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HandL UTM Grabber Pro V3 é uma ferramenta inovadora de rastreamento que ajuda as empresas a acompanhar o desempenho de suas campanhas de marketing. Este plugin permite que os usuários capturem dados importantes, como origem de tráfego, campanha, meio e termos de pesquisa, e analisem esses dados para obter insights valiosos sobre o comportamento do usuário.

Com o HandL UTM Grabber Pro V3, as empresas podem rastrear o tráfego de suas campanhas em tempo real, e compreender melhor a eficácia de suas estratégias de marketing. A ferramenta é fácil de usar e pode ser integrada facilmente a diferentes plataformas de marketing digital, como o Google Ads e o Facebook Ads.

Além disso, é altamente customizável e oferece uma ampla gama de recursos, incluindo a capacidade de adicionar notas customizadas aos dados capturados, visualizar o acompanhamento em tempo real e gerar relatórios detalhados para análise posterior. Se você está procurando uma maneira eficaz e fácil de acompanhar o desempenho de suas campanhas de marketing, o HandL UTM Grabber Pro V3 pode ser a solução perfeita.

Code Profiler é um plugin WordPress que ajuda a identificar e corrigir problemas de desempenho no site. Ele funciona como uma ferramenta de perfilamento de desempenho, permitindo que os desenvolvedores identifiquem quais partes do código estão causando problemas de desempenho e otimizem o site para melhorar a velocidade de carregamento e a experiência do usuário.

Funciona analisando o código do site em busca de problemas de desempenho, como scripts desnecessários, consultas lentas ao banco de dados e código redundante. Ele fornece informações detalhadas sobre o seu desempenho, incluindo o tempo de carregamento da página, a quantidade de memória utilizada pelo código e outras estatísticas úteis.

Code Profiler fornece uma visão geral clara do desempenho do site e ajuda a identificar quais partes do código precisam ser otimizadas para melhorar a velocidade de carregamento da página. Além disso, o plugin é fácil de usar e pode ser facilmente configurado para funcionar com diferentes tipos de sites WordPress.

O Code Profiler é uma ferramenta útil para desenvolvedores que desejam melhorar o desempenho do site oferecendo uma maneira fácil e eficaz de identificar e corrigir problemas de desempenho no seu código, ajudando a melhorar a velocidade de carregamento e a experiência do usuário.

Quick View Pro for WooCommerce é um plugin que adiciona a funcionalidade de visualização rápida aos produtos de uma loja WooCommerce. Com este plugin, os visitantes da loja podem visualizar rapidamente as informações do produto, como descrição, preço, opções de variação e imagem, sem precisar visitar a página do produto individualmente.

Oferece uma visualização rápida, clean e responsiva, que funciona em dispositivos móveis e desktops. Os visitantes da loja podem visualizar os detalhes do produto com apenas um clique em no botão Visualização Rápida, que abre uma janela modal contendo todas as informações relevantes do produto.

Além disso, o Quick View Pro for WooCommerce é altamente customizável. Ele permite que os donos da loja customizem a página da visualização rápida, adicionem conteúdo à janela modal e configurem as opções de exibição de produtos.

Com o Quick View Pro for WooCommerce, os donos de lojas podem melhorar a experiência do usuário e aumentar as conversões de vendas, permitindo que seus visitantes visualizem rapidamente as informações do produto e tomem decisões de compra informadas. Quick View é fácil de usar e pode ser facilmente integrado a qualquer loja WooCommerce existente.

Selling WordPress themes, plugins or designs using WooCommerce? Paddle for WooCommerce is the best plugin you are looking at. Seamlessly works with WooCommerce’s subscription and recurring billing plugins. Plug and play setup no extra configuration needed. Enjoy destruction free and conversion focused checkout experience with Paddle. You can use popup checkout or Paddle checkout page depending on your country rules. Paddle is for businesses that want to focus on selling their digital products online and don’t want to lose their hair dealing with taxes, payment gateway hassle, and break the bank on accounting costs with a simple point-and-click subscription plans.

Create professional WordPress websites faster than ever with the Envato Elements WordPress plugin. Browse and import Elementor Templates and premium stock photos without leaving WordPress.


Everyone has access to try thousands of free page and block templates to use within Elementor. All you need to do is browse, import, then customize


Professionally designed, code-free & fully flexible. Full page templates, or block templates, available for Envato Elements subscribers.


