem como com outros temas populares. Ele pode ser facilmente instalado e configurado através da seção de plugins do WordPress. No geral, é uma ferramenta útil para os proprietários de lojas virtuais que desejam melhorar a usabilidade e as conversões do site.

Increase course enrolments by showing site visitors just how popular your courses are. People are more likely to sign up for a course if they can see that it’s already popular, right? Sensei Course Participants shows your site visitors how many people are currently taking each course. There’s also an optional widget, which you can add to your sidebar, to display a list of all the learners taking the course. If you have public profiles enabled it will also link to each learner’s profile.

Provide your students with easy access to additional learning materials, from audio files to slideshows and PDFs. Sensei LMS Media Attachments enables you to attach media files to your courses and lessons in Sensei LMS. For example, you may have some reading material, in PDF format, to offer your students. With Sensei LMS Media Attachments, you can upload the file to your course or lesson. The file will then be presented as a link in a separate Course Media or Lesson Media section.

O plugin “WooCommerce Order Status Change Notifier” é uma ferramenta essencial para proprietários de lojas online que desejam automatizar o processo de gerenciamento de pedidos. Com este plugin, você pode configurar notificações automáticas por e-mail ou SMS para informar aos clientes sobre o status do seu pedido. Essas notificações são personalizáveis e podem ser enviadas em diferentes momentos, como quando um pedido é processado, enviado ou entregue.

Além disso, o plugin também permite que os proprietários de lojas configurem notificações para si próprios, permitindo que eles acompanhem facilmente o status dos pedidos em tempo real. Isso é especialmente útil para lojas que recebem um grande volume de pedidos diariamente, pois ajuda a garantir que nenhum pedido seja esquecido ou deixado de lado.

O “WooCommerce Order Status Change Notifier” é fácil de instalar e configurar, e é compatível com uma variedade de plataformas de envio de e-mails e SMS. O plugin também é atualizado regularmente para garantir que ele esteja sempre funcionando corretamente e que novos recursos sejam adicionados. Com este plugin, você pode simplificar o gerenciamento de pedidos e garantir que seus clientes estejam sempre atualizados sobre o status de seus pedidos, ajudando a aumentar a satisfação do cliente e a fidelidade à sua marca.

Download all (or a selection) of your downloadable products in a single ZIP file. Enable your customers to easily create and download a ZIP file of their purchased downloads when on their My Account screen. It’s extremely straight forward to use and intuitive for customers. The list of downloads will include all of the customer’s Available Downloads, that they’ve either purchased or been given permission to download by the store manager. The customer can can select the ones they’d like to download or Select All and then download a dynamically created ZIP file containing the selected files. A ‘Download Order Files’ button is also added to the ‘Order Received’ page, so your customers can easily download the files from an order straight after completing their checkout!

WooCommerce quantity discounts plugin allows to create product based discounts as well as cart based discounts. With product based discount rule you can offer discount on products’ quantity ranges or set price per product quantity. It creates a pricing table to set discounts on various quantity ranges, creates multiple rules to set different discount offers on various products, and applies each rule to various products and categories to save time.

Using cart based discount rule you can provide a discount in cart totals on the cart page. You can provide a discount based on the quantity of total cart items. Option add multiple conditions which customers have to meet to avail cart discount. You can also set offer discounts to specific user roles—a useful feature for B2B stores. With WooCommerce quantity discounts plugin, you can provide fixed or percentage discounts or set discounted prices. The extension displays the pricing table on product pages that encourages customers to increase their order quantities to get valuable discounts.

The Merge Orders extension allows you to combine multiple customer orders so you can process and ship them as one. Why merge orders? The most common scenario for needing to merge orders is when you receive multiple orders for the same customer. Merging and shipping them as one package provides multiple benefits, including: Reducing costs on shipping and packaging—better for you, and better for the planet! Streamlining order processing and putting the tracking in one place. Improving customer experience—they only have to track one delivery, and they receive everything they ordered at the same time.

Save time, money and improve your business performance and workflow by integrating with Odoo! Odoo, formerly known as Open ERP, is a popular open-source ERP and CRM solution for businesses, used by millions of people worldwide. Odoo for WooCommerce integrates your odoo’s ERP business system with your Woo-powered store. You can now conveniently create, update, or synchronise invoices, products, customer records, coupons, inventory and much more from within your WooCommerce store.

Global Payments eCommerce process over 11 billion transactions every year and 2.5 million businesses use their secure, seamless and reliable solutions for their online, over the phone and in-person card processing. As one of the world’s largest payment processing companies, Global Payments process all major cards, as well as offering an unmatched range of solutions and services to help grow your business and could increase your revenue.

This Global Payments HPP extension (formerly called “Realex HPP”) will enable your WooCommerce store to take payments through the Global Payments Hosted Payment Page (HPP). The HPP is a PCI DSS v3.2-compliant redirect solution. It allows you to easily process payments while reducing the significant PCI compliance burden associated with collecting card data. Merchants using the HPP can attest to their PCI Compliance by completing the short PCI DSS Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) A.