Envato Elements subscribers can easily import over 1 million, royalty-free photos without leaving WordPress.

Visitor Traffic Real-Time Statistics pro is a smart and easy-to-use plugin for WordPress to display your site traffic statistics in detail with excellent charts. It helps you to track your visitor numbers, page views, used browsers, operating systems, locations where your site is opened, and much more. It works as standalone software that doesn’t need any external service.

WholesaleX is the simplest and most complete solution to start wholesaling in WooCommerce. With this single plugin, you will be able to set up and manage B2B or B2B+B2C hybrid stores with ease. Its uniqueness is the simple navigation & user interface without compromising any required features. WholesaleX comes with a comprehensive dynamic rules system, tiered pricing, a dedicated store wallet, a built-in conversation system, and whatnot. You need to tweak some settings here and there, and the B2B store will be ready in no time.

If you want to run a B2B+B2C hybrid store, that’s also possible. WholesaleX consists of mode-changing options of B2B, B2C, and B2B+B2C Hybrid. There is no reason to ignore it. Just get started with WholesaleX, sit back, and see the magic. The Dynamic Rules of WholesaleX is the one-stop solution to set prices and offer discounts globally. In addition to that, you can also control shipping zones and methods.

Propovoice is the best WP CRM+Invoicing plugin for small to mid level businesses and freelancers. It is tailored to giving small to mid level businesses and freelancers the highest priority. Its easy-to-use functionalities and aesthetic design set it apart from other CRM plugins. Gain a 360 view of your business by managing clients, projects, estimates, invoices, and more! Easily set all that up in the safety of your own WordPress environment. Propovoice CRM changes the way you handle your Service Business.

Propovoice CRM is a client relationship management solution for small to mid-level service agencies and freelancers in WordPress. It will help you manage your business process – including everything like managing leads, deals, estimates, invoicing, projects, and getting paid on time.

Scroll Progress bar indicator that displays in a progress bar located at the top of the document that updates when the user scrolls down! This addon will allow your user to, the portion of the page that is hidden from the viewport is exactly the amount of scroll, the user needs to perform to reach the end of the page. Scroll Progress Bar in amp – In pmp pages also we can see the scroll progress at top same as non amp.

Addon prompts users to use PWA APP in order to access special content. Easy setup – Addon restricts users from accessing content from your site, people first need to “Add to home” before they can access the content. Connecting you to the right subscribers – people who will continue to engage with your content long after they get that piece they immediately want.

You can create Android APK for your PWA and get listed on Google Play store with one click! Android APP generator from PWA – This addon will allow your user to, generate the APK of your current PWA website. In just one click you can get the APK. APK Versions – Always generate apk files with different versions, it helps users get an update. Entry into Google Play store – Our technology gives you the signed APK which can be uploaded into Google play store and helps you to get on the APP store marketplace in a few minutes.

Pull to Refresh for PWA extension allows refreshing pages in PWA app. Users can pull down on a list of data using touch in order to reload the contents of the page. Refresh the Page of PWA– This addon will allow your user to refresh the PWA pages, makes it easy for users can refresh the old page and get updated contents. Pull to Refresh for IOS – In PWA App users are facing problems to refresh the current page in IOS.

Store your forms data when you are offline and sync data when you are online with one click! Store data with PWA – This addon will allow your user to, store your form submission data when you offline after that store when users online. So far we have tested the addon with Gravity Forms, Contact Form 7, Caldera Forms, Formidable form plugins. We made this in a way that it should work with all the plugins. Fetch Offline data – Client can also check offline form data in admin panel when user submitted the form in offline mode. Autosave forms – forms fields data will autosave, will help users to prevent data loss while filling the form.

Bottom navigation bar display three to five Menu at the bottom of a screen in PWA APP. PWA menu with icon– Each menu link(destinations) is represented with an icon and an text label. Show most important destinations – These destinations requiring direct access from anywhere in the PWA app. Strive for three to five top-level destinations in bottom navigation. Current Location – current location of destination (active) shows in different color apps menus.

Display the translated start page based on language with PWA! One-click setup – Each language manifest will be generated separately, which means the user can set language-wise start pages. Start Page – Every language will show its respective start page. Compatibility – currently compatible with WPML and Polylang.

Choose the loader of your choice from a lightweight loader library! Loading Icon Library extension give choices to select loading icons. Loading icons will gives feel of native app. It consists of multiple loading icons library, Loader on your web app gives a feel of native app.

Easily track the PWA APP installations! Data analytics for PWA extension allows you to see how many customers interact with your website using PWA APP. You check how many customers are install PWA APP, including PWA installation graph. When you install and open the PWA APP, you can see the today install counting and graph of installation. This addon will allow you to track the number of PWA installation that has been made in the day format, makes it easy for you to understand the number of PWA users and it’s potential. Gives you the full history of PWA installations by day, week and month in the user-friendly graphs. This will help you understand the growth of the audience base of PWA.

Increase the number PWA installs with Smart Call to Actions. Call to Action extension makes it easy for your users to add the website to the home screen. It consists of multiple features like Call to action bar, Sticky bar, A button in the Menu and a shortcode method which will help you to implement the ‘Add to Homescreen’ popup in the output with full control over it.

Notify BuddyPress users and engage actively with push notifications in realtime. Notification with PWA – An clickable pop-up message that appears on your user’s browsers irrespective of which device they use or which browser they are on. Users can be anywhere on the browser and still receive these messages as long as they are online or have their browsers running on their devices. Allow for notification – Every user can also choose to enable or disable Push Notification when new notifications are received.

The Ignition Framework comes in the form of a standard WordPress plugin. This singular plugin carries all needed functionality to help users create beautiful and flexible WordPress based sites using our themes. Each theme now only handles one thing, the site’s appearance by providing the necessary styling. In the list below you can find a few key aspects handled by the plugin. The fact that the plugin handles pretty much everything apart from styling makes it very easy to incorporate new features, fix bugs and update compatibility with third party plugins easily and very quickly due to the fact that changes need to be made in just one place and then deployed to all framework based themes with a single update.

The Ignition Framework and all themes based on it were built to work seamlessly with the WordPress block editor. Homepages, post type listings, contact pages etc are built using combinations of core and custom blocks. This was done to showcase the editor’s capabilities and to avoid cluttering the themes and the framework with custom templates, custom widgets etc. and to give more flexibility to the user when it comes to the final layout, you don’t have to go with out pre-built design, create one that matches your needs better without having to resort to page builders anymore. Deep integration is provided with our own GutenBee custom blocks plugin which has been upgraded to better cater to our new theme needs. GutenBee’s Post Types block is an great, easy to use and very flexible way to create custom post listings with variable columns, filtering and more.

The best and the most powerful Table Rate shipping plugin for WooCommerce. Define the shipping rules based on numerous conditions and configure even the most complex shipping scenarios with ease. Create shipping cost calculation rules based on weight or dimensional weight of the products in the cart. Define the cost calculation rules to be based on price of the products the customers add to the cart. Set the shipping cost to be based on quantity of the products’ in the cart or the unique cart lines number.

Making business operations easy and carefree, the Scheduled Email Reports for WooCommerce Add-On helps WooCommerce store managers automate the reporting process by letting users automatically send reports as an email attachment on a recurring schedule. Scheduled Email Reports for WooCommerce is not a standalone plugin, but an add-on extension that works in conjunction with specific compatible WooCommerce reporting plugins: Product Sales Report, Product Sales Report Pro, Export Order Items and Export Order Items Pro.

Using the Scheduled Email Reports for WooCommerce add-on in conjunction with one of the compatible plugins lets users bypass the process of manually generating a new report every time; instead, they’ll automatically receive a report via email as an attachment on a regular schedule.

Helping WordPress websites offer a visually striking component to their bbPress forums, the Image Upload for bbPress Pro WordPress Plugin allows forum users to include inline images into their discussions on bbPress forums. With the Image Upload for bbPress Pro WordPress plugin activated, site visitors can insert images into their topics and replies on bbPress forums using an easy-to-use drag and drop image uploader. Images can be automatically resized to save storage space and bandwidth and enlarged when clicked with a built-in lightbox.The Image Upload for bbPress Pro WordPress plugin also allows site visitors to insert images using their mobile phones. While in the forum post editor, the site visitor can simply tap a button on the screen to bring up the Upload Image box, where tapping the screen a second time will bring up the smartphone operating system’s image selection options. The Image Upload for bbPress Pro WordPress Plugin integrates seamlessly with the WordPress aesthetic. After installing and activating the plugin, Image Upload for bbPress Pro WordPress Plugin creates its own menu item in the WordPress dashboard which links to a page that allows site managers to configure a variety of options for the plugin.