This extension allows you to use Westpac PayWay API as a credit card processor, using their fully integrated API process. You can process Visa and Mastercard by default, and can optionally accept American Express, Diners Club and JCB after further activation by Westpac. When using the PayWay API integration, you should ensure your web server meets PCI compliance (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards).

Product Availability Slots for WooCommerce can help you Sell Products on Fixed Time Slots in your WooCommerce Shop. Product Availability Slots for WooCommerce lets you sell limited-time products during fixed time slots in your WooCommerce shop. Using this plugin, it’s easy to sell products on specific days at specific time-slots. Offering products on a limited time can create a sense of urgency which can trigger the user to make the purchase right away.

Add an attention grabbing, immersive parallax hero component to your Storefront homepage. Storefront Parallax Hero adds a customizable hero component on your homepage template. Once installed you’ll notice a new top level section in the Customizer allowing you control the different aspects of the hero component. You control the content – specify a title, some body text (and they colors they’re displayed in) then create an optional call to action button. Specify whether to align the content centrally, to the left or the right to fine tune.

Enjoy complete control of the hero component background. You can choose a plain color for minimalist designs, upload an image or even a video. Tiling patterns or large photos will both work great. Specify whether the background scrolls with a parallax affect and apply a semi-opaque overlay to make the text pop. Choose between a full width or fixed width layout. The full width layout will make the hero component span the full width of the browser while the fixed width option keeps it the same width as the main content area.

O plugin WooCommerce Facebook Tab é uma ferramenta útil para proprietários de lojas online que desejam integrar seus sites de comércio eletrônico ao Facebook. Ele permite que você crie uma guia personalizada na sua página do Facebook para mostrar seus produtos, preços, imagens e descrições diretamente no Facebook. Com este plugin, você pode aumentar sua presença nas redes sociais, melhorar a exposição da sua marca e impulsionar as vendas.

Uma das principais vantagens do plugin WooCommerce Facebook Tab é a facilidade de uso. Ele é fácil de instalar e configurar, sem a necessidade de conhecimentos técnicos avançados. Além disso, o plugin permite que você personalize sua guia do Facebook com as cores e fontes do seu site, garantindo uma aparência consistente da sua marca em todos os canais.

Outra vantagem importante do plugin WooCommerce Facebook Tab é a capacidade de rastrear as conversões de vendas diretamente do Facebook. Isso significa que você pode medir o retorno do investimento (ROI) de suas campanhas de publicidade no Facebook, bem como o desempenho dos seus produtos na plataforma. Com esses dados em mãos, você pode otimizar suas campanhas e maximizar seus resultados. Em resumo, o plugin WooCommerce Facebook Tab é uma ferramenta poderosa para ajudar a impulsionar as vendas do seu negócio online, aumentar sua visibilidade nas redes sociais e obter insights valiosos sobre o desempenho do seu site de comércio eletrônico.

Highlight your star products in style. Add beautiful product hero components to any page at your Storefront powered shop. The Product Hero extension allows you to elegantly highlight any product at your site, on any page. With a clever combination of imagery you can easily create a powerful conversion tool for your chosen product. Once installed you’ll notice a new top level section in the Customizer allowing you control the different aspects of the product hero component.

Enjoy complete control of the hero component background. You can choose a plain color for minimalist designs or upload an image. Tiling patterns or large photos will both work great. Specify whether the background image scrolls with a parallax affect and apply a semi-opaque overlay to make the text pop. Choose between a full width or fixed width layout. The full width layout will make the hero component span the full width of the browser while the fixed width option keeps it the same width as the main content area. You also have control of the content layout itself. Display everything centrally or float content and image adjacently.

Add Kissmetrics tracking to your WooCommerce store with one click and start getting actionable metrics today. Easily build a customized dashboard that shows you the metrics you care about, visualize your checkout funnel with sales funnel reports, and watch visitors interact with your store in real-time.

No need to manually add javascript and read through the Kissmetrics integration guides for hours – this plugin does all setup for event tracking for your store and sends the correct data to your Kissmetrics account. Kissmetrics is the premier analytics tool that shows you actionable metrics for your business. Use this extension to integrate Kissmetrics with your WooCommerce store and save 20+ hours (and a guaranteed headache) in setup time!

The Alipay Cross-Border Payment Gateway plugin for WooCommerce allows you to tap into the 1.3 billion-person Chinese market. With over 700 million users, Alipay is the most-used payment gateway in China, dwarfing all others, including PayPal. With the Alipay Cross-Border plugin, your website will be able to accept payments from residents and businesses inside Mainland China using a payment method they are familiar and comfortable with. It accounts for roughly half of all online payment transactions within China.

Let your students strut their stuff (and promote your course) by sharing their progress on social media. Get social with Sensei! The Share Your Grade extension allows your learners to share their progress on a selection of social networks after completing a lesson or course. The share will automatically link back to your course page, meaning more learners for you!

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