One of the most compact and handy Divi plugins, Divi Widget Builder does exactly what the name suggests. This plugin lets you create a widget for your Divi website that is compatible for use with the Divi Builder itself. Not only does Divi Widget Builder save a user from hours of time researching and working through lines of code, but it also opens up new levels of form and function for your Divi website. Divi Widget Builder lets you create a special widget area for your Divi website in a matter of minutes. Typically, a procedure such as this would have taken a considerable amount of time and would have required a user to work through lines of code in a number of different core child theme files. With the Divi Widget Builder plugin, you’ll be able to use any module or page that had been previously saved to the Divi Library.

Lightweight, powerful, and an essential plugin to add to your development toolkit, the Divi Breadcrumbs plugin will help transform the way your site visitors engage with your content. Compatible with both the Divi and Extra themes, Divi Breadcrumbs is designed to have no conflicts with the website’s core files or the user experience. Setting-less, with no complicated and advanced configuration steps, Divi Breadcrumbs will improve the flow of your website and user experience by adding a location breadcrumb trail that displays the layers of your website. Subtle yet extremely powerful, Divi Breadcrumbs will enhance your site’s form and function.

WPSmartPay is the perfect plugin for selling digital products, accepting one-time and recurring payments on your WordPress site without setting up a shopping cart. Offer your users a robust and functional checkout experience—no need to use any complicated shopping cart software anymore. WPSmartPay includes everything that you need to sell your products and services online. Gutenberg-powered ready-to-use payment form builder that can be deployed right away. Enjoy a simple and intuitive drag & drop interface, one-time and recurring payments, and collect payments using Stripe, PayPal, Paddle, and bKash.

Our vision was to create a Bricks toolbox that doesn’t feel like a bloated set of external addons. We focus on clean code, a lightweight structure and best practices. Really. We love Bricks! That is why we put all our passion into this project and use it for our own client websites. We are the developers of the Bricks Widget Creator. You can be sure that we know what we are doing. We make sure that every line of code works harmoniously with Bricks. This is noticeable in performance and usability.

Bricks has removed jQuery! Wonderful! Of course we go the same way to offer the best possible performance. An a tag doesn’t need twenty div containers around it. Is there anything more to say about this? The Nestable Elements API is just awesome! We want our elements to be nestable wherever it makes sense! Activate only the features you need for your project. This way, everything remains clear. Make a professional impression by customizing the name and look of Bricksforge to your client’s UI.

Extend your woocommerce shop with new features: dynamic comparisons, quick view, custom tabs, product swatches, grid builder and Single Product page builder.

Guten Post Layout Pro is the most powerful plugin you can ever get for building awesome post layouts. You can design your posts’ showcase pages in few clicks. There are thousand of combinations of Grids, Sliders, Lists and Masonry. Just chose a layout and start customizing as you want. Our Guten Post Layout Pro can perform queries in a nanosecond! We made this faster queries in sorting posts on your showcase because we care about your time and we know how stressful to wait while a plugin does not work as expected. You can perform your queries for your Posts, Pages, Blocks, Media or even custom posts! You can query them by Categories or Tags. You can include your posts by ids or exclude them too.

The query orders can be by Date, Title, Menu Order or even Random! Of course you can order them by Descending and Ascending way. We have done our research on our plugin’s setting panels. We came to know lots of things form the outcome of the research. We have implemented our research’s findings on the development of the plugin’s settings panel. We have divided our setting panel into three tabs – Layout, Style and Advanced! And placed the perfect settings with collapsible categorized options on each tabs. Gutenberg editor’s setting panel can never be better than that.

The Divi theme is e-commerce ready out of the box and seamlessly integrated with WooCommerce, but in many cases that solution is a MAJOR overkill for people’s needs. When offering simple products such as a book or collecting donations, a majority of WooCommerce’s features are not required. Simple Payment Module for Divi allows you to create powerful and beautiful payment forms for your website, fulfilling your business’ needs while keeping your website lightweight and running fast.

Simple Payment Module for Divi has been expertly coded with customer data safety and security in mind. When used in conjunction with an SSL certificate provided by your web host, encrypted credit card data is safely and securely communicated to the payment processor and stored on Stripe or PayPal’s servers. This process ensures your customer’s credit card information is kept safe and that your website is in compliance by not storing the customer’s payment information on your server.

WC Vendors Tax provides your marketplace with automatic sales tax calculations using either TaxJar or Avalara tax calculation services. WC Vendors Tax provides your marketplace with automatic sales tax calculations using either TaxJar or Avalara tax calculation services. No more manually entering tax tables. This plugin allows the marketplace or the vendor to be the seller of record. This ensures that you have accurate sales tax calculations between your vendors and your customers.

Harness and combine the power of the World’s #1 WordPress theme with the most popular and powerful contact form plugin with Gravity Forms Styler for Divi! You can now insert and style Gravity Forms right within the Divi Builder without having to mess with confusing shortcodes and parameters thanks to the Gravity Form module. Seamlessly insert the form into Divi Pages and Posts just like you add any other Divi module. Say goodbye to confusing Gravity Forms Shortcodes! Simply add the Gravity Forms Styler Module into a page or post, select the Gravity Form you would like to display and adjust the parameters like the title and description from right within the module! No more switching between the front and back end of your website.

Adjust all aesthetic aspects of the Gravity Form seamlessly right within the module, just like you are working with the native Divi contact form! Choose from an almost endless number of design settings including text size, color & spacing, fields margin & padding, and much more! View your changes with a real time preview, so you can give the form that pixel perfect design you are looking for. See exactly what your site visitors will see! As you are designing and fine tuning your form you can choose whether you want to preview the primary form, the form with a validation message or the confirmation message. No more switching back and forth between the front and backend of Gravity Forms settings.

The Ultimate drag and drop form builder is now seamlessly integrated with the most popular drag and drop WordPress theme, thanks to Ninja Forms Styler for Divi! Insert your forms into Divi layouts and style them to perfection with the ease and familiarity of a Divi Module. Choose a premade template from the provided library and modify it slightly until you have the exact look and feel you’ve been looking for!

Seamlessly insert the form into Divi Pages and Posts just like you add any other Divi module. Simply add the Ninja Forms Styler Module into a page or post, select the Form you would like to display and adjust the parameters like the title and description from right within the module! Forget changing between the front and back end of your site! Just like working within a native Divi module, you can style all aspects of the Ninja Form effortlessly with built-in design controls! Choose from a countless number of design settings like font size and color, margins, padding, and much more! Witness your styling changes as you make them with a preview in real time, so you can design the perfect, user-friendly form you’ve been dreaming of.

The Divi Module Custom CSS Selectors plugin adds over 500 new selectors to the Divi modules, letting you target and write responsive code for specific module elements. Bypass the stylesheet, save time searching through code for selectors, and enjoy writing CSS without the stress. Instead of painstakingly searching through your browser’s developer tools to find and test a selector, the Divi Module Custom CSS Selectors plugin brings the selector to you! Skip the stylesheet and write laser-focused CSS directly from each respective module.

By default, only a handful of CSS selectors are available in Divi modules out-of-the-box. The Divi Module Custom CSS Selectors plugin kicks this up a notch and adds over 500 selectors to the mix. Now you can target a specific module element and write really refined code in seconds. With the Divi Module Custom CSS Selectors plugin in your back pocket, you’ll be able to write refined and detailed CSS styling for elements at each device and breakpoint. Not only can you use CSS for regular states, but hover states as well! Gone are the days of writing countless lines of media queries… instead, enjoy writing hassle free, responsive code styling from the start.

Create toggle content with a few clicks! Toggle Switch buttons come in different eye-catching styles with unique transition animations. Enjoy full control over styling your content toggle switch for both primary and secondary toggle options. Easily display content like pricing plan comparisons, before and after displays and more. This plugin provides you with a wide array of styling options, just like you are working within a native Divi module. Easily adjust fonts, colors, spacing and more to match the look and feel of your website. Easily create toggle content by using any of the following methods: Divi Library layout, WordPress shortcode, HTML code, or build it with an Image, Text, and Icon by using the revolutionary drag and drop custom field.

Add support for WooCommerce Subscription products to WC Vendors Pro. Allow your vendors to sell their own subscriptions. WC Vendors WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin integrates WooCommerce Subscriptions into WC Vendors Pro. Allow your vendors to create and sell subscription products. Turn your marketplace into a subscription box service and more! Capture more revenue with recurring payments and recurring commissions.

Allow your vendors to sell auction products. Integrate your marketplace with WooCommerce Simple Auctions and build an ebay-like site today. WC Vendors WooCommerce Simple Auctions integrates with the popular WooCommerce Simple Auctions plugin from WPGenie. With this addition, you can create an auction marketplace, allowing your vendors to sell auction products right from their dashboard.

Create and sell membership plans to your vendors. Earn a guaranteed income from your vendors with WC Vendors Membership. WC Vendors Membership allows you to create and sell membership plans to your vendors. Setting different limits for your vendors on what products they can sell. With the help of WooCommerce Subscriptions, you can now create your own membership-based marketplace. Set different WooCommerce membership levels that your vendors can subscribe to and pay a monthly fee. The memberships can be customised, and you can create as many versions as you like.

Take credit card payments and pay your vendors instantly and automate your entire payout system with Stripe Connect for WooCommerce. Automate your marketplace and save time with WC Vendors Stripe Connect. Use Stripe’s Connect platform to process credit card payments and pay your vendor commissions automatically. Stripe is an affordable payment processor available 40+ countries. It has low fees, is easy to set up and easy to use for vendors and customers alike. This has been written from the ground up using the official Stripe API and WordPress coding standards. This provides a secure, compliant payment gateway for WooCommerce and WC Vendors.

Capture and share testimonials on your WordPress website. Put customer reviews on display, build trust, and win more sales. Easily add a responsive testimonial section or slider on pages, posts, and sidebars. Win over visitors with positive feedback from happy customers. Testify is built to work out of the box with every facet of WordPress. From the option to configure global styling in the WordPress Customizer to the shortcode builder in the WordPress classic editor, Testify makes it easy to format and share customer feedback in a layout that fits your site’s interface perfectly.

Beautiful, simple, and totally customizable product sliders and carousels for your WooCommerce shop. Add product carousels anywhere you use the Divi builder and customize every element with the drag-and-drop editor. Drop the all-new Divi carousel module in place, select your product elements, and customize. Product Carousel for WooCommerce has more than 100 configuration controls for creating the perfect product slider for every page.

O WP Zone | Advanced Pricing Table for Divi é um plugin para WordPress que permite criar tabelas de preços avançadas com facilidade e rapidez usando o Divi Builder. Com este plugin, é possível personalizar todos os aspectos das tabelas de preços, incluindo cores, fontes, estilos e recursos, como botões de compra e detalhes dos planos de preços.

Além disso, o WP Zone | Advanced Pricing Table for Divi oferece recursos avançados, como integração com o WooCommerce, que permite a venda de produtos e serviços diretamente das tabelas de preços. O plugin também inclui opções para criar cupons de desconto e testes gratuitos para incentivar a conversão dos visitantes em clientes.

O WP Zone | Advanced Pricing Table for Divi é uma ferramenta valiosa para donos de sites que desejam exibir informações sobre os planos de preços de seus produtos e serviços de forma atraente e profissional. Com a facilidade de uso e os recursos avançados que o plugin oferece, é possível criar tabelas de preços eficazes e aumentar as taxas de conversão do seu site.

Divi Icon Party integrates over 50 social media icons within Divi’s main header. Not only will this feature create a unique, standout aesthetic for a Divi design, but it’ll encourage site visitors to connect with a brand from the get-go. As well as the main header, Divi Icon Party also lets users add icons to the footer section. With this feature, site visitors will be left with a lasting impression of a brand, and too, will have a clear path to follow to start engaging on social channels.

As well as the main header and footer, Divi Icon Party also adds more icons to the Divi Social Media Follow Module. That means you can add social media icons anywhere on the page with Divi Builder! Just activate the plugin, insert Social Module and click the “add new item” button. You will see an additional 50 social networks that can be added to your website. Customize them with all of the module’s styling options, such as fonts, colors, sizing and spacing.

The WooCommerce and Zoho CRM Connector Pro plugin helps WooCommerce managers and webmasters transfer data between their WooCommerce stores and Zoho CRM – a customer relationship management platform that helps brands and businesses keep track of customer contacts and their interactions with the business.

The WooCommerce and Zoho CRM Connector Pro plugin transfers data from the WooCommerce store on the WordPress website to the Zoho CRM platform. Users can manually or automatically create Contacts, Leads, Accounts and Potentials within the CRM based on data in the order and elsewhere in the WooCommerce database.

Please note: The WooCommerce and Zoho CRM Connector Pro plugin has been created to work with the free version of Zoho CRM and is not designed to work with some of the features in the premium version of the customer relationship management application. The WooCommerce and Zoho CRM Connector Pro plugin is not designed to create Products or Sales Orders in Zoho CRM, but is intended to work with Contacts, Potentials, etc.

Helping WooCommerce store managers generate quality data about purchases on their online stores, Extra Product Options Addon lets users include data from the WooCommerce Extra Product Options plugin in their reports, with the selected individual fields appearing as columns in the report. Functioning as an extension plugin, Extra Product Options Addon enhances the features of the Export Order Items Pro plugin. With the addon activated, users can choose to include fields created via the WooCommerce Extra Product Options plugin (also known as TM Extra Product Options).

By default, Export Order Items Pro offers reporting fields that come standard with WooCommerce along with custom fields that it finds in the WooCommerce database. While the data stored by the WooCommerce Extra Product Options plugin can be found in one of these fields which can be included in reports by the core version of Export Order Items Pro, the Extra Product Options Addon improves the reporting of that data by parsing it into individual report fields. With the Extra Product Options Addon, users can easily add individual fields set up through the WooCommerce Extra Product Options plugin, thus creating detailed and more customizable reports.

The Frontend Reports for WooCommerce add-on plugin helps businesses display WooCommerce sales reports directly within the frontend of their WordPress website. As opposed to generating a report manually and emailing the report, the Frontend Reports for WooCommerce add-on plugin lets users present a report on the frontend of a website. This is an incredible tool for WooCommerce store managers and webmasters who would like to display sales-related data without any hassle or manual effort.

For example, when used in conjunction with a content restriction plugin, Frontend Reports for WooCommerce can be used to display sales reports to select logged in site visitors without granting access to the WordPress/WooCommerce admin area. In addition to providing an embedded interactivate tabular display of the data with sorting and searching capabilities, the add-on can also be used to provide a download link so that frontend users can download a copy of the report in the format specified in the reporting plugin’s settings.

Extra Module Mate is an ultra lightweight yet powerful plugin that injects the power of the Divi Builder into the Extra Category Builder. Extra Module Mate brings 30 + Divi Builder modules to the Extra Category Builder, allowing users to create incredibly rich and engaging website page layouts. ​​​​​​​Famed for its amazing blog building abilities, the Extra theme includes a Category Builder feature that allows users to create a unique blog index page. With the Category Builder, Extra users are able to construct their core blog page using post sliders, post carousels, tabbed posts, standard or masonry blog feeds, standard content (text and imagery) and more.

While these are great options for building the main blog page, users are limited to just these modules. Extra Module Mate expands on the capabilities of the Extra framework and brings the power of the Divi Builder into the Category Builder. With Extra Module Mate, a user is able to create a blog index page with both Category and Divi Builder modules, allowing for the inclusion of interesting and eye catching web elements, including maps, number counters, accordions – all within the main blog index page.

BuddyBlog Pay Per Post allows the site admin to monetise the user post submission. You can charge your users to allow them posting on your BuddyPress or BuddyBoss site. BuddyBlog Pay Per Post is an addon for BuddyBlog Pro plugin. You will need to have the BuddyBlog Pro and WooCommerce installed to use this plugin. As a site admin, you can create multiple WooCommerce products, associate certain posting feature( e.g. changing post status to sticky, making it expire after certain number of days etc) with each of these products. On the BuddyBlog form create/edit page you can associate these products to a form. When a user purchase one of the products, the ssociated posting features get applied to their submission.

Do you want to earn money from your site? Seo and marketing addon adds a lot of special blocks with high conversion and mobile optimized layouts which are proven by our 10 year developer history and happy buyers.

Do you want to have high-quality animations like on sites which are awarded on top lists? But you don’t know coding. Meet Greenshift GSAP special addon for Greenshift for making complex animations:

Good Visual presentation becomes one of seo ranking factor because it allows to take more attention from users and makes your content more professional. With Greenshift chart addon, you can make different chart types very easily

Most complete Gutenberg Page builder

Build astonishing elements and animations directly on page without any code knowledge. Theme uses unique conditional asset loading, only 2 kb required styles. Nothing is loaded until you use it on page. Full support of Full Site Editing, customize everything directly on page without any code knowledge. Nice looking animations is difference between good site and perfect site. Theme has build in Animation framework, only 2 kb size.

More then 50 complete blocks to build super fast websites with a design options, ready-made website templates, animations, style presets and more. We completely overthink how assets are working in wordpress and added unique system for asset loading. Greenshift doesn’t load anything on your pages which you don’t use on page. Each block has independent assets. No jquery, no font, no icon libraries. Everything is custom made to have best performance. For special blocks, like Lottie, 3d, sliders plugin has special interaction loaders, so it doesn’t affect speed of page.

Theme Pack for Styles and Layouts Gravity Forms plugins lets you design your forms within seconds. This pack consists of 30+ beautifully crafted themes. Using Theme pack is extremely simple. Here is a video to show you how you can instantly design forms without changing any settings in Styles and Layouts for Gravity Forms Plugin.

Grid Layout for Styles and Layouts for Gravity Forms lets you divide the Gravity form into multiple columns. The plugin has easy to use drag and drop layout builder.

The New Platform For WordPress Website Creation

With 120 built-in elements, a modern UI and workflow, and deep WooCommerce integration, Breakdance is the ultimate website builder plugin for WordPress. 120+ elements. Drag & drop editing. Building pages is easy with breakdance. Design headers, footers, and templates with Breakdance. Easily create high-converting stores that match your brand using innovative features. Create complex dropdown menus with the Breakdance drag & drop visual editor. Create contact, email subscribe, login, register, and custom forms inside Breakdance. No bloat. Customizable HTML tags. SEO plugin compatibility.

Need a lively reminder for your customers/ visitors when they browse your store? Want to hint your customers with the best tips and news on sales, upcoming events, or new products? WPC Smart Notification for WooCommerce can take it all for your online store to have a better sense of busy traffic and crowded sales, make people stay, and convert into faithful customers.

WPC Product Tabs for WooCommerce is indeed a simply usable plugin for adding custom tabs to your products and provide your buyers with extra details for boosting customers’ confidence in the items. There are three predefined product tabs for users to utilize or they can totally create a new custom tab to their preferences in terms of style and formatting.

WPC Smart Wishlist is a powerful yet intuitive plugin for helping your customers manage their to-buy list and save favorite items for later purchase. This helps the purchase flow on your site become more fluent and convenient while saving quite a great amount of time on searching for products and adding them to cart for buyers.

WPC Smart Compare for WooCommerce is apparently a salient tool for boosting the effects of sales strategies for online shops and stores. Upon building this plugin, we have put quite a tremendously large amount of time and effort into researching customer behaviors, popular search mechanisms, and functions. Our smart comparison systems with fully customizable and highly advanced comparing features can take your business to the top with impressive revenues and profits. Most importantly, while our plugin brought about a dramatic escalation of profits for online shops, it can effectively build up satisfaction & confidence for offering customers just what they need.

WPC Frequently Bought Together is a highly effective plugin developed by WPClever for assisting online businesses in improving sales and profits through the cross-selling marketing strategy. Particularly, offers are given as bought-together suggestions at the bottom of the single product description page. In order for a bought-together deal to work, show owners must choose wisely products that are closely related to the item being viewed then offer an incentive for customers to buy all.

The key is to reasonably give customers some extra benefits from the deal, which encourages them to buy more than what they need. The right choice of extra items and promo prices can speed up the decision-making process and make customers more humble to share the info with their friends and family. WPC Frequently Bought Together has what it takes to do all of these things for your WooCommerce shop.

The Best WooCommerce Checkout Manager – Easily customize checkout fields on your WooCommerce checkout page. Modify, add, edit or delete the default and custom fields or create new sections for a clean and organised checkout page with the WooCommerce Checkout manager. Get the required information from the shoppers by adding new fields to your WooCommerce checkout page. It allows you to edit, remove, and rearrange both the custom and default fields as per your need.

The Checkout Field Editor plugin also provides you several customization options for the WooCommerce default and custom fields. You can change the label name, add field description, placeholder, validations, label class, input class, and much more. Get a Clean & New Checkout Page with Themehigh’s Woocommerce Checkout Manager.

Password Protect Divi Sections with our Divi Protect Plugin. Divi Protect gives you the ability to protect any number of Divi Sections on your Divi website with custom passwords. Do you need to password protect certain content of your Divi website? WordPress allows you to protect a whole webpage with a password – this is great! But what if you want to lock down specific sections of your Divi website? Divi Protect is the answer. It allows you to password-protect any element on any page of your Divi website.

Secured By miniOrange